Chapter 111

"Too much deception! Too much deception!"

In the main hall of the Tiger Hall, Shi Junpei, who was sitting upright, slammed the table on the left, shaking the teacups on the table several times, and the hot tea inside splashed out.

As the current Patriarch of the Shi Family of the Five Realms Family in Meng County, he seemed extremely angry at this moment.

Shi Junpei is in his forties, with black hair and black beard, fair complexion, and a pair of eyes that look particularly energetic, looking bright and extremely sharp.

Although he was middle-aged, he was still quite handsome, and he must have been a handsome man who was all the rage when he was young.

But now his face was flushed with anger, his eyes were sharp, and he looked down at the crowd, forcing them to bow their heads slightly.

There were not many people in the main hall, Shi Junpei sat alone in the middle, and the others sat in two rows under him.

Shi Junfeng was sitting at the top of the left column, looking down at the ground with a distressed expression.

Sitting side by side with him were two male priests from their Shi family.

And opposite him, sat a man who was a few years younger than him - his cousin Shi Junkai.

Below Shi Junkai, sat a thin middle-aged man with a sallow complexion.Others are quiet, even a little indifferent.

Shi Junfeng didn't know him. He was introduced by Shi Junpei as a friend he invited to help him.

None of these people have the cultivation base of the four realms!
They are all the helpers Shi Junpei brought to Shi County yesterday.

"Junfeng, what on earth do you do? Why does a small yamen in Shi County dare to bully our Shi family? They lost their way and wanted to come in and search. Fortunately, they came up with such a reason!" Shi Junpei was very upset. Geology asked Shi Junfeng.

Shi Junfeng smiled wryly.

He made an appointment with Chu Tang to come over to make an incident today, but he didn't expect the other party to be such a dog-he brought fifty or sixty policemen over quickly, everyone was armed from head to toe, and all kinds of bows, crossbows, arrows and long guns were brought over.

Then, they surrounded the Tiger Hall, claiming that a handyman in the yamen was lost. Someone said that they saw them enter the yard here, and they wanted to bring people in to search!

Don't give in?
That is to fight against the court yamen, they will attack by force!

Naturally, the Shi family would not pay attention to the three melons and two dates in the yamen. There are not as many arrests in the fifties and sixties as they are!

However, this matter is not very harmful, and it is extremely insulting.

Their Shi family is a family of five realms, so they are being bullied to this extent?

Not to mention that Shi Junpei, the head of the family, was annoyed, even Shi Junfeng, who had hidden evil intentions, secretly complained to Chu Tang: I'm all ready, waiting for you to come and play a big show, you can just come in, why do you have such a weird reason!

If Chu Tang heard his voice, he would definitely cry.

This reason is not what he thought at all, but made by Xu Wei.

At first, he thought it was very familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, wasn't this the reason for the war thought up by those people who lived a good life back then!

If he didn't know Xu Wei very well, he might have thought that Xu Wei was not a native of this world just like him.

But no matter who thought it up, doing it like this has completely confused everyone in the Shi family.

Shi Junpei couldn't help but blame his younger brother who had always been valued.

But after all, he has been the head of the family for many years, and his skill in nourishing qi is quite profound. He quickly calmed down and asked: "What should we do now? Let them come in, and our Shi family will lose face; if they reject them forcefully, if they really It is not a good thing to attack and tear yourself apart with the court."

Shi Junfeng remained silent, and the other non-Shi family members naturally did not speak.

Shi Junkai, who was a little irritable, said angrily: "Patriarch, there is no need to talk nonsense with them, just let them go out and beat them back! A yamen with only three realms, can it turn the sky upside down?"

Shi Junpei shouted: "Shut up, you! You are new here, you don't know anything, and acting recklessly will only lead to bad things! Junfeng, you told me before that they have four realm warriors from the county government to support them?"

Shi Junfeng nodded, and said, "Brother, I told you in detail about the current situation in Shi County last night."

Shi Junpei snorted: "You still told me that your son, my son, and Li Gongfeng were all arrested by the county government! Are you sure that they are really in the government office when they disappeared?"

Shi Junfeng nodded heavily, and said: "Brother, although I haven't seen it in person, I have sent someone to inquire, and they are indeed locked in the dungeon of the Shixian county government."

Shi Junpei said disappointedly: "Junfeng, you have always been prudent, why didn't you even notice that your own person was missing?"

Shi Junfeng said: "It happened suddenly, and we were not prepared. But brother, don't worry, after all, they are the yamen of the imperial court, and they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Zilin and the others are not in danger of life. As long as they negotiate with them, they will naturally release Zilin. Lin and the others."

Xu Wei: Sorry, you guessed wrong, I will give you a big surprise.

Shi Junpei glanced at Shi Junfeng, and said, "Your own son is also inside, so I have nothing to worry about!"

Shi Junfeng laughed.

Shi Junpei asked again: "So you mean to let people from the Shi County Yamen come in so we can talk?"

