Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 137 The True Face of Lushan

Chapter 137 The True Face of Lushan

When Chu Tang returned to the camp, he received a warm welcome.

Everyone watched a few policemen carrying the man in black to follow him, and there was an inexplicable gleam in their eyes.

Just now a police officer came to report, out of the twelve men in black, four escaped, three died, and the other five were all captured.

Among the eight people who were killed or injured, four of them were warriors of the four realms.

In other words, the four men in black who ran away all had only three levels of cultivation.

The four men in black from all over the world were either dead or injured.

Things are so magical!

Needless to say the one who died, first fought with Chu Tang, and was sent away by a finger.

Of the other two, one had acupuncture points tapped and was left to be dealt with; the other was seriously injured by his own internal force and had no ability to resist.

The four warriors of the four realms were all in the hands of Chu Tang, while the other four warriors of the three realms were shot randomly by other arresting crossbow arrows, killing one and injuring three.

In short, the person who deserves the most credit for this battle must be Chu Tang who is now calmly walking back.

Hu Yang was the most excited, and first thanked Chu Tang: "Lord Chu, thanks to you tonight, otherwise... In short, Hu is very grateful! My lord has a destiny in the future, and Hu will definitely go through fire and water, and he will die! "

He said it very sincerely, from the bottom of his heart.

What happened tonight was really dangerous, these men in black obviously came for their escort agency.

With the energy of the eight three-level fighters, Hu Yang felt that he was invincible, not to mention that there were four four-level warriors hiding in the dark. If this kind of power was used to deal with them, the people in the escort agency would definitely be close to death——

Wrong, ten deaths and no life!

If Chu Tang hadn't made a move, Hu Yang thought he would be here tonight.

Therefore, he is most grateful to Chu Tang now, wishing to worship him.

"Team Chu!"

"My lord!"

"grown ups!"

Seeing Chu Tang's return, the other arresters saluted one after another, and their names changed a lot, showing their mixed feelings.

But at this moment, no one dared to have any opinion on Chu Tang.

Xu Feng, who was among the arresting officers, bowed his head deeply when saluting, put away all his past thoughts, and worshiped wholeheartedly.

Chu Tang just nodded slightly to them, indicating not to get excited, and continued to protect the surrounding area according to the patrol plan.

Soon, Chu Tang felt a strange gaze coming from the side.

Turning his head to look, he found that the "brothers" of the Cheng family were close together, standing by the campfire and looking at him.

Cheng Ming showed his white teeth and nodded to him with a smile, his eyes sparkled with inexplicable meaning.

Chu Tang was taken aback for a moment. When they met before, the two of them were wary of him, but now they actually greet him?
"Boss Chu, you are too good!" When Chu Tang was in a daze, Xiao You jumped to his side, cheering for him and excited for him.

"Miss Xiaoyou, don't get excited!" Chu Tang said with a smile.

Xiaoyou shook her head violently: "I didn't... Bantou Chu, your qinggong is too good, I've never seen such a good qinggong!"

Chu Tang said very "modestly": "It's just so-so. I'm overwhelmed."

Having said that, he was not without complacency.

Whether Qinggong is good or not, he knows best.

But why is it good?
Kryptonite of course!

There are tens of thousands of martial arts on the panel, and he treats light work like first love!
As long as the value of chivalry is sufficient, he regards other high-strength martial arts as nothing, and only cultivates the field of lightness kung fu and body skills.

Hard work pays off, now he has perfected the four qinggong exercises, not to mention that people in the same realm are not as good as him, even some qinggong masters with a higher realm than him, in front of him, he can say a word about qinggong and body techniques "One's life is not weaker than others".

Just so confident!

Xiaoyou closely followed Chu Tang's pace, and shouted: "Team Chu, I also want to learn Qinggong, can you teach me?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Chu Tang was stunned for a moment, but the others were also stunned. They all stopped to wait and see, looking at Chu Tang eagerly, hoping that he could give a satisfactory answer.

Chu Tang was flustered by everyone's hungry eyes.

Especially the eyes of the Cheng family's "brothers" couldn't help but make him lose.

Are those the eyes that see people? Are they the faint light that sees prey!

Chu Tang also noticed that Su Qingyue, who was wearing a veil, was also looking at him, his eyes were piercing, very compelling.

To be honest, although he and Su Qingyue got along for a few days, they didn't have much contact.

Every day when entering and leaving the post office, he was able to see Miss Su getting off the carriage.

Every time we meet each other in a hurry, after living in the room, Miss Su is like a boudoir girl, she doesn't leave the door, and doesn't walk through the second door; when she gets on the carriage on the way, she doesn't show her head anymore, even if she asks for instructions, she will respond through the curtain.

And every time they meet, Su Qingyue wears a veil, from the beginning until now, Chu Tang has never seen her face.

What is the real face of Lushan Mountain?

