Roaming in the dark

Chapter 199 Zhong Xinxin Ordered a Lot of Dishes

Chapter 199 Zhong Xinxin Ordered a Lot of Dishes

Zhong Xinxin ordered a lot of dishes, and the delivery staff couldn't deliver them all in one trip, so they went downstairs twice to bring up all the meals. The table was full and they couldn't fit it. Those with two servings were put aside. On the table preparation table, we will talk about it after we finish eating here.

Through the sunglasses, Sheng Chuncheng saw so many dishes being served from a distance, and wanted to scold, "You are crazy, order so many", but he couldn't see it, so he couldn't scold, Zhong Xinxin rubbed his hands while waving , and Guo Shuang showing off:
"How about it, can you enjoy yourself?"

Guo Shuang was so dumbfounded that he could only nod and laugh all the time.

"Eat more, today is Dad's favor day, I don't know how long I have been waiting for this day." Zhong Xinxin and Guo Shuang said, "Next time you cry a few more times, once you cry, Dad will be kind. "

"Damn it!" Guo Shuang cursed, blushing.

Sheng Chuncheng sat there listening to the book, and he didn't hear anything about the conversation between the two people over there, but he was relieved when he heard Guo Shuang's laughter.

When ready, Zhong Xinxin told Sheng Chuncheng to go over and eat. Sheng Chuncheng stood up and walked over. Zhong Xinxin asked Sheng Chuncheng one by one if he wanted any small ingredients. When Sheng Chuncheng said yes, she put some of them in his mouth. In the small bowl in front of you.

The water in the pot was boiled, ready to serve. Zhong Xinxin knew that Sheng Chuncheng liked spicy food, so she scalded the vegetables, put them on the plate in front of Sheng Chuncheng, and told him what it was. Later, Guo Shuang also followed suit. Like Zhong Xinxin, he also helped Sheng Chuncheng pick up and warm the vegetables. While the two of them were eating by themselves, they also ensured that the plate in front of Sheng Chuncheng was always full.

The three chatted while eating, mainly the two girls were talking, and Sheng Chuncheng was listening. Although his life trajectory was actually similar to theirs, he couldn't talk about it. Zhong Xinxin was talking about her affairs in England , Guo Shuang was talking about her time at Peking University, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't tell them about his time at the Pheasant University, he could only listen to them silently.

This meal lasted long enough. They ate from around four o'clock in the afternoon to around eight o'clock in the evening. The three of them were full. Guo Shuang said by himself:
"Should we go for a run?"

"Ah, I still have to go for a run." Zhong Xinxin cried and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "Dad, can't running be exempted on the Thanksgiving Day?"

Sheng Chuncheng said no, "I've already made you overeat. If you don't run and accumulate, you'll have a massage for nothing for a month. Aren't you afraid of rebounding?"

"Okay, okay, run." Zhong Xinxin yelled, "God, why am I so miserable."

Sheng Chuncheng and Guo Shuang stood there laughing.

When he came out, Guo Shuang was wearing a pair of sneakers, which was no problem for running, and he was wearing a pair of sports pants, which was no problem for running, but he was wearing a long-sleeved zipper shirt, and his sleeves were rolled up after eating hot pot. Running is too hot.

Guo Shuang was pulled out by Zhong Xinxin in a hurry. Under the zipper shirt, she was wearing nothing but a tube top. She couldn't run in a tube top.

Guo Shuang didn't want to go back and change clothes either. She told Zhong Xinxin that she wanted to borrow her clothes to wear them. The two went into the room. Guo Shuang found a short-sleeved pullover and put it on. It was empty, like wearing a bat shirt, but it didn't matter, she tied the excess hem of the pullover in a knot at the waist.

The three of them arrived at the greenway, got out of the car, and walked along the greenway for five to six hundred meters. While walking, Guo Shuang became silent and stopped talking. When they walked back, Sheng Chuncheng said it was ok, let's start running.

Guo Shuang suddenly said: "I can't run anymore, you guys run."

Before the two of them could react, she walked towards the river, sat down on a stool by the side of the road, and stared blankly ahead.

Zhong Xinxin and Sheng Chuncheng also walked over, Zhong Xinxin put her knee on her back, Guo Shuang turned around and said to them:

"Really, I really can't run anymore, you guys run."

How could Sheng Chuncheng rest assured that leaving her here alone, by the river, he told Zhong Xinxin, you go and run, and I will sit here with her.

Zhong Xinxin let out an "oh", turned and ran away.

Sheng Chuncheng sat down beside Guo Shuang, he saw from the corner of his eye that Guo Shuang was staring blankly ahead.

The two were silent for a while, and Sheng Chuncheng asked, "Are you still thinking about your father?"

"I don't want to think about it, I just feel disgusted. When I saw such a person in the news before, I felt that such a man was too disgusting. Haha, I didn't expect that my own father was such a person in the end. You said, yes Isn't it a slap in the face?" Guo Shuang sneered, "I feel my face is swollen from the beating, and I have no face."

"Actually, you don't have to think so much." Sheng Chuncheng said, "Parents are parents, and you are you. Everyone has to walk their own way. Even parents, they just walk with you for a while. It is said that as long as you arrive and become an adult, your parents will fulfill their responsibilities to you, and then you will walk your own path.”

"Can you do it?" Guo Shuang turned his head and stared at Sheng Chuncheng with a chill in his eyes: "By the way, you can do it now, but you were forced to."

"Then have you ever thought that you are actually forced to accept this reality and face your current situation, and then you are also forced to go your own way." Sheng Chuncheng said, "There are many things that we don't want to, but we have to face and refuse to accept. This is something that can't be helped, and it is also a cruel reality."

Guo Shuang turned her head away and said nothing. After a while, she asked, "What were you thinking about when you were in the most difficult time?"

"I want to die." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Me too." Guo Shuang said.

"After thinking about it, I didn't want to die." Sheng Chuncheng continued.


Sheng Chuncheng said: "I thought that death is not easy. You can do it at any time. Stand up and jump from here, and you will die. If you stab yourself, you will die too. I thought, since death is like this It's easy, it's something I can do at any time, so what am I afraid of, I'll struggle a little bit, and see how embarrassed I will be, and see if I can survive it.

"When I was thinking like this, you know, Guo Shuang, I seemed to have two people, one was me, who was in a mess and was beaten violently by all kinds of things, and the other was me, who just stood there with a sneer There, standing idly by, he's just waiting to see my own jokes and see when I die.

"The me who was in such a mess, I also looked at the me who stood by and watched. He kept saying in his heart, no, no, no matter how much I endured, I endured and endured like this, but I survived, and after I survived, I looked back. Look, it turned out that the hurdles that I thought I couldn't pass, didn't seem to be a big deal. At that time, I was very proud, really, I was proud of my embarrassing self."

"You are quite good, I don't think I can do it." Guo Shuang said.

"No, you can do it too." Sheng Chuncheng said, "Just think about dying, and you won't be afraid of death."

(End of this chapter)

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