Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 195 Ming Yu Gong, 9 Yin God Claws

Chapter 195 Ming Yu Gong, Nine Yin God Claws
Chu Tang slowly opened his eyes, his face full of disbelief——

How could it be this martial art?
On the panel, the words "Ming Yu Gong" shone brightly.

"Is there any mistake, the master's unique skill? Isn't this a woman's practice?" Chu Tang was stunned for a few times, thinking that the panel was wrong.

But as long as he runs the exercise he just got, there will be a cold air in his body, which is more pure than the Nine Yin Manual, and he will know that the empowerment has really been completed.

However, soon Chu Tang discovered something was wrong——

"Is this the second level of skill? The wedding dress magic skill is only the first level of skill, and it's only worth three hundred chivalrous values!"

Why is Ming Yu Gong worth a thousand chivalrous values? !

The two obviously have the same name, and if he remembers correctly, the descriptions in the original book are comparable.

How come there is such a big gap when it comes to the panel?
Can people stay young forever just by practicing Ming Yugong to a high level?
The problem is that this youthful appearance is useless, and the foundation is the deep skill.

Chu Tang became suspicious: "Could it be that the wedding dress magic skill I got is not the most advanced version? Or is it that the wedding dress magic skill that was directly empowered did not go through the pain of wasting and rebuilding, so it couldn't reach the deepest level, so I commented on it. Much lower?"

That's the only way to explain it.

Chu Tang recalled that when he upgraded the wedding dress magical skill to perfection, it only raised his overall realm to the fifth realm, and its effect on realm power was not as good as the Nine Yin Manual. defect.

"Panel, you're playing with me!" Chu Tang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "No wonder I said that the wedding dress magic skill is just like the sun, why it doesn't look as good as the scorching sun magic skill! So it's waiting for me here!"

In fact, he wants the Nine Suns Divine Art even more!

I thought that with the wedding dress magic skill, there would be no need for the same type of Jiuyang magic skill.

Now that there is a comparison with the Nine Yin Scriptures, the Nine Yang Divine Art should be stronger than the flawed Wedding Dress Divine Art.

At least, with the Nine Suns Divine Art, one can be invulnerable to all poisons, which is more practical for people who walk in the rivers and lakes.

"Damn it, nine yin and nine yang can't be practiced! Give me a bright jade skill and a ball... Hey, wait!" Chu Tang suddenly remembered something.

Mingyu Kungfu is divided into nine levels, and the eighth level is almost invincible in the world, and the ninth level seems to be a breakthrough in the state of mind of the Grand Palace Master who thought he would die, and finally entered the supreme state in one fell swoop.

When this exercise is practiced to the deepest level, it looks very bluffing. When you practice it hard, your whole body will be as transparent as jade.

The skin and bones are as bright as jade and as cold as ice. Just touching it will make ordinary people freeze.

In addition, its use of internal qi has reached an abnormal state - the internal force is endlessly generated in the body and will never be exhausted.

"The inner strength is endless, isn't this tailor-made for me now?" Chu Tang's eyes lit up.

He got the panel wrong!

Before, he was still troubled by the fact that the sword drawing technique and the great teleportation of the universe were extremely energy-consuming, and he might often fall into the predicament of insufficient internal strength.

It's all right now, the panel is like a caring person, and immediately sent him a kung fu that doesn't take much effort, it's no different from someone sending a pillow when he fell asleep.

"The panel is indeed YYDS!" Chu Tang exclaimed.

Immediately, he circulated the Mingyu Gong True Qi, swimming all over his body, and only let out a long breath after his blood had cooled down.

There was a whirring sound, even the air was frozen, emitting bursts of white smoke.

"It seems normal?" Chu Tang frowned slightly.

He has already sensed it, and the newly exchanged cultivation method does not help his overall state much.

The realm still stays at the stage of the five realms of perfection, and there is no effect of the previous new kung fu empowerment to improve the realm.

Not to mention the big realm, even the small realm is not loose!
Chu Tang could vaguely have a premonition that even if he raised Ming Yu Gong from entry level to perfection, it would not be enough for him to reach the sixth realm.

"Do I need to stack a few more second-level exercises to break through, or do I have to use the third-level exercises to break through?" Chu Tang frowned even deeper.

If you need the third level of exercises to break through to the seventh level, what about the eighth level?What about the Nine Realms?
"Isn't this panel only about exercises that allow people to break through to the seventh realm?" Chu Tang panicked.

His dream of being invincible in the world at nine realms, wouldn't it die before it even started?
"Panel, you are YYDS, you can't be so weak?" Chu Tang scratched his head.

After a long time, he calmed down from the panic and shook his head: "Forget it! The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and the car must have a way to the front of the mountain. The third level of exercises is not something that can be thought of now. Let's focus on the present." .”

The most urgent task is to tinker with Mingyu Gong.

