Roaming in the dark

Chapter 550 Teacher Li and Teacher Xu

Chapter 550 Teacher Li and Teacher Xu
Teacher Li and Teacher Xu walked in from the door, and Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An hurried up to meet them.

Today was originally the day when Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan came to serve Teacher Li and Teacher Xu, but early in the morning, Teacher Xu called and told them that they wanted to take a walk and come and see them.

When Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An saw Teacher Li and Teacher Xu, they were stunned for a moment. They had changed a lot, as if they were much younger.Teacher Li's crooked mouth and nose straightened a lot, and his hands basically stopped shaking.Teacher Xu's gray hair was dyed black, and the skin on his face became brighter and flushed. He looked several years younger than before.

When Teacher Xu came in, he took Xiaoan's hand, turned his face and told Sheng Chuncheng that he would go to their house for dinner at night, and she would cook some good dishes for them, and thank them.

"Thank us for what?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, a little confused.

Teacher Xu's face turned red, she smiled without saying a word, Xiao An seemed to understand, and slapped Sheng Chuncheng quietly, Sheng Chuncheng also came to his senses.

"If you don't go, we won't have a massage today." Teacher Xu threatened them.

Sheng Chuncheng laughed, and he said yes, we will definitely go.

"Then it's a deal. You must come over at six o'clock." Teacher Xu said, "Let's go from here later, and we'll go ask Dr. An again, just a few of us."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, "Now, can we go in and do it, Teacher Xu?"

Teacher Xu and Teacher Li both smiled and nodded.

The waiter led Teacher Li and Teacher Xu to change clothes, Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan stood there, Sheng Chuncheng smiled and asked Xiaoan:
"You're so smart, you know it right away? Not bad."

Xiao An blushed, and gave him a blank look: "You don't know?"

"I don't know, but I know that the old horse has raised its hooves." Sheng Chuncheng said, "I can't even brake if I want to."

"Get out!" Xiao An cursed, and both of them burst out laughing.

"Let's go, let's go and change clothes." Xiao An and Sheng Chuncheng said, and they walked to the dressing room.

Sheng Chuncheng changed into his work clothes, walked into the cubicle, and saw that Mr. Li was not lying on the massage table, nor sitting, but walking around inside, and couldn't suppress his excitement.As soon as he saw Sheng Chuncheng coming in, Teacher Li hurried over, patted Sheng Chuncheng on the shoulder and said:
"Cherish it, young man, cherish it, cherish it!"

Sheng Chuncheng didn't understand again, and asked, "What do you cherish, Teacher Li?"

"Treasure that you are young now. We can't wait to be ten or twenty years younger." Teacher Li said, "It's a pity that time can't be turned back."

Sheng Chuncheng understood, laughed loudly, and said, "That's right, Mr. Li, you are growing stronger now."

"I can't, I can't, I regret it now." Teacher Li sighed, "When I was young, I didn't understand, I only knew how to mess around, and I worked hard when I went to bed. I don't know what's inside. It turns out that there are still so many tricks and knowledge, and with so many skills, different body positions can have different experiences and pleasures.

"Dr. An taught us, and we didn't know. Try the method she taught, haha, it feels better than when we were young. The two of us often laugh in bed. What are you laughing at? Are we living in vain? Live like two animals, animals will only know one action is reckless, people can try and find different methods."

"Then you really want to bless Mr. Li, nailed it in now?" Sheng Chuncheng asked with a smile.

"Go in, go in." Teacher Li laughed happily, "We didn't have anything to do at night, the two of us sat in front of the TV in the living room stupidly, staring at the TV, and we didn't go until we saw that we were dizzy." go to bed.

"Now I have dinner, walk around the community, and rush home as soon as it gets dark. I don't even watch TV, and I go to bed after eight o'clock. Once a day, Dr. An told us no, too often for fear that our body would be afraid. I can't bear it, otherwise, I really want it every day. Alas, I can only simmer, but I just don't go in. It's good for two people to hug and touch each other, and kiss each other.

"In the past, I didn't quite understand the term 'the joy of fish', but now I have a deep understanding. Two people are really like two fish, and they are really in harmony. Alas, if this is the case, it will be difficult to spend a few more lives together. I won't get tired of it, but it's a pity that I'm old, young man, you young people must know how to cherish it.

"Men and women are born to be together. When you are together, you must cherish every minute and every second, do you know? Don't wait until you want to cherish it, then feel that there is not enough time, and feel that you have wasted too much time before. Living is not easy, and it is even more difficult when two people are together, but when two people walk together holding hands, they will feel that the road is not so hard.

"Look at us, such a difficult day has passed, and now I recall it, it's all beautiful."

Sheng Chuncheng was massaging Mr. Li, and Mr. Li kept chattering. Sheng Chuncheng felt that he liked to listen to him. Although his words were a bit slurred, his attitude was very serious when he spoke, even when it came to their bed. It doesn't make people feel obscene at all.

Sheng Chun thought to himself, in this world, everyone lives, some people feel that the days are like years, some people feel that the time is passing, the same time, people have different feelings about the length of it, time is not so rigid, every minute is not bad.When time has emotional projection, time is also warm and resilient.

After the massage was over, Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An sent Teacher Li and Teacher Xu away, all the way to Qingchun intersection, and the four waved goodbye.Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An looked at Teacher Li and Teacher Xu, they were holding hands and walking towards Guangli Building, then they turned and walked back.

Xiao An sighed, and said to Sheng Chuncheng: "Looking at them, I feel really happy."

Sheng Chuncheng said with a smile: "Why, when you want to grow old, there is an old man who can hold hands."

"Yes, I really want to, don't you want?" Xiao An said, "Did you see that Teacher Xu went to dye her hair black for Teacher Li, she said, she must let Teacher Li look at her very young."

Sheng Chuncheng was silent.

When the two walked to the door of the store, Xiao An sighed again, and Sheng Chuncheng asked, "What's the matter, what do you think?"

"I think of my parents. They quarrel every now and then over trivial matters. Tell me, what's the point?" Xiao An said.

"Go and tell Jing Jing about this, she must be very happy to hear that." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"I will definitely tell her. I now feel that Ms. An's work is very meaningful. If everyone is like Teacher Li and Teacher Xu, do you think our society will be more harmonious?" Xiao An said .

Sheng Chuncheng remembered what An Jing said. She said that sex life is the foundation of the relationship between the sexes. If you have a good relationship on the bed, you will definitely have a good relationship off the bed. There will be no major conflicts. solve.And if the relationship is not good in bed, the couple's final relationship will definitely not be good, and the family will definitely not be harmonious.

There are many disharmonious families, just like Xiao An said, will this society still be harmonious?
Sheng Chuncheng felt that what the two women said was correct.

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your reward!Thank you for the 125mm gunner, the book reader, and the monthly pass for Jian Xifeng!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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