Roaming in the dark

Chapter 101 Ding Dong Ding Dong

Chapter 101 Ding Dong Ding Dong
"Ding dong ding dong" rang the doorbell, and then stood outside the door. Sheng Chuncheng imagined that Sister Chen was standing up from the sofa, then limped over, turned around the entrance, opened the door with her hand, and looked towards the door. He smiled and said "come in".

But the door was quiet, and nothing happened as Sheng Chuncheng expected. Sheng Chuncheng waited for a while, then stretched out his hand, and rang the doorbell with a "ding dong ding dong".

Sister Chen's voice came faintly from the door: "Here we come, we come."

Sheng Chuncheng stood there waiting, anticipating the time when Sister Chen limped over, but in the end, what was supposed to happen didn't happen as scheduled, and the door that should have been opened was still closed.

Sheng Chuncheng stretched out his hand, wanting to ring the doorbell again, but he stretched his hand halfway and then withdrew it. Just now, Sister Chen had said "Come, come", so wait.

Sheng Chuncheng stood there and waited for a few more minutes, the door finally opened. The moment the door opened, Sheng Chuncheng smelled a nice scent of perfume mixed with shampoo.

Sister Chen was still wearing a mid-length nightdress with suspenders, and her hair was still a little wet and hadn't been completely dried. She said to Sheng Chuncheng with a smile:

"Here we come, Xiao Sheng."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "Here we come."

The two went in, but Sister Chen got Sheng Chuncheng's slippers, changed them, and led him in by the hand.

Turning from the hallway to the living room, Sheng Chuncheng instantly understood the reason why Sister Chen hadn't come to open the door just now. He saw that the man was also there. He seemed to have just taken a shower, and his hair was wetter than Sister Chen's.

When Sister Chen led Sheng Chuncheng in, he saw the man, watched their mouths open and close, and said colloquially: "I'm leaving?"

Sister Chen nodded slightly.

The man walked towards the entrance, and when he passed by them, he reached out and touched Sister Chen's buttocks. Sister Chen knocked his hand off and gave him a look, and the man almost laughed out loud.

Sister Chen pursed her lips and smiled charmingly at him.

Sheng Chuncheng saw all of this, but he kept his face, and he could only keep his face.

Sister Chen turned her head and saw the man disappearing in the entrance, she suddenly raised her voice and said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"Xiao Sheng, the method you told me really works. I slept last night and put two pillows on my heels. As a result, this morning, the swelling has subsided a lot."

Sheng Chuncheng was clear-eyed, he knew that Sister Chen was covering the other side, the sound of the man opening and closing the door of the shoe cabinet, and opening the door to go out, Sheng Chuncheng smiled slightly, he said yes, this can also relieve the pain.

"That's right, that's true, what you said is right." Sister Chen called.

On the other side of the porch, the door was gently closed. Although the sound was very soft, you could still hear it if you listened carefully. Sister Chen heard it and breathed a sigh of relief. She said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"Xiao Sheng, I didn't order takeaway today. I brought food back from the canteen at work. I just warmed it up. Let's go eat first?"

"No, let's do it once first, and then go over to eat. After eating, let's do it again." Sheng Chuncheng said, and Sister Chen agreed.

Sheng Chuncheng understood. Today, the man sent Sister Chen back with food. It is very close from the Civic Center. It will take about [-] minutes to go through Qingchun Road and the river tunnel. If a few months later, With the opening of the Boao Tunnel, it is even closer.

When the two returned here, they did what all lovers would do at this time, even if Sister Chen's foot was injured, they took a bath together, and the man helped Sister Chen wash her hair, apply body lotion, and spray it with a shower.

After coming out of the bathroom, two people were drying and brushing their hair when the doorbell rang. At this time, Sister Chen's hair was not completely dry. Sister Chen must have told the man, do the math, that's it.

That's all.

Sister Chen and Sheng Chuncheng went to the sofa, and they sat down. Sister Chen raised her right foot and put it on Sheng Chuncheng's lap. Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help but smile inwardly.

