Roaming in the dark

Chapter 670 Sister Lan's Head Rests on Sheng Chuncheng's Chest

Chapter 670 Sister Lan's Head Rests on Sheng Chuncheng's Chest
Sister Lan rested her head on Sheng Chuncheng's chest, she couldn't see the change on Sheng Chuncheng's face, she continued to say:

"Don't worry, as long as you stay with me well, I won't treat you badly."

When she was talking, she raised her hand and patted Sheng Chuncheng's face lightly.Sheng Chuncheng felt like she was patting a puppy or cat.That's right, she is her pet, be good, she will transfer money to you from time to time.With this money, you feel that your pockets are bulging and you have enough confidence, you can invite Yanyan and their group of chattering girls to eat supper.

It also saves you from having to worry about Chunni and Chunming's tuition fees, and how to talk to Mr. Mi to advance your salary.

"Speaking of which, I want to thank Dr. An. After she made me despair, she became a woman again. Knowing myself, I can still experience such happiness." Sister Lan said, "I also want to thank you. If you don't know everything like this Someone who knows how to make me happy and protect me. To be honest, I dare not even try.

"Of course it's important to be happy, but you don't even have your life. How can you be happy? How dare I touch those village boys introduced by Lao Yun. They can do anything but mess around. When I'm with them, I'm so nervous. , what else is there to be happy about, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng didn't say a word.

Sister Lan continued to raise her hand to pat Sheng Chuncheng's face, Sheng Chuncheng dodged for a while, and patted it on his mouth.Sister Lan was immersed in her own happiness and nagging, but she still didn't notice it.

"Actually, from the first day I saw you, I knew you were the one I wanted. Although you couldn't see it at that time, I liked your hand touching me. When you touched me, my bottom would be wet. If I didn't think it was a bit too bullying for a blind man, I would have taken you at that time.

"Do you still remember the first time we were in the sun room? At that time, I thought it was my last time as a woman. I thought about it that day. I mean, I will definitely want you, haha, me and you Said, if you asked me for 51 million that day, I would give it to you. I was thinking, if 100 million can buy me the last taste of the happiness of a woman, it is worth it.

"In the end, you didn't ask for anything, so we did it. Haha, you know now, don't you regret it? It's just that I didn't expect that after the operation, we could continue and be so good. You are so considerate, so gentle, let My heart is gone (melted)."

As Sister Lan spoke, she raised her hand again, and Sheng Chuncheng reached out to hold her hand. Sister Lan struggled a bit without breaking free, smiled lightly, took advantage of the situation to move her body up, and put her face against Sheng Chuncheng's. In the ear, whisper to him:

"Don't worry, I said that I will not let you serve me for nothing. You have what I need, and I have what you need."

Sheng Chuncheng's face darkened, and he asked, "You want to take care of me, right?"

After hearing this, Sister Lan thought Sheng Chuncheng was joking, so she smiled slightly: "Is that okay? I just want to keep you."

Sheng Chuncheng said coldly: "Yes, how much will you give me?"

"How much? Haha, let me calculate." Sister Lan laughed, "Today is an exception, how can people celebrate their birthday every day, right? Normally, we still have to listen to Dr. An, you come twice a week , In this way, about eight or nine times a month, I will give you one hundred thousand a month, is that okay?"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. You have already said, anyway, you have money and I lack money. We can exchange each other."

Sheng Chun's idiom said sarcastically, and at the same time, he was thinking, one hundred thousand a month is equivalent to the net profit of a store in Mashi Street for a month, yes, what's wrong.

Sister Lan giggled, and she said yes, then we will make a deal.

While Sister Lan was talking, she stretched out her right little finger towards Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng pushed her hand away and said to her:

"Today is June [-]st, the first day of this month, you pay the money for this month first."

Sister Lan raised her head and looked at Sheng Chuncheng. She thought he was still joking, but looking at his serious expression, it didn't look like he was joking.

Sister Lan asked suspiciously, "Do you really want to pay?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded.

"Aren't you kidding?"

Sheng Chuncheng looked at her coldly and said, "I'm not kidding."

Sister Lan was a little angry, she sat up, took her mobile phone, and said: "That's right, there is no debt for this kind of thing, it's normal to pay first and then play."

Sister Lan immediately transferred [-] yuan to Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng's phone dinged, and he took it over, tapped accept, and threw the phone aside on the bedside table.

This time Sheng Chuncheng didn't even say thank you, but said:
"Okay, this is the first day of our transaction, today's big reward, do you want more?"

Sister Lan stared at him, and Sheng Chuncheng also looked at her expressionlessly. Sister Lan stared at him for a while, then said angrily:
"The money has been paid, don't want it for nothing, come on, you want me first."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

When Sheng Chuncheng hugged Sister Lan again, a voice sneered in his heart, you are now the same as Yanyan before, and Sister Xu, you are the party, this is you, the real Sheng Chuncheng.

The next day, the two of them didn't wake up until after nine o'clock. Although neither of them said anything, they both felt that there was more politeness and less intimacy between the two of them.While Sheng Chuncheng was still hugging and kissing Sister Lan, he was sneering in his heart, I was originally in the service industry, how to satisfy customers, do you think I don't know?Don't worry, I am a professional in service.

After waking up, the intimacy ended, Sheng Chuncheng told Sister Lan, I'm going to the store.

Sister Lan nodded and said yes.After one night, she felt that she was weak and all her strength was exhausted. She continued to lie on the bed, watched Sheng Chuncheng get out of bed and get dressed, watched him walk into the bathroom, and listened to the sound of him washing. My sister's mood is a bit complicated.

Sheng Chuncheng came out after washing. Sister Lan opened her arms towards him. She thought that Sheng Chuncheng would turn around to hug her and kiss her, but it didn't. Sheng Chuncheng didn't look at her, but picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table , and said to her:
"I'll be back on Saturday, bye."

Sister Lan heard Sheng Chuncheng go out, and then there was the sound of the door opening and closing from outside.

Sister Lan was half lying there, feeling a little empty in her heart. She felt that something went wrong, but she couldn't remember what the problem was.It's just that every time Sheng Chuncheng left, she was looking forward to it in her heart, looking forward to his coming sooner next time. Today, she didn't seem to be so looking forward to it.

It may be that this night has been done too many times, and I have already made myself a little bored, and I am indeed tired.

Sister Lan shook her head, smiled bitterly, fell down, and continued to sleep back into the cage.

When Sheng Chuncheng returned to the shop, he saw that the doors of Xiaoan's office and his own were open, so he hurried over and saw Sun Hong sitting at his desk.Seeing Sheng Chuncheng arrived, Sun Hong stood up and greeted him. Sheng Chuncheng closed the door and hugged Sun Hong so tightly that Sun Hong could hardly breathe.

She smiled softly: "I'm not promising, it's just that I didn't see you all night."

Sheng Chuncheng didn't speak, but continued to hug.

Sun Hong sighed: "I miss you too, I tossed and turned all night and didn't get much sleep, you evil spirit, bad father."

 Thank you for flipping the book every day, up and down two fish, and Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your rewards!Thank you Tianwaiwai, Ruan Jiu, Lin Lin, an expert from the Infinite World Material Collection Committee, and book friend 20170326085054175 for your monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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