Chapter 218 Returning to the Balanced Balance

"Actually, I have another way."

Karl, who limped into the bridge of the Hrafinkel alone, put forward his own conditions.

And after hearing the crazy plan, the wolf lord fell silent.

If you want to defeat the strange existence of subspace, you must incarnate subspace energy to connect part of it;

Can the victory achieved under such circumstances really be called the victory of the human empire?
What is the physical tempering that those wild wolves have experienced?
(No, he would rather accept death and defeat than accept the evil forces of the warp.)
(The Wolves will not compromise, at least not before the uncanny forces of the Warp.)
"Do not……"

But before Lemanus' refusal was spoken, his eyes stayed in front of the bridge.

It was the corpse of a wild wolf floating in space.

Unwilling, desperate, confused.

Even through the thick partition glass, the last unwillingness of the space wolf warrior before his death was faithfully transmitted to the wolf master's mind.

(They don't deserve to die in this senseless battle!)
At this moment, he seemed to have a little understanding of Magnus' betrayal.

Watching one's legion gradually drown in despair in such a meaningless battle, what a torture.

Unknowingly, a bloodstain was drawn on one hand of the wolf lord by Mionar who was holding it tightly.

The incoming warning sounded again on the distant screen.

The Thousand Sons Fleet, which had rearranged its assault formation, had reassembled right below the Wolf Fleet.

The Wolf Fleet is also coordinating and has completed preparations for the impact directly below.

But all this is far from enough.

At least in Ruth's view, everything they did was futile.

The Thousand Sons did not deploy the void shield, because the impact from below was a trap.

Ruth knew exactly what was coming next.

Maybe it's up, maybe it's any direction.

If the Thousand Sons can make one jump, they will surely be able to make a second jump.

Defenseless, unprepared, futile.

Raising his left hand, a drop of blood dripped from the gap in the power armor into the wolf king's mouth.

No one knows what the wolf lord is thinking at this moment.

But Karl, who was close at hand, saw a trace of determination to die willingly from his resolute eyes.

"Then do it."

"as you wish."

As the last shackles were released, Karl, who was already soaked in the sea of ​​subspace energy, felt a sense of relief.

"Level 3 Recovery Wind!"

The wave of psychic energy was surging, and outside the vortex above Prospero, another vortex of psychic energy that looked even more terrifying suddenly appeared in the entire space wolf fleet.

The sequelae of being wounded by the Sun God's Spear on his body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

However, after this encounter, Karl can be considered to have figured out the terrifying regeneration ability of the Astartes.

It took less than a few minutes to go from dying to walking with a limp.

Of course, it cannot be ignored here. Constantine’s blow was a little bit weak and the credit of “Priest Fenris”, but this terrifying resilience did teach Karl a hard lesson——Facing the fall in the future Remember to last hit when sending Astartes.

The green ripples spread out again.

Even the raging subspace storm around it couldn't stop it.

And just the opposite, the more violent the subspace storm is, the more "solidified" the green ripples become.

The terrifying ripples escaping from the bridge of the Hrafinkel, ignited with some crimson flames around the edges, burned the entire wolf fleet in an instant.

And as the ripples opened up, there was another field, a field that could truly bring the fleet of wild wolves back to the same level as the fleet blessed by Qianzi's various spiritual powers.

But even the Winds of Resurrection itself contained hints of faith in the Emperor.

Most of the well-trained wolf pups will still not directly join this unknown network.

This made Carl feel a little resistance.

They are resisting the winds of recovery.

Fortunately, this did not exceed his expectations.

After all, the main business of Wind of Recovery is just a healing skill, so the so-called Domain and Emperor card brainwashing are both gifts.

The brainwashing that even the believers of the Four Gods in the Frank No. [-] hive can resist, obviously cannot have much effect on these wolf cubs.

Turning his head and looking at Ruth, who was still carefully distinguishing the components of this force, Karl reminded him: "They need your guidance, and you can also feel that this is not an evil controlling force."

After speaking, Karl pointed the wind of recovery at Leman Russ.

"I hope you don't have to bear the wrath of the wolves."

