Chapter 67

Looking at the man in blue in front of him, Chu Tang felt complicated.

These two years, this is the first time that he lags behind others in lightness kung fu and physical skills.

Ever since he acquired the supernatural powers, he has often relied on them to deal with others. After his body skills were perfected, he was even more invincible. With his quick and exquisite body skills, he killed many enemies.

And after obtaining Ti Yunzong, it will be like a tiger with wings added, and it is difficult to have an opponent.

He believes that even if he meets someone of a higher realm, even if he can't beat him, he can get away with his body skills.

But today the man in blue taught him a lesson and trampled his pride under his feet!

Being in the same five realms, he actually lost to the other party in lightness kung fu?

Thinking that the other party can not only float on water, but also fly on grass, this level of lightness is really amazing.

"It seems that I still underestimate people in this world." Chu Tang smiled wryly in his heart.

"Huh? No!" Chu Tang thought about a question, "Could it be that this guy is not just a five-level cultivation, but an existence of a higher level? Wouldn't he also want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

Soon, Chu Tang denied this idea again.

Because he heard the thick and long breathing of the man in blue, and he could even see the rapid rise and fall of the man's chest.

That's right, it's floating on the water and flying on the grass. This kind of light work, in addition to the light body technique, also depends on the effort of raising the energy, which consumes a lot of internal energy!
The ever-changing magic is to have both feet on the ground, down-to-earth, and does not require high internal strength, so even Lord Wei, who is not skilled in martial arts, can use it to deal with others.

However, the lightness kung fu used by the man in blue consumes a lot of internal energy, and after only two miles, his internal breath began to become disordered.

It can be seen from this that the opponent's skill is at most comparable to Chu Tang's, and it should not have surpassed the sixth realm.

Thinking of this, Chu Tang felt a little relieved.

Also, I thought that the large wave of chivalrous value earned from killing the Quartet just now is still in the account, and it can be used for unlimited krypton gold, let alone nothing to worry about.

At this moment, this scene makes people want to shout: Who else is there!
After gathering his thoughts, Chu Tang pulled out the knife, held it tightly in his right hand, and asked coldly: "Your Excellency is chasing you all the way, are you going to kill them all?"

The man in blue was covered with a bamboo hat and black veil, so he couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice was full of indifference: "I said, you will definitely die."

Chu Tang asked again: "Your Excellency, you are not afraid that I will die with you, and the fish will die and the net will be broken?"

The man in blue is still indifferent for thousands of years: "Your words only appear to be very ignorant. Do you think that compared with the four realms, the five realms are only one level behind in words? The power of the five realms, you Know nothing!"

Chu Tang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as long as the other party is in the fifth realm, he can rest assured if he is in the fifth realm, and he can have a good chat.

"If the qi of the four realms can be released by one foot, isn't it one foot more for the five realms?" Chu Tang said naively, "As long as I don't give you that one foot of space, even if you lose, you will definitely die. worries."

There is still a thought in his heart that he hasn't said, that is, just now there are reeds interfering, and the acrobatics such as supernatural powers cannot be used to the extreme. Now that he is in an open field, there are still forests in front of him, which is suitable for him to play.

The man in blue looked as if he was convinced of Chu Tang, and said unhurriedly: "The four realms have just entered the realm of stellar qi, and have not really experienced the magical effect of stellar qi."

"Oh?" No one has ever taught Chu Tang about this. His martial arts realms are all obtained through initiation, and the rest is all on his own. He has never shown the five realms of cultivation, so he really has no experience in this area.

The man in blue said proudly: "In the realm of the five realms, the Gang Qi can be condensed and transformed. Needless to say, if you condense, the Gang Qi protects your body, and you can be invincible when you release the Gang Qi. Transformation means that you can freely divide your own Gang Qi." Qi, intruding into the enemy's qi, melting the opponent's body qi, killing people invisibly."

Chu Tang was overjoyed when he heard the words: I have raised my posture, my posture has changed, and I am divided, right? I am learning and selling now, and I will use you to try the power of my five realms later!
"That's why you have nothing to resist in front of my five realms. Killing you is no different from crushing an ant!" The man in blue said calmly.

"I... your sister, Ant!" Chu Tang burst out, without even saying hello, he swung his long knife horizontally, and with all his strength, Xiao Cheng's bloody knife technique was perfect, and several times in a row, he slashed at Lan Yi fiercely. Men's chest, head, neck and other vital parts.

"Hey!" The man in blue sneered, but didn't see any movement, his body shook, and the Gang Qi was released more than two feet away, forming a thick layer of Protecting Gang Qi in front of him.

Stab it!

The sword that Chu Tang released was blocked by the man in blue's protective aura, and it only sliced ​​an inch or two of the aura, unable to cause any damage to the opponent.

But this also surprised the man in blue, and asked in amazement: "What kind of skill is this, it can tear apart the stellar energy, faintly has the power of the five realms!"

He quickly felt the fiery aura emanating from Chu Tang's body, and immediately understood: "Zhi Gang Zhi Yang? Your boy has surprised me a lot!"

Thinking of Chu Tang's lightness kung fu and his weird footwork on the ground just now, the man in blue suddenly restrained his killing intent, and his desire to capture him alive became stronger and stronger.

"It's no wonder that you are able to cultivate the four realms at such a young age. It seems that you have obtained a remarkable inheritance of martial arts!" The man in blue said with a fiery voice, "Boy, hand over all the martial arts you know, and I can Give you a simple way to die."

"Damn your sister!" Chu Tang yelled again, the sword continued, and he greeted the other party with a bloody knife.

This time, he didn't just attack head-on, but used his supernatural powers to move from left to right, from front to back, and slashed several times around the man in blue.

Stab it!Stab it!Stab it!

There were bursts of tearing sounds.

Chu Tang's one-foot-long blade penetrated into the two-foot-deep aura of the blue-clothed man, and was quickly melted to cancel it out, and it was not enough.

Even so, under the concussion of the true qi of the wedding dress magic skill, the man in blue was no longer as chic as before, and his body was shaken by the shock, and he almost couldn't stand still.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The man in blue couldn't hold back his face anymore, he became angry from embarrassment, no longer in a defensive posture, but stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger, and stared at Chu Tang coldly, "Let you taste my evil finger It's amazing!"

As soon as the words fell, he moved his body, leaped forward in an extremely fast state, found Chu Tang's position, came in front of him in an instant, then poked forward with his index finger, and shot out a two-foot-long stellar energy from his finger , pointing at Chu Tang's chest.

As the Gang Qi approached, Chu Tang sensed the coldness from the opponent's fingers, like ice and snow, which made people tremble, and did not dare to greet him, so he had to use his body skills to hide.

"Should die!" The man in blue saw that Chu Tang was dodging, and he was even more unforgiving, and his body skills were also displayed to the extreme, as if a gangrene was attached to the bone, and he continued to pursue.

Chu Tang was sure that he had really met his opponent!
With his agility, he couldn't get rid of the pursuit, and was chased and beaten by the opponent!
"Whether to go or stay, I have to make a choice!" Chu Tang was anxious in his heart, there were enemies here, and there were pursuers behind him, so he absolutely didn't dare to delay.

The man in blue didn't care and kept chasing after him. Although Chu Tang couldn't make up for it for a while because of his exquisite body skills, in his opinion, it wasn't a problem.

Can the skills of the four realms be able to fight attrition with his cultivation of the five realms?

When the little catcher's skills are almost exhausted, whether to kill or capture is all in his mind!
"Boy, I advise you not to struggle needlessly. Your lightness kung fu can't get rid of me!" The man in blue couldn't help shouting triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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