Ming Yugong, who has just entered the small realm, can only reach the sixth level if he dies, and it has little effect on Chu Tang at the moment.

So, still have to upgrade!
After looking at the chivalry value on the account, Chu Tang gritted his teeth and tapped the panel three times.

Ming Yugong, upgrade!

Little success!Dacheng!Consummation!

Three levels in a row, Mingyu Kung Fu immediately reached the perfection state.

Omiya has practiced for decades, the ninth level of Mingyu Kungfu that he has been thinking about, and Chu Tang has achieved it in just an instant!
Panel empowerment is just so unreasonable.

As Chu Tang's whole body shook, he made a clanging sound of jade.

Under the operation of Mingyu Gong, his face, neck, and limbs gradually became transparent under the dim light, as bright and clean as white jade.

And his whole person, settled under the jade's appearance, like ten thousand years of ice, not to be played with, not to be approached, exuding a kind of coldness that persecutes people's hearts from all over his body.

Just blinking slightly, even his eyes were like cold arrows of ice, shooting out a terrifying light.

The temperature in the whole room also dropped a lot in an instant, and it was as cold as winter in the hot summer night.

"Huh..." After a long while, Chu Tang exhaled a long breath, and slowly recuperated, the hair and skin of his body changed to a normal color.

"So that's it! Mingyu Gong is really extraordinary!" Chu Tang's eyes lit up, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

If the Mingyu skill is below the ninth floor, no one will be able to appreciate its magic.

What permanent youth is, is just a sign of it, just the lowest-end performance.

Now he finally understands why the Ming Yu Gong can make the internal force endlessly——

It turns out that ordinary people use the pubic region to store internal energy, and only when it is needed can it be transferred to the limbs and bones.

The inner qi of Mingyu Gong is like a whirlpool, not only stored in the dantian, but also opens up existences similar to small dantians in various meridians of the person to store the inner energy.

For example, in addition to the dantian, it can make the internal energy in the meridians of the limbs rotate on its own, and when facing the enemy, the internal energy in these places is called first.

At that time, the internal force in the dantian was as motionless as a mountain, resting and recuperating.

When the internal energy of the limbs is almost exhausted, the dantian will allocate part of the internal energy to support, and then continue to cut off the connection with each other, take the opportunity to adjust the breath, and restore the internal energy.

To put it more bluntly, Mingyu's function allows the internal force of the body to form a different system, just like the power plant of an airplane, if one part is broken, the other parts can still be used.

That is to say, Mingyu Gong does not really allow people to possess endless and endless internal force, but it divides a person's internal force into different parts, consumes a small part, and restores the part at the same time.

When others fight, the consumption of internal energy is done by subtraction; while Mingyu Gong is doing subtraction and addition at the same time.

One minus and one plus, the flow rate will naturally be much slower.

This makes it appear that the power is endless.

In fact, if it only has the function of reducing consumption, the Ming Yu Gong is not necessarily better than the Marriage Dress Divine Art.

After the latter is completed, the inner qi and the body are condensed into one, and the qi is united into one, condensed but not emitted, and can also reduce consumption when facing the enemy, so it is good at protracted warfare.

However, the terrifying thing about Mingyu Gong is that it can absorb other people's internal energy for its own use!
When other people's internal force hits, the small vortices formed by Ming Yugong can absorb the opponent's internal force into the body for a short time, supplement the internal force of the small vortexes, and then fight out.

This is equivalent to borrowing the chicken to lay eggs, using other people's internal strength to beat others, and in this way, can reduce the consumption of one's own internal strength.

This has nothing to do with the method of using strength to exert strength, but to truly use other people's internal strength for your own use!

The so-called endless, continuous, has the meaning of poaching other people's walls.

When performing these movements, the opponent is not aware of it, because they are just sending out their internal energy normally. Who would have thought that their own internal energy penetrated into someone else's body, and after turning around, it became the opponent's internal energy, and instead hit return?
After realizing this, Chu Tang understood where the Ming Yu Gong was truly powerful.

He was taken aback at first, thinking it was something like the Great Art of Absorbing Stars or the Divine Art of Beiming.

After careful comprehension, I realized that Ming Yu Gong is not as overbearing as the two.

Star-absorbing Dafa or Beiming Divine Art is to really suck up other people's internal energy and then enhance one's own internal energy.

But Ming Yugong just borrowed other people's internal energy and used it for a while, it didn't even reach his own dantian, but the small vortexes of internal energy in the body digested these internal energy.

One is to really take away the internal strength of others and suck them dry.

One is borrowing a little internal energy from others unknowingly, and the other party is just consuming it normally. As long as you stop, the internal energy can still be generated by itself.

Comparing the two, Chu Tang believed that Ming Yugong was much better than the other two.

The latter two, although fast, but after all, they absorb other people's skills. If they absorb too much, they will be messy, and the sequelae will not be small.

