Chapter 6 Horror

"Let's say it's just one thing, even if it's ten or a hundred, as long as it's related to the cat demon case, Wang knows it and doesn't say anything, and he will never hide it." Wang Zhiquan was straightforward and seemed to be very cooperative.

Chu Tang nodded, looked into Wang Zhiquan's eyes, checked his expression, and said slowly, "Your mansion has been plagued by cat monsters for a few days. Besides being injured, have any people in your mansion died?"

"No!" Wang Zhiquan shook his head resolutely, "The servants were stunned, the nurse was injured, and Zhuojing and Quan'er were injured. Apart from that, there were no other casualties."

"So this cat demon is still very measured and doesn't dare to kill people?" Chu Tang laughed.

Wang Zhiquan was very unhappy when he heard the words, and said angrily: "The leader of Chu still hopes that Wang's family will die?"

"You don't have to be angry, Wang Yuanwai. Chu just finds it strange. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

"There really is a demon, Wang saw it with his own eyes!" Wang Zhiquan said with certainty, with a hint of fear on his face.

"Have you seen it before?" Chu Tang was quite surprised.

"Last night, the cat monster turned Wang's house upside down and ran around. Wang woke up early and saw it hurt Zhuo Jing and the dog with his own eyes! Wang only hated himself for not being able to protect them because he didn't know martial arts. !” The more Wang Zhiquan spoke, the more angry he became, and he looked like he was going all out with others.

Chu Tang praised: "Wang Yuanwai is a real man! Your courage is commendable!"

Wang Zhiquan just sighed when he heard the words: "It's a pity that I don't have the strength to restrain the chicken, it's hateful!"

"Are you sure it's a cat?" Chu Tang asked again.

After all, Wang Zhiquan was middle-aged, mature and calm, aware of the connotation of Chu Tang's question, and said hesitantly: "That thing has a cat's face, green eyes, and frighteningly flickering lights at night, and it's all white. It has fur, long tail, jumping on all fours, and sharp claws. In addition to its huge size, no matter its posture or meowing, anyone who looks at it will think it is a cat!"

Chu Tang listened carefully, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Wang, what did you mean when you said it was running around in your mansion?"

"It's just hurting people everywhere in the backyard. When Zhuojing and Gou'er were hurt at the end, the guards came to surround and drive them away. Unexpectedly, it jumped three or four feet high, jumped to the roof and escaped."

"That is to say, Wang Yuanwai has only seen it from a distance, and has never been in contact with it, has he?"

"Didn't Wang say that he has no strength to restrain a chicken, so how can he step forward and fight with him!"

Chu Tang nodded, pondered for a while, and said: "Mr. Wang, this matter is quite strange and confusing. In addition, the clues are not obvious. Chu needs to meet someone who has had close contact with the cat demon."

Wang Zhiquan agreed: "This is easy to handle. The servants are so frightened that they probably can't explain why, but Wang's family has more than ten nursing homes, and they have all fought against them. They must be able to answer Chu's question. .”

Chu Tang said: "The servants and the nursing home naturally want to meet and ask. But it is said that the nursing home is more likely to be swept down by the cat demon with its tail after a single encounter, which is not considered a close encounter."

"Chu Butou means..."

Chu Tang said calmly: "According to the description, the noble lady and noble son were injured by the cat monster's front paws, and they are the ones who came into direct contact with the cat monster. I heard that they are fine now, so I can arrange for me to meet them later." One side?"

Wang Zhiyou's expression changed: "Zhuo Jing was so frightened that he couldn't speak smoothly."

"What about your noble son?"

"This..." Wang Zhiquan was still extremely embarrassed.

Chu Tang understood, and quickly said: "Chu only takes one person to go, the other arresters can go back to the front yard and wait for now."

Wang Zhiquan sighed and said: "The dog was injured last night. After a day's treatment, although there is no danger of life, he is not in good spirits. Besides, his family members are all around to serve him. Wang needs to make some arrangements first. So that the leader of Chu can communicate with him."

"It should be. I'll trouble you, Mr. Wang." Chu Tang cupped his hands in salute.

"You're being polite, you're being polite." Wang Zhiquan also returned the courtesy and arranged to go.

