Roaming in the dark

Chapter 248 Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Tang go away

Chapter 248 Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Tang Walk Back

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Tang walked back, Xiao Wang had already gotten up, Sheng Chuncheng said to him:

"That's right, the fat man you served has lost a lot of weight."

"Really?" Xiao Wang exclaimed excitedly.

Both Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Tang nodded, and Xiao Tang pouted and said, "The most of my three is only four ounces a catty."

"It's different, the foundation is different. Xiao Wang is a fat man with a lot of moisture. He can lose a lot of catties. If your three lose more, they will lose bones. It must be less." Sheng Chuncheng comforted Xiao Tang.

Not long after they returned to the room, Yanyan brought two other girls over. They found Xiao Tang first, and then the four of them came to Sheng Chuncheng's room.

Yanyan was still wearing a nightgown.The entire homestay has been booked out, and the people here are all her own people. She thinks it's more comfortable and convenient to use a nightgown.

As for Sheng Chuncheng and the waiter and chef of the hotel, although they are not her own, Yanyan naturally ignores them, just like Sheng Chuncheng was easily ignored when he was blind.

Yanyan and the others came to find Sheng Chuncheng. They knew that at the massage shop in the future, Sheng Chuncheng was the boss, and he was also Xiao Tang's master. This set of weight loss massage techniques was created by him.

Yanyan asked Sheng Chuncheng, can you apply for a membership card in your store?

Sheng Chuncheng said, of course, after our store opens, you can come and do it directly.

"No, I mean, can we do it now, in advance, and when we go to the store, we can just come and pick up the card for consumption." Yanyan said.

Sheng Chuncheng immediately understood that they had to pay for it when they went to do it by themselves. Now they can do it in advance, they are catching a pig, and they have plenty of ways to let Boss Feng pay for it.

Sheng Chuncheng felt that there was nothing wrong with this, as long as someone pays for it, we don't care who pays for it.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Tang said: "The three of them are your customers, you take the money first, go back and get the card done, and you can send them there, or you can ask Dada to send it quickly, yes Bar?"

The last "Right?", he asked Yanyan.

Yanyan said yes, "How is your membership card calculated?"

"The gold card is [-] yuan, you can spend it [-] times." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Is there a higher level, like a diamond card?" Yanyan asked.

I'm going, it's because I think this knife is not ruthless enough, do you want more ruthlessness?But it doesn't matter, anyway, they will make up for Boss Feng's loss in bed.After Boss Feng spends money, fish and water can be happier, isn't he just spending money to buy something fun, then it will kill you.

"Yes." Sheng Chuncheng said, "The higher one is [-], and you can spend [-] times. If you need door-to-door service, you need to pay once twice. You also know that it takes time and money to go back and forth."

"Can you still provide door-to-door service?" One of the girls called out, "Then I will come to serve you."

The other one, the girl who spoke a bit harshly, shouted: "I want to do door-to-door service too, I'm exhausted from running around."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, "However, I want to explain to you first that the door-to-door service we provide you can only be of the same sex. You are Xiao Tang's customers, and you will usually be Xiao Tang. If Xiao Tang is on a business trip, you need another For service, we will send her senior sister or junior sister, if you want a handsome guy, we don't have it."

Yanyan rolled his eyes at him, and said disdainfully: "You think too much, will we want a man? Will we give him the money after we're done, or will he give us the money?"

The girl who spoke harshly shouted: "Don't worry, for us, Grandma Liu is fine if you have money, but Daniel Wu if you don't have money."

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "Grandma Liu is a woman, an old lady."

"Yes, so what, as long as you give the money." The other party said.

Sheng Chuncheng gave her a thumbs up: "Yes, I can rest assured that your values ​​are so clear."

The three girls snorted almost simultaneously.

Yanyan took out her mobile phone, added Sheng Chuncheng's WeChat and Xiao Tang's WeChat, and asked:

"Who will the money be transferred to later?"

Xiao Tang said, "Master, I'd better pass it on to you."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

The three girls turned around and walked back. They walked through the yard, covered in sunshine, with the green lawn below, walking gracefully and full of fragrance of flowers.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Tang said: "That's right, before our store even opened, you have already developed customers."

Xiao Tang smiled grinningly.On the side, Xiao Wang said dejectedly and enviously, "I haven't caught a hair yet."

Sheng Chuncheng scolded: "Be content, other people are still helping to move the massage table and furniture in Hangzhou, and you have already earned a commission for serving here."

Xiao Wang scratched his head and laughed too.

After more than ten minutes, Sheng Chuncheng's guess was correct. Sure enough, someone named Feng Ke asked to add him as a WeChat friend.Sheng Chuncheng knew that this should be Boss Feng, so he clicked to accept.

As soon as the dialog box was opened, the other party didn't say anything, and directly transferred [-] yuan, which happened to be the money for three diamond cards, and Sheng Chuncheng took it.

Then there was no movement on the screen, and the other party didn't say a word except to transfer the money. Sheng Chuncheng wondered in his heart if this was Yanyan, who was coquettishly holding Boss Feng's mobile phone to transfer.

However, seven or eight minutes later, another transfer of 8 yuan came in. Sheng Chuncheng didn't know what it was, so he didn't dare to accept it.

The phone on the bedside table rang, and Sheng Chuncheng picked it up. Boss Feng was on the other end of the phone:

"Who is that? Get two cards for me and my wife. When we go to Hangzhou, we can go there for a massage."

Sheng Chuncheng understood, and he said yes.

"Also, what, my wife and I will go over there, and let the people in your store stop talking nonsense." Boss Feng continued to explain.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Understand, understand, the people in our store have been trained, even if they see their father in the store, they will pretend that they don't know each other, they won't call out, and they won't say irrelevant things to the customers. Do not worry."

"That's good." After Boss Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Sheng Chuncheng picked up his mobile phone, clicked to collect the money, and the [-] yuan flew towards him.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao Wang said: "You also have two customers who apply for cards."

"Really? Thank you, Master!" Xiao Wang jumped up happily.

Putting down the phone, Sheng Chuncheng sat there in a daze for a long time. He felt that what he just said to Boss Feng and the conversation with Yanyan and the others was a bit unlike him. When did he become so glib?
Sheng Chuncheng thought about it for a while, then laughed, isn't this the style of Mr. Liu?Haha, it's really subtle.

"Master, are you so happy?" Xiao Wang asked.

"Yes, are you unhappy?" Sheng Chuncheng smiled, "Our store has five customers before it even opens. This is not called a good start, but the store is already popular before the door opens."

Xiao Wang said stupidly: "Isn't that just a fire?"

Sheng Chuncheng raised his foot and kicked him who was sitting on the edge of the bed onto the bed, cursing: "If you can't speak like that, I'll send you back for retraining."

Xiao Wang collapsed there, laughed loudly, and begged for mercy: "No, Master, please forgive me."

Sheng Chuncheng glared at him and said, "I can forgive you. From now on, if you can't speak like this in front of guests, you will die."

 Thank you for the rewards from the third from top to bottom, Fei Yang, flipping through the book every day, and two fishes up and down!Thank you for the monthly ticket from top to bottom, HuaxinほYongshao, book friend 160524193703647!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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