After the massage, Sister Chen said, let's go eat.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, and when the two walked towards the restaurant, Sister Chen said, Xiao Sheng, wait for me.

As she spoke, she walked into the room. Sheng Chuncheng guessed that she was going to put on her underwear.

For a person like Sister Chen, even if she was facing a blind person, if it wasn't for the need for massage, she would not be able to accept sitting in front of a man eating empty psychologically.


Sister Chen came out soon, and the two of them walked to the dining table. Sheng Chuncheng saw six plates on the table, and another plate was buckled on top of the plate to prevent the dishes from getting cold. Sister Chen put her hand on the bottom of the plate on top Tantan, and Sheng Chuncheng said:

"Fortunately, it's still hot."

Sheng Chuncheng said: "It's summer now, even if it's cold, it doesn't matter."

"No, how can I do that?"

As Sister Chen was talking, she took off the plates one by one and stacked them together. Sheng Chuncheng saw that today's dishes were much richer than yesterday. It seemed that the food in Sister Chen's unit cafeteria was good. It was still Sister Chen. If you go, it's impossible to think about the food.

Sheng Chuncheng had just sat down, but he was still thinking about whether this dish was served hot by Sister Chen or by that man. Sister Chen pointed at the wine cabinet, or said it to Sheng Chuncheng coquettishly. :

"I still have to drink today, you go get the wine."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes with a smile, and stood up. He didn't know if Sister Chen had blurred himself and that man at this moment.

Sheng Chuncheng came back with the wine and cups, and sat down. Sister Chen was still the same as last time. In Sheng Chuncheng's favorite way, she first knocked on the plates one by one, and then told him one by one, what is on the plate, you pick it yourself. .

Eat and drink well, Sheng Chuncheng said Sister Chen, you sit down, I will clean up, this time Sister Chen did not refuse, but said with a smile, thank you, she knew that Sheng Chuncheng was already familiar with the kitchen environment, she sat There, I watched Sheng Chuncheng tidy up back and forth, and only occasionally reminded him a few words.

After tidying up, the two of them walked to the living room. Sister Chen said, I am too full, Xiao Sheng, please accompany me to the balcony first.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

The two walked to the balcony outside the living room. The balcony was very large, with many flowers and plants placed on both sides. The railings were made of stainless steel and glass. The two stood in front of the railings. Sheng Chuncheng looked out through the sunglasses. It was completely dark now The surrounding buildings are lit up, making the buildings transparent.

Sheng Chun thought to himself, the so-called lights of thousands of houses probably refer to this moment.

Standing on the balcony, you can see the Qiantang River, the opposite Civic Center and the city balcony, you can see the Hangzhou Grand Theater and the Universal Conference Center, and the light show of Qianjiang New City has been lit up, and it is full of brilliance.

Sister Chen stood there, talking to Sheng Chuncheng one by one about what the opposite side of the river is like, what the city balcony is like, and what the civic center is like. She told Sheng Chuncheng that her unit is in the circular building. Inside the building, you can't see her office here. Her office is not facing the river, but on the side where you can see downtown Hangzhou and Chenghuang Mountain.

Sister Chen's voice is very pleasant and magnetic. When she speaks, it is like a whisper, like a quiet and flat road, which makes you want to step on it, keep walking, and go to the end.

They stood on the balcony for about [-] minutes. Sister Chen and Sheng Chuncheng talked about what they could see with their eyes for [-] minutes. Even if Sheng Chuncheng was really blind, he would be moved by the scene she described.

Sister Chen's description is different from that of ordinary people. There is obviously a kind of pride in her description, which makes people feel that she has contributed to this beautiful scenery. From her voice, you Not only can you hear her love for this city, but also for her work and herself.

The two returned to the sofa. Sister Chen lifted her right foot and placed it on Sheng Chuncheng's lap. Sheng Chuncheng saw that, sure enough, Sister Chen was already wearing a pair of light blue lace underwear.

Delicate women are still so particular, Sheng Chuncheng remembered that he had seen this advertisement somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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