Roaming in the dark

Chapter 246 Boss Feng Sitting Upside Down

Chapter 246 Boss Feng Sitting Upside Down

Boss Feng sat there on his back, while Sheng Chuncheng stood respectfully.

Boss Feng really dialed the phone, and in order to frighten Sheng Chuncheng, he even pressed the speakerphone.When he was sitting there, he was holding the phone in one hand, and habitually stroking his swollen belly with the other hand, doing circular motions round and round, and knocking twice with "bang bang" after doing a few laps. Stomach, and then do it.

The phone kept ringing, and the sound of "beep" echoed in the room. It took so long that Boss Feng looked at Sheng Chuncheng, feeling a little embarrassed.

Finally someone answered the call, and as soon as the call was made, Liu Ligan scolded from inside:

"Ten villains, you fucking Fatty Feng can be ranked first!"

Boss Feng was stunned for a moment and asked:
"What's wrong with me?"

"I took a pee, and your call came, urging me desperately, and I almost shook my pants with the last few drops." Liu Ligan said.

Boss Feng laughed "roar-roar". When he laughed, his upper body and his neck, which was as thick as a big head, kept shaking. The "roar-roar" sound was caused by the fat body What came out was really "Douyin". Sheng Chuncheng stood there watching, feeling that he might choke with laughter at any moment.

"Fart quickly, talk quickly." Liu Ligan urged.

"Mr. Liu, your 'family tourism' is not good. I'm going to your 'Tongjun family'. Why, only vegetarian ones, and no meat ones?" Boss Feng asked.

"what happened?"

"Massage, I'm here for a massage, I need a female technician, you guys..."

Boss Feng looked up at Sheng Chuncheng. He wanted to ask his last name, but he didn't bother to ask, so he continued:

"What kind of brats are you, you just don't give arrangements, and you tell me the fuck that the company stipulates that the opposite sex is not allowed to massage, huh huh, isn't this out of your mind? Mr. Liu, you are treating us gods like this now of?"

"You're fucking out of your mind!" Liu Ligan scolded back, "Return to God, if you Fatty Feng were God, you would fall from the sky, the sky is very big, but there is no cloud that can eat up your fat body , Give back to our God, God and you? Is God engaging in pyramid schemes or holding a conference? Fuck you! We are protecting you, do you know, we don’t know what is good or bad!"

Boss Feng was scolded by Liu Ligan, and his mind was dizzy. He said, "Why are you still protecting me?"

"Our 'family tourism' is a legal business, a serious business, and we don't engage in pornography, gambling and drugs. Now you tell your wife that you will come to our homestay for a few days. Is your wife very relieved? She will come Oh, I know what services our B&B provides, it's pure leisure.

"If we do those messy things and turn our homestay into a prostitution den, the police don't care. Once your wife hears that you went to our homestay, she will chase after you. You say, this is not protecting you. What is it?" ?”

Boss Feng was speechless after being scolded by Liu Ligan. Just as he was about to say something, Liu Ligan's voice sounded again:
"What kind of shit are you Fatty Feng, don't think I don't know, I don't believe it, you didn't bring a Korean assembly line product with a pointed chin this time, I don't care about you, they are willing to do this , earning is hard money, I also understand.

"What, Fatty Feng, have you changed your taste now? Have you taken a fancy to our female technician? She is an authentic working people, you really don't forget your original intention, you are tired of delicacies, and you want to eat wild vegetables later?"

Boss Feng laughed "hoo hoo hoo" while Liu Ligan continued to curse:

"You just think, come to us, don't even think about it. Our technicians are all professionals. Do you know what a professional is? They only do their own professional things and don't do other things. They don't even distinguish between men and women. ..."

"Hey, no, Mr. Liu, what you said is wrong. Since you said that there is no distinction between men and women, then I want a female technician, why can't I?" Boss Feng interrupted Liu Ligan.

"Take precautions against people like you, do you understand?"

Liu Ligan said: "Drawing a big dick around every day, I thought I was carrying a jack and wanted to use it at any time. When you go to the hospital to see a doctor, you want to have sex with a female doctor and send your daughter When you go to kindergarten, you see her teacher and you want to do it again. When you are driving on the road and you are stopped by a female traffic policeman, people are issuing you tickets, and you still want to do it again.

"Say, fat man, are you such a person? You want to be convenient everywhere, and you want to urinate everywhere. I am surprised. People say 'skinny and skinny martial arts master'. How can you still have such a strong desire when you are fat all over your body? , Viagra is just a brother, fat man, are you Viagra's father?"

Boss Feng couldn't help laughing, laughing non-stop.

Liu Ligan said: "Your fascinated eyes, can you occasionally look at something else, you can see clearly, what we provide is weight loss massage. The price of pork is rising, it is worth money, your fat is not worth much Be obedient, fat man, let our technician give you a good massage, don't f*cking think about it, if you think about it, believe it or not, I will stretch your penis and tie it into a knot...

"Fuck! I forgot to wash my hands when I was talking to you, you fucking fat man, you made me go upstairs to wash my hands, fuck off, that's all."

Liu Ligan hung up the phone after speaking.

Boss Feng was sitting there holding the phone, thinking about it, smiling, thinking about it, then smiling, and then came back to his senses, "Oh, that's not right", Boss Feng raised his head and asked Sheng Chuncheng:

"Did he just keep scolding me?"

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "I heard Mr. Liu has been reasoning with you."

"No, no, he's just scolding me."

Boss Feng kept shaking his head, shook his head for a while, and then laughed, he had already forgotten about asking Liu Ligan to fire Sheng Chuncheng, he looked up at Sheng Chuncheng and said;

"This Liu Ligan, why is he still so happy after being scolded by him? Forget it, call your little brother in."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, and while he was walking outside, he was thinking in his heart, you really deserve to be scolded, but Mr. Liu scolded people, and he really scolded people up to the level, with golden sentences again and again.

Sheng Chuncheng also laughed.

He found Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang was feeling depressed, Sheng Chuncheng said to him:

"Wash your face and go in to serve the guests. Remember, when you go in, you should have a smile on your face, as if nothing happened just now. Do you understand? We serve people. This profession, the content of the profession includes If you are wronged, don’t forget how you learned during the training.”

Xiao Wang washed his face, and there were no traces of tears on his face, but he still had a cowering expression on his face, because he was really scolded by the fat man just now.

Sheng Chuncheng reached out and patted his cheek lightly, and said to him: "Let me go in with you, laugh, laugh, laugh for me."

Xiao Wang laughed and quickly said yes, thank you Master.

 Thank you for the reward at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night, ranked third from top to bottom!Thank you, Jiujiu, the book is a monthly ticket for a pack of medicine!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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