Roaming in the dark

Chapter 660 The Last Day of June

Chapter 660 The Last Day of May

On the last day of May, Hangzhou has officially turned on the summer mode, and the temperature has reached 39 degrees. Although compared with the high temperature of [-] to [-] degrees in July and August, it is still comfortable now, but people can no longer spend a long time outdoors active.

In the afternoon, Sheng Chuncheng went to Teacher Li's place and gave him a massage.Teacher Xu was very embarrassed when he saw Sheng Chuncheng coming, and said to Sheng Chuncheng:
"Xiao Sheng, you can just ask the masseur below you to come. You are so busy, so you don't have to come in person. Come on, sit down quickly, and eat some iced watermelon first."

Sheng Chuncheng sat down on the sofa and ate the watermelon. He knew that if he didn't eat the watermelon, Teacher Xu would not let him go.

While eating watermelon, Sheng Chuncheng said to Mr. Xu: "I'm here to talk to Mr. Li, and I'll give him a massage by the way."

Teacher Xu smiled and said yes, the old man himself talks a lot, and now he can't talk anymore, he really likes to listen to people talking, I can see that.

Every night, Teacher Xu lay next to Teacher Li, and would talk to him, talking about things in school and on the Internet, and what he talked about the most was about their son.Teacher Xu and Teacher Li said that Germany has completely let go of it, and no matter what, it is said that the whole people are infected and herd immunity, and my son said it several times, saying that he wants to bring his family back to see you.

"I didn't let them come back. They have to be quarantined when they come back. I heard that it will take [-] days to land, and it will take seven days to arrive in Hangzhou. Isn't it crazy? The school can ask for such a long vacation? It's not the summer vacation, and there are children. What about the child? I told him, you are fine, your face is rosier than before, and let them come back after the country is released."

Teacher Xu hugged Teacher Li like this every night, talking in a rambling manner, she felt that Teacher Li was listening, and Teacher Li agreed with what she told her son.

Every one or two weeks, Sheng Chuncheng would come to Teacher Li's place once. He came here to talk to Teacher Li and give him a massage by the way.Or it was still the same as before, he was talking to Teacher Li while massaging.

When Sheng Chuncheng massaged Teacher Li, Teacher Xu would close the bedroom door so as not to disturb the two of them.Sheng Chuncheng took out all the things that he couldn't talk to other people, and had a good talk with Mr. Li. After talking with Mr. Li, he felt a lot more relaxed.

He felt that Mr. Li knew everything and could understand everything, and he had nothing to hide from him.

The weather was hot and the air conditioner was turned on in the room. Sheng Chuncheng was worried that Mr. Li would catch cold, so during the massage, he turned the air conditioner to 27 degrees, so that it was not much different from the outside temperature. After massaging for a while, Sheng Chuncheng's back It was wet, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but Teacher Li was still the same, looking at him quietly and gently.

Sheng Chuncheng told him about Taozi and about sister Xu, and even showed Miss Xu's photo to Mr. Li, asking him, isn't it sexy?I really can't help it, I always think of her, but when she can come to Hangzhou again, she can't decide by herself, but depends on the company's flight plan.

Sheng Chuncheng even told Mr. Li about the thing he was most ashamed to say, the conspiracy between himself and Lao Ni. He asked Mr. Li if I was shameless. Mr. Li, scold me, I can accept it, I I think I should scold.

Teacher Li still looked at him like that, quiet and gentle.

Sheng Chuncheng got down from Teacher Li's house, got into the car, and asked Xiaotian to turn on the air conditioner to the maximum.Now wherever he goes, he is used to Xiaotian sending him off.Oda also said, anyway, it won't last long, so let me show my performance, and if you pass your driver's license test next month, I will go back to the company.

Sheng Chuncheng was in the car, before the car got out of Qiushi Xincun, Sun Hong called him, the voice on the phone was not like the usual Sun Hong, confident and confident, today she said "Hello", weakly , more like a sigh, Sheng Chuncheng was taken aback, and hurriedly asked:
"Where are you?"

"At home." Sun Hong said.

Sheng Chuncheng was taken aback again. Today is Tuesday, not a rest day. How could Sun Hong be at home at this time? Sheng Chuncheng asked:
"what happened to you?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, Sheng Chuncheng became anxious, and asked, "Quickly tell me, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Hong finally couldn't bear it anymore and started crying on the phone. She said, "I've been suspended."

Sheng Chuncheng was startled, and asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

"The boss asked me to talk, saying that even now, people are watching them very closely, saying that they are covering me. In order to avoid suspicion, they discussed it and decided that I should suspend work first and be on call to cooperate with the bank. The prison's investigation." Sun Hong said in tears.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, don't worry, I'll be right over.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Chuncheng said to Xiaotian, let him take him to Sun Hong's community, Xiaotian agreed, the car drove to Huancheng North Road, Sheng Chuncheng remembered, he said to Xiaotian, first help me find a farmer The market, I want to buy vegetables.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't forget that he had promised Sun Hong that if she had anything to do, he would cook for her, put her to bed, and buy her breakfast.

Xiaotian said: "There is a farmers' market over there in Shuixiang Village, and it happens to be on the way."

It is said to be Shuixiang Village, but in fact, that place has been relocated for more than ten years. The original vegetable fields have been turned into commercial housing complexes. It is just called Shuixiang Village, and everyone still keeps it.The farmer's market is a little way away from Jingfang Fifth District, where Sheng Chuncheng used to live. Sheng Chuncheng used to go there to buy vegetables, and he is very familiar with it.

The car passes through the Huanbei Tunnel, enters Genshan West Road, passes the Genqiu Overpass and continues to drive forward, exits the elevated road at the exit of Xintang Road, then turns left at Tanhua'an Road, and the Shuixiang Farmer's Market is not far ahead.

Xiaotian stopped the car opposite the market, and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "I'm in the car, you go to buy it, if you come out and I'm not there, and you are driven away by the traffic police, you can call me, and I'll come back to pick you up."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng got off the car and went into the farmer's market, bought fish, shrimp, meat, and some vegetarian dishes, and went to the stewed vegetable shop, bought braised beef and vegetarian chicken, and when he walked out of the farmer's market, he saw that Xiaotian was still parked opposite, but there was The traffic police car was coming this way, Sheng Chuncheng hurried over.

As soon as Sheng Chuncheng got into the car, the police car on the traffic police side rang. Oda turned to the left and the car went out. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car sped out and ran away.

Holding the steering wheel in his hand, Xiaotian laughed triumphantly: "They're mad at them, the 200 yuan was lost."

When the car arrived downstairs at Sun Hong's house, Sheng Chuncheng got out of the car with the vegetables. He asked Xiaotian to go back first, and Xiaotian asked:
"Then when will I pick you up?"

Sheng Chuncheng said, "No need."

Xiaotian laughed "ha", Sheng Chuncheng gave him a look, and Xiaotian quickly said: "Yes, yes, I will keep it secret for you."

"Keep it a secret." Sheng Chuncheng scolded, "Go back and tell Xiaoan that I'm at Sun Hong's place, so I won't go back to the store. Something happened to her."

"OK." Oda called out and drove away.

Sheng Chuncheng went upstairs, rang the doorbell, and as soon as the door opened, Sun Hong rushed forward, hugging him and crying, Sheng Chuncheng was holding vegetables in his hand, so he couldn't hug her, so he could only keep saying, it's okay, it's okay , isn't it just to let you rest for a few days, you can take a good rest, what are you afraid of.

(End of this chapter)

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