Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 35 The Illumination

Chapter 35 The Illumination

How much chivalrous value is there on the panel of Chu Tang's knowledge of the sea?

590 three points, less than six hundred points, can only be used as five hundred points.

This is where Chu Tang is quite unwilling.

Only a few points away, the effect is quite different.

Of course, with [-] points of chivalry, there are quite a lot of choices.

Chu Tang now has several choices:

The first is to lose [-] chivalry points with a stud, which is used to exchange for the grid in the column of the second layer of the panel.

Now the only lit grid on the second floor is the column of agility, which requires [-] points of chivalry.

The second column of this layer requires [-] chivalry points for skills, and [-] points for kung fu. The last two columns are martial arts that can't be expected, so don't think about them for now.

Other options are selected on the first floor, and all five grids are lit up, which are body skills, spell skills, kung fu skills, weapons, and elixir.

In the column of agility, you only need to spend [-] chivalry points, and you can have two choices, one is to upgrade "God's Mystery", and the other is to exchange for a new light kung fu of agility.

Chu Tang was a little hesitant to level up, but this movement technique has been perfected enough to deal with many situations.

As for re-exchanging a lightness exercise, Chu Tang was quite excited about it.

The ever-changing spirit is just a body method, not good at raising and vertical, unable to go high and high, and has relatively large shortcomings, which is not conducive to future development.

Therefore, if it can be exchanged for a lifting lightness skill, it will definitely be perfect.

However, the bad thing about the panel is that what kind of martial arts can be exchanged for, it can't be chosen by people, but it will pop out randomly.

If the Chivalry Points are spent, what is exchanged is only the movement skills that can only be played on the ground, instead of the lightness skills that can fly around, wouldn't it be a big loss?

So Chu Tang was very hesitant about this choice.

Looking at the martial arts techniques, he felt that it was necessary to exchange for a powerful martial arts move.

"Blood Knife Technique" is not matched with "Blood Knife Sutra", and its flaws are too great to be perfected. It urgently needs to be exchanged for a more powerful martial arts technique.

And this only requires two hundred points of chivalry, so it is worth considering.

As for the exercises, Chu Tang was also very anxious, because the "Marriage Dress Magic Art" was really a scam, and he was always worried that it would explode with thunder one day and cause great harm to his body.

For the other two weapons and elixir, what Chu Tang was curious about was whether the panel could represent the real thing.

If you can directly conjure a magical weapon that can kill all directions, or a elixir that doubles your skill if you eat it, then of course it will be a big profit.

But the problem is that no one can guarantee that it will be real. Take four or five hundred points of chivalry to gamble?
It's not Chu Tang's character to gamble too much, so he ruled out these two options first.

Thinking about it again, the lightness kung fu and agility of the second level don't seem to be urgently needed martial arts, so let's rule it out as well.

Then, there are only three options left, the first level of skills or upgrade or exchange, and the exchange of spells, and the exchange of skills.

If he has [-] points of chivalry, he doesn't have to choose any of these three, he wants them all!

Unfortunately, there are only [-] points, so you can only choose two out of three.

"If you think about it carefully, body skills can also be left behind, so there are only techniques and skills left." Chu Tang struggled for a long time, and finally settled on the last two options by means of elimination.

"Okay, it's up to you!" Chu Tang stared at the panel, made a firm decision, and immediately exchanged two hundred chivalry points for a spell.

A white light flashed, and besides "Blood Knife and Sword Technique", a new martial art appeared in the column of techniques——

"True Sword Art"!
"Mist grass!" Chu Tang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

It turned out to be swordsmanship!
"Panel system, I'm ignoring you!" Chu Tang couldn't help but sigh, feeling that the panel was playing with him.

He had been using saber techniques before, and the yamen was equipped with standard long knives. Now that he was given a set of sword techniques, what would he do?
"Quanzhen Sword Art" is known as simple and simple, and Wang Niubi's old way defeated the other four masters, thus becoming the best in the world.

It sounds great, and the name is also very scary.

But if Chu Tang remembered correctly, he remembered that the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect who learned this sword technique were not very good at it.

The Seven Masters of Quanzhen used this set of sword techniques, and all seven of them used the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation to draw with Huang Laoxie.

As for the other disciples, it was even worse.

The most terrible thing is that Ms. Lin not only created a sword technique that specifically restrains the "Quanzhen Sword Technique", but if it is used in reverse, it can also be combined with this set of sword techniques, making it invincible in the world, which is amazing It's stunning!

That is to say, the name of "Quanzhen Sword Art" is very bluffing, but it depends on the person who makes it famous.

If you think about it carefully, this guy's reputation as the number one in the world is more based on "Innate Skills", and he also uses this skill to drive his swordsmanship, which makes his swordsmanship so powerful.

