Roaming in the dark

Chapter 597 My Husband’s Surname Is Ding

Chapter 597 My Husband’s Surname Is Ding
"My husband's surname is Ding. You must know that he is a person in this city. Speaking of which, you must know him. It's not that he is so great, but that their company is so famous. In such a famous company, To achieve his position, it is impossible for you not to be famous, or to be known by others.”

The baby started talking, and Sheng Chuncheng continued to massage her, but because he wanted to listen to her talk, his hands were naturally lighter.

The baby said, "Master Sheng, if I don't want to talk, I won't disturb your work, will I?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head, he said no, communicating with guests is also one of our jobs.

"You don't think I'm sweating you, it's too long-winded?" the baby asked.

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "Of course not. The more I know, the more I will know about you and why you are so thin."

"I know." The baby said, "I know the reason why I am so thin. I can't sleep well at night. Even if I fall asleep, it is a nightmare. I will wake up soon. How can I not be thin?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said yes, "Your appetite is also caused by lack of sleep. You can sleep well if you eat well. Long-term lack of sleep will make you feel sick when you see even a little greasy things..."

"That's right, that's how I am, Master Sheng." Bao Bao said.

"This becomes a vicious circle. Malnutrition will make you sleep less, sleep better, and make you lose your appetite even more." Sheng Chuncheng said.

The baby hummed: "I know that's the case."

"When did it start?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Let's start with the second child. At that time, our family had moved from the United States to Hangzhou. When we were in the United States, we were still a happy family. I don't know, maybe my husband had I'm having an affair, but I don't know, I'm not very sensitive in this regard."

Sheng Chuncheng stopped talking, he knew that the baby's chatterbox had opened up, and she needed to talk, so he just waited, waiting for her to continue talking.

"When we were studying, the two of us were really very good. Although at that time, we were very poor and had no money. I went to the United States at my own expense and had to rely on loans. He was sent by the mainland government, and there was no money. what money.

"In our school, although those who came from Taiwan, the mainland, and Hong Kong are all Chinese, the Chinese are not very good at being with Chinese. They can be with Japanese, Indians, etc. In the same circle, people from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have their own circles, and they are unlikely to be together. In addition, my husband is two years older than me, and it is even less likely for us to be together.

"On New Year's Eve, a classmate of mine, his parents are Taiwanese businessmen in the mainland. He has often come to the mainland since he was a child, and he is very familiar with the mainland. Khan’s classmates from mainland China made dumplings together and asked me if I wanted to go with me. I was curious, since I had never made dumplings before, so I followed.

"It was at that time that I met my husband, who was already studying for a Ph. He has already got his Ph.D., and instead of going back to the mainland, he went to Google. He proposed to me, and I agreed.

"He is from the mainland, and I am from Taiwan. Whether it is going to Taiwan to register for marriage or to come to the mainland, it is very troublesome. There are many procedures to go through. We registered our marriage in Pasadena..."

"You are not Americans, can you register your marriage in the United States?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Yes, it's very simple. Two people go to the Marriage Bureau of the City Hall together. The translation is called the Marriage Bureau. You can also apply online. However, it feels more like going to get married. We ran there by ourselves.

"When I got there, I got a form, filled it out and handed it in. After about ten days, I received the notice and went to the city hall to pay the fee, and then I could get a Marriage License, which is a marriage certificate. More precisely, it should be called marriage license.

"However, in the United States, after getting the Marriage License, it is not over. Within [-] days of getting the Marriage License, you have to bring the witnesses, relatives and friends, and go to the Marriage Bureau of the city hall again.

"In a small room, there are public officials who preside over a small ceremony for you. There are notaries present, a witness for each side of the man and woman, and a few of our close classmates. We read out in front of everyone. Vows are taken, rings are exchanged, and a public official declares you legally husband and wife.

"Then we'll be given the Marriage Certificate, which is the real, notarized marriage certificate, and that's the end of it, we're legally married.

"After I got married, I stayed in Pasadena, where Caltech is located, and continued to study for a doctorate. He went to Mountain View, which is where Google is located, one in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco. The difference between the two places is more than 500 kilometers.

"But even though we're separated, we still have a great relationship. Whenever he has time, he comes to Pasadena, and I do the same, whenever school is out, I go to Mountain View. When I got pregnant, we The two began to quarrel over whether to have the child. I was still studying for a doctorate at the time, and of course I didn't want it.

"But he wants it very much. He thinks his income can already support my child. Even if I drop out of school, we can live well in Mountain View with his income. He has always insisted on having a child. Move out for any reason.

"It's funny. Their family is in the countryside in the mainland. He told me that although the leeks at home can grow in one stubble, only the first stubble, which is the first time the leeks grow, has red roots. They It's called red-skinned leeks. Red-skinned leeks are the most fragrant and delicious, and so are people. The first child has concentrated the essence of the two of us. The quality is the best, and it must be the smartest.

"He said, by the time of the second and third, the quality of our sperm and eggs has declined, and even the genetics have begun to decline. At that time, the quality of the baby will definitely not be as good as the first one, but it doesn't matter, as long as we With the first one, the first one will be able to take care of the latter, so why do you say that the elder brother is like a father, the elder brother is of good quality and capable.

"I can say this kind of thing. A person who studies science and engineering can still talk like this. Are you funny? In fact, I know that the reason why he insists on having this child more and more is because we went to check and confirmed that he was pregnant with a boy. , He said that he himself and his father are the only boys in the family. In your mainland, it is called a single pass.

"He was just afraid that the child would be gone, and then there would be a girl. Every time we met, we would quarrel over whether or not we wanted the child. My stomach was getting bigger day by day, and one day, I suddenly felt like the baby in my stomach moved.

"Really, I was completely dumbfounded at the time. It was an experience I had never experienced before. I remember that day in the laboratory, I stood there, tears flowed down suddenly, and the whole body was shaking. Everyone was frightened and didn't know what happened. They asked me, and I said it was all right.

"It was at that time that I suddenly changed my mind and realized that what I was carrying was not what we were arguing about. Khan, what we were arguing about has nothing to do with it. This is life, a living and moving life, it is me. Son, I am his mother, for him, I can give up everything.

"I am still very ashamed because of this, and I feel sorry for my son. I thought about not wanting him. I feel that I have had this idea. It is really shameful. I am really sorry for my unborn son. In this way, I quickly made a decision and left Left school, left Pasadena, went to Mountain View.

"I dropped out of school and went to Mountain View City. I didn't sweat it. My husband said that he didn't know. When I showed up in front of him with my luggage, he didn't know how happy he was. He hugged me and cried bitterly. He sweated me. Said, in this life, he will love me and our family and children."

 谢谢天翅阁、星海书虫1977的打赏!谢谢天翅阁、金缺、半废的咸鱼应、不见前程只记初心、阳光下的温暖555、windinwing、散步的幽灵16、天歪歪、看书者一枚、Leo King、瑬赳、书友20170507004409472、读者20210209200716319588815、书友20190808151127738、20220414174621875的月票!谢谢所有的推荐票和阅读!祝大家身体健康!

(End of this chapter)

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