Roaming in the dark

Chapter 581 When the Baby Walks Over

Chapter 581 When the Baby Walks Over

There was almost no sound as the baby walked by.

Xiaoan came back from Nanjing and came to work on the first day today. In the morning, she went to Mashi Street and announced that Yanzi would be the manager of the store there. Xiao Zhang was transferred to LinkedIn School, not as the person in charge, but as a trainer division.

After Sheng Chuncheng discussed with Xiao An, the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became. There were too many rich wives among their members. Xiao Zhang had the idea of ​​being close to rich wives, and if he put it into action, it would be easy for them to do it.

They don't want to make moral judgments. What they are most worried about is that Xiao Zhang didn't eat the fish in the end, and he got into a mess. If he offended any rich woman, he would slap him on the spot. The temper of rich women is generally not very good. good.

Or which rich woman really wants to play with him, it would be even more terrifying, if her family members know that there is such a guy in the massage shop, make trouble at the door, and even smash their shop in a rage, It is also possible.

This risk is absolutely unacceptable to them.

After much deliberation, the two felt that it would be most appropriate to transfer Xiao Zhang to LinkedIn School as a trainer instead of having direct contact with customers.

Xiao Zhang's technique is good.

Originally, when the two of them chatted on wechat that day, Sheng Chuncheng was going to start adjusting. It was Xiaoan who said that when she came back, it would be more appropriate for her to announce in the past.If you transfer Xiao Zhang to LinkedIn, he must have complaints and ideas in his heart. If he comes to complain to you, you can reassure him and it will be fine.

"You go and announce, maybe he will fight you directly, and there will be no room for it." Xiao'an and Sheng Chuncheng said, Sheng Chuncheng felt that it made sense, so he implemented it.

In the morning, Xiaoan went to Mashi Street, talked with Xiao Zhang, said that he was transferred to LinkedIn, and called all the people in the Mashi Street store for a meeting, at which the appointment of Yanzi was announced.In the afternoon, Xiaoan came here to report the results to Sheng Chuncheng.

Sheng Chuncheng asked her, "What does Xiao Zhang mean?"

"I didn't express anything, I just kept sneering." Xiao An said.

"Has Yanzi already taken over?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Took over." Xiao An said, "There is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Xiao An said: "Since Xiao Zhang left Mashi Street, he has not been to LinkedIn."

Sheng Chuncheng thought for a while and said, "Maybe he was dismissed, but he couldn't accept it all at once, so he went home."

Xiao An nodded: "I think so."

While the two were talking, Sheng Chuncheng's phone rang, he looked at it, it was Mother Zhong, and quickly picked it up.

"Xiao Sheng, did you fire Xiao Zhang?" Mother Zhong asked.

"No expulsion." Sheng Chuncheng said, "Isn't it because of what I told you last time that it's not suitable for him to be the store manager again, so he was transferred to LinkedIn School. What's the matter, auntie?"

Mother Zhong said: "So it is like this. He called me just now and asked if he could follow me. I was baffled by what he said. I am a factory here. What do you want a masseur to do? He also said that I would ask him to do anything." Yes, he will definitely serve me well, and he will be scolded by me."

"Okay, Auntie, I see." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Xiaoan heard the conversation between Sheng Chuncheng and Zhong's mother from the side.Sheng Chuncheng hung up the phone, and the two looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Sheng Chuncheng picked up the phone and told Xiaoan, I'd better call him to comfort him.

Xiao An said yes.

When the call was made, the other party had already turned off the phone.

Xiaoan said: "Is this guy going to quit? He is so thin-skinned, will he feel that he is dismissed, too embarrassing, and he is too embarrassed to go to LinkedIn? He was scolded by the ambassador's mother again, and he felt ashamed. Appeared in front of you?"

"It's just that he resigned voluntarily without even going through the formalities. You can talk to the accountant. When the salary is paid, the salary and bonus will be paid to him." Sheng Chuncheng sighed, and Xiaoan said yes.

It was at this time that the baby quietly walked more than one meter behind Sheng Chuncheng, stopped, and looked at Sheng Chuncheng quietly.

