Chapter 39

Mori prison.

In order to increase the success rate of annihilating Lun Jianhai in one fell swoop, Xuan Bin wants to release the combat power hidden in the forest prison.

Come to the endless prison.

In the deep dungeon, there is no sun or moon, only the choking smell of dampness and decay, accompanied by the sound of water dripping on the moss, makes people feel chilly.

Hades sat cross-legged in a prison cell, his face expressionless, his lonely figure no longer looked like an emperor in the past.

Even Xuan Bin's presence didn't make him raise his eyes.

"Looking at your current appearance is really ironic!"

Xuan Bin slammed the dragon stick on the ground, waking up the prisoner.

Diverting his eyes to Xuan Bin, Yan Wang said lightly, "If you are here to mock me as a father, please feel free. If you have other things, then just say what you are here for."

"Father?" Xuan Bin snorted softly, and said disdainfully, "I want you to unleash the combat power hidden in the forest prison to help me destroy the Heavenly Frontier and flatten the sea of ​​swords."

"Oh? Do you want to prove your ability in front of your father so much? But I am already a man in the middle of nowhere, why do you think I will agree to you?"

Hearing Xuan Bin's request, Yan Wang's unchanging expression slightly changed, as if he wanted to use this as a threat in exchange for freedom.

The King of Hades’ words seemed to have stimulated Xuan Bin, and he looked crazy, and he stepped forward to grab the railing of the prison, and the veins in his hands burst out under the force, “You are right, I just want to prove that you can’t kill the God of Mu Come and kill, I can kill the bugs you can't kill."

After venting, Xuan Bin regained his composure, "It's impossible to let you go, Xuan Bin will not allow Sen Prison to return to the rule of Hades again, tell us your conditions."

"Then let Tian Luozi come to see me." There was a disappointment in his tone that he didn't plan.

"Could it be that you want to help Tian Luozi defeat me, or do you want to use him to escape from the prison?" Xuan Bin laughed loudly.

Ignoring Xuan Bin's taunt, Yan Wang stuck to the bottom line.

"Just let me, as a father, want to make up for some guilt towards the child. Since you won't let me go, then this is my last request." Telling the real purpose, Yama closed his eyes and did not speak.

Xuan Bin sneered, and said, "Yan Wang, who is stingy even with his eyes, is not a person who will take family affection into his heart."

"I will bring Tianluozi."

After finishing speaking, Xuan Bin turned and left the Endless Prison.

After Xuan Bin left, the sky prison fell into silence again, and the people in the prison opened their eyes again, and the eyes were no longer lonely, but full of majestic light.

"Other people's strength is inferior after all, Xuan Bin, my dear son, the water in the forest prison is too deep, you can't grasp it."

Outside the dungeon, Xuan Bin, who had just come out of it, saw the Bu Xiangguan waiting outside.

Surprised: "Bu camera mechanism, why is it here?"

"My lord, the army has been assembled, and now we can go to the Sea of ​​Swords." Bu Xiangguan said respectfully.

"Our strength still has room to grow, so let's wait." Xuan Bin waved his hand, as if he was not as anxious as he was at first.

And the Bu Xiang Agency came here only after learning that Xuan Bin wanted to release the hidden power of Sen Prison. The purpose was to let Xuan Bin attack Lun Jianhai in advance before gaining the power from the King of Hades.

Improve Shen Yifei's chances of winning.

Immediately, he persuaded with the words prepared in advance: "I learned that Lun Jianhai seems to be vigilant about our actions. During the period of gathering troops, Lun Jianhai also gathered the Zerg army of Shuangpo;
And they also invited Cui Luohan and Leng Biefu, the top swordsmen in the hall of fame. "

"Therefore, the subordinates believe that if we continue to wait, our chances of winning will be greatly reduced."

The persuasion by Bu Xiangju was still effective, and Xuan Bin began to think about whether it was worth waiting.

Yanzhi Mountain, Yanzhi Mountain.

All kinds of flowers that adapt to the four seasons are in full bloom on a mountain at the same time.

According to legend, a princess would go to the Baihua Pond in Yanzhi Mountain to scoop a handful of water every day, wash her face, comb her hair, and then pick a bouquet of golden dew plums and silver dew plums back to the palace to give to her husband; He used these flowers to make precious rouge and sent it back to his wife, so Yanzhi Mountain is also called Rouge Mountain.

After today, this magnificent spectacle will temporarily disappear from the vision of suffering.

Su Huanzhen came here holding the Natian Mirror and Gu Yao.

"Master Qin, look, what a beautiful mountain!" Ye Tuling, who was behind, said to Qin Jiaxian.

Qin Jixian patted his younger brother on the head and urged: "I'm not blind yet, follow up quickly."

"It's rare to have such a scene in today's miserable situation." Ye Tuling murmured in a low voice and followed quickly with his calf.

The three of them came to the top of Yanzhi Mountain, Su Zhenzhen put down the Natian Mirror, and then his luck improved and he urged Shang Gu Yao.

Immediately, a ray of Haoguang shot straight into the sky, and the earth that had been devastated by the double suns came like spring, reappearing a thriving vitality.

Sanyang is in the same sky again.

After finishing the busy work, Qin Jiaoxian asked: "Is it too obvious that Gu Yao is placed here, and it looks like it is easy to be taken away."

Su Zhenzhen wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will arrange a formation to hide this mountain in the mist later."


"The fighter plane must not be delayed, and I hope the Lord will make a decision as soon as possible." Bu Xianggui urged.

When Xuan Bin was comparing the power in the hands of Hades and the swordsman in the Hall of Fame in his heart, Gu Yao rose up.

Thinking it was God's choice, Xuan Bin had a decision in his heart.

"Let's use Sanyang Tongtian to witness the demise of Lunjianhai."

Under the leadership of Xuan Bin and all his subordinates, the army of tens of thousands of forest prisons headed for the sea of ​​swords.

Not long after the Sen Prison army set out, the army that had been assembled in Tianjiang also left for the Sea of ​​Swords.

Cruel Wars Since the Battle of Cui Huan Shan, there has been a resurgence centered on the sea of ​​swords.

As for the Sword Sea side.

Shen Yifei, Cui Luohan and Bu Yuanting waited quietly on the avenue in front of the Lunjianhai mountain peak.

The army of insect monsters behind them is ready to go.

The moonlight is cold, the atmosphere of war is solemn, and the world resounds with familiar poems.

"Lonely wandering in the pine and moon, embracing everything without returning. The pine is proud and the moon is clear. The scene is never changing, and the world is never changing."

A cold figure landed, followed by a rough figure.

"Everyone has arrived."

Shen Yifei, who was standing in front of the army, stepped forward to greet his comrades in arms, "You are finally here."

Then he saw a long emerald green sword hanging from Yan Gexing's waist, and he cried out in surprise:
"Drinking friend, you have also changed your equipment, it looks good!"

Saying that, Shen Yifei stretched out his hand and was about to touch it.

Yan Gexing sideways avoided, and said in his mouth: "I have given up drinking, from now on there will only be friends and no drinking friends."


Hearing this news, Shen Yifei opened his mouth wide, full of surprise and regret.

Lost his drinking buddy, the hateful Xuan Bin.

"How's the preparation going?" Leng Biefu asked beside him.

Shen Yifei's demeanor was composed and he had a plan in mind, "The chess set has been laid out, just wait for Xuan Bin to enter the game."

"Everyone loves you if you have a plan in mind, and you die quickly if you think you are right. Yan Gexing hopes that you are the former."


(End of this chapter)

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