"Blood loss!" Chu Tang wanted to cry but had no tears.

But it was useless to regret it, and there was no time to stop it. The moment the sword technique was brushed out, the panel successfully empowered him, and instilled the entire set of sword techniques into his mind.

In such an instant, "Quanzhen Sword Art" was imprinted in Chu Tang's mind, and he was extremely proficient, as if he had practiced this set of sword arts for many years, and he was completely familiar with it, and he was no longer unfamiliar.

"Quanzhen Sword Art" was successfully introduced in an instant.

Chu Tang shook his arm, and a familiar memory dissipated, his fingers were nimble, and he could skillfully use the posture of swordsmanship with every stroke.

The only thing that comforted Chu Tang was that the "Blood Knife and Sword Art" was still in his mind, and the realm still existed, and its imprint had not been worn away with the arrival of "Quanzhen Sword Art".

"Finally, there is no need to change the weapon, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it." Chu Tang could only comfort himself.

He also thought of more: "Then if the new internal energy is exchanged, can the old one be kept? If the two kung fu yin and yang are opposed, can they coexist?"

When he thought of this, he was quite moved and wanted to try it.

"Try this sword technique first..." Chu Tang got off the bed, searched for a long time but couldn't find any weapon that could be used as a sword, and finally broke off a branch from a jujube tree in the yard.

The branches are three or four feet long, about the size of a thumb, straight and hard, barely capable of being used as a sword.

Standing in the courtyard, taking a deep breath, Chu Tang activated the "Quanzhen Sword Art" according to his memory.

This sword technique has a total of seven moves, and each move has seven moves, a total of seven, seven and forty-nine moves, which are similar to "Soul Breaking Knife".

However, "Quanzhen Sword Art" is much more subtle than this set of saber arts. It is said to be simple and clumsy, but in fact it is majestic and delicate.

The prime moon shines brightly.Sparse stars and pale moon.The galaxy wants to turn.Yuehao Ningshuang...

The bosom friend string is broken.Self-portrait.Marquis for thousands of miles.Guanhe dream broken...

In the 49 styles, there are both gentleness and affection, but also vicissitudes and heaviness. It is indeed what Chongyang Master has learned in his life, and it is similar to his life trajectory.

Although he was holding a branch in his hand, Chu Tang performed these sword moves vigorously, with extraordinary momentum and full of sword intent.

After using the 49th Form, Chu Tang stopped the move, let out a long breath, and said softly to himself: "This sword technique is also extraordinary, it is difficult for warriors of the lower three realms to come into contact with, and it is considered a rather rare sword technique in this world. "

Even though he thought so in his heart, he was still quite unwilling. He wished so much that he could exchange for a more powerful sword technique.

I didn't expect it to be a difficult swordsmanship.

From this, he thought of more: "The panel is completely random. Now it's swordsmanship. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing if it's whip or spear next time?"

"Do I want to master all eighteen martial arts and eventually use them all to become a person who knows everything but is not good at anything?" Chu Tang frowned slightly, "Eh? No! I'm not fighting alone, I can They are all fine!"

He has panels, which can upgrade his martial arts infinitely.

In other words, it is possible for him to improve every martial art to perfection without having to spend his whole life practicing hard like ordinary people!
As long as he has enough chivalrous value, he can become an all-rounder in martial arts!

"This seems to be a bit tricky?" Chu Tang fell into fantasy.

"It's not right!" Chu Tang came to his senses, "I can't always carry eighteen kinds of weapons on my body, can I? Carrying an arsenal of weapons on my back to walk around the world at any time? My peers will laugh their ass off!"

Chu Tang shook his head vigorously, driving the beautiful picture out of his mind.

"It's still a loss. This "Quanzhen Sword Art" lacks murderous aura, and its combat power is not much higher than "Blood Knife Sword Art". Alas!" Chu Tang finally felt more distressed about the two hundred points of chivalry.

The pay and the harvest don't match, I'm not happy!

"Forget it, swordsmanship is just swordsmanship. You don't need to overwhelm yourself with too many skills. You may be able to use it someday when you are away from home. Let's think about where to use the next [-] chivalry points." Chu Tang forced himself to continue making choices.

With [-] points of chivalry, there are only two choices. One is to upgrade the "Marriage Dress Magic Art" to the perfect state, which may raise the overall cultivation to the fifth state.

Five realms, once promoted, the combat power will inevitably soar.

But the risk is also great, that is, without the suppression of pills such as Snow God Pill, it is really hard to know whether the true energy of the wedding dress magic will destroy the body.

