Chapter 74 Crisis
In Heilinbos, Cui Luohan saw Leng Biefu and Yan Gexing who had returned, and wondered, "Why are you back?"

Leng Biefu touched his nose, "Ah, that kid is off."

Yan Gexing covered his mouth and nose before he finished speaking, and Yan Gexing smiled at Cui Luohan.

"We thought about it and felt that you might need more manpower, so we suggested to that kid to come back and help."

Cui Luohan nodded without doubting him, and Wen Qinyu next to her suddenly made a suspicious voice, "Where did that little brother go?"

After getting along for a while, she has a good impression of this simple boy, and Wen Qinyu seems to have regarded Jian Suifeng as a younger brother.

Seeing that he was missing at this time, he couldn't help showing a worried look.

Immediately, everyone searched around Heilinbos, but they couldn't find anyone, and suddenly disappeared, and there was no clue for a while, but Wen Qinyu had no choice but to put this worry in his heart.

And outside Heilinbosi, Shen Yifei and Rin Ruomei were about to leave when suddenly.

A gust of wind blew, and amidst the fallen leaves, came the low voice of a young man.

"He is proud, but he has a kind heart; he is humble, but he is admired by all; he has extraordinary swordsmanship, justice in his heart, and is handsome; everyone calls him a righteous swordsman——Sword Suifeng."

A figure appeared in front of the two in a flirtatious pose.

Seeing this, Shen Yifei dragged Lin Ruomei quickly past the figure in front of him, and walked away without looking back, his steps getting faster and faster.

Jian Suifeng:? ? ?

Hearing his name when exchanging information in Heilinbos, Shen Yifei knew his identity. The son of Di Ming, one of the Xuanhuang Three Vehicles, came to the stronghold of Feng'an for some reason and made friends with Cui Luohan The two older sisters of the two led him to appear in the martial arts in advance.

This guy is a big trouble, the current situation is already chaotic enough, Shen Yifei doesn't want to have too much involvement with Yunhai Xianmen, so he chooses to ignore it immediately.


"Wait a moment."

Jian Suifeng put away his posture and chased after him.

Sensing the approaching figure behind him, Shen Yifei felt a little headache, and quickened his pace again.

"Senior, why did we run away? Is that person scary?" Lin Ruomei, who was being pulled, showed a puzzled expression.

She remembered that the young man at the back was also in Heilinbos before, and he was quite familiar with Cui Luohan and the others. He didn't look like an enemy, but for some reason, the senior would act like fleeing.

"It's not scary, it's troublesome."

After saying this, Shen Yifei stopped and sighed, because the boy behind had already caught up.

Reluctantly turned around and said, "Why are you chasing me?"

"You are the sword head of Lun Jianhai?" Jian Suifeng asked after looking up at him.


Shen Yifei responded lightly, but couldn't hear the tone.

"The world of mortals does not return to people?"



"Stop." Hearing this word, Shen Yifei interrupted Jian Suifeng's inquiry.

"To be honest, why are you squatting here?"

As the person in charge of Lun Jianhai, he often gave orders, and now his eyes showed a little majesty.

But this not only didn't frighten Jian Suifeng, but made him more excited. This is what a hero should look like in his mind.

"I want to challenge you." Jian Suifeng said excitedly.

"Senior is so busy, how can you offend me, let's go through my test first."

Lin Ruomei changed her clothes with one click, and instantly changed into a heroic appearance, blocking Shen Yifei with a horizontal knife.

"Such a sassy girl."

Jian Suifeng sighed in admiration, and when he was about to say that Lun Jianhai's sword leader was the one he challenged, he listened.

"alright, you win."

"Ruomei, let's go." After Shen Yifei finished speaking, he pulled Rin Ruomei away.

Leaving Jian Suifeng standing there with a look of astonishment on his face.

The two disappeared all the way, and did not show their figures until they reached the boundary of heaven and earth.

"Finally got rid of that kid."

Shen Yifei breathed out and muttered to himself.

When Lin Ruomei was about to ask why she was afraid of that person, her eyes swept across the wreckage outside Tianjiang, and her mood instantly became depressed.

Knowing Lin Ruomei's experience, Shen Yifei also felt sorry for this girl, and didn't want her to stay here for a long time, so he planned to make a quick decision.

Shen Yifei said directly: "Lead the way."

Lin Ruomei collected her emotions and led Shen Yifei all the way to the sky crack of the Yu clan.

Above Qiaofeng, a crack opened, as if a hole had been opened in the sky.

Lin Ruomei Huaguang entered first, followed by Shen Yifei.

Shen Yi flew inside and saw the towering tree burning with green flames at a glance.

"How?" Shen Yifei asked simply.

"Senior sit cross-legged under the tree and communicate with the holy tree with your heart."

Shen Yifei did as he was told, and sat cross-legged under the sacred burning wood tree, but after sitting for a while, his heart could not be calm.

While restless, for some reason, he suddenly thought of the Taoist "Pure Heart Jue" from the previous life, no matter whether it was useful or not, Shen Yifei began to recite silently in his heart.

If the heart is ice-clear, the water will not be shocked; the changes will remain fixed, the spirit will be happy and calm; the dust will not stick
As he recited silently, his restless heart began to gradually calm down. As Shen Yifei's heart became more and more stable, the green fire above his head suddenly flourished as if grease had been poured on it.

Immediately, the flame full of life breath turned into two green tongues of flame, rushing towards Shen Yifei's heart respectively.

After Pang Ran's holy power entered Shen Yifei's body, this power galloped through his body like a frightened wild horse.

The internal organs were destroyed by external forces, and there was an instant severe pain. Shen Yifei closed his eyes tightly, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

And Lin Ruomei, who was watching from the sidelines, made a movement when she raised her long knife and swiped at her palm.

The blood containing the blood of the Yu clan seemed to be drawn and slowly gathered towards the green flame, and Lin Ruomei's face became paler as time passed.

At this moment, a palm strike struck.

Caught off guard, Lin Ruomei was injured instantly, was knocked several meters away by this force, and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

Accident, surprise.

Lin Ruomei struggled to get up and raised her head to look in the direction of the attacking palm force, accompanied by two smirks, two figures emerged.

It was the Chiu Qiqiao and the ferocious two Tianjiang evil clans who were controlled by the God of Mu, Fen Shensi.

Seeing the person coming, Lin Ruomei showed a surprised look, and said in her heart: No wonder.

Looking back at Shen Yifei who was sitting cross-legged under the tree, Lin Ruomei felt relieved.

Fortunately, the blood of the Yu clan has been integrated into the sacred tree. In order to repay her kindness, today she, Ruomei, will protect her senior from any harm.

"Earlier, you gave up the battle halfway and caused father and Uncle Ghost to be defeated. Today, Rin Ruomei will take this revenge."

Lin Ruomei looked at the person in front of her coldly, flipped the chopping knife in her hand, the invisible knife energy swept out, and a row of trees died instantly.

"Just you?"

Tianjiang Shuangxie looked disdainful.

"What about me?"

A voice came, and the battle situation changed again. The person who came was the righteous swordsman who followed all the way—Jian Suifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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