Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 157 Lightness Kung Fu Chasing Wind, Horror Kung Fu

Chapter 157 Lightness Kung Fu Chasing Wind, Horror Kung Fu

"Brother Chen, look, the dean is fighting someone else again!"

"Sure enough, as I expected, every martial artist invited by our headmaster to the Acacia Pavilion cannot escape the fate of doing something."

"You said this fight, how long will it take? Hey, wait, is it getting dark, my eyes are dazzled, how can I see someone flying?"

"Fly? You must be...fuck! You're really flying!"

"This... is lightness kung fu? I don't read much, don't lie to me that I don't know much. I know lightness kung fu, but I can't fly!"

"Ah! Look! Our dean also flew out!"

"Why are they flying all the time without fighting each other?"

"Could it be a battle of light skills?"

Twenty feet away from the gazebo, some students who came out to enjoy the cool air saw their dean fighting with others, and they all seemed not surprised.

It can be seen that Tao Ying usually has no less than people doing it.

What is strange to them is that this battle is not like a martial arts competition, the two are chasing after each other, but there is no contact.

Yes, Chu Tang has been dodging Tao Ying's pursuit.

When the opponent flew out from the pavilion to pursue him, Chu Tang was quite surprised by his movement.

It is really Tao Ying's lightness kung fu, really brilliant.

Chu Tang felt that the other party was the one with the highest light kung fu among the warriors he had seen since his debut!
"This is chasing the wind and shadow?" Chu Tang remembered Tao Ying's words, "Sure enough, like a wind chaser, he moves with the wind and sneaks in like the wind, without making a sound."

Maybe it was because of Liexin's joy, seeing such lightness kung fu, Chu Tang also became competitive, and immediately used all his lightness kung fu and body skills to avoid Tao Ying's pursuit.

First, stepping on the snow without a trace, she kept retreating, gliding like a bird, hitting the ground for a while, and then hitting the flowers and plants in the yard for a while, and then danced in the air, like a fairy who came to the world, as light as a swallow.

"Good lightness work! Good lightness work!" Tao Ying saw Chu Tang's Treading Wuhen for the first time, and felt that she had gained a lot of insight.

Her family's Chasing the Wind and Shadow is also as light as a swallow, but the wind sometimes has traces to follow. After a while, the momentum is too strong. It is difficult to turn around or something. Local borrowing.

But when Chu Tang used his lightness kung fu, he could do whatever he wanted. If he wanted to go forward, he would go forward, if he wanted to go left, he would go left. The antelope hung its horns, and there was no trace.

Compare the two and judge!
"Cheng Da didn't exaggerate, it really is rare in the world, no one can match it!" Tao Ying admitted this in her heart.

Being in Qingcheng, she has a lot of experience and has seen all kinds of martial arts masters, among them there are quite a few masters of Qinggong.

However, none of those people was as brilliant as Chu Tang!
In particular, Tao Ying could see that apart from Chu Tang's excellent martial arts skills, his body skills in avoiding her pursuit were also extremely good, not weaker than his lightness kung fu in the slightest!
Sometimes agility and light work are not the same.

Those who are light and fast may be able to escape for their lives, but they are not good at fighting hard.

And good agility can often deal with the enemy, especially in small places, and the combat power will increase linearly, which is beyond the reach of capable people.

"Aunt Ying, is that enough? Stop beating!" Su Qingyue, who watched for a while, couldn't help crying.

Although seeing Chu Tang's pleasing lightness work again, Su Qingyue felt that one was her elders and the other was her father's subordinates, and it was really unrefined and inappropriate to fight in full view like this.

"Qingyue, don't worry about it, just watch it!" Tao Ying laughed loudly, and continued to chase.

In her opinion, Chu Tang is also very interesting. He said no, but if they really fight, don't they still try their best?
And the most interesting thing about him is that he didn't run far, just circled the pavilion with her.

Sometimes outside the pavilion, sometimes on the pavilion, flying up and down, really exerted the lightness kung fu to the extreme.

Sometimes he even shuttled through the pavilion, swishing past the head of Su Qingyue who was sitting upright inside the pavilion, making her scream in fright.

"Haha! It's fun!" Tao Ying laughed endlessly, seeing Chu Tang's intention——

It's nothing more than just using lightness kungfu and not other martial arts. If she can't catch up, then admit defeat.

Tao Ying, who has always been victorious, of course will not give up without doing her best.

Chu Tang's demeanor aroused her competitiveness even more!
"Team Chu, I'm going to do my best, be careful!" When Tao Ying said this, she happened to be floating on the top of the gazebo.

And the place where she stayed was exactly where Chu Tang stayed just now.

