Roaming in the dark

Chapter 192 Guo Shuang and Zhong Xinxin

Chapter 192 Guo Shuang and Zhong Xinxin
Guo Shuang and Zhong Xinxin are as good as one person now, they are together every day, either Guo Shuang goes to Zhong Xinxin's house, or Zhong Xinxin goes to Guo Shuang's house, of course, Guo Shuang goes to Zhong Xinxin's house more often, no matter what So, after all, Guo Shuang still has an aunt at home, and Zhong Xinxin is more free, and the two of them can do whatever they want.

Now even when Sheng Chuncheng went to give Zhong Xinxin a massage, Zhong Xinxin would not drive Guo Shuang out of the door, but the two of them went into the inner bedroom, leaving Guo Shuang alone on the sofa to play games.

Guo Shuang was curious, and came in to watch Sheng Chuncheng give Zhong Xinxin a massage. After watching for a while, he didn't think there was anything interesting, so he left.

That day, Guo Shuang's nose was very congested and he had a splitting headache. Sheng Chuncheng told her that you are suffering from the cold, and I can just brush your back. , She felt ashamed when she thought that she would have to expose herself to Sheng Chuncheng like Zhong Xinxin.

Zhong Xinxin persuaded Guo Shuang in turn, using Sheng Chuncheng's same rhetoric. She said, there is something wrong with you. Go to the hospital. If you meet a male doctor, you won't see a doctor?He is now the same as a male doctor, he is working.

As she said that, Zhong Xinxin leaned closer to Guo Shuang's ear and whispered to her, what are you afraid of, he can't see anyway.

Guo Shuang hesitated for a while, and finally took off his shirt and bra, and sat with his back facing Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng used essential oil to brush her back. The first time he did it, Guo Shuang screamed in pain and stood up. Just wanting to run away, Zhong Xinxin pressed her shoulders to prevent her from running away.

When he sat down for the first time, Guo Shuang blushed all over his face, clasped his hands tightly in front of his chest, and covered it up. Grabbing his thigh.

After brushing for a while, Guo Shuang felt his nose cleared up, and his head began to feel less painful. Brushing on his back seemed to relieve the pain. Zhong Xinxin didn't need to press her anymore. When Sheng Chuncheng was talking to her, Twice, she turned around graciously.

Sheng Chuncheng saw that Guo Shuang's skin was as fair and delicate as Sister Chen's, but more elastic than Sister Chen's. For a moment, Sheng Chuncheng was in a daze. He felt that the person sitting in front of him seemed to be Shanshan.

After brushing her back, Zhong Xinxin helped wipe off the essential oils on her back with a paper towel. After Guo Shuang put on her clothes, she felt that not only her nose but also her whole body had penetrated. Follow them to the greenway and run with them.

During the days when Sheng Chuncheng was not here, Guo Shuang and Zhong Xinxin would still run on the greenway every day. Sheng Chuncheng and Guo Shuang said that asking her to help supervise Zhong Xinxin was actually just a rhetoric. He knew that Zhong Xinxin would not play tricks. In fact, Zhong Xinxin is supervising Guo Shuang's running every day.

Sister Chen called Sheng Chuncheng, and Sister Chen repeatedly told Sheng Chuncheng that there was nothing wrong, but she hadn't seen him for a long time and wanted to sit and chat with him.

"Xiao Sheng, when you have time to pass by my unit, can you call me, I want to sit with you." Sister Chen said on the phone.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

In the afternoon, Sheng Chuncheng was going to give Yu Dazi and the others a massage, so he called Sister Chen and said that he would be at the Civic Square at two o'clock.

"Okay, Xiao Sheng, do you know the entrance to the Outlet Plaza? At two o'clock, you can wait for me there, okay? Let's sit down there." Sister Chen and Sheng Chuncheng said.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Although the Civic Center is very close to the Hangzhou Grand Theater, it is next door, but Sister Chen and Yu Dazi are two types of people. Sheng Chuncheng doesn't have to worry about their intersection. Generally speaking, civil servants, especially Sister Chen Leaders will think that those who engage in art are too casual and romantic, and they are not willing to contact them.

From Yu Dazi's point of view, they felt that Sister Chen and the others were too rigid and too lazy to contact them.

