Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 105 Internal Strength Heals Wounds, Lightness Kungfu Townships People

Chapter 105 Internal Strength Heals Wounds, Lightness Kungfu Townships People

In the dark room.

On the bed, Chu Tang and the thin-clothed Xu Wei were in close contact, with the backs of their hands pressed against each other.

Hot air was bursting, and traces of white air curled up from the top of Xu Wei's head.

Xu Wei's dark face flushed extremely red, his chest and abdomen were warm, and there were countless warm currents swimming around his body.

Suddenly, Xu Wei opened his mouth, and with a puff, a mouthful of hot air came out from it!

Then, he slowly opened his eyes, raised his breath and adjusted his breath, and the previously sluggish inner energy was free of shackles, and it was very smooth.

Behind him, Chu Tang also slowly withdrew his hands, gradually recovered, jumped off the bed, and asked Xu Wei with concern: "Uncle Xu, how do you feel?"

Xu Wei also got off the bed, stretched his limbs, and made a comfortable voice: "Well! Very good! I feel better!"

"That's good!" Chu Tang laughed.

It was not in vain that he healed Xu Weiyun's injuries overnight, and finally healed Xu Da's head who was seriously injured.

Now is the time of Chou, when the moon is dark and the wind is high outside, it is the time when Wan Lai is silent.

At this time, it will be about an hour since Chu Tang returned to the Shixian county government office.

As Xu Jin expected, they returned to the county government office in Haishi.

Those who escorted Shi Zisheng and others arrived smoothly without any accidents.

After entering the county government, Xu Jin arranged for Shi Zisheng and others to be taken into the dungeon, while Chu Tang hurried to Xu Wei's house.

After meeting Xu Wei's worried family members, Chu Tang saw Xu Dabao again after a month or two. The latter was lying on the bed extremely weak, his hands and feet were cold, and even the breath he exhaled made people feel cold.

Xu Datou couldn't speak very well, and when he saw Chu Tang, he could only slur a few words intermittently with excitement.

It was only then that Chu Tang learned that Xu Wei had been struck by a person who practiced Yin and Cold Kung Fu in the Shi family, and his whole body was stiff at the moment, as if he had been frozen. Movement is difficult.

Chu Tang immediately healed his injuries.

The Marriage Dress Divine Art naturally restrains the Yin and cold, but it works quickly, expulsing the cold air in Xu Wei's body in a short time.

However, Xu Wei's body still remained weak after being severely injured. For this reason, Chu Tang used the Shenzhao Sutra to heal his body and nourish the meridians with Shenzhao Zhenqi.

It took nearly an hour of effort to heal Xu Wei's body.

Xu Wei felt the breath of vitality again, his heart was jumping for joy, his attention gradually returned to Chu Tang, he looked at him carefully, and seeing that he was not tired, he patted his shoulder and said with emotion: "Xiao Tang, thanks to you this time You are promising, I am very happy for my uncle! Your father is the spirit of heaven, seeing your achievements today, will be proud of you!"

Chu Tang helped Xu Wei to sit down on the chair in the room, and said, "Uncle Xu, don't be too polite. I still don't know how much you have cared for me all these years!"

Chu Tang said this with emotion and sincerity.

Not to mention how it was before, in the past two years, Xu Wei really treated him like a nephew and took good care of him. He not only fully supported his ideas and work, but also took care of him many times so that he would have no worries.

In Shi County, there are not many people who can make him feel true feelings, so there are only two people, one is Xu Wei and the other is Xu Jin.

Seo Jin can still get along like a friend, with a brotherhood.

Xu Wei is really like his close relatives and elders, and the admiration among them is Chu Tang's last spiritual support in the boundless loneliness of this world.

Therefore, Chu Tang now wished he could tear the person who hurt Xu Wei into pieces!

He couldn't help asking: "Uncle Xu, tell me who hurt you, and I will avenge you!"

Xu Wei waved his hand, frowned, and said: "Xu Jin, bastard, I told you not to look for you, but he went to the county without saying a word! When I see him, I must deal with him!"

Chu Tang said displeasedly: "Uncle Xu, you've come to such a field, and you still want to hide it from me? Fortunately, Xu Jin came back to me, otherwise I wouldn't have known you were so seriously injured. What's more fortunate is that I You have practiced the most rigid and yang exercises, otherwise you really cannot heal your wounds!"

Xu Wei sighed: "I just know that you won't let it go, so I want to hide it from you! The Shi family in Meng County, after all, has been out of the five realms, so it's not easy to offend!"

"Uncle Xu, do you really think that the Shi family came to our Shi County simply to seek revenge?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"They have another purpose!"

Chu Tang was about to tell the truth about Shi Zisheng who was about to capture him halfway and forced him to ask the truth.

After hearing this, Xu Wei was dumbfounded and shocked. After a while, he said, "Is this so bizarre? Did you really come here for the secret book?"

Chu Tang nodded heavily, and said, "If Shi Zisheng hadn't been captured, I wouldn't have thought that there would still be a copy of "Ice Soul Magic" left in Shi County."

