Chapter 44

On the morning of February [-]th.

God rarely does not rain, gloomy.

The water vapor between the sky and the earth is dense, and even the air is moist. When inhaled, it feels sticky and moist in the lungs, which is depressing.

Early in the morning, Chu Tang bid farewell to Xu Wei and others, followed Fang Kai and his party, and embarked on a journey to the county town of Guijun.

For this trip, Fang Kai spent a lot of money to match everyone with a horse.

Chu Tang also got a white horse, which was tall and handsome, with strong limbs and a well-proportioned body.

As a policeman, Chu Tang knew how to ride a horse because of his business needs. He could not say that he was very good at riding, but he was skilled and safe, and there was no problem in galloping.

However, Shi County is poor, and the county government can't afford many horses.

A horse usually spends a lot on eating and chewing; once it is running, it will eat and drink even more, and the cost will be even more.

Therefore, not everyone can ride on the horses in the county government for a stroll, and they can only be arranged for use in emergencies.

Throughout the year, Chu Tang could not ride a few times.

Riding a horse this time is a new experience.

Young and young, with a long knife hanging from his waist, riding a white horse, facing the cold spring breeze, Chu Tang has a heroic spirit in his heart, very chivalrous.

Going to the rivers and lakes, the water is long and the road is long, the wind and waves are turbulent, and the future is unpredictable, but there is a horse under the crotch, and the weapon is in hand, so how can it not make people feel excited, wishing to drive the horse for a long time, laughing and leaving.

Of course, thoughts belong to thoughts, and reality is reality.

Even though Chu Tang has all kinds of heroism and chivalry, as a prisoner escort, he can't run wild, be careful in everything, and focus on guarding the prisoners.

The county town of Guijun is on the north side of Shixian County, separated by Pingxian County, about [-] miles away.

If one person is driving fast, day and night, and when the horse is tired, he will go to the post station set up by the court to change another horse, and if he keeps galloping, he can go back and forth in a day and night.

The last time Shi County arrested Li San, sent someone to report to the county government, and Fang Kai rushed to Shi County to deal with it.

However, this time to escort the prisoners, they couldn't gallop on horseback.

One is because of the large number of people. After all, they are not long-term trained horses, and their movements cannot be unified. Some riders are even better than others.If you run fast, some people may fall behind, and that would be too dangerous.

Another reason is to take care of the prisoners.

The prisoner was a man in his 40s with a beard and a rough look.

But at this time, he was chained on the lute, and his hands and feet were tied up with high-grade thief rope. His face was decayed, his whole body was weak, and he couldn't move.

He was also alone, but instead of sitting, he was lying on the horse's back, and he was tied around the horse with a rope.

The horse in the front was pulling the prisoner's horse with a long rope, and moved forward at a neither fast nor slow speed.

Fang Kai said that their trip was to go to the Pingxian county government to rest and recuperate.And he has already sent people to report to the county government quickly, and let the county government come to respond.At that time, the two parties will meet at the county government office in Ping County, and then go to the county government office together.

It can be seen that Fang Kai attaches great importance to this prisoner, and is extremely careful in this trip, for fear of making a mistake.

Among this group of people, there is also an acquaintance of Chu Tang - Shi Zhifeng, the head of the first squad of the Shixian police.

When he saw Shi Zhifeng at the beginning of the journey, Chu Tang was quite surprised, because he hadn't heard that he would also be traveling with him before.

After asking, it became clear that Fang Kai did not invite Shi Zhifeng, who is also a warrior of the Three Realms, this time, it was the latter who found Fang Kai, volunteered, and recommended himself, so he was accepted.

And Shi Zhifeng's purpose was very simple, he didn't mention the conditions for joining the county government, but he hoped to go to the county government treasury to observe a four-level exercise.

Fang Kai thought about it, and felt that Shi Zhifeng was not particularly old, and he still had a little hope of hitting the four realms. Out of consideration for the development of talents for the Gui County police, he agreed to this request.

After all, this condition is much simpler than Chu Tang's. Even the high request is agreed, so what is there to say about the lower one?
With the addition of Shi Zhifeng, the number of arrests involved in the escort reached nine.

Fang Kai and his four original men, plus the two policemen who joined from Bai County, and Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng from Shi County, were exactly nine people.

All of them are warriors above three realms.

Among them, Xu Zhifeng is of the four realms, and the others except Chu Tang are all of the three realms.

If Chu Tang, who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, is included in the four realms, then there are two warriors of the four realms plus seven warriors of the three realms.

This kind of power is not a big or small force in Jianghu, and there is no problem at all in a county.

Of course, on the surface these people were a four-level warrior with eight three-level warriors, and even Fang Kai didn't see Chu Tang's true cultivation.

Therefore, Fang Kai still behaved cautiously, for fear of any unexpected situation.

A group of people, he divided into two columns, four people in the front, four people in the back, he was in the middle to guard the prisoners next to him.

For safety's sake, they didn't take small roads, they took official roads, and they didn't travel overnight. They planned to settle in the nearest post in the evening and rest for a night before continuing on the road.

In addition to just walking slowly on horseback, according to calculations, it will take at least two days and nights to reach Pingxian County, and then two or three days to reach the county seat, which is indeed a bit slow.

Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng were tied at the back of the team.

The two people in front of them are Bai County policemen, one is Wu Yi and the other is Xu Feng.

Both of them are about 30 years old, young and energetic, full of energy, and have room for improvement, so they did not hesitate to take the risk of joining the escort team, so as to achieve the goal of jumping from the county government to the county government.

Everyone just exchanged a few words during Fang Kai's introduction, but they didn't have a deep friendship.

During this trip, the only person Chu Tang knew well was Shi Zhifeng, and he was the only one he could trust.

