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Chapter 155 Family members, Bobo was bullied!

Chapter 155 Family members, Bobo was bullied!

Thinking of this, Wang Yibo's emotions finally calmed down. Liu Qing apologized when he asked him to apologize, and left when he asked him to leave. He was very cooperative throughout the whole process.

Lin Shaotian was taken aback by his sudden change of attitude.

"The spokesperson of your family is a bit interesting. He can bend and stretch."

Lin Shaotian smiled and looked at Mr. Xu who was covered in cold sweat and his entire forehead was wet.

He was really frightened, and the characters on both sides were people he couldn't afford to offend.

One has tens of millions of fans on the Internet, and the other is a top boss in the industry. A celebrity with tens of millions of fans can ruin the reputation of his brand, and the top boss can directly control the life and death of his company.

It's like one is executed at Ling Chi, and the other is executed at noon.

Both are dead, just suffering in different ways.

"Mr. Lin, I'm just a small brand, and I just hired a small star, so don't worry about it."

Mr. Xu accompanied him with a smile, and took Lin Shaotian to the living room on the second floor of the banquet hall to rest.

The people who recorded the video were also taken away one by one, and deleted the video in their hands to ensure that today's events would not be spread. Even if someone was reluctant and wanted to keep the video, they would be forced by Lin Shaotian's influence to obediently hand over the phone .

"Have you thought about changing your spokesperson?"

Lin Shaotian sat on the leather sofa in his spare time, crossed his legs, and looked at Mr. Xu who was sitting opposite him.

"Change the spokesperson? Does Mr. Lin have any recommendations?"

Since Lin Shaotian opened his mouth, Mr. Xu must of course give him face, even if he doesn't want to change, he still has to listen to what the other party has to say.

"I think, since you have the money to hire Wang Yibo, why don't you spend money to hire Luo Yunxi? His reputation is much better than Wang Yibo's, and his fans' purchasing power is also very strong, and his popularity is also very good."

Lin Shaotian sincerely recommended Luo Yunxi to Mr. Xu.

Compared with Wang Yibo, he is more optimistic about Luo Yunxi who only shoots TV dramas and has good acting skills.

Mr. Xu smiled sadly, and he said: "Mr. Lin, I understand what you mean, but our company has already signed a contract with Wang Yibo, and we cannot change the spokesperson within at least half a year. Tens of millions, if you invite Luo Yunxi, it will be a huge expense..."

Xu's head office jewelry has two industry lines, one for ordinary users and one for high-end users.

The jewelry that Lin Shaotian bought today is their high-end series, which cannot sell hundreds of sets a year, and they are all bought by rich people for collection or as gifts.

Those who buy and play like Lin Shaotian are, after all, a minority.

Their main production line is still jewelry for ordinary users, with a price ranging from a few hundred yuan at the lowest to tens of thousands at the highest.

Coupled with the downturn in the industry this year, everyone is more inclined to save money, which has caused the sales of Xu's head office to drop a lot. After talking about Wang Yibo at the beginning of the year, he also counted on the star effect to save his company.

At the beginning, Wang Yibo's fans were really strong, which directly doubled Xu's head office's profit!
But the purchasing index quickly dropped.

Hearing that Wang Yibo was going to star in a movie directed by Cheng Er, Mr. Xu was fortunate that it would make his company's brand usher in another buying climax.

But who knew that this resource was wasted!
Mr. Xu would not blame Lin Shaotian like Wang Yibo did. He has been in the mall for so many years, so of course he knows that Lin Shaotian cannot be blamed for this matter!
Wang Yibo's acting skills are really bad, anyone who opened his eyes can see it.

Mr. Xu also knew that Lin Shaotian was considering the box office of the movie, so he replaced Wang Yibo.

It's just that Mr. Xu has to worry about increasing sales again.

"Then have you ever thought that there is no need to spend too much money on hiring celebrities, it is better to spend the money wisely."

Lin Shaotian said.

Mr. Xu's eyes lit up, knowing that Lin Shaotian was going to give him advice!
"Also ask Mr. Lin to enlighten me!"

"Give me a low-end product of yours, and I'll help you find a way. If it succeeds, do you know what to do?"

"...I know, I know!"

Mr. Xu immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the secretary, asking him to choose a set of his own products and send it to Lin Shaotian.

Then, he looked up at Lin Shaotian with a very excited expression, "Boss Lin, if you can show me a clear path, I will definitely follow your lead!"

Lin Shaotian was amused by his words, waved his hands and said, "That's not necessary, let's just make it up to you, I'm sorry for making trouble at your place today and disturbing your banquet."

"What did Mr. Lin say! I am so grateful that you can come, how can I blame you!"

"Hehe, I'll spare you the polite words. I'm going to go back after sitting down for a while. Go down and get busy."

After President Xu thanked him and left, Lin Shaotian finally relaxed, leaning back against the sofa, looking up at the white ceiling.

"Looking at Wang Yibo's unwillingness to give in, today's matter may not be over!"

Many times, Lin Shaotian would feel tired. The stars in the entertainment circle seemed to be respectful to him, but they actually had their own agendas behind the scenes.

Take Yang Mi as an example, just meeting him once can give birth to so many moths!

Not to mention those traffic stars!

Which one is not backed by capital?

There are fans holding it, and merchants coaxing it?

Lin Shaotian can kill decisively in the circle, block whoever he wants to block, and take away whose resources he wants to take away. Isn't it because Hua Xiaoyi's previous victory is big enough?
If Hua Xiaoyi didn't have such a big say, Lin Shaotian would be so rich no matter how rich he was, he was just a nouveau riche who was looked down upon by others.

You can't get into the center of power at all!

"It's time for Hua Xiaoyi to have more influence..."

Lin Shaotian muttered to himself.

He has money and strength, so of course he wants to make Hua Xiaoyi better!

After three to five years, Lin Shaotian will never let something like today happen again!

Wang Yibo and Liu Qing got into the nanny car, and they looked at each other face to face. The former turned his mouth and began to complain.

"Sister Qing, this matter is too much! Why is Lin Shaotian still so domineering after stealing my resources! Even if he is Hua Xiaoyi's senior management, he can't do this!"

Liu Qing sighed, looked at Wang Yibo with hatred, and said, "Are you still complaining to me now? You have heard of Lin Shaotian's name for a long time, and you know that he always does whatever he wants, and he can block whoever he wants. Are you still talking to me here, saying that you are wronged?"

Wang Yibo pursed his lips and looked at Liu Qing aggrievedly.

Liu Qing's heart softened, and his tone eased, "Don't be angry, I will arrange this matter for you, so you can rest assured to be your big star!"

"Thank you, Miss Qing!"

On the way home by car, Liu Qing took out his mobile phone and clicked on Wang Yibo's fan group.

"Family, Bobo has been bullied!"

(End of this chapter)

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