Roaming in the dark

Chapter 244 Entered the door and turned on the light

Chapter 244 Entered the door and turned on the light

After entering the door and turning on the light, although Sheng Chuncheng has been here countless times, he was still touched by the silence, cleanliness and spaciousness of the house.

It was the first time that no one opened the door for him, and he opened the door to come in by himself. After entering for the first time, there was no one in the house.A house without people is more spacious and peaceful. Sheng Chuncheng felt that suddenly, he could hear his own breathing.

As the door closed, he heard the slam echoing through the house as if it were an empty valley.

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help but lighten his steps, hold his breath, he turned to the entrance, stood there for a while, and then walked inside.

After gradually getting used to the fact that he was alone in this house, Sheng Chuncheng began to relax. He took off his sunglasses and looked around. It was the first time that he didn't look at everything in this house through the sunglasses.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the sofa and sat down. He put the sunglasses on the coffee table and was stunned for a while.

He thinks this house is like a stage. He has seen so many people on stage here. The first one he saw was Sister Chen, then the man, then Auntie Nanny and Guo Shuang, and Zhong Xinxin who played a cameo .

Now, all these people have left this stage, and many things happened outside this stage, but they have affected this stage and made it gradually fall into silence.If the house has knowledge, I wonder if it will feel wronged?He felt powerless when he was left out in the cold, just like Sheng Chuncheng watched everything happen but was helpless.

The house was cleaned carefully by Sister Chen, and even the garbage in the garbage bins in the kitchen and living room had been taken away and new garbage bags had been put on.

Sheng Chuncheng saw a note on the refrigerator. Sister Chen knew that Sheng Chuncheng couldn't see it, but she assumed that there would be someone who could see it and live with him in this house.

The note said: "Xiao Sheng, I found out that there are still coupons for the supermarket. I was afraid they would expire, so I bought food and put them in the refrigerator. I don't know what you like to eat. Buy whatever you like, and enjoy it slowly. Another: Lou The mail box under the office, you can check it every once in a while, if the unit distributes benefits, coupons and so on, they will all be sent here, you just open it and use it, it’s a waste if it expires.”

It is written by you, not you, and the signature is a "Chen", not "money".

Sheng Chuncheng opened the door of the refrigerator freezer, and there were milk, eggs, bacon, beverages, and even vegetables in it. Steaks, whole chickens and ducks, frozen yellow croakers, as well as Ecuadorian white shrimp, Vietnamese black tiger shrimp, etc., the freezer is also full.

Sheng Chuncheng sighed. He knew that Sister Chen must be holding a large purchase list. If more items were added to the list, the refrigerator would not be able to hold it. That's why she went out to buy.

When Sheng Chuncheng went upstairs, he walked into Sister Chen's room to have a look. He saw that the bed was neatly made, and there was a piece of paper under the alarm clock on the bedside table, which read:

“The bedding is all new.”

Sheng Chuncheng walked into the walk-in closet, and saw that it was empty. All the clothes that Sister Chen didn't take away had been packed and put in the storage room downstairs. What was left in the closet was just some clothes that could be changed and washed. bedding.

Sheng Chuncheng sat down on the bed. He remembered that night when he massaged Sister Chen's head and Sister Chen fell asleep.Sheng Chuncheng didn't know how many nights after that, Sister Chen must have been sitting on the bed, unable to sleep all night, what kind of torment that was for her.

Sheng Chuncheng sighed.

When he went downstairs and passed the door of Guo Shuang's room, he turned the doorknob casually. He thought the room should be locked, but unexpectedly the door was opened. Warmth.

This is trust.

Sister Chen knew that she had told Sheng Chuncheng that she didn't want others to enter Guo Shuang's room, and Sheng Chuncheng would definitely not let others in, even if he went in by himself, he would be very careful not to mess with the things in the room.

Locking the door is a trivial matter, but it is a kind of silent harm to people. Keep the door, this is where Sister Chen is careful.

Sheng Chuncheng reached out to turn on the light in Guo Shuang's room, and the moment the light came on, tears almost came out of his eyes.

He saw Guo Shuang's bed, with a lot of clothes spread out in a mess, on the desk, the laptop was open and not closed, and there were a lot of used tissues on the table and the floor, it must be that night, Guo Shuang For wiping tears.

The whole room seemed to be a person who went out in a hurry and had to come back.

Sheng Chuncheng knew that this was what the room looked like when Guo Shuang left that night. Sister Chen kept it, and would continue to keep it.The empty room, the computer on the table, and the clothes on the bed are all waiting for the owner of the room to come back.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't continue to go inside, he was afraid of disturbing the dusty time inside, he stood there blankly for a while, heaved a long sigh, he backed out, and closed the door.

Sheng Chuncheng checked the doors and windows leading to the terrace and balcony, and they were all closed.The working indicator lights of several bathroom water heaters were on, but Sheng Chuncheng turned them all off.After thinking about it, he simply went to find the main water pipe entering the house and closed the main valve.The power to the air conditioner and TV was also cut off.

Only the refrigerator had to continue to work. With so many things, he couldn't take them with him, and he couldn't keep them in the refrigerator all the time.

Sheng Chuncheng found two non-woven bags, and put some of the things in the refrigerator into the bags.You can't take them all away today, you have to divide them into two or three times. Sheng Chuncheng put the most perishable ones into the bag first.

He was going to start moving the freezer after he finished moving the freezer.

Returning to the living room with two bags, Sheng Chuncheng felt a little reluctant to leave. He sat on the sofa for a while, and just as he sat down, his cell phone rang. It was Sister Chen.

Sheng Chuncheng quickly picked up the phone. Sister Chen told him that they had already arrived in Aksu, and it was already late in Hangcheng. It was not dark here, and she was cleaning the room where she lived.

"Xiao Sheng, have you passed?" Sister Chen asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, I am here now, thank you, Sister Chen, for buying such things in the refrigerator.

"Thank you, a trip to the supermarket."

Sister Chen laughed when she said this, and she said:
"Xiao Sheng, you definitely don't believe it. When we got here, several other people were still muttering in private, thinking that the conditions here are incomparable with Hangzhou City. It's a joke, of course it's incomparable. If we can More than that, we still need our aid to Xinjiang.

"Xiao Sheng, they didn't say anything on the surface, but they were all a little frustrated. I was the only one. When I got here, I felt as if I had been here before. Everything I saw was very friendly. Do you think it's strange? Actually, I left Hangzhou in the morning. , when I call you now, I feel that I have been away from Hangcheng for a long time, and Hangcheng has become very far away. "

"Sister Chen, you must take care of yourself over there, okay?" Sheng Chuncheng said.

Sister Chen said yes, I will, don't worry, okay, let's do this first.

 Thank you Lao Chen Tang for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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