Difficulty: So I am an undercover villain

Chapter 31 Drinking, rest today

Chapter 31 Drinking, rest today

Cui Luohansu waved her hand, and said proudly, "I know that Jianshou builds a stronghold and it costs a lot of money. This time I came here and brought another 10 taels of gold and a million taels of silver for Jianshou's construction."

What is enlightenment, this is; what is wealth, this is.

With this wave of capital injection, it seems that there is no need to loot the CEO of Jin Mau for the time being.

"The arrogance of the fairy makes me ashamed."

Shen Yifei told Lun Qingcheng: "In the future, the people in Wanyi Shangbao will reduce their tax revenue by [-]% when they do business in the stronghold."

"Yes." Lun Qingcheng nodded in response.

"The sword heads don't need to be treated differently, Cui Luohan's actions are not for the benefit of the family." Cui Luohan hastily refused.

This stronghold is well managed, and the income it will bring in the future will be immeasurable. With the scale of Wanyi Shangbao's operation, the [-]% tax far exceeds what it pays today; Cui Luohan just agrees with his philosophy and simply wants to help, but Shen Yifei does not want to do this Generous.

"No need to evade, I know the fairy's sincere heart, but you must have spent a lot of talking with the family to get such a large sum of money; if there is a little return, the fairy will be able to gossip less when she returns home in the future." Reciprocate with peaches, Shen Yifei knows how courageous it is for an ancient woman to spend such a large sum of money, not to mention that Shen Yifei also knows that her family does not actually support her to walk the rivers and lakes.

"So, thank you Jianshou for your kindness. I don't know if I can help you as a newcomer."

This young sword head can actually take care of my difficulties, it seems that he is really sincere, Cui Luohan's bright eyes are shining brightly, and he is more and more curious about Shen Yifei.

Shen Yifei gave a choice after pondering, "I have three options for the fairy to choose from."

"First, the headquarters of the Sword Sea in the First World War in Cuihuan Mountain is empty, and the fairy can go to garrison it."

"Second, the fairy can stay and help the chief establish a stronghold."

"These three, the chairman and Tian Dixie have entrusted me to take care of Lun Jianhai for the time being. It's just that I'm weak all by myself, and the fairy can temporarily help me by my side."

The last one is Shen Yifei's inner thoughts, such a beautiful and upright thug bodyguard and rich woman, of course he wants to stay by his side.

What?You said that it is dangerous for the chairman to be alone in the sea of ​​swords. Of course he knows that, because of the danger, how can he let the girl guard him?Even if Cui Luohan chooses the first one, Shen Yifei will try to change her mind.

There is no need for one more person to bear the pain of being beaten.

Cui Luohan thought for a while, she thought that Jianhai was a worm, and she didn't want to deal with trivial matters, so she said, "I want to be by Jianshou's side, and I hope you can give me more guidance in the future."

on the road.

Shen Yifei smiled modestly, "Teach each other."

Then Shen Yifei said to Lun Qingcheng: "Just do as I said before, gather the manpower back first, I plan to build the new base in Xinghua Village, and I will send someone to inform the chief when I have a good deal with Leng Biefu."

"By the way, is there a place for Vice Chairman Ouye?"

"Yes, the vice-chairman is making formation materials in the inner hall."

Lun Qingcheng paid a salute, took his leave and left.

When he came to the inner hall, he found Ou Ye, who was forging iron, Shen Yifei asked him to give priority to building the Natian mirror, and after making arrangements, he took Cui Luohan and left Feng'an.

"Where are you going next?" Cui Luohan asked curiously after leaving the stronghold.

"Walking in the rivers and lakes, the more friends the better, let me introduce you to two friends first."

After speaking, the two disappeared.

Xinghua Village, Lingbei Funo Store.

Tired Shoutian came to the appointment because of his previous defeat, and Leng Biefu offered wine to settle his grudges.

After drinking five jars of wine, the past is all gone.

When Yan Gexing and Juan Shoutian were drunk, a gust of cold wind blew past.

