Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 123 Adding fuel to the flames, Chu Tang sets up the flag

Chapter 123 Adding fuel to the flames, Chu Tang sets up the flag

"My lord, don't let anyone stop you from the gossip outside. Isn't this setting me on fire?"

Chu Tang rushed to Zhuo Lien's office in a hurry, without polite greetings, the first thing he said was to question the other party.

After one or two months of recuperation, Zhuo Lien gradually recovered from the sequelae of Tiangang's disintegration of Dafa, and has recovered more than half of his skills, and his complexion looks much better.

He seemed to have expected that Chu Tang would ask such a question a long time ago, and smiled lightly, and said, "Just to spread the news about your fame in Shi County?"

"What else can there be! That's it!" Chu Tang looked impatient.

Hearing Zhou Xiang say that he is famous in black and white just now, Chu Tang felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked.

Zhou Xiang told the whole story with excitement and admiration.

It turned out that three or four days ago, a story was suddenly circulated among the martial arts people in the county——

The Patriarch of the Shi Family in Meng County led people to search for a copy of the five-level exercises in Shi County. They were arrogant and domineering, causing anger and resentment in Shi County.

But Chu Tang, the head of the arrest team in the county city, was ordered to deal with him in Shixian County. Who would have thought that Shi Junpei, the patriarch of the Shi family, not only did not listen to the persuasion, but wounded the arrester in Shixian County instead.

The leader of the Chu family came to question him, and got a report from the insider of the Shi family, saying that their patriarch had colluded with a mysterious organization and had done many outrageous things.

In order to uphold the law, Chu Tang wanted to take Shi Junpei back to the county government for interrogation.

Shi Junpei did not stop doing two things, and together with the family's masters, they openly resisted the arrest of the Yamen and fought violently.

And Chu Tang killed the master Shi Junpei invited to help him with one sword, and also took down Shi Junpei and the others.

Cheats of the five realms, a family of five realms.

One person with one sword, kill and capture four or five masters of the four realms...

Young hero!

All kinds of elements, as long as one or two come together, can shake the world, not to mention all the elements gathered in one person.

Therefore, the story of Chu Tang's great display of supernatural power immediately caused a sensation in the county town of Guijun.

Martial arts halls, sects, and even gangs, all three religions and nine streams, all spread his prestige.

Even the storyteller in the restaurant took advantage of such a hot spot, compiled his experiences at that time into a story, added oil and vinegar, exaggerated it as much as possible, and told it as a legend.

Some people don't believe it, some people doubt it, but some people envy and yearn for it.

In short, in the past few days, the most popular person in the martial arts in the county town is Chu Tang, the young team leader of the county government.

Especially when Chu Tang escorted Shi Junpei and others all the way through the county town and was seen by interested people, after a little inquiring, they heard that Chu Tang had returned from a great victory, and there were evidences from the prisoners, the news spread again immediately.

This time, more people believed.

For such a story, the happiest and most exciting thing is the county government's arrest.

After all, Chu Tang is one of them, and now that he is majestic, he feels honored.

Especially those in the police squad, under the envious eyes of everyone, they raised their heads a little while walking, looking very dignified.

This is also the reason why Zhou Xiang was so excited when he saw Chu Tang just now.

Chu Tang felt uncomfortable when he heard such a story, and was a little dumbfounded.

First he feels bad!

As a dog, what I hope most is to buy time to develop obscenely all the way, not to show off, let alone attract attention.

However, he is really famous now.

He is only in the county right now, but it is predictable that his reputation will soon spread throughout Gui County, and even to surrounding counties.

There will never be a shortage of legends in the rivers and lakes.

What everyone is most concerned about is also various legendary stories.

The 20-year-old Four Realms Detective!

Is there anything more compelling than this?
I can no longer happily pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

From now on, don't talk about wanting to smear people, it's good that he doesn't let others smudge.

Over the years, the more powerful and prestigious the police, the easier it is to be targeted by people in the world, especially thieves and strongmen, and many people die inexplicably.

This is not difficult to understand, the fast catcher is working for the imperial court, in the eyes of many martial arts people, he is the imperial court eagle dog, and it is not a pity to die ten times.

When they see someone trying to deal with the police, even the people in the white way may secretly poke and provide some convenience.

Many of the arrested officers who were targeted died with nothing to rest in peace!
When Chu Tang thought of this, his head grew bigger and he felt a pain in his head.

In addition, he thought of other problems——

The stories circulating in the city are roughly the same as his experience, even if there are discrepancies, they are [-]% false and [-]% true, as if the storyteller saw it with his own eyes and witnessed the scene at that time.

Someone must be spreading this on purpose!