Xu Wei frowned even tighter, and said: "People die for money, birds die for food! People in the martial arts, for the sake of martial arts secrets, can kill a lot of people, and even turn their relatives against each other! In this way, what is it for "Ice Soul Magic Art" , the Shi family will not let it go."

Chu Tang said coldly: "They want to let it go, but I still don't agree!"

Xu Wei was stunned, and then he remembered something, and quickly asked: "Xiaotang, before the county yamen Zhuo sent a letter, saying that you are staying in the county yamen, and that you have cultivated in the four realms. Is this true?"

"Uncle Xu, what Butou Zhuo said is true." Chu Tang replied affirmatively.

Xu Wei's eyes were complicated, envious and pleased at the same time. He nodded repeatedly and said, "You are indeed right to leave Shi County. The world outside is bigger, with greater hope and more opportunities."

Chu Tang would never say that he was already a four-level cultivator when he was in Shi County, so he could only nod in agreement, and he did not forget to say that his achievement was inextricably related to Xu Da's cultivation.

Xu Wei held Chu Tang's arm tightly, and said, "Xiaotang, although you are in the four realms, you can't be arrogant. This time, the Shi family has two warriors from the four realms, and they don't know any masters in secret. Well. You just said that you are the only one who came to Shi County this time, and no one else from the county office came, so you have to be more careful!"

Chu Tang said confidently: "Uncle Xu, there are also differences in the four realms. It's not because of the large number of people, let alone the age. I dare to come back alone. Naturally, I have the confidence and confidence."

Xu Wei smiled wryly, and said, "I'm afraid you're too confident."

Chu Tang said to himself: "Uncle Xu, you should tell me about the current situation. Where are the members of the Shi family now, who are the masters, and who injured you?"

Xu Wei couldn't hold him back, so he had no choice but to tell what happened these days.

According to what he said, Shi Junfeng, the younger brother of his contemporary Patriarch, was in charge of the Shi family operation this time, with a female priest of the fourth realm, plus more than a dozen three-level lands and twenty or thirty tribesmen of the second and first realms. .

This kind of power, in the past, no power in the whole Gui County could compete with it.

Even the gang of arresters from the Guijun County Yamen probably have this level of strength.Even if they can win a little bit, these arrests are about to maintain the safety of the entire Gui County, and it is not easy to mobilize such forces for a while.

And this is just the vanguard of the Shi family!
It has to be said that the Shi family in Meng County is worthy of being a family of the five realms, with a profound heritage and uncomparable power.

Facing these people, Xu Wei was naturally powerless and helpless, so he could only muddle along.

In fact, if the opponent really just came to seek revenge, there is no problem with his strategy - dragging the word formula, if the opponent has no merit, he will naturally retreat.

It's a pity that at that time Xu Wei had no way of knowing that his real purpose was to search for cheat books, and he was determined not to give up until he achieved his goal.

For this reason, the Shi family tossed the martial arts in Shi County so much that it even affected the life and production of ordinary people inside and outside the entire county.

In such a situation, Xu Wei had no choice but to come forward. After a quarrel, everyone couldn't hold back their temper and started to fight.

A group of rookies led by two warriors from the three realms in Shixian County's prefectural government district were quickly defeated by the Shi family's opponents.

In the same three realms, Shi Zhifeng was even defeated by Shi Zisheng, who was slightly younger than him.

As for Xu Wei, who was a little better, he was defeated and seriously injured after the other four realm warriors made a move.

Xu Wei didn't shy away from it at all, and directly said that it was the female priest of the Shi family who injured him, and even laughed at himself that he was not as good as a woman younger than him.

This woman is good at one boxing technique, with one punch, the cold air is oppressive, and the air is frosty, which can slow down a person's movement, and if she is not careful, she will get punched.

After Xu Wei was punched in the chest, his whole body was icy cold, his inner energy stagnated, unable to move, and lost his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, the Shi family did not dare to kill Xu Wei and Shi Zhifeng because of their scruples about the imperial court. After Xu Wei and Shi Zhifeng were injured, they just verbally humiliated them and then let them leave.

Without the suppression of the county government, the Shi family and his party became more and more arrogant, without any scruples, and continued to make trouble in the entire Shi County.

At first Xu Wei was puzzled, obviously just looking to kill the enemies they enshrined, why would he wantonly attack martial arts figures inside and outside the city, and even set up blocks on official roads to block them.

That is to say, not many people were killed, and the people of Dayaowu always made a big show, otherwise the magistrate of Shi County would have asked for the army to suppress these guys.

Now, Xu Wei finally understands that he is looking for people in name, but he is actually looking for cheat books!
Cheats, small and ingenious, can be hidden anywhere.

The Shi family believed that the lost copies of the cheats belonged to the warriors in Shixian County, so it made sense to deal with those warriors and search them.

After listening to Xu Wei's story, Chu Tang immediately asked: "Uncle Xu, the Shi Zisheng I caught is said to be the nephew of the head of the Shi family. His father is the younger brother of the head of the family. Is it the son of Shi Junfeng?"

"It's very possible! Father and son soldiers!" Xu Wei said happily, "It's unlucky for him to meet you! But the Shi family is too outrageous, and they blocked several roads outside the town! Really Shi Does the county belong to their family?"

