Chapter 263 When I'm Alone

When he was alone, Sheng Chuncheng realized that the house was too big.

From last night to this morning, I was in a daze and felt a little sluggish.When he came back from the Hangzhou Grand Theater after he woke up today, and walked into the house again, he felt that the house was too empty for him alone.

Sheng Chun wondered whether he should go to an intermediary and ask him to discuss with the landlord, whether it is possible to return the house in advance.

When I first rented this house, it was because it was close to the live broadcast base, and it was convenient for me to go to Xueer's place in the middle of the night.The most important thing is to be close to Ding Huamei's dental clinic, and Ding Huamei can commute by walking.

But now, these two things don't exist anymore, and this place is still far away from Mashi Street, where Sheng Chuncheng has to go to work every day, so it really doesn't make any sense to live here anymore.

Sheng Chuncheng made up his mind to talk to the agency when he came back this time.

Originally, if I was not on a business trip, it would be best to talk to the agent tomorrow. If the landlord agreed, after the house here was returned, I didn't even have to rush to rent a house.Just pack the things and put them in the store. Anyway, I'm out of town during this time.

Thinking of the next half a month or so, this house will be empty, and if it is left unused here, thousands of dollars will be thrown into the water. Thousands of dollars, Sheng Chuncheng feels a little distressed when he thinks about it.

Sheng Chuncheng laughed again after thinking about it, how many thousand?There is still [-] yuan waiting for you to get it, why didn't you go to get it?Just for face?It's really a matter of saving face and suffering.

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it, took out the blind man's mobile phone, and opened Mr. Lan's WeChat. The 24 was still hanging there, tempting him, and it would hang until after nine o'clock tomorrow morning. He didn't collect the money for [-] hours. The transfer will be cancelled.

Sheng Chuncheng stared at it and rubbed his hands. His hands were still itchy, but he managed to control himself in the end.He turned the phone over and put it on the coffee table.

He himself is also puzzled by his own behavior, why don't you keep watching it if you don't want it?Why are you thinking about it?If you want it, just accept it, why pretend to be serious?
Sheng Chuncheng shook his head, and stretched out his hand to push the blind man's mobile phone away, as if it was a grenade. If it was too close, he was afraid that it would blow him up.

Sheng Chuncheng took his Huawei mobile phone, clicked on, and found a Jiangshan restaurant, Jiangshan Kaihua Quzhou, the taste there was similar to his own, very spicy.He ordered a soil-burned clear fish, a Kaihua green scorpion, a spicy fried pig ear, and a Quzhou duck head. He didn't even want beer, but ordered two slices of Jiang Xiaobai.

Sheng Chuncheng was in Yu Mazi's cafeteria. He had already had dinner and was not hungry, but he still wanted to order. When he was alone, he wanted to drink while watching TV.In the future, I have to get used to this kind of life.

The food and wine ordered was a bit too much, and it cost more than 200 at once, which was enough for him and Ding Huamei to go out for a meal.So what's the matter, Sheng Chuncheng thought, he wasted a few thousand yuan here, and he didn't want another 200 yuan there, so what is more than [-] yuan, what a waste!
It's still what Yanyan said well, what's the big deal, people should live for themselves.

Thinking of Yanyan, Sheng Chuncheng picked up his phone again and clicked on her WeChat. He was startled when he saw that Yanyan had posted all the photos taken at "Everyone Slimming" in Moments today, including His group photo.

Sheng Chuncheng quickly clicked on the group photo and zoomed in, it's okay.Because his face is profiled, and there are several lip prints on his face. When they took pictures, he happened to be making faces, winking, and his face was deformed. Dangerous.

He remembered that Yanyan told him that she would send these photos to Xiaohongshu.

Sheng Chuncheng put down the phone and thought about it. Among his clients, in terms of their age and status, few of them seemed to pay attention to Yanyan. They might not even have Xiaohongshu, except for Zhong Xinxin. If Zhong Xinxin saw , must have called to ask.

Thinking of this, Sheng Chuncheng relaxed a little.

Sheng Chuncheng opened the Xiaohongshu app, searched for Yanyan, and a lot came out, the first one named Yanyan was a hot girl from Taiwan.He slid one by one, none of them were that Yanyan, and he didn't see these photos.