Chu Tang gritted his teeth with hatred for this. In his plan, he would send Shi Junpei and others to the county government in a low-key manner, and then hand them over to the higher authorities, and then the people from Zhoucheng would take over.

But now can you easily get rid of this relationship?
So, who is actively spreading the story and fueling the gossip?

The first thing Chu Tang thought of was Shi Junfeng!

He has a motive!

This person is the protagonist in Shi County's matter, but the role he plays is very dishonorable, and he can even be said to be a big villain.

It's not good to be a martial arts person, colluding with the court to arrest the fast.

Not only that, what he did was rebelling against the patriarch, betraying his own brother, and spreading the word would be even more embarrassing, and it would be difficult to move an inch in the arena.

In order to get himself out, or to divert everyone's attention, Shi Junfeng took the initiative to make up stories and tell them to everyone, which is easy to understand.

If you think about some details of the story carefully, you can know the mystery:
In the whole story, it is only said that someone inside the Shi family reported it, but did not mention Shi Junfeng, the second master of the Shi family, by name. From this, one can imagine the insidiousness of it.

Then, it is to smear—or Shi Zhushi Junpei, saying that he colluded with the evil organization, murdered and robbed, harmed the nature and justice, and placed him in the position of the villain.

And the insider who was reported by the Shi family became an existence in the dark with a light in his heart.

The most important thing is to reshape a protagonist - Chu Tang!
Making his role more active and stalwart, turning him into a young martial arts genius immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In short, this matter is outrageous, and it is natural!

"Shi Junfeng!" Chu Tang gritted his teeth at him, thinking that the matter would come to an end, but he didn't expect to be slapped by the other party!
As expected, he was the one who endured for decades and finally overthrew his own brother!

Treacherous, cunning, and far-sighted are not enough to describe his city.

Another point of displeasure for Chu Tang was that the county government did not stop such stories from spreading.

He didn't believe that Zhuo Lien couldn't see that someone was doing something wrong.

This is also the reason why after he put Shi Junpei and others in the prison, he rushed to Zhuo Lien to question him before he had time to eat lunch.

"Boss Zhuo, you should stop the rumors as soon as possible. Now it makes it difficult for me to work in the future!" Facing Zhuo Lien's indifference, Chu Tang complained endlessly.

Zhuo Lien stretched out a finger first, and said: "First, I am too late, and I can't stop it."

Of course Chu Tang didn't believe it.

Zhuo Lien has been headhunting for decades, and he has already reached the point of perfect control over the three teachings and nine streams in the county.

Anyone he wanted could do it in a short time, let alone stop some rumors from spreading.

Zhuo Lien said with a wry smile: "Chu Tang, you really don't believe me! The other party is obviously prepared, and even the story has been written. Restaurants, gambling stalls, brothels, and even martial arts gangs, such stories are spread at the same time. Come on, it’s not an exaggeration to say it broke out suddenly. I can block one point, two points, or even three points, but I can’t block everyone’s mouth!”

Well, even the reason why the mouth of the people is better than that of Fangchuan has come out.

Chu Tang said: "But you really didn't do anything. You just watched it spread for several days, and it even became more and more serious. Chief Zhuo, what are you planning?"

Chu Tang is not stupid, of course he knows that if Zhuo Lien really wants to make some efforts, he can definitely control the matter within a smaller range.

And Zhuo Lien did nothing.

Chu Tang even wondered if the other party was adding fuel to the flames, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the admiring eyes that so many police officers gave him along the way just now.

Seeing Chu Tang's suspicious look, Zhuo Lien's face gradually became serious, and said, "Chu Tang, I won't hide it from you, I really let the news about you in Shi County spread."

"Why?" Chu Tang was surprised.

Zhuo Lien sighed and said, "I'm getting old."

Chu Tang was even more confused.

You Zhuo Lien is old, does it have anything to do with this matter?

Zhuo Li'en said again: "I used the Tiangang disintegration method. Even if I recover, I will not be able to return to the peak. If I am unlucky, there may be hidden dangers left."

Chu Tang frowned: "Boss Zhuo, I still can't understand."

Zhuo Lien sighed and said: "It means that I can no longer suppress the Guijun martial arts like before. To put it bluntly, I, Zhuo Lien, spent decades to suppress the Guijun martial arts people. However, the news of my injury must have spread, and with my age, those powers in the arena who are about to make a move probably will think about how to test me and test the bottom line of the yamen."

Chu Tang said suspiciously: "No matter what you say, Butou Zhuo, you are in the realm of the Four Realms, let alone Fang Bantou, the Four Realms!"

Zhuo Lien shook his head and said: "Fang Kai only broke through the four realms in the past few years. In addition, I have suppressed the Jianghu in Guijun these years, and there have not been many big fights. Fang Kai has not personally experienced the test of blood and fire. Prestige Insufficient, people will not obey him."