Sheng Chuncheng saw Xiao An's gaze, looked behind him, turned around and saw the baby, he was startled, but soon laughed, nodded to the baby and said:

"Are you here, baby?"

The baby's eyebrows moved, and his big eyes opened wider, indicating that he heard Sheng Chuncheng's greeting.

Sheng Chuncheng introduced her and Xiaoan to each other, saying, this is a quiet classmate, baby.He also said, this is our Mr. An.

The baby stretched out his hand, shook hands with Xiao An, and said softly, "Hello, Mr. An."

Xiao An smiled and said, "Hello, baby, please call me Xiao An. I have the same surname as An Jing, and she also calls me Xiao An."

Baby nodded.

Xiaoan led the baby to change shoes, and then changed clothes. When the two of them walked into the private room, Sheng Chuncheng had already changed into work clothes and was waiting for them here.

The baby was wearing the customer's clothes in their store, and when she saw Sheng Chuncheng again, her face blushed slightly, she looked down at herself, she shrank a little, but she still didn't say anything.

Xiaoan helped her lie down on the massage table, and Sheng Chuncheng began to massage her.Xiao An was watching from the side, and she was also learning. While pressing, Sheng Chuncheng explained the essentials of this technique to Xiao An, so that if the baby came over in the future and she was not in the store, Xiao An could help her press.

During the whole process, only Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An were talking in the private room, and the baby was silent all the time. Even when Sheng Chuncheng asked her to put her hands on it, or lifted her up to make her turn over, she didn't even have a good word .But she reacted quickly and was very obedient. As soon as Sheng Chuncheng opened her mouth, she immediately made a move.

After the massage was over, Sheng Chuncheng said to the baby, go to the back and rest for a while, and ask the waiter to bring you anything you want.

"If you need anything, you can also come to us, just talk to the waiter." Xiao An said on the side.

The baby nodded and finally said the word "good".

The baby walked away, Xiao An and Sheng Chuncheng said: "Does she not like to talk? She is too silent."

Sheng Chuncheng said: "You think that everyone is Teacher Li, and when they meet for the first time, they will tell you the most secret things about themselves."

Xiao An smiled and said, "I met Teacher Li and Teacher Xu, that's a fortune."

Sheng Chuncheng also laughed, he knew what Xiao An meant.Their masseuses like to meet customers like Mr. Li and Mr. Xu, and communicate with you constantly during the massage.After a massage, both parties can become friends immediately. After giving him a massage, your body and mind will be happy.

When encountering a silent client like a baby, the masseur gets more and more anxious the more he presses, and he will mutter in his heart, is she dissatisfied with his technique?For such customers, they will not tell you how they feel, and ask your masseur to figure it out by himself. After a massage, the masseur will feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Sheng Chuncheng returned to the office and continued to do the questions according to the method Sun Hong told him.He did it three times, and he was very satisfied with his performance. He scored 98 points twice and [-] points once. Sheng Chuncheng felt that his subject should be fine in the first test.He found out the standard answers to the two wrong questions, read them silently several times, and memorized them.

Sheng Chuncheng felt that he always had something in his heart. He stood up and walked to the rest area at the back. When he was almost there, he realized that he was actually here to see the baby.

He was in the booth and tatami on the first floor and didn't see the baby.I went to the second floor to have a look, but I didn't see her. I went downstairs and walked to the terrace outside. Only then did I see that the baby was lying on a recliner, and the rotating shelf in front of him turned around. Opened laptop.

The baby stared at the computer, but just like she was reading upstairs last time, she was not actually looking at the computer.Because when Sheng Chuncheng walked past her curiously, he saw that there was nothing on the screen in front of her.

There is neither the trend of the market nor any videos on the screen like Mr. Lan. Her computer screen is so clean that even the theme of the desktop has not been changed. What is displayed is the blue color of Win11, and a window , the light came in from the window in unison.

The baby didn't close his eyes to rest his mind, but kept staring at this piece of blue without taking his eyes off it.

 Thank you Lao Chentang and Tianwaiwai for your monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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