Chapter 31

"Snake Shadow Blood Hand!"

"Snake Lord!"

The martial arts people in Meng County recognized the martial arts performed by Steward Ye and broke his identity.

"Who is Snake Lord? Is he famous?"

"I've never heard of his name."

Some people also expressed doubts.

"Ten years ago, he set off a bloody storm in our Mongolian martial arts. With his skill as a snake shadow hand, he killed countless people and committed all kinds of evil. At least hundreds of martial arts people died in his hands, and this guy is not afraid of meat. Killing people, stealing goods, and committing countless crimes, not only the righteous people in the martial arts must be eliminated quickly, even the government is offering a reward for him, wanting to take him to justice!"

"Killed hundreds of people? So ferocious?" Someone was taken aback.

"Ten years ago, he was besieged by martial arts people and fell off a cliff. Everyone thought he was dead, but they didn't expect him to enter the Shi family incognito! What is the Shi family going to do, even take in such vicious people?"

As Steward Ye showed more martial arts, more people became sure of his identity.

"Snake Lord! You killed my nephew back then, and today I will avenge him. You can't escape!" A middle-aged man yelled and rushed out, blocking the doorway, butler Broken Ye, "Chu Ban Head, I will raid for you, let's end this villain together!"

Chu Tang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the words, and thought that you were here to help, so he just let it go, it's useless!
As time got used to it, Chu Tang figured out most of Steward Ye's ways, relying on his ever-changing speed, he managed to stabilize his position.

If it wasn't for Shi Zilin's assistance, Chu Tang would have counterattacked long ago.

Thinking of this, Chu Tang suddenly yelled: "Shi, did you hear that? This man has nothing to do with murder, and he is still wanted by the government. How dare you help the evildoer? Your Shi family is going to rebel!"

Shi Zilin was so anxious that his brow was full of sweat, he said stiffly: "There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime. The Shi family only has Steward Ye who has served us conscientiously for more than ten years. What kind of snake gentleman is there? Heroes, he is slandering us!" , he is slandering us!"

Chu Tang sneered: "This is recognized by you martial arts people from Meng County, and I don't know him!"

"You guys have been colluding for a long time, working together! It must be like this!" Shi Zilin insisted that he didn't know any Snake Lord.

Chu Tang yelled: "The government is arresting the villainous Snake Lord, who can help me?"

All the onlookers were indifferent except for the man who jumped out just now and responded.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, but you dare not speak.

"Senior Sister, shall we help this handsome arrester?" In the group of Tie Qianmen, the petite girl approached Yang Jing and asked softly.

Yang Jing had a complex expression on her face, she shook her head slightly and said: "After all, he is from the Shi family, and the status of the Shi family in our Meng County... We can't afford to be provoked by Tie Qianmen, let's wait and see what happens."

"But, didn't the master let us walk the rivers and lakes and act chivalrously?" The girl asked puzzled.

Yang Jing smiled wryly: "Master still told us to put our lives first. Besides, this policeman can handle it, and his life is not in danger. As you can see, among so many heroes, no one stands out."

Chu Tang was not disappointed when he saw that no one made a move. He never expected others to help.

When he said this, he just wanted to divide the hearts of Shi Zilin and Steward Ye.

Since it doesn't work, there's no need to talk about it.

"Let's make a quick decision." Chu Tang secretly made a decision.

"Look at the knife!" Chu Tang's knife skills became more and more strange.

For a while, it was the majestic and soul-breaking sword technique, and for a while, it was the treacherous and sinister blood knife technique.

In the face of Shi Zilin's attack, he mostly just dealt with it, using all his strength on Steward Ye, and greeted the opponent's fatal point with a knife.

Steward Ye's palms are tricky and vicious, fast, and full of attack power. However, Chu Tang, who has poor agility and has already mastered all kinds of transformations, has several ranks, and Chu Tang easily dodges every ultimate move.

"What kind of movement technique is this, even faster than my serpentine step?" Butler Ye was secretly surprised.

He thought that by joining forces with Shi Zilin, he could easily take down this catcher.

Unexpectedly, two martial artists of the three realms were helpless in the face of a small catcher of the same realm!
"And this guy's saber skills are getting weirder and weirder." Butler Ye couldn't figure out Chu Tang's saber skills. Among them were the 36 styles of the soul-breaking knife on the bad street, and there were some killer moves he didn't know well. .

