Roaming in the dark

Chapter 575 In this Sensitive Period

Chapter 575 In this Sensitive Period

"In this sensitive period, if you think about it, writing such an article will of course be deleted soon. Weibo, Moments, and official accounts have all been deleted. Before being deleted, this article has been screenshotted , It is constantly reposted in the circle of friends and groups, which has a great influence."

"Just because of this?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Xiao Ma shook his head: "Also, two young people from the street ran home and told Teacher Zheng that her article affected the current epidemic prevention work, so she should pay attention.

"Ms. Zheng was of course furious. She said, I'm talking about economic issues, economic issues, do you understand or do I understand? Besides, what I want to say, can your street control it? Don't think it's bad in the name of epidemic prevention You can do whatever you want, you don't have this right, even if the police come to my house, you have to bring formal procedures.

"Ms. Zheng drove them out. She then wrote an article about governing the country by law. She said that the four words governing the country by law have been with us almost since the reform and opening up. Generations of people have been working hard. Therefore, to perfect and establish our complete legal system, just like the large economic environment, it is easy to destroy the legal environment.

"She said that the most dangerous thing at the moment is the reckless behavior of grassroots units, substituting documents for the law, using notices to replace the law, and under various names to undermine the authority of the law. For example, in the name of environmental protection, shutting down the legal Established enterprises, limit its production and operation time, etc. In the name of holding a certain conference, all those small shops facing the street will be closed. During the epidemic, it will become even more prosperous.

"Who gave the local government and the street community the right to seal off communities or even close people's homes? Even if it is because of epidemic prevention needs, people's congresses at all levels should issue temporary regulations, or the central government should issue guiding implementation rules.

"Any epidemic prevention measures introduced by the local government must be checked for compliance, and cannot conflict with existing laws and regulations. Local governments and related functional departments cannot authorize themselves, or expand their powers arbitrarily or unlimitedly.

"The more difficult it is, the more we must talk about administration according to law, and the more we must control those who want to trample on the seriousness and authority of the law. Otherwise, the efforts of several generations will be in vain. Our legal environment It will be even more difficult to build it up again. The epidemic is terrible, but what is more terrible than the epidemic is lawlessness."

"After this article was published, all of Mr. Zheng's accounts were blocked and could not be used. Also, do you remember what I told you about the last meeting?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded.

"After that meeting, Mr. Zheng can't actually attend any meetings. If an invitation letter arrives at the college, the college will withhold it. Of course, this is not the decision of the college, nor is it the decision of the highest level. But who made the decision, Our dean also refused to say, dare not say, he has nothing to do except keep apologizing to Mr. Zheng, saying sorry.

"Those who made this decision, and no one dared to admit it. This made Teacher Zheng angry, and didn't know who to send it to. Everyone smiled when they saw her, and said they understood. How could it be possible? Of course we all want to hear Mr. Zheng's insights. Everyone is laughing like this, fooling around like this. Mr. Zheng said, I feel like I have become a doll.

"I asked our dean, and the dean secretly told me, isn't this obvious? Meetings are held as weddings. People who arrive say a few polite words and carry the sedan chair for them. The purpose of the meeting is achieved. Yes. You come to an old lady to mess things up, how will it end, and the chairperson can't help it.

"I think so, there must be some people who are afraid that Mr. Zheng will go to a similar meeting again and fire a cannon. The consequences will be uncontrollable and will eventually affect their own interests. Mr. Zheng is really dumb now and can't say anything. There is no way to talk anymore. That's why she thinks it's better to go, she can't talk here, and it's an eyesore, and she really becomes old-fashioned."

Sheng Chuncheng felt very sad when he heard it. An old lady, cancer took away her vocal cords, but not her impulse to speak. With the help of tools, she also wanted to speak out and say what she wanted to say.But now, she really can't speak anymore. In this society, no one is willing to listen to the truth.

He even knew what the word dumb meant to Professor Zheng.When she came to the United States, there must be many people who wanted her to speak up, but she said that she never criticized domestic affairs when she was abroad, because she felt that this was a family matter, and there was no need to tell outsiders about it, so that people would see it as a joke.In this way, she will automatically shut up and become a "dumb".

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "Ms. Zheng's passport is not..."

"It's been reissued," Xiao Ma said.

"Isn't it a humiliation for Mr. Zheng to reapply for a passport?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Xiao Ma sighed: "Then what can I do, I must feel uncomfortable."

"What about the visa? Did you get the visa so quickly?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "I heard that it is difficult to get a visa to the United States, and this is the time."

"I got it when I went to the embassy." Xiao Ma said, "There is a list inside the family. The list is outstanding figures in various industries in our country. As long as you are on this list, you will be given a visa as soon as you apply, Mr. Zheng. It's on this list."

"That's to encourage them to go." Sheng Chuncheng smiled wryly, "This is the real poaching."

Pony nodded.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "We are also willing to be poached."

"You don't need to say anything today. Since Teacher Zheng has made a decision, she must have thought it through, right? Today you can give her a good massage and eat with her. You don't need to say anything else." Xiao Ma and Sheng Chun made a deal treat.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Xiao Ma looked at his watch, stood up and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "Let's go."

Sheng Chuncheng also stood up, and when the two walked towards Professor Zheng's house, Sheng Chuncheng felt that his heart was full of sadness.This is probably the last time I came to the University of Quantitative Engineering, and it was probably the last time I saw Professor Zheng. Xiao Ma is right. Since Teacher Zheng has made a decision, she must have thought about it. It is the word, and the meaning has been decided. , will not be coming back.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at the pony, and thought that even the pony might be the last time he saw it. Hangzhou is so big, and after he stopped coming to Professor Zheng, how could he meet him in the future.

"Little horse." Sheng Chuncheng called out.

The pony responded and turned his head.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Our new store has opened, you are welcome to take a look."

"Me?" Pony asked.

"That's right, even if you don't have a massage, you can still drink tea and coffee there, read a book, or bring a computer to work. The environment there is different from your school. Doesn't it mean that you can change your mind if you change the environment."

"You mean my brain is not working?" Pony asked with a smile.

Sheng Chuncheng hurriedly said, "No, no, I mean..."

Xiao Ma looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to continue, Sheng Chuncheng said:
"What I mean is, you have also stepped out of the ivory tower to get in touch with the outside world. You here seem to be very peaceful, but in fact the dark tide is raging, and there are swords, lights and swords underneath, which is a bit scary and depressing."

Xiao Ma stopped ringing. She knew that Sheng Chuncheng meant something, so she nodded.

Sheng Chuncheng took out his business card, handed it to Xiao Ma, and said to her:

"The above address is where I am now."

Xiao Ma put away the business card and said thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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