When she chased here, Chu Tang spun around again and floated down from the air onto a stone next to the pavilion.

"Dean Tao, just let the horse come here!" Chu Tang was also full of pride.

Since the other party wants to see his lightness skills so much, then he will show it to the other party to his heart's content!
Anyway, everyone knows that his lightness kung fu is amazing, so he will tell the world thoroughly how high his lightness kung fu is!
Tao Ying is a good announcement object.

She has a special status. As the dean of Wutong Academy, she has a high status in Qingcheng and has attracted the attention of the world.

In addition, her martial arts are extremely high, and as a master of the six realms, she is enough to make the world fear.

And her qinggong is not low!

Regardless of other things, if Chu Tang is better than Tao Ying in lightness kung fu, and if she announces this to the world from her mouth, those who are not as good as Tao Ying should not trouble him because of this lightness kung fu .

Yes, at this moment, Chu Tang regarded Tao Ying as a tool.

A tool man who can block most troubles!

"You have ambition!" Tao Ying was not angry when she heard Chu Tang's words, but continued to laugh endlessly, "I'm coming!"

As she said that, her whole body shook several times, and a faint stellar energy was released from her body, covering her whole body, and her whole body was suspended from the flat ground, as if she was fixed in the air.

"This is..." Chu Tang was shocked when he saw this, it was unimaginable.

Even his Ti Yunzong couldn't do this light skill of levitating his body out of thin air.

Ti Yunzong could only make him fly higher and farther, but he couldn't hang his body out of thin air.

This kind of scene is even more exaggerated than a person flying like a bird.

It is beyond what humans can do!

"How did she do it?" There was only one voice and question in Chu Tang's mind.

He watched intently, and saw that Tao Ying, who had been talking a lot before, kept her mouth tightly shut, as if she would lose her breath just by opening her mouth.

"Discouraged...could it be?" Chu Tang took a few more glances and realized something, "It turns out that Gang Qi can still be used like this!"

Gang Qi?

It is Gang Qi!

Chu Tang guessed that Tao Ying's whole body was suddenly filled with Gang Qi. Unlike others who used Gang Qi to protect her body, she used Gang Qi to support her body from bottom to top, and treated the Gang Qi on the soles of her feet as real objects, while people stepped on On the stellar qi, like an object floating on water, it hangs in the air as the stellar qi grows.

Stellar Qi is originally a means of transforming Qi and consolidating it, and it is reasonable to be able to support a person's body.

However, the stellar energy required for this is too huge.

If there is less Gang Qi, it will not be able to support the float.

"Principal Tao's skill, I'm afraid it's not the ordinary six realms?" Chu Tang's scalp went numb.

He has not only seen the masters of the six realms, but also fought against them, and even used the method of disintegrating the Tiangang to scare the opponent into fleeing.

However, no matter it is the man in the iron mask of the sixth level, or he who caused Kai Tiangang to disintegrate the Dafa and surpass the sixth level in a short time, there is no such solid and terrifying aura as Tao Ying!

"Could it be that she already has the strength of the seventh realm?" Chu Tang thought further, "Is Haoran's qigong really so powerful?"

In the blink of an eye, Chu Tang's thoughts changed countless times, and his thoughts were all kinds of strange.

At this moment, Tao Ying, who was floating in the air, moved instantly!

The figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, Tao Ying, who was originally hanging on the pavilion, flew through space and time in an instant, and suddenly appeared less than three feet in front of Chu Tang!
"Hey!" Tao Ying was still using her finger as a sword, and with countless auras, she poked Chu Tang's shoulder one by one.

The stellar energy is fierce, and it makes people feel the chilling meaning before it reaches the body.

Chu Tang was quite surprised, and before he had time to fly into the air, he immediately performed Lingbo microsteps, swished, and dodged to the left, narrowly dodging Tao Ying's fingers.

"Stop going!" Tao Ying yelled, and her whole body bounced like a ball, ignoring the resistance of the space, and continued to chase in front of Chu Tang.

It was still only three or four feet away.

Chu Tang once again followed in the footsteps of the gossip in the Book of Changes, barely avoiding Tao Ying's attack with Lingbo's subtle steps.

Tao Ying didn't give up, and continued to chase Chu Tang by suspending her body with stellar energy.

And every time Chu Tang evaded dangerously with Lingbo microsteps.

"What kind of footwork is this?" Tao Ying couldn't help asking after failing to catch Chu Tang for four or five consecutive rounds.

She only felt that the opponent's footsteps were very strange, as if there was a mysterious and mysterious pattern, and thought that she had caught the flaw in it, but the opponent had new changes.

"Lingbo Weibo!" Chu Tang responded while dodging.

