Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 420 Fierce fighting in the underground palace, killing people like hemp

Below the entrance to the basement is a long staircase.

Chu Tang swept down the stairs and stood still. When he raised his head and saw what was in front of him clearly, he couldn't help being shocked and sighed: This is not a basement. It is not an exaggeration to say it is an underground palace!

I saw that the underground space was quite high, with a height of three feet. The top was thick stone slabs, and the feet were simple stone bricks.

This place is not only high, but also very large. It is so big that you can't see the end of it. Only pillars standing every few feet come into view.

I estimate that the entire apse of the Imperial Ancestral Temple has been hollowed out.

At this time, the underground palace was quite bright, with both the light emitted by night pearls and torches lit everywhere.

The torches were crackling and the air was hot and smelly.

However, the smell of burning kerosene could not cover up the smell of blood in the air.

It was an extremely strong smell of blood, as if the entire space was spread with this smell, which was nauseating.

Chu Tang's expression changed. He felt that the smell of blood here was several times stronger than that above the Earth Palace, as if there was a blood pool here.

Lowering his head and looking around, Chu Tang became puzzled: "There must have been a brutal fight under the underground palace. It stands to reason that there should be traces from the entrance, but there are no corpses here!"

Yes, no trace of anyone!

There were only a lot of bloody footprints on the floor tiles.

Listen carefully and hear the sound of fighting coming from the left!

Chu Tang's long sword was unsheathed, lying in front of him, and his feet swept towards the sound.

After bypassing several large pillars, I finally found the whereabouts of the person.

Fenghuang, Fengjianqi, Tang Ming, as well as the helpers and guards they brought with them... none of them were left behind, and they were fighting with others in front.

But at this time, their situation was not good. They were a hundred good people, but they were at a disadvantage when fighting against others!

In fact, the other party has a lot of people!

Although these people do not have uniform uniforms and even have various weapons, at first glance, it seems that they have gathered the Fenghuang group together, making a dumpling-making style.

There were no less than two or three hundred people in their formation, and these people's martial arts were not low. Not to mention the rabble brought by Tang Ming, even the dozens of well-trained guards could hardly win.

Chu Tang looked further away. On the opposite side of the battle circle, there were several rows of people facing this way.

These people are much more terrifying. They are all dressed in soldiers' uniforms and holding crossbows -

Po Gang Crossbow Arrow!

Dayao's troops are dead!

There is no need to count them in detail. At a glance, you can estimate that there are at least two to three hundred soldiers.

Two to three hundred soldiers armed with broken crossbows!

"It seems that these are the rebels stationed at the Imperial Ancestral Temple." Chu Tang was secretly shocked.

Both Sun Yikui and Huang Ping are desperadoes from Yongzhou far away. They are underworld figures with a reputation for evil, and they are not highly respected people.

However, not only did they come to the Ancestral Temple to run wild, they also instigated the rebellion of the Ancestral Temple's defenders. This energy was hard to ignore.

Not only have so many underworld masters gathered together, but also Dayao's defenders are willing to rebel. Who can have such terrifying appeal?

A person with such skill and ability is terrifying!

"Chu Tang, come and help us break their formation!" Feng Huang caught a glimpse of Chu Tang and shouted loudly.

At this time, she was teaming up with her elder brother Feng Jianqi to fight with a group of masters with different weapons. The fight was so fierce that they couldn't get away.

Fenghuang knew very well that Chu Tang's Qinggong and martial arts were best suited for group battles, so it was fine if he didn't come down. They were all nearby, so naturally they wouldn't let him sit idly by. As soon as Feng Huang shouted, the attention and eyes of the people nearby turned to Chu Tang. Some thieves even approached him from a distance and came to stop Chu Tang.

"Pig teammate!" Chu Tang was so angry that he originally planned to sneak over, take the opportunity to attack from behind, and kill a few more thieves by surprise. But now, everyone has seen him, so he can only fight hard. .

"Kill!" A total of five people came to besiege Chu Tang.

Some of them use knives, some use swords, and some use axes...

As soon as he took action, Chu Tang's expression changed - none of the Gang Qi used by these five people was shorter than three feet!

They are all masters of six realms or above!

"Anyone who comes out is in the Sixth Realm? And they can only be thugs? Are the thieves in this underground palace so terrifying?" Chu Tang's mind changed quickly and he was quite surprised.

Fortunately, except for the serious effort he put in to break into the Ancestral Temple tonight, he spent most of the time paddling. Even when he was facing off against Sun Yikui, he didn't try his best, so he was still at his peak at this time.

Chu Tang, who was in peak condition, was confident of fighting even against the masters of the Eighth Realm!

In his eyes, thieves from the Six Realms are just meat and potatoes!

All are shining with chivalrous values!


Chu Tang's feet flashed, and he went straight into the circle surrounded by several people. He used the Dugu Nine Swords with great skill with the long sword in his hand. Each sword hit the weak point of the opponent's martial arts in front of him.

Either tapping someone's wrist, or stabbing someone's key point. Between cuts and strokes, the sword's light flashed and its sword was sharp, knocking all five people away immediately.

When these five people wanted to surround them again, Chu Tang was not polite. He waved his sword casually, and his moves were casual and unrestrained, and he started to attract the moves of several people in an understatement.

The world has shifted greatly!


There was a sound of weapons clashing, followed by a series of shouts:

"Ah! Lao Li, why did you chop me?"

"No, Third Brother... I didn't mean it! Ah... Old Ghost Chen, you..."


After several screams of grief, all five people fell to the ground!

Only one of them was hit by Chu Tang's sword and was stabbed in the chest and died. The other four were hit by their own moves.

Either you chop me, I stab you, or he cuts him!

After a chaotic fight, the five people were either completely dead or seriously injured, and none of them could stand up.

In an instant, Chu Tang broke out of their encirclement, swinging his long sword in the air, shaking off the blood stains on it, and glowing again.

"Huh?" A middle-aged man in yellow who was directing everyone to fight with the Fenghuang brothers and sisters saw what was happening on Chu Tang's side. Seeing the five of his party being knocked down like chickens and dogs, he couldn't help but be surprised. He became even more curious about Chu Tang.

Five masters of the Sixth Realm were killed in the blink of an eye. Everyone had to be extremely careful with Chu Tang.

"A master of the upper three realms?" The middle-aged man in yellow's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand, and once again directed several people to leave the battle circle and go to stop Chu Tang who was rushing over.

"kill him!"

"Everyone attacks with all our strength, this guy stabbed his hand!"

This time there were more people surrounding Chu Tang, eight in total, and they all displayed the Gang Qi of the Sixth Realm!

But the result is the same!

When they formed a group, Chu Tang jumped up high, swung his sword diagonally in the air, and a flying fairy appeared from the sky!

The sword technique was pure and brilliant, a flash of white sword light flashed, and the eighth-grade magic weapon even cut several thieves in two with their weapons!

In an instant, several people lost their lives.

At this time, Chu Tang's main character is a ruthless man who is like a demon and kills people with ease.

After the screams, a mess was left, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and the shocking blood stains.

With a whoosh, Chu Tang jumped up and jumped next to Feng Huang, falling into a battle circle surrounded by more people! (End of chapter)

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