That was Leman Russ' final warning, and the tone of it was clearly warning of the tragic end of Karl's betrayal.

After Ruth deliberately let go, the fluctuations of the recovery wind began to gather in his body gradually.

The scar on his hand just scratched by Mionar is recovering quickly.

A virtual map enough to cover the entire fleet is slowly unfolding before his eyes.

Looking at the missing black dots on the map, he understood what he had to do.

Picking up the communicator at hand, Russ hung up the communication channel on the fleet radio.

"This is Leman Russ, and I will be giving my belated pre-battle speech."

"Magnus has betrayed the Empire, and he has shamefully ambushed us."

"There is no need for any additional evidence, the bodies of the brothers floating in space are the best evidence."

"The enemy has shown its bloodthirsty fangs, and there is only an endless hatred between us."

"We will not surrender until the last drop of blood is shed."

"People are mortal, but before that we must send the damned traitor to hell first."

"Stop resisting, accept this power and strengthen your heart."

(If the final situation is irreversible, I will personally help you get relief)
Ruth didn't say the last sentence directly, but Karl understood his determination from his silent eyes.

Lemanus is not the same as Magnus.

On the point of facing death, they gave different answers.

With the end of the wolf king's speech, the entire communication channel was filled with the howling of wolf cubs.

“For Russ and the Allfather“

"For Russ and the All-Father!"

Finally, the green field made up for the last gap.

At this moment, Ruth really realized what is called "I am the legion" and "the legion is me".

It's an almost impossible state of being in the Space Wolves.

After all, the reason why wild wolves are called wild wolves is because they may lack a certain degree of discipline in combat.

This is the inevitable result of the slightly loose organizational structure of the Space Wolves, and it is also one of the negative effects of the "wolf spiral" hidden deep in their genes.

They may be the bravest warriors, but they are certainly not the most organized and disciplined legions.

However, when the psychic network compiled by the Wind of Recovery connected every Space Wolf warrior, and even every captain, crew member, and slave labor to the same network.

Everything has completely changed.

Lemanus was even able to micromanage the muzzle angles of each wolf ship without delay.

And this kind of micro-operation has almost no delay.

It can be said that the only thing limiting his control over the entire fleet at this moment is the computing power of his brain.

But it is a pity that he does not have this ability.

Even someone as strong as Guilliman would feel helpless with those seemingly endless documents.

This is not the amount of data that can be processed by the Primarch's super brain.

Data at this scale is beyond the reach of a human being.

The heavy pressure almost made him suffocate.

If it weren't for the tenacity and perseverance he had trained for many years, he would have completely collapsed the moment he dismissed these messages.

In this state, let alone commanding the fleet.

Simply maintaining a fairly clear consciousness is already extremely strenuous for Russ.


This was Ruth's first reaction.

He is very clear about the mechanism of action.

Everything Karl said was true, but it was this truth that deceived him into making the final choice.

It was a weight he couldn't bear.

The wild wolves have fallen into the trap of the Four Gods.

So-called psionic powers should not be trusted at all.

He wanted to raise Mionar, who was hanging down in his right hand, and kill Karl beside him with a sword.

It's a pity that his brain, which was on the verge of collapse, was unable to complete this seemingly simple instruction.

The heavy thinking load occupied every nerve of Ruth, and this terrifying amount of calculation was slowly eroding his sanity.

He gritted his teeth and persisted because he dared not give up.

He was afraid that once he gave up these rights, these rights would go away with those brothers who trusted him unconditionally.

However, at this critical moment, all the calculation pressure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

It's as if someone helped him complete all the calculations and processing of the details in advance.

But there was one thing that reassured Russ, that is, he was sure that the total control of the entire legion was still in his hands.

It's an amazing force.

Where did such a huge amount of calculation and analysis go?
You must know that there is no Tianxiao school among the thousand sons in the wild wolf.

Just like the cores responsible for distributed calculations, every thousand sons of the Tianxiao School in the fleet undertake a part of the calculations that are so complex that they can be called terrifying.

It is also because of this that Qianzi's entire fleet can be commanded flexibly.

Only those shooting elements predicted by the Black Crow School can be actually turned into substantial damage.

