Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 189 The Eight Trigrams Sword Formation

Chapter 189 Gossip Sword Formation

When Chu Tang's Divine Soldier returned to its sheath to gather momentum, everyone knew that he was going to use the sword drawing technique.

But it's one thing to know, and another to deal with it.

The four people who were fighting against him turned faster, turning the four-element battle formation to the extreme, and the four joined together as one, trying to block the blow with their collective strength.

However, they still underestimated the sword drawing technique.

I saw white light flashing like lightning, followed by two clangs.

Draw the knife——


Then, only a cry of pain was heard, and the Sixiang battle formation suddenly stopped, and it was no longer possible to maintain the formation of four people as one.

Looking again, a man in black who was still a part of the battle formation just now staggered out of the battle circle for several steps, clutching his right shoulder tightly, howling endlessly.

Looking down, his epee, connected to the right hand holding the sword, had been separated from his body and fell to the ground, spilling blood all over the place.

Draw the knife out, and return when you see blood.

This time, although no one was killed, cutting off the dominant hand of one of them was considered to have destroyed a part of the Four Elephants battle formation and completely broke the battle formation.

Everyone was taken aback.

Chu Tang returned the saber to the sheath, put his right hand on the sheath, lowered his head slightly, and said nothing.

But his face became paler, except for his right hand which was still holding the scabbard firmly, the rest of his body trembled slightly.

The sword drawing technique he used with all his strength consumed less than half of his skill, leaving less than [-]% of it.

Chu Tang reckoned that he could perform the knife drawing technique at most once, and he would be powerless to do it again.

The third master in gray clothes had sharp eyes and saw Chu Tang's appearance, and said, "He's dying, he's dying soon! Let me fight another battle formation!"

The men in black from the Cheng family carried out his orders very well, and before they finished speaking, four more people replaced the broken battle formation and surrounded Chu Tang with heavy swords in their hands.

It was the group of battle formations that made Chu Tang break out of the encirclement by surprise before using the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

They all looked dignified, held heavy swords, and slowly turned around Chu Tang, and they were all wary of his sword drawing skills, and dared not rush forward.

Chu Tang's current posture still looks like he is about to draw a sword.

They also saw that he was at the end of his strength, but they had seen the power of the knife drawing technique several times tonight, so they didn't dare to test it with their lives.

This sword technique is really too treacherous!

They have also seen Chu Tang's other saber techniques. Although they are weird, their lethality is still limited to them.

But when the knife was sheathed, everything became unpredictable.

He could only hear his voice, only see his light, he couldn't see clearly, and he couldn't capture any movement. Then, the knife flashed, and either his head fell to the ground or he was seriously injured.

There will be blood in the knife!

They have never encountered such an outrageous thing!
At that moment, it seemed that the knife in Chu Tang's hand was not an ordinary knife, but a magic knife as fast as lightning, which was hard to resist.

Seeing that his own people stopped moving forward, the third master in gray immediately cursed: "You stupid asses, go up and kill him, don't give him time to breathe. The longer you delay, the better for him!"

The four of them looked at each other and felt that it made sense. They stopped hesitating immediately, shouted at the same time, raised their epees one after another, and attacked with all their strength.

The buzzing Gang Qi condensed into a vortex, rushing towards Chu Tang like a vast ocean.

Facing this deadly attack, Chu Tang suddenly raised his head, and did not use any other tricks, and once again used the sword drawing technique!

The sound of the sharp blade being unsheathed was very harsh, and the light of the knife shining through the air was even more dazzling, as if it wanted to tear time and space apart.

The light of the knife flashed, and there was a click, and the sound of another weapon falling to the ground sounded.

"Ah..." Another man in black screamed again and again, and withdrew from the battle circle.

Just like before, he also had his dominant hand cut off by the knife drawing technique!

Everyone was shocked, staring blankly at Chu Tang who had put the magic weapon back into its sheath, as if seeing a ghost, boundless fear came to their hearts.

At this moment, Chu Tang was sweating all over, his face was even paler than paper, and his hands and feet were trembling.

However, as soon as they saw his right hand tightly grasped on the handle of the knife, the people around him also trembled and did not dare to step forward.

The third master in gray clothes was about to stare out his eyes, calling it impossible: "How could it be, how could it be, our four-element battle formation!"

Everyone else is numb, lose numb.

Tonight, their Cheng family came to a total of four groups of four elephant battle formations composed of warriors from the five realms.

The realm of these people's martial arts, from beginners to small success, great success, and then to perfection, just spanned four small realms.

Except for the four people led by patriarch Cheng Yonglin to ambush Chu Tang, the other three groups were led by his third master to attack Chu Tang.

The first group got killed two people directly because of carelessness, and now they are fine, and the other two groups also seriously injured one person each, and they can no longer continue to use the four elephants battle formation.

It is too difficult to train warriors who fit into the Four Elephant Battle Formation, the conditions are so harsh that people will go crazy.

The four-element battle formation of the warriors of the five realms is the result of four or fifty years of painstaking efforts of their Cheng family, but now they have abolished three groups overnight, which is not an exaggeration.

