Roaming in the dark

Chapter 224 Sitting on the flower bed in the live broadcast base square

Chapter 224 Sitting on the flower bed in the live broadcast base square
Sitting on the flower bed in the live broadcast base square, Sheng Chuncheng felt tired like never before. This kind of tiredness was not physically but mentally.

Death has always been the best teacher. The death of his father and the injury of his mother forced Sheng Chuncheng to mature rapidly.From a sophomore boy who has not completely escaped from his childishness and only opened his mouth to stretch out his clothes when he was at home, and only waited until he had no money in his pockets, he would greet his parents on WeChat. The sophomore boy quickly matured and became a real person. of adults.

Before this, Sheng Chuncheng had never done anything, and he didn't take too many responsibilities, but now, he had to accept the bad cards that fate had laid in front of him, and played one by one as if he was exhausted until he reached the end. to the endgame.

From the time when he followed his uncle to Hangzhou to shoulder the burden of the whole family, he felt that every cell in his body had been thoroughly cleaned, and all innocence and fantasy had been removed from every corner, carefully When the earth is removed cleanly, human beings also become hardened.

And Guo Shuang's death made Sheng Chuncheng feel that he seemed to be aging rapidly.At his age, he should still despise death and feel that death is a great stage, but he sees through all the ferocity of death.The death of Guo Shuang, who was younger than him, shocked him to discover that death was very close to him, not far away. It was not just a joke, but a real existence.

Forcing you, the tip of your nose seems to be able to touch its icy existence.

Because of this, Sheng Chuncheng felt that he was aging rapidly, and it seemed that his body was no longer so light, and his hair might turn gray in a blink of an eye.

People's youth, youth, or aging, in many cases, should not be divided by age, but by the distance between you and death.

Death, like fate, is often incomprehensible. Sheng Chuncheng sorted out little by little, tied all things together, bundled them up, and unraveled them one by one to find their context. His death played a key role, and the root of all lies in his own weakness.

He remembered that he really felt very uncomfortable the night he saw that man for the first time, and felt that that man was not good enough for Sister Chen.Why couldn't I remind Sister Chen at that time, if I had reminded at that time, would the incident in the underground parking lot happen later?Without the underground parking lot, would Guo Shuang make a resolute choice?

Obviously they have already accompanied Guo Shuang to Shanghai and have seen a doctor. Guo Shuang's overall condition has improved significantly. She was so happy at that time, and Zhong Xinxin sandwiched him on the left and right, and went to Tianzifang , and said he was going to squeeze him into a sandwich.

Obviously Guo Shuang has crawled out of the mud and is cleaning the mud from his body. If there is no underground parking lot, Guo Shuang should still be giggling now.Maybe, she has already returned to school.

Yes, even the matter of the underground parking lot, there is no way that it will not happen, as long as it is delayed for a while, it is not in front of Guo Shuang's eyes, she can't see it, she can't hear it, or it won't be an unbearable burden for her .

As for myself, I could obviously do more, because I was cowardly and afraid of losing a high-quality customer like Sister Chen, so I chose to remain silent, afraid that my pretending to be blind would be exposed, so I did nothing.

Sister Chen always thought that their affairs were seamless and they didn't know anyone.They thought Sheng Chuncheng was a blind man, unaware of all their ambiguity in front of him.

Even if I just hint at it, or write an anonymous letter, or send her an anonymous text message, according to Sister Chen's character and temper, nothing else is needed, as long as she finds that someone already knows their secret, no matter who it is, she will immediately Be alert and be careful.

Yes, definitely, she will definitely think about this matter, analyze it in detail, and be aware of the risks involved, and she will definitely change.

Even if she didn't choose to make a clean break with that man, she wouldn't let her guard down completely, be overwhelmed by desire, and not even notice that the other's wife had been spying on them all the time. She would do something as reckless as an underground parking lot. What Miss Chen should do.

Sheng Chuncheng could imagine that that day, it must be the man who sent Sister Chen back. There were Guo Shuang and his aunt at home, and it was inconvenient for the man to go up, and it was very late. Get along in the car.They don't know that someone has been following them secretly. Desire will not only overwhelm people's minds, but also make people lose insight.

Originally, Sheng Chuncheng thought he could ring the bell to wake up Sister Chen, but he didn't.

To be fair, no one would accuse Sheng Chuncheng of being responsible for Guo Shuang's death.But he couldn't let himself go, he couldn't forgive himself, he sorted out the whole thing happened over and over again, and the more he sorted it out, the more he felt that he was to blame.He became tired because of this, and he seemed to have aged in an instant.

"Hey, Brother Sheng, are you waiting for a client again?"

At some point, August appeared in front of Sheng Chuncheng, breaking his meditation.

Sheng Chuncheng came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "It's August. Every time I sit here, I hope to see you. You have disappeared for several months."

"Yes, it's been almost three months." August sat down beside Sheng Chuncheng, and said to him with a smile.

"How are you now?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

August shook her head: "Not good."

"what happened?"

"My mother was seriously ill, and I went back to take care of her for more than a month. When I came back, I lost my original job. Which company's position in this company can be missing for more than a month. I have no choice but to find a new job. Like us Those who have never been in a live broadcast room and have no achievements are seen by others as rookies. When they arrive at a new company, they have to start from odd jobs again.”

"Is your mother well?"

"Yeah, she's already in good health, otherwise how could I come back."

"That's good." Sheng Chuncheng said, "This is more important than anything else."

"That's right." August laughed, "I think so too, when I'm sad, I call my mother, and when I hear her voice on the phone is healthy, I'm not sad, I feel miserable It's not that hard anymore."

Sheng Chuncheng nodded, and said to August: "Don't worry, you have something that other girls don't have, you just lack an opportunity now, once the opportunity comes, let you enter the live broadcast room, you will soon become popular , many people will like you."

"Really? Thank you, Brother Sheng." August giggled, and Sheng Chuncheng's heart shuddered. He felt that August's laughter really resembled Guo Shuang.

"Yes, you will." Sheng Chuncheng said.

 Thank you for the reward after three o'clock in the middle of the night!Thank you for the monthly tickets of 79 o'clock in the middle of the night, Ruanjiu, Once Upon a Mountain, Nanke Yimeng 123, Daosheng 20200518193409192, Wuyuehou, windnwing, and Shuyou [-]!Thanks for all the votes and reading!

(End of this chapter)

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