"The sky doesn't understand the suffering of the world, and looks at all the pain and sorrow with cold eyes; originally the green lantern does not return, but because of the dirty wine, it loves the world of mortals."

Accompanied by the sound of a poem, two figures, one red and one pink, came.

"My friend is quite upbeat today." Glancing at the visitor, Leng Biefu withdrew his gaze and took a sip from his teacup.

Shen Yifei felt very ashamed and pretended to be serious, "Today I have no friends, only the world of mortals does not return. I am here to represent Lun Jianhai to have a talk with you. We will be called friends only after we have settled."

"Oh? What if it doesn't go well?" Leng Biefu didn't even raise his head, showing a look of indifference.

This seemed very disrespectful and contemptuous to outsiders, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Cui Luohan slowly raised her hand to the hilt of the sword on her back, ready to strike at any time.

What Shen Yifei said next completely destroyed the tense atmosphere.

"Then drink it properly."

"Drink, it's done." Yan Gexing shouted drunkenly holding up the wine jar.

Shen Yifei laughed, stepped forward and said: "Let me introduce, this is Cui Luohan, a new swordsman joining our side."

Leng Biefu was very polite, and he got up and saluted, "The swordsman who is famous in the Hall of Fame, I'm going to Leng Biefu, I've admired him for a long time."

Cui Luohan returned the gift, "Cui Luohan, the current chief of the sword judging club, has also heard about it, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The slightly drunk Tired Shoutian also hurriedly greeted him.

On the other hand, Yan Gexing still looked like a libertine, "Female swordsman, hello."

Cui Luohan frowned slightly due to the soaring smell of alcohol, and forced herself to salute.

After the introduction, Leng Biefu asked, "What exactly is it?"

Shen Yifei immediately expressed Lun Jianhai's idea of ​​establishing a second stronghold in Xinghua Village, and Leng Biefu directly agreed without hesitation.

Seeing that he agreed so simply, Shen Yifei struck while the iron was hot and invited him and Yan Gexing to join Lun Jianhai, but Yan Gexing refused, saying that he could call him for help if something happened.

Leng Biefu said that he could consider it, as if he had something to say.

After talking about the matter, Shen Yifei saw that Cui Luohan didn't like such an occasion, so he asked her to go back to Feng'an first and tell Lun Qingcheng that she could start to build a second stronghold.

After Cui Luohan left, there were only four men left on the scene, and the atmosphere instantly became active.

Shen Yifei stepped over the stool, picked up a jug of wine and touched Yan Shoutian Yan Gexing.

"Fuck, I haven't had a drink for a long time."

As he spoke, he raised his head and drank a big sip of wine, his face flushed.

"I see you've been very busy recently, at least twenty altars today."

"Yan Gexing, you really think highly of me, but since you have said so, then I can't let you down."

It is true that he has been very busy recently, Shen Yifei planned to have a drink today to relieve his physical and mental fatigue.

Tired Shoutian didn't speak, but when he heard the two talking about twenty jars of wine, he knew in his heart that Leng Biefu had treated him very kindly, so he silently drank the five jars of wine in front of him.

"You have to drink well, otherwise you won't have such a chance after you have a tigress."

Facing the teasing from his drinking buddies, Shen Yifei's whole face turned red, "Yan Gexing, what nonsense are you talking about? I just met Miss Cui Luohan, and we are just colleagues."

Yan Gexing clicked his tongue twice, "Did I say who it was?"

The three laughed loudly.

Shen Yifei was defeated in an instant, nestled in the corner of the table, drinking wine one mouthful at a time, not talking.

Although he is not as transparent as Yan Gexing about the relationship between men and women, he knows in his heart that he only wants to keep Cui Luohan by his side because he thinks Cui Luohan is good-looking and because of his longing for the characters in the play in his previous life.

Purely for color.

Just like a beautiful woman passing by on the street, everyone likes to look at it, but liking does not mean love.

A white horse is not a horse.

 Thank you fellow Taoists for your great support, (ω) Shuan Q
(End of this chapter)

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