Even Chu Tang, whose mental strength has been greatly increased by practicing the Nine Yin Manual, can still feel that Su Qingyue doesn't want to see him, and is vaguely dissatisfied with him.

Of course, Chu Tang didn't take it seriously, he was just following orders anyway, as long as he arrived in Qingcheng safely, sending him to the academy would be a great achievement.

After the job is over, what happens next has nothing to do with him.

Now facing Su Qingyue's cold and indifferent gaze before sweeping away, instead of a strange expression, Chu Tang felt a strange feeling in his heart.

But he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly to Su Qingyue, who immediately looked away when he saw this, and looked around casually.

"Boss Chu?" Xiaoyou grabbed Chu Tang's arm, shook it a few times, and brought him back to his mind before continuing to beg, "Boss Chu, can you teach me?"

Chu Tang slowly looked away, and said, "Miss Xiaoyou, you can't learn my lightness kung fu."

"Why?" Xiaoyou asked dissatisfied.

Chu Tang smiled wryly, what could be the reason? It was because his lightness kung fu was obtained from panel empowerment, and it seemed that he could do it naturally, and he could use it with a move of his heart.

But if you want him to teach others, he can't explain the principle at all, and he can't teach others!
That is to say, the magic of the wedding dress is special, and it can naturally imprint the route of luck and luck into the mind of the recipient when passing on the practice, and only then can the practice be passed on.

To be exact, the magic of the wedding dress can't be regarded as he taught Xu Jin, but a whole-hearted transfer to the other party.

His lightness kung fu and body skills don't have such abilities.

It cannot be passed on to others, nor will it be taught.

These reasons cannot be explained clearly, Chu Tang can only find other reasons: "Miss Xiaoyou, my light skills need deep internal strength to support the operation, your skills are not enough, and it will be useless to practice."

"Really?" Xiaoyou was a little disappointed, but also a little disbelieving.

Chu Tang nodded heavily, and vowed: "Really, I didn't lie to you! Don't look at the way I performed lightness kung fu very well just now, in fact, it is supported by the explosion of internal strength. It is like fishing out of a marsh, and it cannot last long. Once you fight for a long time, you may be defeated. I am the one who loses! In addition, some movement methods are figured out by myself, and they are only suitable for me to use, but it will be awkward for others to use, and they cannot be used."

Chu Tang spoke very loudly when he explained, as if he was deliberately speaking for others to hear.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the people around were suddenly enlightened, and some nodded as they should.

Some people don't believe it, some people believe it.

Seeing this, Chu Tang breathed a sigh of relief, this is what he wanted.

Firstly, it was to silence Yoyo's audience and cut off their idea of ​​learning - in fact, he couldn't teach.

The second reason is to confuse everyone and demote his lightness to nothing. After spreading the word, if someone believes it and fights a protracted war with him, then he will really make a lot of money!
The disappointment on Miss Xiaoyou's face grew stronger, and she said with a mournful face, "Really? Then it seems that my dream of being a heroine with light kung fu is about to be shattered!"

Chu Tang said apologetically, "I'm sorry to disappoint Miss Xiaoyou."

Xiaoyou said with a wry smile: "Forget it! It's my extravagant hope. I knew that Gao Qiang's martial arts are not so easy to learn. I'd better be my first-level martial artist honestly."

Chu Tang asked curiously: "Miss Xiaoyou, you are with Miss Su every day, even if you learn superb martial arts, it will not be of much use."

There is one other thing he didn't say, that is, the ultimate fate of a maid is to marry into her husband's family with her own young lady and become a housekeeper.

Su Qingyue is the daughter of a prefect of a county, and she might marry an unusual family in the future.

Once you enter the Hou family, it is as deep as the sea, and after joining these aristocratic families, it is wishful thinking if you want to show your face and wander the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, Chu Tang thinks that no matter how advanced Xiaoyou's martial arts are, there will be no use for them in the future, so why bother to learn some advanced martial arts?

"I want to protect our lady!" Xiaoyou responded seriously with a small face, "Our lady has been weak since she was a child, and the conflict between the Qingcheng, Su and Cheng families has deepened, and our lady may face danger head-on. If my martial arts is good, It's an extra guarantee!"

"The two families of Su and Cheng in Qingcheng?" Chu Tang's eyes flashed brightly, as if he had grasped why Su Hong wanted him to escort Su Qingyue.

Seeing this, Xiaoyou panicked, and shook her head again and again: "No, I didn't say anything! Leader Chu, let's do this first, I'm going back to take care of the young lady!" After finishing speaking, she turned her head and hurried to her own young lady.

Chu Tang laughed when he saw this, the distance between the two girls is only two feet, so why should they take care of them!

But he was even more certain in his heart that this trip to Qingcheng might not be peaceful!
As for the Cheng family in Qingcheng...

