Roaming in the dark

Chapter 541 Yanyan's live broadcast ends

Chapter 541 Yanyan's live broadcast ends
After Yanyan's live broadcast ended, she walked into the office and saw Sheng Chuncheng's first sentence: "Where have you been these two days? Why did you disappear?"

Shanshan, who came in after her, didn't say anything, but just glanced at Sheng Chuncheng.Cher laughed.

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "What, miss me?"

Yanyan waved her hand: "Come on, you're not worth thinking about, I want to know things."

"What's the matter?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Yanyan's eyes widened, she looked at Xue'er, then at Sheng Chuncheng: "What's the matter? Did you make a mistake? And people like you, your shop is going to open next week, and you have no plans at all ?”

Sheng Chuncheng said: "I have a plan. Didn't I agree that if there is no opening ceremony, you will go live behind closed doors?"

"Is that all right?" Yanyan asked.

"Then what else?" Sheng Chuncheng asked back.

Yanyan sighed, and shook her head towards Xueer: "You come and deal with him, I can't control it anymore."

Xue'er couldn't help laughing, she looked at Sheng Chuncheng, who was bewildered.

Xue'er asked: "Have you contacted the live broadcast guests? It won't be just a few of us here, even if the live broadcast is behind closed doors, there must be something new."

This time, Sheng Chuncheng was really confused, live broadcast guest?He never thought about the opening ceremony, and what kind of live broadcast guests should be invited.

"What a pig." Yanyan scolded, "So it was agreed, that female designer is from Japan, will He Hongmei come?"

It was only then that Sheng Chuncheng remembered that Yanyan actually invited Designer He to participate in the live broadcast when they had dinner together, and Designer He seemed to agree at that time.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "That's all? I'll ask Mr. Mi tomorrow."

"That's it?" Yanyan scolded, "You don't care about such a big thing as the opening of a new store. I don't know what you are thinking all day long. You just want to fool around like this?"

Sheng Chuncheng hurriedly cupped his hands: "Yes, you are right. I was wrong about this. I'm sorry."

Sheng Chuncheng himself also felt that he didn't know what he was thinking all day long. He looked very busy, but he didn't think about such an important matter as opening a new store. He really should be scolded.I thought to myself that I was still too dependent. I always felt that Mr. Liu and Mr. Mi decided on big things. Anyway, Xueer and Yanyan helped me worry about the live broadcast.

Xue'er and Sheng Chuncheng said: "We discussed it, and we think it's best for two designers, Mr. Zhang can also participate in the live broadcast. We have watched the video on the Internet, and Mr. Zhang can bring his own traffic. If he can come, he will definitely Brilliant."

Yanyan nodded beside her and said yes.

Mr. Zhang, please come on stage too?Sheng Chuncheng was really not sure about this, he said, I'll have to talk to Mr. Liu tomorrow to find out, I'm such a hottie in a minibus, but I can't invite Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Liu must come forward if I want to invite him.

"Strive, do you know?" Yanyan asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, but I said it was your strong request, and I think it will work best.

Cher nodded and said, yes.

"It's not enough to just invite the two of them to the scene. It will still be monotonous if you just introduce the situation in your store." Yanyan said, "Since it's a live broadcast, you must bring the goods. Only by selling the goods can you bring the atmosphere of the live broadcast room to you." stand up."

"Look for some manufacturers?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"No, it's different this time. Fans can't go to the scene to support, and the door is still closed. The door will not open until the live broadcast is over. Then we will sell cards at the live broadcast, sell your VIP cards, and give a discount." Yanyan explain.

Sheng Chuncheng's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "This is fine, this should attract many Hangzhou fans who haven't got a card yet."

"Not only in Hangzhou, but also in Nanjing." Yanyan said, "Can't all your cards be used for consumption? During the live broadcast, we interspersed some pictures of the opening of the Nanjing store last time. Fans will also be attracted and tell them that the same membership card can be used not only in Hangzhou, but also in Nanjing, and the treatment is the same.”

"It's better to introduce again. Next, you will plan to build branches in several cities, such as Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Suzhou, etc. The cities you are planning to start this year, so that you may be able to attract some fans from this place." Xue Er explain.

Sheng Chuncheng nodded repeatedly, thinking that their idea was good.

"While selling your 'everybody slimming' membership card, you can also sell your co-branded cards with 'renjia tourism' and 'eating men and women', so that more people can be attracted." Yanyan added.

"Okay, you guys are so thoughtful and amazing." Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile, "Tomorrow morning I will report to Mr. Liu and Mr. Mi to settle this matter."

"Call us at noon, so that we can start preparations here, and the notice will be sent out." Xue'er said, and Sheng Chuncheng said yes, sure.

"How is it? Today, no matter what, I really want to treat you." Yanyan said, Sheng Chuncheng said yes, no problem.

In the past, every time they went out, they would say that Sheng Chuncheng was treating them, but in the end, it was either Yanyan or Xue'er's assistant who paid the bill.In the words of Yanyan and Xueer, if you are a salary worker, our company can reimburse you for any guests you invite, even if it is calculated as income, we are higher than you, so forget it.

Today's guest, Sheng Chuncheng can also be reimbursed, and they decided to eat him.

"You can start a killing spree?"

Sheng Chuncheng asked Yanyan, and Yanyan said it was ok, I feel better every day.

As she spoke, she turned to Xue'er and Shanshan August: "Just envy, I feel like I have been reborn."

Shanshan said: "I envy you, a month of sanitary napkins can save a lot of money."

Everyone laughed.

A few people went to eat grilled fish on paper, after eating, it was still the same, Yanyan, Xueer, and August went back to the company and drove home.Sheng Chuncheng, Shanshan, and Xiaoya Xiaomei came out of the "Fat Sister Grilled Fish" shop, walked through the live broadcast base, and walked back to Duocube.

Sheng Chuncheng just walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower when the doorbell rang. Sheng Chuncheng hurried over and opened the door. Sure enough, there was Shanshan standing outside the door, still wearing pajamas, her hair was still wet and not completely dry.

"Welcome?" Shanshan asked him with a smile.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't speak, and pulled her in. The two hugged each other, kissed, moved, and went to the bedroom.

It's really like what Jing Jing said, after Sheng Chuncheng told Jing Jing about himself and Shanshan, he relaxed inexplicably, and he was no longer so nervous. His state had completely recovered, which made Sheng Chuncheng himself Overjoyed.

The two were panting and satisfied, Shanshan sighed, and said softly: "You, finally let me see, this is you, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded, hugged Shanshan tightly, and the two of them fought again until they were exhausted.

The next morning, when Sheng Chuncheng woke up, Shanshan had already left. Sheng Chuncheng knew that she would sneak back before Xiaoya and Xiaomei got up.

Sheng Chuncheng got up, went to the bathroom to wash up, looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but glared at himself, and cursed: "Rogue!"

Staring at himself after scolding, shaking his head left and right, he felt that the guy in the mirror was a bit scumbag, what the hell are you going to do?He cursed again: "Scumbag!"

After scolding, he didn't seem to feel happy either.

Alas, no matter what, the scumbag has to keep brushing his teeth.

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your reward!Thank you Qian Dalai, I really drank too much, Long Zhaozhi, on the road-everyday monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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