Roaming in the dark

Chapter 533 Sheng Chuncheng Doesn't Know How to Comfort Sun Hong

Chapter 533 Sheng Chuncheng Doesn't Know How to Comfort Sun Hong
Sheng Chuncheng didn't know how to comfort Sun Hong, he also felt aggrieved by this matter.

This world seems to be like this forever, as many people who do things seriously, there will be as many people who hide in the shadows, see the opportunity at any time, and come to stumbling you and sniping you.They put all their ingenuity and energy on envying others and not letting others live better than themselves.

Look at the Internet, as long as someone is unlucky, whether you are a writer, artist, university professor, various celebrities, or entrepreneurs, as long as you are unlucky, there will always be a large number of people who will jump out and gloat.Even if you and him can't fight each other, they can't stop these guys who just want to see other people's unlucky, as if they are eating their own meat.

Sheng Chuncheng pressed Sun Hong's shoulders with both hands and asked her to lie down. Sheng Chuncheng said:
"It doesn't matter. You did it on your own. What can others do to you? You don't need to go to jail if you receive a little gift. At worst, you don't do it here. You just change to another bank."

"Change to another bank?" Sun Hong sat up again, "You said it lightly, if I quit here, how can I change to another bank."

Sheng Chuncheng was confused. He said, "You are capable and you have a lot of clients. Why not? Didn't you say before that it's a big deal to change to another bank?"

"That's job-hopping. Of course there is no problem with job-hopping. If I want to, I can find a bank at random. Being a branch manager is more than enough."

"I can't do it now? At worst, I'll quit."

"If I am punished, how can I change jobs?" Sun Hong said, "Our information has already been entered into the EAST system of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. If I am punished, the EAST system of the China Banking Regulatory Commission will not pass. "

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "It turns out that the power to appoint the presidents of each bank does not lie with your head office, but also through the Banking Regulatory Commission?"

"Of course, the candidate for the president of each bank must be reviewed by the Banking Regulatory Commission. The level of our sub-branch president has to take the exam of the Banking Regulatory Bureau. Only after passing the exam can he take up the post. Otherwise, what a mess People, not everyone can be the governor.”

Sheng Chuncheng understood, and he said, "No wonder Wan Jiangang said last time that Vase can only be the vice president at most. It turns out that the president still needs to take an exam."

"You have a good memory." Sun Hong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she said, "But that's right, those who are incompetent will be exposed when they go to the Banking Supervisory Committee. Whether it's a vase or a related account, at most they will be the vice president."

"All right." Sheng Chuncheng said, "If it really doesn't work, you'll marry yourself at worst, and I'll support you."

Sun Hong tilted her head, looked at Sheng Chuncheng and asked, "You mean, it's really impossible, I married myself, and you will support me?"

Sheng Chuncheng was right.

Sun Hong smiled and said, "I marry someone else, and then you support me?"

Sheng Chuncheng laughed loudly: "Okay, that's fine too."

Sun Hong giggled: "If this is the case, I won't be afraid anymore, I can really beat you up."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Sun Hong took off the bath towel and got out of bed, Sheng Chuncheng shouted: "What are you doing, lie down and have a good massage."

"Don't click, let's go to eat." Sun Hong said, "I'm hungry, I was called by the boss to talk in the morning, and I was so angry that I didn't eat well at noon, let's go."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

The two of them changed their clothes and went to the hall outside. Sun Hong saw Xiaoan standing at the front desk, talking to the people inside. Sun Hong called out:

"Xiao An, Xiao An."

Xiaoan ran over, and Sun Hong said to her, "I borrowed your boss to use it, I want to drink, and I won't come back."

Xiao An looked at Sheng Chuncheng, and smiled: "Use it, use it, use it hard."

Sun Hong smiled and said yes, "Then I'll use it up as a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, and return it later."

Xiaoan said yes, just make a phone call, and I will ask the excavator to pick it up.

After finishing speaking, the two women laughed loudly, Sheng Chuncheng stared at them, they ignored him, pretended not to see, and didn't pay attention to him at all.

Sun Hong and Sheng Chuncheng walked outside the door and got into the car. Sun Hong started the car and turned it off, then turned to look at Sheng Chuncheng with a grin.

"Why?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "Smile so treacherously."

"Where is it? They are all smiling like a flower." Sun Hong pouted her lips and said, "My, my heart has been hit hard today, can you promise me a request?"

"What request? Tell me."

"Can we not go out to eat, let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and you cook for me when we get home?" Sun Hong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

"Really?" Sun Hong shouted, "Then let's buy vegetables and go to my place."

Sheng Chuncheng still agreed.

"You can go to Wulin Square to do whatever you want." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Sun Hong nodded with a smile and restarted the car.

The two went to the supermarket, bought a grouper to be steamed, and asked the boss to kill the fish, chopped three swimming crabs, prepared to stir-fry with ginger and scallions, and prepared a pound of shrimp to be boiled.In addition, I bought a piece of bacon and garlic sprouts, fried bacon with garlic sprouts, and added a chicken feather for frying.

When I walked to the freezer section, I saw that there were sliced ​​salmon wrapped in plastic wrap and foam trays. I bought a piece and went back to prepare sashimi.Now that I bought salmon, I naturally bought two sticks of wasabi and a bottle of sashimi soy sauce.

When the two returned to Sun Hong's house, Sheng Chuncheng went into the kitchen, ready to cook the rice first, but he couldn't find any rice, so he asked Sun Hong, and Sun Hong said, I don't have any rice here.

"Then why didn't you say earlier that we can bring back a bag." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"I didn't expect to eat. With so many dishes, you still want to eat?" Sun Hong looked at Sheng Chuncheng with wide eyes and asked, Sheng Chuncheng could only shake his head.

"We can just drink. There are all kinds of wine, white, red, yellow, and beer." Sun Hong giggled, "You have everything you want to strengthen your yang."

Sheng Chuncheng said helplessly.

He boiled the bacon first to remove the saltiness and soften it at the same time.Then start cleaning other dishes.

Sun Hong walked over, first hugging Sheng Chuncheng from behind, and let Sheng Chuncheng lead her away stumbling.Sheng Chuncheng walked to the stove, and she followed to the stove, Sheng Chuncheng walked to the sink, and she followed to the sink, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't laugh or cry, and asked:
"Can you let me work first?"

"Okay, you can do it like this."

"In this way, it will not be easy to do."

"Then I don't care, I'm about to lose my job, and I'm still pestering you." Sun Hong said, "You said you would support me."

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Raising you doesn't mean putting you on your body, does it?"

"But I want to hang on to you right now." Sun Hong said, "I didn't tell you, he was hit hard today."

Sheng Chuncheng said okay, then you can continue.

But Sun Hong let go of him, walked away, and came back after a while, holding her mobile phone in her hand.She lifted up her phone, tapped it, and the WeChat video request was sent, and the other party picked it up, and Sun Hong called out:
"Mom, we are at home now, look at Chuncheng, he is cooking for me."

As she said that, she put the phone in front of Sheng Chuncheng, and when Sheng Chuncheng saw Sun Hong's mother on the other side, he hurriedly called out, "Hello, Auntie!"

Mother Sun called on the other end of the phone: "Okay, Xiao Sheng, hello! Xiao Sheng, work is fine now, I heard Hong Hong say..."

Sun Hong shouted: "Okay, just read it, it's over."

She turned off the call as she spoke, and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "This old lady, I'm so bored in the afternoon, she still insists on pestering me and asking how you are doing now. You mother-in-law, you really care about me." You, hum, care more than you care about me."

(End of this chapter)

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