Decades of painstaking efforts were ruined!
It can be said that without the blessing of these three groups of four-element battle formations in the five realms, the overall strength of their Cheng family has dropped by almost [-] to [-] percent!

He thought that he would never miss a small catcher with all his strength.

Who would have thought that if the horse stumbled, the damage would be huge tonight, and the family heritage would be lost.

"Ah..." The third master in gray was about to go crazy and shouted wildly, but his head went blank for a moment and he couldn't react in time.

They panicked and lost their positions, which also gave Chu Tang a chance to breathe.

Once again, he used the knife drawing technique with all his strength. Although he achieved his goal and broke through two formations in a row, his internal energy was also exhausted. It's hard to deal with.

Therefore, while the other party was in a panic, he tried his best to run the Nine Yin Manual of Healing the Wounds to make up for the consumed internal energy as soon as possible.

"It's too late!" Chu Tang knew very well that the other party would react quickly and would not give him too much time to recover. "We have to think of other ways to deal with it."

How to deal with it?

Counting the third master in gray clothes, he still has nine five-realm masters on his side!

Although it is no longer possible to form an astonishingly powerful four-elephant battle formation, how many ants kill the elephants!
Under normal circumstances, Chu Tang had the confidence to deal with these nine people with his lightness kungfu and body skills. The problem is that he only has one or two successes left, and he has to sway when he walks. Not to mention dealing with nine people from the five realms.

"The Great Teleportation of the Universe is originally a very good method, but this magical skill needs a strong enough skill to support it, which is exactly what I lack most now..." Chu Tang's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly thought about the way to deal with it, "Then... ...A wave of Tiangang Disintegration Dafa?"

The Heavenly Gang Disintegration Dafa is a heaven-defying secret technique, and when it is deployed, he, who is now in the fifth realm, can also display the combat power of the sixth realm.

The only flaw is that the time it can last is too short, under normal circumstances it can last for about half an hour, but now that there is not much skill left, I am afraid it can last for a while at most.

Once the effect time is over, it will become a weak chicken with no combat power.

The time is too short, and no one can guarantee what will happen after a while. At that time, one's own destiny cannot be controlled by oneself. It is too dangerous and not a good choice.

"Then... only krypton gold?" Chu Tang thought of this word again.

While he was pondering, Tao Ying, who had asked Chu Tang to ask for blessings before, was hard-spoken and soft-hearted. While dealing with Cheng Yonglin and the others, he was distracted to observe Chu Tang's movements.

Tao Ying was both surprised and admired when she saw Chu Tang strike two swords in a row and break through two groups of four-elephant formations in an instant.

"The skill of drawing swords is really too fast. It is indeed the fastest sword in the world that Chu Tang said!" Tao Ying was admiring in her heart, but she was also a little ashamed.

She had used the power she had just realized, but it was just a flurry of fighting against the four-element battle formation surrounding her, and she did not have the power to break through the formation, but Chu Tang broke through with a knife, such efficiency, how majestic !
"I guessed right before, this sword-drawing technique can even threaten warriors like us who only comprehend half-power..." Tao Ying suddenly remembered what Tang Yue said when she asked her what she thought about the sword-drawing technique. Can't help but be shocked.

However, Chu Tang broke through the formation one after another, which made Tao Ying feel excited, and she couldn't help but sarcastically said to Cheng Yonglin: "Master Cheng, your family's four-element battle formation will be disabled by Chu Tang, and you are still pestering me so much!" What? At this time, shouldn't you do something?"

"Huh?" Cheng Yonglin, who was focused on cooperating with the other four to block Tao Ying, was not distracted by him. He didn't hear or see what was going on in the surrounding battle circle.

Hearing Tao Ying's words, he couldn't help turning his head away, and after seeing the situation clearly, he was shocked——

Their Cheng family lost two masters, and the Sixiang battle formation was disabled!
"Killing a thousand swords! Ah..." Cheng Yonglin's heart was bleeding.

This is the elite of their Cheng family, so it's gone?
"Cheng San!" Cheng Yonglin yelled, and stopped calling him Third Uncle, and directly called him the nickname of the Third Master in Gray Clothes, "You bastard! You ruined our Cheng family!"

He was determined to kill his third uncle.

Twelve warriors of the five realms, three groups of four elephant battle formations, were beaten and maimed by a small arrester?

The Cheng family has no shortage of warriors from the five realms, but it will take decades of hard work to cultivate four warriors from the same realm that can form a four-element battle formation.

Once one of them is lost, no one can make up for it!
In other words, in less than midnight, their Cheng family had lost three groups of five-level four-element battle formations here!
This is the main force of their Cheng family!
Seeing that Cheng Yonglin was showing signs of going crazy, Tao Ying quickly said: "Cheng Yonglin, if you continue the fight, the casualties will be even more numerous. Why don't you stop here?"

Cheng Yonglin was completely insane, his eyes were red, and his eyes were smoldering. He shouted: "Tao Ying, don't even think about it! Today, our Cheng family will never die with you!"

Tao Ying's face also turned cold, and said: "Cheng Yonglin, don't be ignorant! I will also disable your four-element battle formation later, and let your Cheng family finish the game!"