"Old Chu, what do we want us to do next?" Seeing Wang Yuanwai walking away, Xu Jin couldn't wait to ask, with a puzzled look on his face, "Why do I feel that this time is quite strange, do you have any clues?"

Chu Tang said angrily when he heard the words: "You are my detective, I still want to ask you what you think!"

Xu Jin is a capitalized black question mark face.

"What's going on, we have to get more clues to find out." Chu Tang continued to order, "Wait a while and you follow me to see Wang Yuanwai's eldest son. In addition, let everyone go back to the county office first, and we usually prepare Everything is done neatly, I guess I will really help Wang Yuanwai to look after the nursing home tonight."

Xu Jin nodded, he never delays in business, according to Chu Tang's order, sent all the other arresters back.

Just after finishing these things, Wang Zhiquan turned around and said that the inner courtyard was ready and they could go to meet people.

The courtyard of the Wang family is huge, with three entrances and three exits. The innermost courtyard covers an area of ​​several acres, surrounded by corridors and pavilions, with pools and lakes in the middle, with stone bridges above and small boats moored below.

Flowers and plants are planted all over the courtyard. Although it is late autumn, the chrysanthemums are like small golden umbrellas, blooming brilliantly; the tall osmanthus trees beside the road are covered with small golden flowers, emitting bursts of fragrance, which is refreshing to smell.

In the distance, among the flowers, plants and trees, there are a few small buildings faintly visible, which should be the residences of the members of the Wang family.

Sure enough, Wang Zhiquan took Chu Tang and Xu Jin to the small wooden building to the east.

Entering the first floor, it is a place where the living room and the study are combined. The mahogany tables, chairs and bookshelves, the simple books, the purple sand tea set, the degree of luxury, only the word "local tyrant" is written on it to show people. up.

Wang Zhiquan led them up the wooden stairs to the second floor.

Before he had time to look at the situation on the second floor, Chu Tang, with a keen nose, smelled a strong smell of medicine filling the air from afar.

This is a bedroom with a person lying on the big bed, presumably Wang Zhiquan's eldest son Wang Juncheng.

In addition to the injured patient, there is also a girl in the house wearing a green maid costume, about thirteen or fourteen years old, with a beautiful appearance, petite figure, but extremely nimble, serving the eldest son of their family.

Seeing someone coming in, the girl hurriedly saluted.

"Bizhu, is your master still awake?" Wang Zhiquan asked softly.

The girl Bizhu replied: "Since the master came to give orders, the eldest son has not dared to sleep, waiting for the master and the distinguished guests."

Wang Zhiquan nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "You go downstairs and wait first, the master will call you if something happens."

"Yes!" Bizhu saluted, twisted Pingting's body, and went downstairs.

During the period, Xu Jin, a big pig's hoof, stared at her intently when people passed by.

Seeing his poor appearance, Chu Tang felt ashamed. When Wang Zhiquan was not paying attention, he kicked Xu Jin's calf hard, and then called the latter's soul back.

"Occupational disease, occupational disease, as a police officer, I think everyone thinks they are suspects, and they always want to see each other clearly." Xu Jin laughed and explained in a low voice.

I believe you ghost!You pervert!
Chu Tang ignored him, and went forward, leaned against the bed, and approached Wang Juncheng.

Mr. Wang was lying flat on the bed, his face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and he was extremely weak, which made him, who was handsome in his 20s, look a lot of vicissitudes, several years old out of thin air.

He was covered by the quilt, unable to move, and when he found someone coming, he could only move his mouth slightly and call out "Daddy".

Chu Tang stepped past Wang Zhiquan, revealing his identity and purpose of coming.

Wang Juncheng said weakly: "If you have any questions from Team Leader Chu, feel free to ask. I will tell you everything I know. As long as you can solve the case and catch the monster, just help me get revenge!"

After speaking, he began to pant again, which seemed to have hurt his vitality a lot.

Chu Tang waited for him to regain some composure, and immediately asked, "Young Master Wang, did you smell anything when the demon cat stabbed you with its paw last night?"


The people present were startled when they heard this.


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(End of this chapter)

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