"Should it be this Cheng?" Chu Tang thought to himself, his eyes slowly turned to Brother Cheng Ming, and his heart moved, "They are also surnamed Cheng, is there any relationship?"

For a moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his head, and felt that he seemed to have caused some serious trouble again!

Shaking his head to drive away the irritability in his mind, Chu Tang returned to the camp just now with everyone.

Without saying a word, Su Qingyue and Xiaoyou got into the tent.

The other police officers followed the previously formulated strategy, patrolling on patrol, resting on rest.

Of course, as the talker, Chu Tang captured a group of men in black, so he definitely couldn't go to rest first, and had to deal with it.

Accompanied by him are Hu Yang and other members of the Changfeng Escort Bureau.

In addition, the Cheng brothers were the parties involved, and they stood weakly outside, trembling, waiting for Chu Tang's disposal.

In front of Chu Tang, there were some men in black who were arrested and escorted to kneel.

Some men in black were stubborn and refused to give in. When struggling, they cursed uncleanly.

The policemen were not used to them either, so they kicked them on the spot and kicked them hard a few times, and these people calmed down.

"First let's see who they are!" Chu Tang confessed.

Hearing this, a few police officers immediately tore off the black scarves of all the men in black, revealing their true colors.

Chu Tang took a few glances and shook his head. He didn't recognize any of them!
He looked sideways at Zhou Xiang and the others, who also shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

Only Hu Yangpu took a few steps forward, rushed to the man in black, looked back and forth, and finally shouted: "Why are you!"

Yo!Chu Tang's eyes lit up, and Hu Yang's old acquaintance was among them!

It's good to know each other, and it's easier to do more things when you know each other.

Chu Tang walked slowly to Hu Yang's side, and asked with a smile, "Boss Hu, it seems that you have gained something!"

Hu Yang was silent for a while, reached out and pointed at the three men in black, and said in a deep voice, "They are the three brothers of the Gu family from Juyi Village in Meng County!"

Chu Tang followed his gestures and was immediately amused. The three people pointed out by Hu Yang were the three men in black from the four realms who appeared behind them.

They are three middle-aged people, about 40 years old, and they look alike.

It's just that at this time, one of them was dead and lay still;

"Hu Biaotou, is this Juyi Village famous in Meng County?" Chu Tang asked.

"Boss, I've heard of this!" It was Zhou Xiang, the policeman, who rushed to answer.

Chu Tang glanced at him, smiled, and said, "They are famous far and wide, even our Captain Zhou has heard of their reputation in Gui County."

Zhou Xiang smiled complacently. He is most confident in his grasp of news, and he is good at inquiring about news. To him, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a well-known man in the county government.

However, Zhou Xiang was also very discerning, and immediately said: "I just heard that there are such a few people in such a place. It must be better than that of the escort Hu who wandered around in Meng County. Hu, tell me in detail, for us Can the class leader answer your questions?"

Hu Yang nodded, did not refuse, looked back at the three Gu brothers, organized his words, and then told their details in a complicated tone:
In the county town of Mengjun, there is a manor named "Juyizhuang", which is owned by three brothers of a Gu family.

The age difference between these three brothers is not much, only two or three years.

Their family has a long history, they have practiced swordsmanship well since they were young, and they are also eager for justice. From time to time, they are chivalrous and righteous, and they have achieved great fame. They are regarded by many people as a pillar of the Baidao in Meng County.

The name of Juyi Village was not only opened up by them, but also became a mountain top.

After all, the three brothers of one family are all in the four realms, and their wealth is not thin. They have gathered a group of good fighters, and there are also many warriors in the three realms. In Meng County, where the martial arts is quite strong, they are also forces that cannot be ignored.

At the end, Hu Yang was filled with emotion: "The three brothers of the Gu family in Juyizhuang are well-known and have a good reputation. I didn't expect them to pretend to be men in black late at night and commit murder and robbery. It's really disappointing! "

Chu Tang laughed when he heard the words: "The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. Fame is just a thing outside of the body, and it is nothing more real than profit! But head Hu, the bodyguard you are protecting this time, is not Simple!"

Not only is it not simple, it's off the charts, okay? !
Inducing masters from the four four realms to bring a group of people to chase and kill them, can they be ordinary people!
The problem is that he, Hu Yang, doesn't know the details of the person he protects, it's just that their head escort told him to take this trip, as for the rest, he didn't say much.

Hu Yang felt aggrieved and wronged, and couldn't help looking at the Cheng brothers who were at a loss next to him with strange eyes.

The eyes of the "brothers" of the Cheng family flickered. You looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to respond.

Chu Tang glanced at them, and said to Hu Yang: "Boss Hu, since these people are here for you, I will leave them to you to deal with. Let them go or kill them, gouge them out or cut them up, it's up to you!"

"Huh?" Hu Yang was taken aback.

Just hand him over?
Are you kidding me? !

(End of this chapter)

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