"Patriarch, you absolutely must not do it! Once this matter is reported and spread, how can our Shi family have the face to walk in the rivers and lakes?" Shi Junkai flatly objected, "Shi Junfeng, you are not doing your job well, but you still want to embarrass our Shi family? "

Shi Junfeng asked indifferently: "Then what do you think we should do? Go to the county government in Shi County to save people? We are from a family of Bai Dao and martial arts, not bandits and bandits. This move is tantamount to rebellion! Now the situation can still be controlled in one county and one county." Within the range, if you alarm the black guards in Zhoucheng, you can't afford it!"

Shi Junkai was furious: "You..."

"Enough!" Shi Junpei slapped the table again, interrupted the dispute between the two, stood up slowly, glanced at everyone, and then said slowly, "We didn't come here to quarrel. People must be saved. But don't forget the purpose of our coming to Shi County! Junfeng, you wrote to me saying that the last fragment of "Ice Soul Magic" was taken away first, because the other party has a special status and you dare not make a decision. Bring someone to support."

"Yes, brother!" Shi Junfeng quickly admitted.

Shi Junpei said again: "Because I was afraid of delaying time, I only brought a few people from the four realms here. I rushed to Shi County with a light car, but I didn't expect all kinds of bad news to come. Now, you can say, " Who owns the remnant copy of Ice Soul Magic Art?"

After saying this, everyone else in the hall turned their eyes to Shi Junfeng in unison.

Especially those two older priests, their eyes were shining with longing.

Shi Junfeng had sharp eyes, and found that the yellow-faced man looked calm and nothing unusual. He couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, feeling vaguely that something was wrong.

"Junfeng?" Seeing that his younger brother was silent, Shi Junpei called out.

Shi Junfeng came back to his senses, gritted his teeth, and strengthened his determination.

The arrow has to be fired on the string, and there is no turning back when the bow is fired!
"Brother, according to my inquiries, the "Ice Soul Magic Art" is in the possession of the young policeman from Guijun County Yamen! He should have found out that part of the secret book of the magic art is in our hands, so he arrested Zilin and Zisheng. They want to force us to hand over the cheats."

Shi Junpei frowned and said, "Are you sure? Then they are surrounded outside now, and they are also here for the secrets of magic skills?"

"It's not impossible." Shi Junfeng nodded in agreement.

Shi Junpei glanced at him, and sighed: "It seems that we have to see them. But we can't let all the arresters in, only allow those who can make decisions. Junfeng, send someone to tell them my opinion. If you agree, come in, if you don't agree, get out!"

"Yes!" Shi Junfeng said yes, walked to the entrance of the main hall, summoned a person, whispered a few words in his ear, and after the person left, he returned to the main hall to sit upright.

A few people did not speak, and the hall was silent for a while.

Everyone has different expressions.

Shi Junpei sat back on the head again, his expression was calm, his eyes were slightly closed, and he couldn't see any emotion.

Shi Junkai was a little restless, looking out of the hall with his head raised.

The two offerings are that you look at me and I look at you, as if you are asking for something.

The yellow-faced man that Shi Junfeng focused on looked up at him, his eyes were full of incomprehensible colors, which made him feel a little panicked.

Slightly lowering his head, and ignoring the yellow-faced man, Shi Junfeng had mixed emotions, including expectations, intolerance, and fear, to name a few.

"Brother, don't blame me!" Shi Junfeng wanted to say a thousand things in his heart, but he couldn't help but hold back, "I tried to persuade you, but you didn't listen! You forced me!"

Yesterday evening, Shi Junpei and his party came to Shi County and stayed here.

Shi Junfeng has both the excitement of a great cause and the unspeakable secret of not giving up his family affection.

Last night, after he reported the family affairs with his elder brother, he asked him about collusion with others in a circumstantial manner, hoping that he would stop.But the eldest brother is the eldest brother, not only has no repentance, but still insists on going his own way, planning to go all the way to the dark.

That being the case, for the sake of the family, don't blame Shi Junfeng for being cruel!

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Shi Junfeng found Chu Tang that night and agreed to do it today.

The premise of the action is that Chu Tang will bring a few people from the yamen to the scene, and he needs to use the name of the yamen to attack his elder brother.

Chu Tang and the others did not break their promises, and they came as soon as noon today.

Of course, Shi Junfeng didn't expect Chu Tang and the others to come to the door with such a big fanfare and dozens of arrests.

In this name, I borrowed a lot!
It's just that the reason they want to come in is too speechless.

Shi Junfeng was thinking in confusion, when he heard footsteps coming from outside the hall, when he came back to his senses, several people had already entered the hall door.

There are four people!
The leader was Xu Wei, the head arrester from Shi County, followed by Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng.

In addition, at the end of them was a young man with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.

"Zisheng?!" Shi Junfeng raised his head and couldn't help but yelled, and stood up abruptly.