"And me!" Chu Tang was unconvinced.

In the entire Gui County, the obvious organizational ceiling is the warriors of the four realms, and it has never been heard that any force has more than two warriors of the four realms.

Now that the three warriors of the four realms are together in the county government, they can definitely deter the entire Jianghu of Guijun.

Zhuo Lien still shook his head, laughed and said: "You have only joined for a few days, and you have no prestige!"

"Prestige..." Chu Tang muttered, seeming to have realized something, suddenly raised his head, looked at Zhuo Lien seriously, and said with difficulty, "So, the head catcher Zhuo is standing up for me?"

Zhuo Li'en said: "You finally understand. For the peace of Gui County and the safety of the county government, after me, we need to set up a big banner!"

"But..." Chu Tang felt bitter, he didn't want to be this banner.

The so-called citrons that are in the top rot first, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, so shoot the top birds!

Zhuo Lien explained: "Actually, I wanted Fang Kai to carry this flag at first. As for you... such a young warrior from the four realms, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you!"

Chu Tang rubbed his nose, unable to promise anything.

He knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to stay in this small place of Gui County forever with a cheat.

The world is so big, he wants to see it.

Of course, the premise is that he has absolute strength!
Zhuo Li'en said again: "Unfortunately, Fang Kai never waited for the opportunity, but it was you who had this trouble, and I had to go with the flow!"

Chu Tang was depressed. Sure enough, Zhuo Lien was behind the scenes!
Seeing Chu Tang's distressed look, Zhuo Li'en said regretfully, "Chu Tang, please forgive me for making a private decision without communicating with you. Just treat me as selfish, I really don't want to see what happens in Guijun Chaos. You have also noticed that Gui County has not been very peaceful recently, and even people from the five realms have appeared frequently, and I don’t know if there will be ghosts and snakes wandering around in the future."

Chu Tang was silent.

Zhuo Lien said with a wry smile: "I already feel powerless, and Fang Kai is even more unable to cope with these situations. Chu Tang, only you have the ability and hope. I just hope that you can calm everyone down before the big trouble occurs, so that they don't worry about it. Dare to act rashly!"

Chu Tang raised his head and said quietly: "Zhuo Butou, it's easy to set up a flag, but it's hard to keep it. If you lift me up high, there will be many people who don't like me in the martial arts of Guijun County. Can they be convinced? Are you Really put me on the fire!"

Zhuo Lien said solemnly: "Chu Tang, even Fang Kai is no match for you. If you can't control the scene, no one in the entire county government can take on this important task. If our county government arrests quickly can't suppress people, not only Many people will die outside, even our brothers are more dangerous."

Chu Tang was silent, unable to refute.

It is true that if the prestige of the county government is lost, everyone will dare to fight against the fast arresters. If there are more fights, it is natural that more fast arresters will die in battle.

Seeing Zhuo Lien's serious look, Chu Tang smiled wryly, Zhuo Da not only put a tall hat on him, but also threw a big pot over him.

Can his small body withstand it?
With a sigh, Chu Tang said helplessly, "Captain Zhuo, the matter has come to an end, what else can I say?"

Zhuo Da's arrester really had nothing to say to him.

He not only valued him, but also made it for the team leader as soon as he came, and even gave away several catties of priceless black iron, and even wanted him to be his successor.

Such a great favor makes it difficult to refuse his request.

Zhuo Lien glanced at Chu Tang, and said solemnly: "If you want the horses to run fast, the grass must be fed frequently, Chu Tang, I will report to the county sheriff and open the county office to you. Weapons, pills, or martial arts, you can take whatever you want!"

This commitment is particularly expensive for ordinary people.

After all, it is gathered in one county, with dozens or hundreds of years of accumulation, there should be a lot of weapons, pills, and martial arts.

In the past, even Fang Kai and the others needed to exchange credit for their merits if they wanted to obtain items from the county yamen treasury, and it was rare to set foot in them usually.

Now that Zhuo Lien threw such a big gift to him, if he was an ordinary person, he would have been grateful to Dade long ago.

However, Chu Tang tightened his grip on Yitian, the magic weapon in his hand, and said calmly: "You need to be strong yourself to make iron, and foreign objects are just icing on the cake."

"Chu Tang, I'm very pleased that you have this awareness." Zhuo Lien smiled happily, then remembered something, and said again, "By the way, Chu Tang, the Lord Sheriff told me that when you come back, let me bring you You go see him."

"Master Sheriff?" Chu Tang was stunned.

It is said that he has been in the county office for so long, and he has not met the highest authority in the county yet!

The two sides don't know each other, let alone have friendship, but the other party suddenly wants to see him, so why?
(End of this chapter)

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