Cheng Yonglin sneered: "Do you think that our Cheng family will only rest on the laurels of the past? After decades, we will not know the shortcomings of the Four Elephant Battle Formation, and will not try our best to make up for it? Tao Ying, it's you Those who forced us, let you experience tonight how powerful our Bagua sword formation derived from the Sixiang battle formation is!"

"Bagua Sword Formation?"

Cheng Yonglin didn't answer, and roared: "Cheng San, are you dead? If you are not dead, use the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation to kill that kid! Kill him! I don't want him to see the sun tomorrow!"

"Oh!" Cheng San was awakened by Cheng Yonglin's frenzied yelling. He regained his composure and commanded hastily, "Go! Hurry up! Eight Diagrams Sword Formation, make Eight Diagrams Sword Formation!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The men in black who had been frightened by Chu Tang's saber technique moved one after another, and surrounded him according to the gossip's direction.

They are the remaining three of the two four-elephant battle formations broken by Chu Tang, plus the remaining two in the house, no more, no less, exactly eight people!

Although they have different footwork, they have the same epee and the same momentum.

There is no sense of being connected as one in the four-element battle formation, but the movements are more complicated, and the footwork is more complicated, which makes people dazzled.

Chu Tang was surrounded by eight people, shaking so that everyone was dizzy: "The Bagua sword formation derived from the Four Elephant Battle Formation? It doesn't look worse than the Four Elephant Battle Formation. Is this the strength of the Cheng family? They His trump card?"

Seeing that Chu Tang was in trouble, the third master in gray laughed loudly: "Chu Tang, have you almost exhausted your skills? This eight-diagram sword formation was developed by our Cheng family for decades, and it is formed by people who are familiar with the four-element battle formation." , once it is cast, even if it does not have the power of the four elephants to form a single body like a battle formation, it is not far behind.

"In the gossip, each small hexagram has eight changes, a total of 64 kinds of changes, which can be changed sequentially or by jumping. In the end, they can be seamlessly connected, reciprocating, and endless. Chu Tang, do you think that broken Can you be safe and sound after entering the Four Elephant Battle Formation? You are too proud!"

Chu Tang cast a cold glance at the gray-clothed third master who was outside the formation, and said, "Don't bark a dog that can bite! If you have the ability, come up and pick me up, let's see who is too pretentious!"

The third master in gray yelled: "It's too crazy! Brothers, kill him! Seeing that he can fall down at any time, I guess his power is almost exhausted!"

The Eight Diagrams Sword Formation moved faster, and the eight people circled around Chu Tang non-stop, pressing on step by step, getting closer and closer.

Seeing this, Tao Ying shouted: "Chu Tang, you are good at lightness, you can break through first, don't worry about me, their Cheng family dare not do anything to me!"

Seeing that Chu Tang's condition was not right, she could only let Chu Tang run away first.

"Tao Ying, you are too busy to take care of yourself, how dare you talk too much?" Cheng Yonglin sneered, and he called the Four Elephant Battle Formation who cooperated with him, and attacked Tao Ying more violently.

As for how to kill Chu Tang, the only thing he can do now is try his best to hold Tao Ying back.

He believed that the Cheng family had concealed the gossip sword formation for decades and had never shown it to anyone. It would be no problem to deal with a weakling of the five realms.

Chu Tang didn't speak, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Before everyone had time to do anything, he had already completed a wave of krypton gold operations on the panel!
Before today, there were only more than 600 chivalry points left on the panel.

At this point, almost nothing can be done.

However, one day passed, and the chivalry value rose to more than 300 points!

The increased points, [-] points, were contributed by Shi Ziqian—this shows that this person is not innocent, after all, if he is innocent, the panel will not reward him.

The other [-] points were contributed by the two men in black killed in the house.

The three of them are all powerful in the five realms, so if they do one, it will increase by [-] points.

So, if it weren't for being surrounded by the so-called gossip sword formation, Chu Tang would have rushed over to kill the two men in black who fell to the ground after he chopped off an arm just now, and killed them completely.

These are all living chivalrous values.

With more than 300 chivalry points, what did Chu Tang use them for?
First of all, he upgraded the already completed Nine Yin Scriptures to the realm of perfection.

Then, he upgraded the knife drawing technique, which was only an entry-level level, to the level of great success.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the chivalry value dropped to just over 300 points in an instant.

And all of this is worth it.

Under the empowerment of the Nine Yin Scriptures of the perfect state, his skill instantly recovered to [-]%!

In addition, Dacheng's sword-drawing technique has greatly improved his spiritual level, and he has a deeper understanding of this sword technique.

Sufficient skill, great achievement in drawing swords...

At this moment, Chu Tang felt like he could cut down even a strong man from the sixth realm!
"Kill!" Chu Tang, who had doubled his confidence, took the initiative to rush to kill the eight trigrams sword array that was pressing on him.

 The first one is offered.Another chapter tonight.

  Today's wind vane recommendation has been uploaded. Only when the effect is good this day will there be follow-up recommendations. I look forward to more support from everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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