And at this point in time, Yu Dazi and the others were rehearsing in the rehearsal hall and would not go out for shopping. Sheng Chuncheng didn't have to worry that he and Sister Chen would be bumped into by Yu Dazi and his group when they were somewhere in the outlet.

Therefore, Sheng Chuncheng decided to go to see Sister Chen first, and then go to Yu Mazi and the others.

Sheng Chuncheng stood at the entrance of the Civic Square leading to the underground, the main passage of the Outlet Plaza. After a while, he saw Sister Chen walking out of the Civic Center from a distance, passing through the square in front of the door, and walking towards him. .

Sister Chen looked radiant and energetic, and she was back to the original Sister Chen. When she walked all the way, she hardly looked sideways, but she saw Sheng Chuncheng from a long distance and waved at him.

When she got closer, Sister Chen asked with a smile, "Xiao Sheng, how long have you been here?"

Sheng Chuncheng said no, I just arrived too.

"Let's go, let's go down and sit." Sister Chen took Sheng Chuncheng's hand and said to him, "Be careful, there are all steps."

They walked to a cafe. The cafe opened on the edge of the atrium of the outlet. Wearing parasols, tables and chairs, Hangzhou in October is a crisp autumn day. Coffee drinkers choose to sit in the atrium, and there are almost no people in the cafe.

Walking into the cafe from the atrium, it was dark in front of her eyes. Sister Chen stood and blinked her eyes before she could see the scene inside clearly. In front of the glass window near the atrium, there was a row of tables, and a girl was sitting in front of one of the tables. There was something written there, across a row, the place where the light was more dim, was a row of booths, there was no one there, Sister Chen led Sheng Chuncheng to the booth and sat down.

Sister Chen's complexion was good, but Sheng Chuncheng still asked:

"Sister Chen, how are you now?"

Sister Chen nodded and said without hesitation: "Okay."

The turmoil of her husband has passed now, and what passed along with the turmoil were those strange gazes and the chattering behind her back. Completely erased from her life, she has now become a married single.

The lawyer reminded her that she could file for divorce now, but Sister Chen didn't accept it, not because she still had a lot of nostalgia for that person, but because of her daughter. For her daughter, she also wanted to maintain this marriage in name only, just like That's what they do all the time.

Even those old leaders who avoided her intentionally or unintentionally some time ago are back now, showing more concern and encouragement, and more greetings.

Sister Chen stretched out her hand, held Sheng Chuncheng's hand, and said to him, "Xiao Sheng, thank you, and Xiao Zhong."

Yes, the daughter who worried her the most and worried her the most now looks like a normal child. At home, she also knows how to be humble and considerate. Several times, when she sees Sister Chen, she will naturally Leaning in, being intimate with her, and acting like a baby to her, Sister Chen felt very relieved. She wanted to ask Sheng Chuncheng out to share her comfort with him.

"I don't think about anything now, Xiaosheng, let me tell you, that day, Shuangshuang's teacher called me and asked me how Shuangshuang was and when I could go back to school, haha, I almost blurted out, Shuangshuang didn't answer It was school, and I was taken aback.

"But it's true when I think about it. Now I don't have any requirements for my daughter. It doesn't matter if she doesn't go to school or not. It doesn't matter if she works or not. As long as I see her healthy and happy, I feel that is enough. What is excellence, you are healthier than others , Happier than others, is the real excellence, I told Shuang Shuang that day, haha, Xiao Sheng, guess what she said?"

Sheng Chuncheng asked with a smile, "What did Guo Shuang say?"

"She looked at me with wide eyes and asked, Mom, are you degenerate and don't ask for progress at all? Haha, I am, I am willing, what?"

Sister Chen smiled heartily, and Sheng Chuncheng was also infected by her. He felt that with such a Sister Chen, it was no wonder that Guo Shuang would approach her naturally and act like a baby to her.

 Thank you Romantic Cherry Blossom for turning over the book, Huhu, Snacks, Rainman rainman, Jinzi, Quadratic VC, Lao Shen Xisang, Crossing the Limit 2008, lcs0001, Zi Zengyue, Yunlong Frog Fish, Book Friends 20170712165354432, Book Friends 140806182101331 monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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