Roaming in the dark

Chapter 116 At That Time

Chapter 116 At That Time

"At that time, Taobao also came up. We sold clothes in that house and opened an online store to sell online. The business of our online store was also very good, because we and other online store owners It's different, they sell things online, and those things are their own imaginations, thinking that this style should be easy to sell, and this style should not be easy to sell.

"Our advantage is that we are also selling clothes in real life. We have sold clothes ourselves and know what styles are good and what are not. We are very familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of this style, its fabrics and so on. .

"I ask our online store that any clothes that are not easy to sell in reality are not allowed to be put in the online store. Selling clothes is not only about selling styles, but more importantly, selling styles. Some clothes, you The style doesn't look very good, but it is very comfortable to wear on people. This kind of clothes is the most likely to bring you repeat customers, and there are almost no returns or exchanges.

"Some clothes look beautiful in style, but if the shape is not good, no matter whether they are fat or thin, it will be uncomfortable for anyone to wear, and they don't look good. Ten pieces of clothes were sent out, but the customers were disappointed when they tried them on, and more than half of them were returned, many of which were because of the fit.

"They don't know yet, if it is returned here, it will be sold there, but if it is received there, it will still be returned. Your shape is not good, and anyone will feel uncomfortable wearing it. How can you sell it? You sell it and sell it. Just being a porter.

"The same goes for the assistants in our store. They have been selling clothes, they have experience, and they know clothes very well. When they introduce them to customers, they know what to say to impress customers. I also ask them to be able to wear clothes for their customers. For customers to see, try to wear them on the camera for customers to see. These assistants are all picked by me. They look good in clothes.

"In less than a year, our online store ranks among the top ten in sales of women's clothing on Taobao, as well as cosmetics. This is how business is done. Little by little, you can't ignore any small things. , If you can seize it, it is a business opportunity to seize it.

"When we opened an online shop to sell clothes, live broadcasts became popular, but at that time, those who did live broadcasts relied on singing and dancing in front of the camera, or the kind of words that men like to listen to, and made money from tipping.

"I also opened a live broadcast, but the purpose of my live broadcast is to promote our online store. I don't sing or dance in front of the camera, but to introduce how to dress. If you are interested, I will introduce They go to our online store and become our customers.

"As a result, my live broadcast is still very popular, and it can bring a lot of customers to our online store every day. One day, I thought that if I liked it here, I would click on the link of our online store to enter After entering the store, I still have to search for this product. Is it troublesome? There are many people who are afraid of trouble and say that it is good, but they never pass.

"I was thinking, since people like it here, why can't they place an order directly here? There are many people here, and we can also directly engage in various activities in the live broadcast room, such as group buying and bidding auctions. It is better than in the online store.

"I went to discuss with the platform, and the platform also thought that my idea was very good, so we started to cooperate. Unexpectedly, this time, the industry of live broadcasting has been subverted. Now 70.00% of live broadcasting is based on live broadcasting. , There are very few people who rely on audience rewards to make money like before.”

Xue'er and Sheng Chuncheng talked endlessly, and Sheng Chuncheng sighed: "Listening to this step by step, it's really not easy."

"That's right, making money is not easy. Even if you see it is easy now, it has never been easy." Cher said.

"Xue'er, let me ask you something, okay?" Sheng Chuncheng said.

"You ask."

"How did you know that man?"

"Who? You mean a scumbag?"


"I see."

Xueer nodded, and immediately understood that what Sheng Chuncheng was talking about was the king of the sea, who knew people who didn't know her, and what interested her most was the story between her and him. Xueer also admitted that it was because of her association with him that the She really became a top Internet celebrity, and many people came to her live broadcast room and became her fans because of their so-called scandals.

Xueer also admitted that this has brought great benefits to her business.

"He went to my live broadcast room, saw me, and then asked his friends to inquire about me. A friend on the platform brought him to meet me. He was very straightforward. When we met for the first time, he said he liked me very much. In fact, I At that time, I was not very interested in dating, but to be honest, I don’t hate him even if I look at him, I just date him, anyway, I didn’t have a boyfriend at that time.” Xue’er laughed.

"Then why did you break up again?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Three views are different. He and I grew up in very different environments. We have different views on many things. We broke up. In fact, there is no major conflict. He is a person. It is good to be friends, but to be friends Boyfriend, it's a bit awkward, we've broken up now, but we're still good friends, sometimes we still make phone calls or something."

"There is no specific reason?" Sheng Chuncheng laughed, "Everything is said on the Internet, of course, I don't believe it."

"I know, if you want to talk about the biggest reason, it's him. He's too generous, and he puts a lot of pressure on me." Xue Er said.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't understand, and asked: "The boyfriend is too generous, which is also a shortcoming, and will it cause you pressure?"

"Yes." Xueer said, "I'm a person. No matter who I associate with, my principle is that I don't take advantage of you. Although you are the rich second generation, I am not short of money, and I can make money. The money I earn makes me feel at ease. After our relationship, he always buys me things, only expensive ones, not the right ones, and gives away a lot of expensive bags that I don’t need .

"He gave me something, and I didn't want to owe him anything, so I bought him something of the same price, such as a watch, and returned it to him. I'm a stingy person in this regard. I am willing to spend it, in fact, I am very distressed, you say, the more generous he is, the more pressure I will have."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed loudly, he nodded and said, "So that's how it is."

Cher also smiled.

"Then what about this big brother now?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"He chased me fiercely during my spare time, so I followed suit." Xue'er said, "Anyway, he is also a rich second generation, although he is not as rich as that one."

"After all, you still like the rich second generation."

"Yes, I just like the rich second generation, it's easy." Xue'er said.


"With them, at least one thing is certain, that is, they didn't come after me because of money, otherwise, I would always have to guess the other party's intentions, tired or not, people nowadays are full of scheming Deep, sweet words are worthless, let alone trustworthy, I hate to always guess the other party's motives."

(End of this chapter)

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