This process is the result of years of tempering by the Thousand Sons, and it can be said that it perfectly reflects how a fleet with a complete psionic system can conduct efficient operations.

But this is strange.

Who on earth helped Russ complete these, the bottom-level implementation whose calculation volume is terrifying enough to make any ordinary person collapse?

With doubts in his mind, Ruth, who had just been freed from the heavy pressure, turned his gaze to Karl who was aside.

Feeling the flow of "data" in the field, he has already found the answer.

But this answer also didn't bring him much sense of security.

There is only one explanation for everything in front of him --- the guy in front of him who calls himself Carl is not alone.

Or personality is just a disguise it puts on the surface.

Ruth didn't even dare to guess what kind of terrifying existence was hidden under the surface.

It was a word considered taboo, a word whose mere mention would make all humans shudder.

Of course, this is just a guess made by Ruth based on his knowledge, and the specific real situation may only be asked after he finishes this battle.

In any case, at this time Russ must first resolve the immediate battle.

Thanks to Karl helping him share almost all the detailed calculation tasks, Russ was able to fight on the same level as the Thousand Sons Fleet again in a true sense.

Even in a sense, the "direct" command service provided by the Wind of Recovery field is faster than the transit of members of the Thousand Sons who have passed through several Tianxiao School members.

At this moment, the entire Wolf Fleet, which has resumed its chain of command, is adjusting its position at an almost crazy speed.

Different from the sharp blades laid out by the Thousand Sons, the Wolf Fleet formed a spherical defensive formation under the command of Russ.

And maintained this kind of vigilance, and continued to press steadily towards Prospero in a formation that was almost impossible to maintain during the movement.

And until this moment, the Thousand Sons Fleet in the distance seemed to have just recovered from the sudden burst of subspace waves.

Now it's their turn to worry.

The Wolves have found the core of the breakup.

Any entanglement with the Thousand Sons Fleet here is useless.

That would only weaken and sharpen their claws, causing them to slowly drain their last drop of blood in the traps already laid on Prospero.

Therefore, the only chance for the Wolves to win is to defeat Magnus before being completely defeated.

So Rus, who knew this well, did not choose to continue entangled with the Thousand Sons' fleet.

Karl will do all this for him, all he has to do is to prepare for the duel with the one-eyed red devil.

The commander of the Thousand Sons Fleet, Amon (Captain of the 9th Society - Black Crow School), knew very well that the spherical defense array must be a trap.

And those predicted tragic scenes also supported his conjecture.

It was these images that prevented him from rushing into the wild wolf fleet when it first started to change.

But he had no choice.

The battleship's chain of command takes up a large number of veterans of the Thousand Sons who are good at using psychic powers.

So on Prospero at this moment, there were not many Thousand Sons Company left.

Therefore, although a large number of defensive facilities have been built in advance, and in the center of the pyramid city group named Tizca, especially the magnificent building complex named Pyramid of Photep (Pyramid of Photep), they have been arranged in advance. A large number of elite members of the Priory.

These include the "Ammitara Occult" (Ammitara Occult) who is good at fast attacks and blocking;
All members are dressed in tactical dreadnought armor, and can reach a state of emotional purity, willing to carry out all instructions of the warrior order "Scarab Occult" (Scarab Occult);
And the "Khenetai Occult" (Khenetai Occult), which is led by the "Blade Master" and claims that everyone is connected with each other, and has an amazing 0:30 record in the hands of Constantine;
Well, this thing looks really bluffing on the surface.

The problem is that there are too few of them.

If it is not possible to weaken the wolves as much as possible before they reach Prospero.

Then the division of troops by the Thousand Sons became their most fatal weakness.

Of course, now is not the time to split the pot.

After all, no one expected that the wild wolf would actually "trust" a kind of psionic power.

But no matter what, Amon finally issued an order after a brief analysis——except for the warships with preserved cultural relics to retreat through the subspace channel opened by Tzeentch first, all the warships followed =Wan Zhangguang =, and continued to intersperse charge.

In the cage that has already set up a death struggle.

The Wolves had no choice, and neither did the Thousand Sons.


(End of this chapter)

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