After being robbed of the county government prison and seeing Chu Tang's three realms of martial arts, Shi Zhifeng now has a much better view of Chu Tang.

But the relationship between the two was not very good before, and now they get along a bit awkwardly, Shi Zhifeng can't show how familiar the two are, and most of them are silent on the road.

Chu Tang was very interested at first, looking around and admiring the surrounding scenery.

It was his first time traveling far and he was curious about everything.

It's just that the farther you go north, there are more mountains and more water, and occasionally there are some small villages with few people.

The more you walk, the more you walk, the fewer people there are, and it took a long time to meet a few people walking together on the road.

Among these people, there are traffickers and pawns, who are in a hurry.

What surprised Chu Tang was that he also met the guards of the escort agency for the first time.A dozen or twenty of them walked on the road with two or three large and small carriages.

These people were more nervous and cautious than Chu Tang's pedestrians. Whenever they met pedestrians, they all became alert, with their hands on their weapons, as if they would fight desperately if there was any trouble.

Fortunately, everyone has a task to do, and they walk on the avenue staggered without interfering with each other.

The so-called avenues are all dirt roads, but there are too many people walking, and the officials use corvee from time to time to level them up so that two carriages can pass at the same time.

It is spring now, with continuous rain and sunshine, and the road has long been muddy, making it extremely difficult to walk.

After walking for a long time, the white horse under Chu Tang's crotch turned into a mud horse, and most of his body was covered with a thick layer of mud, which had long since lost the scenery when he set out.

And after most of the day's tossing, he lost the interest in being curious about everything at first, and only felt sad. He had never had a body for long-term riding, and he had long since had pains in his buttocks and numbness, which was very bitter.

Chu Tang had no choice but to use the infuriating Qi of the Divine Illuminating Sutra right away to nourish and repair the fatigue of the body.

Shi Zhifeng noticed Chu Tang's restlessness, and couldn't help but said, "Chu Tang, you need to practice equestrianism. Seeing your awkward appearance, I feel awkward too!"

Chu Tang rolled his eyes and said, "Are you being ashamed to say that? The county government's horses are all occupied by your class A. When will it be our turn to use it? Where can I go to practice equestrianism!"

Shi Zhifeng sneered, their Class A had a prominent position in the county yamen's police, and they always occupied resources first, and leftovers that were not used were used by other classes.Chu Tang's Ding class is at the end, and there are not many chances.

"Then you can buy a horse of your own!" Shi Zhifeng changed the subject, "A man should have his own BMW! Look at my little black, how handsome! Ride out for a walk at any time, and your equestrian skills will naturally improve gone."

Chu Tang became even more angry, and said, "With my salary of three or five taels a month, do you think I can afford a horse?"

Shi Zhifeng was even more speechless.

There are many kinds of horses, and some of them can only be used as coolies.

Horses that can ride long distances are difficult to raise, and most of them are not cheap.Slightly inferior ones cost tens of taels of silver; better ones are more expensive, and hundreds of taels and thousands of taels can’t be filled.

Even if you buy a lesser horse for a few dozen taels, it costs money to raise a horse!

Building stables, grain, saddles, horseshoes, and even daily brushing, a complete set, one horse can feed a poor ordinary family!
To be honest, if Shi Zhifeng didn't have gray income, he probably wouldn't be able to raise a horse.

Thinking of this, Chu Tang couldn't help but look at him strangely.

Shi Zhifeng noticed Chu Tang's eyes, as if he had realized something, felt embarrassed, and couldn't say anything more.

The two were silent.

Fortunately, it was evening soon, and Fang Kai asked everyone to go to the nearest post house and spend the night to rest.

The post office is located in a town at the junction of Shi County and Ping County, with food, drink, lodging, and stables for feeding.

There were two postmen stationed in the post, and under their greeting, everyone settled down quickly.

After dinner, Fang Kai arranged to be on duty at night, taking turns guarding the prisoners.

Two shifts per night, one class with two people.

Fang Kai is a boss, so naturally he doesn't need to be on night duty.And the subordinates he brought were injured, so it was not easy to arrange.

The task fell to the police officers who joined Shixian and Baixian.

After discussing it with everyone, Wu Yi and Xu Feng from Bai County would stay in the first half of the night, while Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng from Shi County would stay in the second half of the night.

Fang Kai was really cautious this time, the two shared a room, and all the wing rooms were connected together.

He took the room in the middle, next to the prisoner's room, right next to him, and he could immediately react to any disturbance.

His arrangement made everyone nervous.

"This is the rhythm for fear that someone will rob someone!" Chu Tang couldn't help muttering.

Nothing in the first half of the night.

In the middle of the night, Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng were woken up to change shifts.

They came to the prisoner's room.

The prisoner was lying on the bed, either dead, or moaning in pain, but no one paid attention.

After Wu Yi and Xu Feng left, the windows and doors were closed tightly.

Inside, Chu Tang sat down on the bench by the window, looking left and right.

Shi Zhifeng also sat down behind the door, holding the long knife in his hand, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Neither of them spoke.

At this time, it began to rain again, pattering and pattering on the tiles, making a clattering sound.

There was silence outside, only the sound of wind and rain, covering the world.

Until the end of Yinshi, the sky will not be bright yet.

Suddenly, Chu Tang, who had been sitting quietly, immediately pricked up his ears, his eyes widened, and he was suddenly alert.

He heard a strange wind!
All kinds of piercing sounds sounded.

In the courtyard of the post house, outside the wing room, and even the roof, there are sounds different from the sound of wind and rain.

someone is coming!


The first update, and another update tonight.Not much to say, I still implore you to continue to support in follow-up, collection, recommendation, etc.!

(End of this chapter)

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