But Ming Yugong insists on being himself, not being contaminated by foreign objects, extremely pure, without so many hidden dangers.

"Sure enough, the panel understands me! It understands me!" Chu Tang was very excited.

Before, I was worried about my lack of skills, but now the panel immediately gave Mingyu skills, which is like sending charcoal in the snow.

This wave of chivalry is not in vain, it is worth the money!
With Ming Yugong at his side, he can use the knife drawing technique as many times as he wants!

Without the constraint of skill, you can use it however you want!
Enemies of the Six Realms?

The powerhouse of the seven realms?
It's not impossible to measure.

At this moment, Chu Tang felt boundless confidence.

"The Ming Yugong of the ninth level can increase my combat power several times! Now, even if I face the power of Principal Tao, I am not incapable of fighting. Unless there is someone whose skill is so strong that it can be defeated I am a person with all my strength, otherwise I can face it calmly."

Of course Ming Yu Gong is not invincible.

No matter how many skills it has, no matter how many vortexes its internal force can form, once someone else's skill surpasses his by many times, not only will he not be able to absorb the opponent's internal force in one blow, but it will directly destroy his meridians, resulting in a disastrous result.

As for how high a level a person needs to be to be considered to have profound skill, Chu Tang is not sure, after all, he has never tried it.

However, he used people like Tao Ying who had stepped into the seventh realm with one foot as a reference, and he felt that even if he couldn't beat a real person in the seventh realm, he could still have the strength to fight.

Just so ambitious!
Competing with people in the Seventh Realm with the perfect state of the Five Realms, there is probably no one in this world except Chu Tang, who is holding a cheat.

Excited, Chu Tang realized the mystery of Ming Yu Gong again. He circulated the true Qi of Ming Yu Gong from time to time to observe the changes in himself, until he felt that he had mastered a lot of tricks.

When I came back to my senses, the night was getting deeper, and the summer insects also calmed down and went to rest.

Inside the room, Chu Tang's true energy was cold, but his heart was extremely hot.

His attention returned to the panel again.

Only four thousand and two chivalry points are left, which is a bit dazzling.

Now that Ming Yugong has mastered such a heaven-defying martial art, there is no need for it for the time being, so Chu Tang focused on the second-level skills.

Just as he thought before, he still hopes to develop a powerful sword technique.

The magic soldier relies on the sky, capable of sword and sword.

In terms of sword skills, blood knife skills are no longer enough, and the power of drawing swords is enough to make Yitian famous.

"You can't let the sword-drawing technique be better than the front, give me a stronger swordsmanship!" Chu Tang first prayed, and then lit up the second level of skills.

Another burst of white light flashed, the panel was empowered again, and Chu Tang mastered a new martial art——

"Wo Cao!" Chu Tang opened his eyes, feeling that he was about to scold his mother for the new martial arts he knew, "Nine Yin God Claw? What the hell is this, Nine Yin White Bone Claw?"

He almost collapsed.

He has published all the first volumes of the Nine Yin Scriptures, and he has also upgraded it to the realm of perfection.Now that he spent [-] points of chivalry, he actually managed to give him a martial art from the second volume of the Nine Yin Manual?

The panel has started acting like a monster again!

"Mo Dan, it's a big loss!" Chu Tang scratched his head, really wanting to ask if the panel can be returned.

How can there be such a fool!
Taking a deep breath, Chu Tang carefully comprehended some new martial arts, and finally rejoiced again and again: "It's okay, it's okay, it's motivated by the authentic inner strength method in the first volume of the Nine Yin Manual, this is the Nine Yin God Claw, not that People are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts, with nine yin and white bone claws. Huang Laoxie's apprentice is really deceitful!"

Nine Yin God Claws, known as "five fingers with strength, can break through everything, destroying the enemy's leader is like wearing rotten soil".

Mei and Chen didn't have internal skills, and they didn't understand well. They thought that urging the enemy's leader was to grab people's heads, so they would always insert people's celestial caps. This completely deviated from the essence of Jiuyin God Claw.

The so-called "destroying people's leaders" means attacking the enemy's vital points.

There are many vital points in the human body. Once the claws are out, where can't they be grasped?
No need to tangle with your head at all!
This is just a claw skill, no different from those martial arts such as eagle claw skill, dragon claw hand, and split tendon and bone hand, but it is faster, harder and more powerful with the help of the nine Yin scriptures.

Although disappointment is not swordsmanship, it can be regarded as having mastered a new martial art, so Chu Tang reluctantly accepts it.

Of course, he is absolutely unwilling to spend chivalry points to upgrade its small realm.

With that chivalrous value, it is better to continue to gamble and see if the next martial art can master the swordsmanship.

Without hesitating for long, Chu Tang lit up the column of the second layer of spells again.

With a swipe, the new martial arts came again!
(End of this chapter)

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