Chu Tang was also upset, and said, "So, let's show them some color! Let them know that the three-acre land in Shixian County belongs to the imperial court and our county government!"

Xu Wei immediately became cautious when he heard the words, and said hesitantly: "They have a lot of people, I'm afraid it will not be easy for us."

Chu Tang asked for advice: "Can you use Shi Zisheng's life as a threat to let that Shi Junfeng lead people out of Shi County?"

Xu Wei thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Xiaotang, you don't understand the style of these martial arts families. They regard martial arts secret books and family inheritance as their lifelong beliefs! Let alone whether Shi Zisheng is Shi Junfeng's son, even if it is his father. I guess he would dare to sacrifice! Besides, he is only the younger brother of the Patriarch, not the Patriarch, so he cannot be the Patriarch of the Shi Family."

Chu Tang was speechless: "So crazy?"

Xu Wei said solemnly: "I once saw the patriarch of a small martial arts family. When others captured his wife and children and threatened him, he personally killed his wife and children in order to protect the family. These people are so terrible thinking and behavior, you don’t want to get your way by threatening them.”

Chu Tang groaned, and said, "Then it will only be done once."

Xu Wei sighed, and said: "Xiao Tang, now that you are a warrior from the four realms, plus our well-trained arresters, if you equip all the troops and equipment, you can fight more and less, and you can compete with them. What I am worried about is that the young ones will be beaten and the old ones will come out. It is said that the Shi family has hundreds of people, and there are hundreds of warriors in the second and third realms, which is enough to plow our Shixian county government several times!"

Chu Tang said in a deep voice, "They dare not all come here, unless they want to rebel!"

"But can you be sure that there are no five-level masters? After all, it is a five-level family! As long as one of the five levels comes, what's the use of us having more people?" Xu Wei asked back.

Chu Tang was silent for a moment, but then he thought about it, no, what about the five realms, two of the five realms died in his hands, and he almost defeated all the masters of the six realms!

He is also in the fifth realm now, he is just an opponent in the fifth realm, so why not be afraid!
"Uncle Xu, just as Shi Zisheng explained, their Shi family hasn't been a five-realm warrior for a long time. I think, if they didn't suspect something wrong with their own skills, they wouldn't mobilize people to find five-realm secret books!" Chu Tang persuaded Xu Wei is at ease.

Xu Wei sighed and said, "It's like this, but don't think about winning, but about losing first. We have to consider this factor."

Chu Tang thought for a while, then made a suggestion and said: "Uncle Xu, the ugly time is about to pass, and there are still two hours before dawn. I am good at qinggong. You tell me where the Shi family is located, and I will go secretly to find out. Let's discuss how to deal with them when they come back?"

"No!" Xu Wei was taken aback, and quickly stopped, "It's too dangerous!"

Chu Tang rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said, "Uncle Xu, look after you!"

Xu Wei was still in doubt, suddenly his eyes blurred and his long hair fluttered. He felt a gust of wind blowing by, and suddenly lost Chu Tang's figure in front of him. He looked around quickly, and there was no trace of Chu Tang in the whole room!

Suddenly, stunned, he suddenly saw the open door in the distance go dark, and the lights flickered, and Chu Tang reappeared in front of him!
"Xiaotang, you..." Xu Wei's tongue was so big.

Chu Tang smiled slightly, and half-raised his right hand, revealing the things in his hand.

In his hand is a handful of fresh and green laurel branches!

Chu Tang smiled and said, "Uncle Xu, this was picked from the osmanthus tree in your yard, and it was just a round trip. Now you believe that my lightness kung fu can handle all situations, right?"

Xu Wei was shocked, his eyeballs protruded, staring at Chu Tang, speechless for a while.

Chu Tang continued to smile and said nothing.

In the blink of an eye just now, he used Lingbo Weibu in front of Xu Wei, greatly calming him down.

"Xiaotang, your lightness... is amazing! I really can't imagine what happened to you these days. But it's not a bad thing... okay, you convinced me!" Xu Wei smiled wryly and agreed with Chu Tang's proposal, "However, you are only allowed to scout for news, not to reveal your identity, and you must be careful not to say anything!"

Chu Tang quickly responded.

After Xu Wei told where Shi's family was staying, he left immediately, performed lightness kung fu, left Xu's house, and walked quickly in the night like a ghost, and quickly merged into the night.

The Shi family settled in the city.

With Chu Tang's lightness skills today, he can run on the roofs of the houses in the city without hindrance.

Running all the way through the memory, it took only a moment to arrive at the destination.

This is a mansion in the north of the city, which was originally the base camp of a Jianghu gang in Shi County.

During this trip, the Shi family suppressed the martial arts in Shi County, suppressed the members of this gang, drove them out, and used this place as their temporary residence.

Chu Tang came to the west wall of the house, listened carefully, then pulled himself up, flew high, floated into the house in an instant, and landed on a tall and deep tree.

It was so quiet that even the spring insects that chirped at night fell asleep.

Until Chu Tang saw a place that was patrolled!

 It's a new month, please continue to ask for your support.A wave of monthly tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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