Roaming in the dark

Chapter 564 Yanyan's Chapter

Chapter 564 Yanyan's Words
Yanyan's words made Sheng Chuncheng fall into deep thought. He was thinking, do he mind or not?From the very beginning, from the day he met Yanyan, he knew what Yanyan was doing. Later, he would be with her and sleep with her. Sheng Chuncheng would not admit it even if he was killed. He just wanted pure excitement. I just want to have a relationship with Yanyan.

He would still miss her, and when she was not good, he would feel sorry for her, and would even do something for her without hesitation.For example, when he was in Shanghai, he knew that helping Yanyan might bring him trouble, or even kill him, so he would also help her without hesitation.

To say that he and Yanyan have no feelings, no love, and just want to get her body, Sheng Chuncheng feels that he is not such a person, and he can't even convince himself to give himself such a definition.

So does he mind, or does he not mind what she has done?Sheng Chuncheng thought about it carefully, he felt as if he had never thought about this question.Maybe it's because he knew what Yanyan was doing from the very beginning, so when Yanyan spent a night with him yesterday, but disappeared without a trace today, he didn't feel strange.

Looking back now, Sheng Chuncheng felt that he missed her at that time, thinking very purely, just missing this person, nothing else.He won't even be jealous and angry, thinking that she is in the arms of other men now, because from the day they met, it seems that she is in the arms of other men, it is a matter of course, he will not be jealous because of this, isn't it What did Yanyan say about labeling?
If it was another woman, his girlfriend, it would be natural for him to be jealous because of this, but why does it not exist when it comes to Yanyan?

At the same time, Sheng Chuncheng felt that he would never refuse, the relationship between himself and Yanyan had taken a step forward, if he minded what she had done, would he still be willing to go further?

Then, just like what Yanyan said, why didn't I dare to pursue Yanyan openly?At least as far as Yanyan was concerned, he was clear that Yanyan would not object to him pursuing her openly, and there was no question of his embarrassment or embarrassment.If I really love Yanyan, why didn't I work hard?
Sheng Chuncheng sighed secretly, he felt that the answer was obvious, that was Xue'er.Yanyan and Xue'er were together, and he secretly had a kind of expectation for Xue'er. He knew that once he started to openly pursue Yanyan, it would be tantamount to cutting off the way to Xue'er.

On the other hand, it's actually the same, once he starts to pursue Xue'er, he will cut off the way to Yanyan, which is something he can't bear to part with.Then there was Sun Hong and Shanshan, which made things more complicated.

Thinking of this, Sheng Chuncheng felt a shivering chill. He seemed to see clearly for the first time that he was such a greedy person. You want to own all of them, right?Sheng Chuncheng felt that although he had never expressed it so clearly, it was still the same thing, it was so shameless, he actually did this, even if he didn't think about it.

It's just that the women didn't buy into him, Shanshan left, Xue'er made her own choice, Sun Hong was always clear about it, and it was even more impossible for her to accept Sheng Chuncheng who loved everyone.As for Yanyan, it seemed that she had automatically downgraded their relationship to the level of friends with benefits. The downgrade was because she felt that Sheng Chuncheng was not someone she could trust.

"Let's do it like this." Yanyan said, "If we maintain this kind of relationship, maybe we can still be friends for a long time. If we are really together, it will be a terrible thing."

"How scary?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"As long as two people are really together, it is a blessing that their relationship can keep warm. 90.00% will only cool down. I dare not expect that we will be that one percent." Yanyan said, "The relationship cools down, and each other's patience It will wear off, and conflicts will grow, have you ever seen a couple who have never quarreled?"

"I've seen it." When Sheng Chuncheng said this, he thought of Teacher Li and Teacher Xu.

"Really?" Yanyan asked.

Sheng Chun deliberately felt guilty, he only knew that Teacher Li and Teacher Xu had a very good relationship, maybe it was the kind that Yanyan said, always keeping warm.But even so, he couldn't guarantee that the two of them hadn't quarreled.

"I'm really worried that we will quarrel in the future, and there will be no good things to say about quarrels, even between husband and wife. At that time, if you mention what I did before, Sheng Chuncheng, I will collapse. You know I will do it at that time." What?" Yanyan asked.

"Kill me?" Sheng Chuncheng asked back.

Yanyan nodded: "I really will, it's not a joke, I don't want us to go that far."

"How did you know you would get there?" Sheng Chuncheng was unconvinced.

"That may not work, I won't bet on myself, and I can't afford it." Yanyan said, "I would rather be single for the rest of my life, or marry someone who doesn't know my past at all. I want to be his Goddess."

Yanyan sighed as she spoke, she reached out and touched Sheng Chuncheng's face, and said to him: "Sheng Chuncheng, I can no longer be your goddess, let's just be like this, be realistic, okay?"

"Why is it that you are the one who judges our relationship again and again every time we are together?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Yanyan laughed, and she said: "That's because I'm sober than you. In fact, men are more impulsive than women. We are talking about these things now, and we can discuss them calmly. If we hadn't said it before last night For these, you will have more rhetoric, more love to death, men's hormones are just for you to speak big."

Yanyan laughed out loud as she spoke, Sheng Chuncheng was baffled by her laughter, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"I remembered, do you know what can make a man orgasm?" Yanyan asked herself and answered, "Sex and politics, so men especially like to talk big about these two aspects."

Yanyan really remembered when she was talking, she didn't tell Sheng Chuncheng, she thought of some men she had met before, when she was in bed with her at night, like a wild beast, during the day on the local news on TV, she watched Until he was sitting on the rostrum, speaking big words in a serious manner.

Not only do sex and politics make men orgasm, but how much credibility do they have to say about them?
"Okay, let's not talk about it." Yanyan patted Sheng Chuncheng's face lightly, "Do you still want it? If you want it, you can come again. If you don't want it, we can sleep for a while, but I remind you, this way Opportunities don't come every day, and I'm not something you can get if you want it."

Sheng Chuncheng wanted to scold Yanyan a few words, but the following responded mercilessly, without further ado, he hugged Yanyan, and the two began to kiss.

Sheng Chuncheng's cell phone rang. It was the alarm clock at eight o'clock. Sheng Chuncheng reached out and pressed it. He felt that he must be a few hours late to the store today.

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your reward!Thank you On the Road-Tiantian, happy Zhongyuan No. 131217123804560, book friend [-] for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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