Chu Tang thought for a while, but he didn't dare to gamble. He had a premonition that it would be bad or good to improve the magic skill of wedding dress.

"Let's be on the safe side." Chu Tang didn't want to take risks when there were other options, and that was not his style.

Therefore, it is better to redeem another exercise to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the "Wedding Dress Magic Art" to him!
"Exchange the exercises!" Chu Tang ordered.

The panel of Sea of ​​Consciousness began to glow, and suddenly, a new technique appeared——

"Shen Zhao Sutra"!
"Ganniang! System! Panel! You can play like this without you!"

Chu Tang exhaled again.

He is not satisfied with the famous "Shen Zhao Jing"?

Not satisfied!

If he remembered correctly, the famous "Shen Zhao Jing" probably didn't live up to its name.

Ding Lickou said what he said to become an invincible hand in the world.But is that really the case?
That Mei who owned the "Shenzhao Jing" at the beginning, after practicing this thing, was plotted to death by his three apprentices, and almost died without a whole body.

Then, Ding Lickou also practiced this magical skill, but was overwhelmed by human medicine, and finally died a miserable death.

There is also the most tragic protagonist in our martial arts novels, Di Poor, who practiced this skill and was chased like a dog by all walks of life in the Jianghu. In the end, this skill was combined with the "Blood Knife Sutra" to make great progress. Really kill the opponent in seconds.

In other words, no matter how well practiced the "Shenzhaojing" alone, it only heals injuries better.

If you really want to say that it is better than "The Magic of Wedding Dress", it is hard to be convincing.

However, it's useless to regret it any more, the panel magic will not be refunded.

In just a moment, "Shen Zhao Jing" started.

Chu Tang only felt a stream of pure and gentle inner air like warm water pouring into his limbs, flowing slowly through his meridians, nourishing his whole body and nourishing his limbs, making him very uncomfortable.

"Huh? It seems that the inner energy is repairing my body, warming up all the dark wounds left before, and gradually recovering?"

Chu Tang discovered the greatest mystery of the Divine Illumination Sutra, which is indeed the Healing Bible.

Looking at the panel again, Chu Tang's eyes almost popped out, and he saw two martial arts shining brightly in the column of martial arts——

"Wedding Dress Magic Art" and "Shen Zhao Sutra"!
"The magical skill of wedding dress has not been covered, but still exists?" Chu Tang was extremely surprised.

He tried it right away, and sure enough, as long as he had a thought, he could switch between the two magical skills at any time.

Light up "The Magic of Marriage Dress", the body will be hot, and the inner breath will be fierce and warm, like the scorching sun, the body, hair and skin will ache.

But switching to "Shen Zhao Jing", the body has changed, it is warm and gentle, just like basking in the morning sun in winter, it makes people warm and comfortable, and it is extremely happy.

"This is the rhythm against the sky!" After verifying his idea, Chu Tang was ecstatic, the Buddhist panel finally looked amiable to him.

What is the meaning of being able to switch internal strength freely?
The meaning is that he can exchange his internal strength at will, regardless of his attributes, he can practice without causing conflicts in his body.

That is to say, if he is lucky, he can have both "Wedding Dress Magic Art" and "Mingyu Art" at the same time.

Practicing Yin and Yang exercises together can completely ignore any defects that cannot be reconciled between Yin and Yang.

Is there a bigger bug than this?
"I've turned it all the way!" Chu Tang's teeth were about to fall out of laughter.

At this moment, I really want to ask: who else? !

"Shenzhao Sutra can mend the meridians and heal the body, while the Marriage Sutra destroys the body and harms itself, so if the two are in the body at the same time, wouldn't it be possible to advance to the Marriage Sutra without any scruples? Don't be afraid of being injured, and use the Shenzhao Sutra to warm and nourish the body." Just come back." Chu Tang muttered to himself, as if seeing a bigger dawn.

It's a pity, it's a pity, chivalrous value is not enough, otherwise I will immediately promote to the wedding dress magic skill and give it a try.

"Three hundred chivalrous values, three hundred..." Chu Tang immediately felt a lot of resentment towards this number.

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the sky, the autumn dew is damp and cold, and the autumn wind blows the fallen leaves in the yard.

The fiery Chu Tang walked back and forth in the yard, so excited that he couldn't calm down no matter what.

After a long time, in the dead of night, he heard a strange sound coming from outside his house to the courtyard.

"Another uninvited person?" Chu Tang was surprised, and turned to look at the place where the strange noise occurred.

Beside the locked gate and under the fence, a figure floated in. When he saw Chu Tang standing in the yard, he was also taken aback for a moment.

The two met unexpectedly, very surprised, just looking at me and I looking at you, staring at each other.

Fate, it is so wonderful!

(End of this chapter)

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