Sheng Chuncheng heaved a sigh of relief.

His phone rang, it was Chunni, Sheng Chuncheng picked it up, the background voice over there was a bit complicated and noisy, Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"Chun Ni, where are you?"

"At school, where else will I be? I just returned to the dormitory after evening self-study." Chunni said.

Sheng Chuncheng said "ohhh".

"Brother, is that person in Xiaohongshu you?" Chunni asked.

"Little Red Book? What Little Red Book?" Sheng Chuncheng asked in surprise.

"I think it's you, Hangcheng, the masseuse, what a coincidence." Chunni said.

Sheng Chuncheng quickly asked: "Where is Xiaohongshu, why don't I know?"

"The one about 'Slaying Male Demons', you should go and see for yourself."

"Which four words did you say?"

"Chop, beheaded beheaded, male and female male, you don't know beheaded male? Monster's demon, two demons." Chunni said.

"Okay, Chunni, I'll go and have a look first, and I'll call you later." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Do you want to call or not?" Chunni said angrily, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Sheng Chuncheng was taken aback for a moment, why this tone?However, he didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly entered "Slaying Male Monsters" in the little red book, and the first one that popped up was that Yanyan. When he clicked on it, Sheng Chuncheng was startled. , I posted these photos, and the most frightening thing is that the title of the diary is: "Visiting my husband's shop".

Die!Sheng Chuncheng cursed.It's no wonder that Chunni has a bad tone. Chunni doesn't know that she has been dumped by Ding Huamei.

Sheng Chuncheng clicked on the diary to have a look. Fortunately, except for the scary title, the content of the diary was not much, it was very short, and the writing was very witty. It just said that she mentioned her new husband today.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at those photos again, and it was the same as the ones in Yanyan's circle of friends. The most striking thing was that this "Slaying Male Demon" actually had 42 fans, which is considered a lot in Xiaohongshu.

After reading it all, Sheng Chuncheng called Chunni, and it took a long time for Chunni to pick up, probably she found a quiet place, and the background sounds were not so complicated.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Chunni, don't think about it, this is just one of my clients, what husband, she is barking."

"I know, I'm not an idiot, I can't even see this, she has this style." Chuni said.

Sheng Chuncheng chuckled.

"Yanyan... I mean, is this 'Slaying Boy Yaoyao' famous?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"It's very famous in Xiaohongshu. Everyone in our class is watching her and calling her to kill the male leader."

Sheng Chuncheng said "ohhh": "I don't know yet, I just ran into the store like this, I thought I was just here to lose my nerve."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, Chunni asked, "Brother, have you opened a massage shop?"

"That's right." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"You opened a massage shop, but you didn't tell your family, brother?" Chunni asked, Sheng Chuncheng was stunned again, and then realized that Chunni was angry because of this.

Sheng Chuncheng wanted to give Ding Huamei a surprise, and he didn't tell her about opening a massage shop, and he didn't tell Chunni either. He was afraid that when Chunni contacted Ding Huamei, if he accidentally said it, his previous efforts would be wasted.

For a long time, Chunni has been the representative of "home". If Sheng Chuncheng has anything to say to his mother, he always conveys it through Chunni. When his mother asks him for something, she also asks Chunni to call him.Opening a store by myself in Hangzhou is of course a big deal, and such a big deal has not been discussed with "Jia", so it's no wonder Chunni is angry.

Sheng Chuncheng hurriedly explained to Chunni that the store is a partnership, not entirely his own. The store just opened yesterday, and he has been very busy these days.

Listening to Sheng Chuncheng's explanation, Chunni gradually became happy.

"By the way, Chunni, look at me in that photo, can you tell at a glance?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "I'm afraid it's not good for people to see such a photo."

"What's wrong, isn't it just a joke, it's normal. Oh, I see, brother, are you afraid of being seen by Sister Huamei? Don't worry, it's so ugly, if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell it's you. " Chunni said.

"Then how did you recognize it?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"You are my brother, so I won't recognize you?" Sheng Chunni asked back.

"But I'm not sure, so I called you." Chunni added.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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