Chapter 229
"Also, in an enterprise, people are not distinguished from high to low. This is not talking big, not deliberately putting on a high profile. You can't say that I am the boss. I only show up when recruiting important positions and key positions. They are what matter to me.

"No, all the people in the company have different jobs and high or low positions, but as employees, they all have the same meaning to the company. A good employee can bring you more customers and benefits , The same is true for poor employees. His destructive power is amazing, which can scare away your customers and make you useless.

"For example, for a hotel, a good chef is very important. The dishes he cooks are very suitable for the appetite of the guests. Of course, it can attract more customers and bring benefits to you. But if there is a waiter who speaks badly to customers , Clumsy when serving, either knocking over the guest's wine glass when serving the food, or spilling the soup on the guest, the guest is not scared away by her?

"No matter how many good chefs you have and how many customers you can attract, what's the use? They will all run away in the end. Think about it this way, are these two positions equally important?"

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, but when Mr. Liu said it, simple things seemed to be complicated and profound.

Both Liu Ligan and Mr. Mi laughed, and Mr. Mi said:

"This is the short-board theory. How much water a bucket can hold depends not on the longest board, but on the shortest board. It's the same for our company. Don't stare at your best. On the one hand, think about how high your service level is, but focus on your own shortcomings, how to strengthen your shortcomings is what you need to do most, and it is also the key to the company's progress."

"I understand, thank you Mr. Mi." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Liu Ligan looked at Sheng Chuncheng and Mr. Mi, and said to them:

"After the interview, if the three of us think it's good, this person will be confirmed. Let him go to the side and wait. After a meeting with all the people, they will join the company tomorrow. When I went to apply, What I hate most is people telling me to go back and wait for the notification, I wanted to hit him at the time, why don't you just tell me thank you."

Sheng Chuncheng and Mr. Mi laughed together, and Sheng Chuncheng asked curiously, "Mr. Liu, have you applied for the job too?"

"Of course." Liu Ligan said, "No matter how good a person is, he will also have the experience of failing to apply for the job. I have experienced countless times. I remember that at that time, Mr. Zhang and I went to the hotel to apply for a waiter. We don’t want us, we wanted to go to other people’s farms to plant rubber, but we were all declined by a kind fellow.”

Sheng Chuncheng listened, feeling as if he had heard this story somewhere, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Yes, there are more."

Liu Ligan picked up the cup and took a sip of water, then said to them:

"As long as we see the right ones today, we will stay. Don't stick to how many people to recruit. Ten is our lowest goal, not the highest. Xiao Sheng, you have to prepare for this. The expansion of a company is nothing more than market and capital. It is determined by the three elements of people and people. The market is there, and we also have funds. What is lacking is people. If people are also available, we can develop rapidly.

"The people hired, even if the store doesn't need so much for the time being, they will be raised as a reserve. For our company, not only the funds need to be reserved, but also the people need to be reserved, and it is the most important. How many stores do you have? How many stores can you open, instead of looking for the store manager after the store is opened, that will only be a toss again and again.”

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.He was thinking in his heart, this Mr. Liu is really extraordinary. These few words sound simple, but they are bold enough, and they really got the point in just one sentence.As the manager of a store, you have completely handed over the store to him, especially for those stores in other places. You can't command and supervise everything remotely.

It is not a chicken-and-egg relationship whether there is a store or a store manager first. There is a store manager before opening a store. After the new store opens, everything will be in order.If you open a store and then look for a store manager, or because there are no suitable candidates, and those who are obviously not capable enough are also driven out to the shelves, the store will only be a mess.

And no matter what kind of store it is, it needs the precipitation of time. Whether it is word of mouth or customers, it needs to be maintained over time. The most unbearable thing is the ups and downs, closing down and stopping.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch and said to them, "Let's go, the time is up, let's go over."

The three of them walked out of Liu Ligan's office and saw that there were already many people waiting in the corridor at the elevator hall, and a staff member of "People's Travel Industry" stood with them.Mr. Mi stretched out his left hand and gestured to her with a five, which means that it will start in five minutes. The other party nodded and understood.

Three people went in. In the conference room, there was a conference table that could seat eight or nine people. They sat on the other side of the conference table, and the opposite side was reserved for applicants.

The interview officially started. Sheng Chuncheng had no experience in this field. He mainly listened from the sidelines, listening to what Liu Ligan and Mr. Mi had to say to the applicant.

The situation of everyone who came in was different, and they asked all kinds of questions, and the time was long or short. Those who seemed unsuitable to be a masseur at first glance, they would be very polite, but the time was very short. Sentence, just smile and say thank you!

This is no time for everyone to waste.

Sheng Chuncheng found that they would basically not ask you what your name is, where you are from, and what level of education you have. Also, this information is written on the registration form, so what's the point if you ask or not.

They and the applicants are chatting in a casual way, asking who else is in the other's family, how did they come to Hangzhou, did they come with fellow classmates, or came alone, come here How long?Also, why did you not continue to go to school after entering junior high school or high school, etc., are all such innocuous questions.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at it, but saw the way, and felt that these innocuous questions were the ones that the other party hadn't prepared for in advance, and they needed you to deal with them on the spot, and your ability to respond was reflected in your answers.

Sheng Chuncheng even thought that when dealing with customers in the future, the communication between the customer and the masseur would be all these trivial things?

When encountering someone whom both Liu Ligan and Mr. Mi think are good, Liu Ligan will turn his head and ask Sheng Chuncheng in a low voice, how is it?
Sheng Chuncheng said yes, Mr. Mi will tell the other party at this time, you have been admitted, go to the big conference room and wait, we will have a meeting at the end.

When the other party hears this, they are often taken aback for a moment, probably they have too little experience in such a thing as being admitted on the spot, and then they go out happily.

Sheng Chuncheng was also very happy in his heart. He felt that although Mr. Liu and Mr. Mi were the main interviewers, they would ask for their own opinions at the end. The intention was obvious. This was to convey to him that you are in charge of this store and you are the last one. decider.

Sheng Chuncheng felt respected.

 Thank you Zi Zeng said, the monthly pass to 2020 Dajiangdong!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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