"What did you call that qinggong called Treading Xue Wuhen?" Tao Ying asked again.


Tao Ying became even more curious: "Was it taught by the legendary Gu Daxia or Jin Daxia?"

A strange look appeared on Chu Tang's face, but he said in a serious manner: "Taxue Wuhen was taught by Gu Daxia, and Lingbo Weibu was taught by Jin Daxia."

Tao Ying was filled with emotion: "To be able to teach such mysterious and exquisite lightness kung fu and footwork, the two heroes must be strange people in martial arts. It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to meet them, and I didn't even hear their names. I'm ashamed, what a pity!"

If Chu Tang hadn't undergone rigorous training, he would have laughed like a pig by now.

"The two great heroes, Jin and Gu, don't care about false fame, and the dragon can't see the end. After teaching martial arts to Chu, even Chu is rare." Chu Tang echoed.

Tao Ying shouted: "How much martial arts did they pass on to you?"

"This, depending on the need."

"What did you say?" Tao Ying frowned.

Chu Tang smiled and said, "If Dean Tao has the ability, he can use his martial arts to his heart's content and force Chu to show more martial arts."

"Chu Tang!" Tao Ying was furious, and directly called out Chu Tang's name, "You succeeded in angering me! Really! No one has ever made me so angry! Today I will show you what is called realm. gap!"

Just as Chu Tang was about to speak harshly, Tao Ying, who had stopped moving, suddenly became weird.

In a trance, Chu Tang only felt that the other party suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth, as if he had become nothingness.

However, his naked eyes clearly saw that the other party was not far in front of him!

Separation of what you see and what you feel?

Chu Tang even felt dizzy, and when he took a closer look, Tao Ying was suddenly getting closer.

Said she was far away, just over ten feet away.

It is said that she is near, but it seems that she is far away in the sky, it is difficult to capture and sense.

"This is..." A trace of fear welled up in Chu Tang's heart.

He even thought that Tao Ying had become a speck of dust, a wisp of air, completely integrated with the surrounding scenery, making it difficult to tell whether it was a person or an object.

When he was in a trance, suddenly, there was wind in the back of his head, and a sharp sound of wind blew towards his back!

"Tao Ying?" Chu Tang woke up with a start, and there was no shadow of Tao Ying in front of him.

Needless to say, the attack from behind must have been done by Tao Ying!
"How did she get out of my line of sight and sense, and suddenly run behind me?" Chu Tang couldn't figure out this question, only knowing that it must have something to do with the weird thing just now.

He didn't have time to delve into it, and in order to blow his hair with his breath, he used Lingbo Weibu with all his strength, swished, and dodged to the side.

A sharp qi passed through the side of his body, making the air vibrate and buzzing.

Chu Tang's forehead was covered with cold sweat, if it wasn't for Lingbo Weibu's incomparable mystery, he would have been hit just now.

Chu Tang tried his best to turn around, trying to see where Tao Ying was, but when he looked over, he only saw a vague figure pulling.

It was just such a pull that blurred the space, so that he couldn't see anything clearly!

All I could see was the air and the whistling evening wind.

He was in a trance again—Chu Tang realized that something was wrong!

With the deepening of his skills, especially the cultivation of the Nine Yin Manual and Soul-moving Dafa, his spiritual strength has become much stronger, he is tenacious, and he is calmer when encountering problems.

However, in just a few breaths, his mind went into a trance for two or three times!

As long as he was in a trance, he couldn't concentrate, intentionally or unintentionally ignoring where Tao Ying was.

Could he really not see Tao Ying?

Or did the other party somehow make him think he couldn't see it?

"What kind of exercise is this? It's terrifying!" Chu Tang was sweating profusely, and the sweat even soaked the back of his clothes.

When the evening wind blew, the whole person shivered.

He heard the wind, and even sensed the chaos of the surrounding atmosphere, but he couldn't see Tao Ying!
It's not completely dark yet, so the vision is not so blurred!
what the hell? !

"No!" Chu Tang yelled in his heart, feeling that he couldn't just sit still, and wanted to jump out of this vicious circle while he was still awake!

Thinking of this, Chu Tang immediately put his feet together, and jumped up like a sky monkey.

First it was two feet, then the left foot tapped the right foot, and with a rub, the body was raised by more than one foot.

Seeing that his body was about to fall, his whole body spun like a spinning top and went straight to a higher place in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!
In a blink of an eye, Chu Tang climbed up to a height of three or four feet in the air, and when he took a closer look, everything under his feet was clearly reflected in his eyes.

Underneath, Tao Ying's figure appeared, standing on the ground, looking at him stupidly with her head up and her mouth open!

(End of this chapter)

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