It was really a killer move, unpredictable, Dao Guang often came from unexpected places, obviously attacking the front, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a slash to the back.

"This kid is evil!" Butler Ye had given up on chasing and saving people, and was only thinking about how to break Chu Tang's body and sword skills.

"Let's fight!" Steward Ye changed his mind, gritted his teeth and shouted, "Third Young Master, you stand aside, I can do it myself!"

At this time, he couldn't care about Shi Zilin's face anymore, he just wanted to keep him far away so as not to get in the way.

To be honest, among the three, Shi Zilin was the weakest. When the other two fought fast, he really couldn't intervene, and he seemed to be a drag on his own people.

It didn't matter to Chu Tang, as far as the eye could see, they were all enemies. Anyway, they were all slashing wildly with long knives. It didn't matter whether your surname was Ye or Shi, they were all slashed at the head.

But Butler Ye was much more scruples. Sometimes when he saw Shi Zilin in danger, he had to go to rescue him, and he couldn't do anything with his hands tied.

Therefore, he simply dismissed Shi Zilin and acted on his own, so he could deal with it more freely.

Shi Zilin felt ashamed after being shouted like this, and looked at Chu Tang full of resentment.

But he had to retreat again, after all, Steward Ye had spoken.

"Lao Ye, take him down for me, life or death!" Shi Zilin said harshly as he backed away.

"Okay!" Butler Ye heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that he had more room for use.

He used the serpentine step again and again to walk around Chu Tang, his hands were like snakes, and every move was attacking Chu Tang's vital points.

"Well done!" Chu Tang also enjoyed the fight.

In the direction of the long knife, the light of the knife is ooh, the sound of the knife pierces the air, and the fierce air permeates the entire space.

Whoosh whoosh!
With every cut, more and more true energy of the wedding dress magic power is gradually infused, the breath of thunder and fire is getting stronger and stronger, the heat is overwhelming, and the air is buzzing.

"This person still has energy?" Butler Ye felt Chu Tang's changes the most. He didn't dare to fight against the flash of the knife and could only try his best to avoid it.

However, if you dodge, you will lose more opportunities, and you can only respond passively. You can only parry and have no power to fight back.

"This is impossible!" Butler Ye became more and more terrified, feeling that Chu Tang's every cut was filled with fiery breath, irresistible.

The hot saber air sliced ​​through the air around him, and it felt like the air was distorted, making him unable to move freely.

"Here we come!" Seeing Steward Ye's figure and movements becoming more and more sluggish, Chu Tang was secretly happy, and his eyes flashed.

"Look at the knife!" Chu Tang suddenly stepped forward, with his toes pointing to the ground, and the force of the shock when he touched the ground, his whole body was like a bow and arrow shot out, and with a whoosh, he jumped to Steward Ye's side.

Immediately afterwards, the long knife moved forward and stabbed Steward Ye's heart.

"This trick again!" Butler Ye was upset. The other party had used this trick just now, but he dodged it.

He repeated the same trick, shrinking his body back, trying to dodge it within a hair's breadth.Just as he expected, the tip of the knife brushed two inches across his chest.

Just when Butler Ye was about to refrain from his move, suddenly, he sensed a sharp saber aura passing over his body——

"Ah!" Butler Ye's body hurt, and he screamed at his hind legs. He lowered his head and saw that a long gash had been cut between his chest and abdomen, and blood spurted out, almost like being disemboweled.

"How could it be..." Butler Ye's mind went blank, he couldn't figure out why the tip of the knife that had already passed by hurt him.

"Could it be..." He thought of a possibility, his pupils could not help shrinking, and he cried out, "You are four...ah!"

The last half of the sentence was incomplete, and when he was in a trance, Chu Tang continued to draw the knife, and with a backhand flick, the tip of the knife cut Steward Ye's throat.

The throat was broken, and there was only air coming out, not in. He held his throat tightly and could no longer speak.

In an instant, Butler Ye fell heavily to the ground and made a loud noise.

A dead end!

There was a long silence at the scene.


"This is the end?"

"This little catch quickly killed the veteran three-realm warrior, Mr. Snake Lang?"

All the onlookers looked at each other in disbelief when they saw the scene in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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