Roaming in the dark

Chapter 278 Morning

Chapter 278 Morning
In the morning, Sheng Chuncheng went directly from his home to the Banmutian Building. Today is their recruitment day for "Everybody Slimming".

Few units would recruit people at this time of the year, and the recruited people would go on vacation before they were familiar with them, and after a year, who knows what will happen to them.

Although according to national regulations, the Spring Festival is only a seven-day holiday, this year's New Year's Eve is January 31, in fact, after January [-], everyone began to move around.When I should book the air ticket, I should book the train ticket. When I go to work, I also hold my mobile phone and try my best to buy, buy, and buy things to take home. I have no intention of going to work.

After the Chinese New Year, there are only civil servants and employees of those big companies. Because the positions are scarce, everyone will come back on time.In most labor-intensive enterprises, the return of employees is procrastinating. People are not afraid of you being fired. After you are fired, you just need to find another job. Anyway, this or that company is the same thing, and the difference is not big.

After the start of work, the company itself was short of workers, and did not dare to dismiss old employees easily.The employees of these enterprises will not be gathered together until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. In this way, it is almost useless for a month.

There are also some people who did not come back after returning, or were dragged to another city by fellow classmates, and have since said goodbye to Hangzhou.

For enterprises, recruiting people now is indeed the most uneconomical time.

Sheng Chuncheng and the others also wanted to wait until after the Spring Festival to recruit people, but there was no way. Due to the particularity of their positions, the recruited people needed long-term training before they could take up the job.

Once the Spring Festival is over, some people will go to Nanjing to prepare for the opening of the Nanjing branch.There are also some people, because they do not have a holiday for the Spring Festival, and after the Spring Festival, they need to take a rest at this time. They urgently need more manpower, so they can only start recruiting now.

The people recruited now are regarded as probationary employees and paid probationary wages.During the Chinese New Year, let them go home. If they don’t want to go home, and they have passed the training, they can sign a formal labor contract and start working.Those who go back will sign labor contracts after they come back and officially start their jobs.

During the Spring Festival every year, it is the time when the demand for homestays is the strongest. People who have enough to eat and drink need saunas and massages. Mr. Mi has already greeted Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan, and told them to keep enough manpower.

Moreover, at this time, their service targets are not limited to Zhejiang. There are important customers, those VIPs who are P. If there is a need for this, their masseurs will fly there, or take the high-speed train.

In the past, Liu Ligan and the others cooperated with massage parlors in the society and asked their people to go there.After you have your own "Everyone Slimming", it is unreasonable to invite other masseuses to go there.

At this time, there are few units recruiting workers, and their requirements are low, so many people apply.

Another phenomenon in the labor market is that the less educated an employee is, the greater his mobility will be.These people hold the lowest salary and work in the lowest position in the unit. They are full of complaints and dissatisfaction. They always feel that they have not been treated fairly or are unlucky, so they want to change units constantly. See if you have any luck.

There are still many units that are not doing well. Before the Spring Festival comes, they simply closed their stalls and began to lay off employees.Like those factories that have lost orders due to the epidemic, hotels and restaurants that cannot survive, and a large number of construction sites.

Other units would not want this part of people, but they just met Sheng Chuncheng's requirements.Everyone's life is difficult. Many people have no money in their pockets and can't even go home. What's more, they need a stable job, a bowl of food to eat, and a bed to sleep in.It's no surprise that there are not many people who come to sign up.

"Everyone Slimming" has no place to interview, so it can only be placed in "People's Tourism".But this time, unlike last time, neither Liu Ligan nor Mr. Mi participated in their interview.This is a matter of "everyone's slimming", Mr. Mi said, and you are responsible for it yourself. When you need help, you can ask.

So today in the conference room of "People's Travel Industry", only Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An are hosting the interview.

Sheng Chuncheng and the others also decided not to go back and wait for the notification. When they saw something good, they decided on the spot.He also didn't inform them to wait for the meeting after the interview. Sheng Chuncheng thought to himself that he was not as eloquent as Mr. Liu, so he couldn't say such demagogic words.

If the two of you think it’s suitable, tell him or her to report directly to LinkedIn School tomorrow with your things. During the training period, we will provide food and accommodation.

Yesterday morning, Sheng Chuncheng followed Mr. Mi to LinkedIn Education and completed the relevant procedures.They rented two classrooms and eight dormitories. One dormitory can accommodate six people, which is enough.Everyone will be issued a meal card when they arrive, and they will also eat in the canteen of LinkedIn School. The standard is 35 yuan per person per day.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An had discussed in advance that there was no upper limit on the number of people they would recruit today, and they could recruit as many as they could.Liu Ligan was right, they needed a reserve of personnel, and the more the better.For them now, they have no shortage of market, business, or expansion funds. What they lack most are skilled masseuses and management personnel.

It is best for this manager to be trained from a masseuse, or at least, he needs to have a deep understanding of the massage industry.Massage is a craft, if you don't understand it, the masseuses below are cutting corners to fool you, you don't know, so how can you care?
Mr. Mi has already told them that the expansion speed of their branches depends on their staffing level. If you have so many people, we will have no problem opening 51 branches in one go in the first half of next year.Now there is only one thing that restricts their business expansion speed, and that is people, without people, it will be a meal without rice.

Mr. Mi also discussed with them whether it could be in the form of franchising, but in the end he denied it.For franchising, if people pay the franchise fee, they will definitely be profit-oriented and profit-oriented, and will pursue profit maximization by any means, which will conflict with their values.

Their value is that money should be made, but making money is not the only purpose.Especially because of the business of "Renjia Tourism", they cannot affect the customer experience of members of "Renjia Tourism" just because they pursue the profit maximization of "everyone's slimming".

In terms of personnel management, franchising, because they are not real bosses, but only authorized parties, it is impossible for them to fully manage all the people below.In this way, it won't take long for the quality of personnel in each store to vary, and eventually the goodwill of "Everyone Slimming" will be backlashed, which is what they don't want to see.

The interview started. Both Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An had experienced the previous interview. One was the interviewer last time, and the other was the applicant.They followed suit today, just like last time, controlled the rhythm, whether it was fast or slow, and the degree of speed depended entirely on the interviewer sitting opposite.

The two of them, compared to Liu Ligan and Mi Zong, have another advantage in that Liu Ligan and Mi Zong are vague about what kind of people the massage shop actually needs. They adopt general standards for interviews.

But for Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan, they knew who they needed. Most people walked in, and they only had to take a look to know if it was the person they needed.

In today's interview, they and those interviewees they like will ask a question, that is, if after the training is over, you will be arranged to work in Nanjing next year, would you like it?Is there any difficulty?

Those who answered that they have no difficulty and are willing, they will make a mark, and these people will probably be working in Nanjing in the future.

From 02:30 am to 37:[-] pm, the interview ended, and they recruited [-] new employees in total.

Xiao An was still sorting out the materials, Sheng Chuncheng looked at his watch, and said to her: "I'll leave this to you, I'm leaving."

Xiao An nodded and said yes.

 Thank you Romantic Cherry Blossom for flipping the book frequently. In fact, I really care about it. Huoshaoyun 0406, one up and one down two fish, and the tipping of the book every day!Thank you Romantic Cherry Blossom for flipping through the book. In fact, I really care about it. It’s more than three o’clock in the middle of the night. It’s empty. Internet celebrity Jianxiu, Wu Yuehou, brother who eats fish, little janitor, wxf456. I don’t see the future and only remember the original intention. Falling at the end of the world, jumping on a card reader, falling flowers in dreams~ How much do you know, monthly pass for book friends 20200912113520727!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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