The person behind is Shi Junfeng's own son, Shi Zisheng who has been missing for two or three days!
Although Chu Tang told him that Shi Zisheng was safe and sound, at first glance, Shi Junfeng was unavoidably excited, not as calm as he had shown before.

"Zisheng!" Shi Junpei also stood up, anxious, "Where's Zilin? Zisheng, have you seen Zilin?"

When Shi Zisheng saw his uncle, he felt guilty and flustered, not daring to look directly at him.

Shi Junpei thought that he was tortured, his self-esteem was hurt, and he was ashamed to see others, so he was not in a hurry to ask, but turned his attention to the three arresters who came in.

Skip over Xu Wei, ignore Shi Zhifeng, and finally fix your eyes on Chu Tang.

He heard from his second brother that the four-land policeman from the county government office was very young, and now it seems that he is this young man.

It was also obvious that although the three of them were all wearing police uniforms, Xu Wei and Shi Zhifeng's were khaki, very earthy, and very low-grade.

Chu Tang was wearing bright yellow, the color was much brighter, and he looked more energetic when he wore it.

"Shi Junpei from the Shi family in Meng County has seen three adults!" Shi Junpei is worthy of being the head of the family, and his etiquette is in place. I'm afraid Zisheng is not sincere enough to send it back alone?"

As soon as Chu Tang came in, he put his eyes and attention on Shi Junfeng, and he was relieved when he saw that he had made the agreed action.

Hearing Shi Junpei's words, Chu Tang ignored Shi Junpei's words. Instead, he pushed Shi Zisheng behind him in front of everyone in the Shi family, and said, "Second Master Shi, your son is unscathed, and Chu sent it back to you. Promise Chu , Shi Erye should also honor it, right?"

Before Shi Junfeng responded, Shi Junpei asked in surprise, "Junfeng, what did you promise him?"

"Shi Er, have you betrayed our family's interests?" Shi Junkai stood up suddenly, wanting to question, but after seeing that Shi Zisheng blocked his view, he pulled him aside again, and then glared at Shi Junfeng.

Shi Junfeng didn't respond in time, but just looked up at Chu Tang.

Chu Tang shrugged and said, "Second Master Shi, why don't we stop being polite and just serve hard dishes?"

He didn't want to talk so much nonsense, so he just finished the matter.

According to the agreement between them, after the people from the yamen arrived, Shi Junfeng would attack Shi Junpei and the others, and use the means he had prepared in advance.

Now, it's time for Shi Junfeng to show his methods that are sure to make things happen.

When the members of the Shi family heard the words, they looked at Shi Junfeng suspiciously again.

Shi Junfeng's face turned cold, he stared at Shi Junkai and said, "Shi Er Shi Er! Shi Junkai, I have told you a long time ago that I hate this name, but you always call it like that every time! I understand what you mean, It’s nothing more than reminding me that I’m just the second child of the Shi family, that I can’t be the family or the master, just to ridicule me! But today, in front of everyone, I still want to tell you that I really hate it when you call me like that!”

Shi Junkai was furious: "You..."

With a wave of his sleeve, Shi Junfeng swept the teacup on the table with water onto the ground.

Cups shattered and tea splashed.

The sound of porcelain shattering was as intense as a drum, not only interrupting Shi Junkai's words, but also calming down everyone.

While they were wondering, suddenly, with a bang, a person was thrown into the air and fell to the ground.


The one who fell to the ground was Shi Junkai, who was still full of anger just now. He fell to the ground, with blood gushing from his mouth, and his whole body seemed to have lost half of his life.

"Shi Zisheng, you're crazy!" Shi Junpei shouted in surprise and anger, "You're so disobedient and guilty, you can't seek death!"

He could see clearly that Shi Junkai was slapped in the back by Shi Zisheng!
Shi Junkai, who was defenseless, was knocked down by Shi Zisheng with all his strength.

After Shi Zisheng succeeded in one blow, he quickly jumped behind his father, seeking shelter.

Shi Junfeng stepped forward, blocked Shi Zisheng, and said coldly: "Shi Junpei, my son, it's not your turn to take care of it!"

Seeing the murderous look on his second brother's face, Shi Junpei looked at Chu Tang and the others, as if he understood something, he couldn't help laughing angrily: "Hahaha! Shi Junfeng, you have the guts! You really have the guts! Do everything possible to lure me here , just want to deal with me with these little shrimps in front of me? Don't you think highly of them?!"

"Ah! I can't move my internal energy! It's all gone!" Suddenly, a priest from the Shi family who was sitting quietly at the side just now cried out in horror, trembling and sweating, "Shi Junfeng, give us Poisoned?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shi Junpei and the others all changed their faces.

Another one enshrined breath-adjusting luck, and found that his dantian was empty, like a pool of water suddenly being drained, empty and empty, with nothing to rely on.

He pointed at Shi Junfeng tremblingly, and said in fear: "Shi Junfeng, did you give us Hua Gong San?"

(End of this chapter)

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