Roaming in the dark

Chapter 675 Get up, get up

Chapter 675 Get up, get up

"Get up, get up, let's go to bed, get up early tomorrow, and go to bed early tonight."

Sun Hong first sat up on the sofa, then stood up, turned around, stretched out her hand to Sheng Chuncheng, Sheng Chuncheng held it, and Sun Hong pulled him up.

Sheng Chuncheng asked, "Where do I sleep?"

"What do you think?" Sun Hong gave him a white look, "I have spent so much money, why, you want to abandon me today?"

Sheng Chuncheng chuckled: "It's not that I'm abandoning you, but I'm afraid that you'll dislike me."

Sun Hong looked at Sheng Chuncheng and said: "It's not disgust, it's control, do you understand? People need to be able to control themselves, especially in this society, if people can't control their desires, they will be taken away and led astray. "

Sheng Chuncheng was taken aback, feeling that Sun Hong's words seemed to be pointing at him.

Sun Hong held Sheng Chuncheng's hand, and Sheng Chuncheng said, "Go to bed first, the clothes are washed, I'll hang them out first, otherwise it will stink."

Sun Hong nodded: "Thank you, Dad."

Sheng Chuncheng went to the laundry room, took out the washed clothes from the washing machine, and dried them.When I went back to the room, I saw Sun Hong sitting on the bed. She had already opened the box of 001 and took one in her hand. I don't know where she put the rest.

Sheng Chuncheng walked over, smiled, and asked, "What are you studying?"

"No, we are only allowed to use this one tonight, okay?" Sun Hong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng laughed, and he said yes, "You are the boss, you are the master."

Sheng Chuncheng went to bed, and the two hugged each other. The next thing to do was to use up that 001.

Although the air conditioner was on in the room, both of them were sweating profusely, but they still wanted to cuddle up and chat while lying there halfway.

"Actually, you may not know that I used to be a little bit against doing this." Sun Hong said, "After doing it with you, it's a goddamn thing. Why do I still think about it every day and become addicted."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed.

"Hey, tell me, what skills do you have?" Sun Hong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "It's not about skills, it's about meeting the right person. The tacit understanding is the most important thing in this kind of thing. By the way, the co-production is the most important. In the end, both of them are very satisfied, and they climax together. This is the tacit understanding and co-production. If one party is dissatisfied, it is not considered a tacit understanding. With a tacit understanding, if you experience the joy in it, you will definitely think about it."

Sun Hong thought about it, Sheng Chuncheng's words made sense.

Just yesterday, Sun Hong had vowed that once she won the bid, it would be God's will, and she would resign and take care of her husband and children at home.Today, she started to worry. She asked Sheng Chuncheng, what if she won the bid a few days ago?

"Then really be parents." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Go, I don't have the capital to be a mother now. As soon as I occupied a pit, I became pregnant, and I still need to take maternity leave. When I return from my vacation, the pit will probably be gone, and it has already been occupied by others. , who will keep the hole for you forever." Sun Hong said worriedly.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "It's okay, don't career women need to get pregnant?"

"Okay, of course you can get pregnant. When you are pregnant, let you step aside and get pregnant with peace of mind. You have a lot of salary and a lot of bonuses. Do you still take care of you? But the unit will not stop operating just because you are pregnant. The things you didn't do when you were absent always have to be taken over by someone, and after taking over, they will do it smoothly, and it is impossible to say that once you come back, people will get out of the way, out of the way."

"Didn't you say that Xiaofang, Boss Kan, did many of her important projects when she was pregnant?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"It's not the same, can it be the same? She is the boss, who can let the boss stand aside? We are a listed company. In our company, no matter how powerful you are, the shareholders will think that they are the most important. You It is not indispensable. They will think that the earth will continue to rotate without anyone, as long as your physical condition is not suitable for your work, you will be sidelined without discussion.”

"Then what should we do?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "I mean, if you win the bid, don't you want it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Sun Hong opened her eyes wide. "That's our baby, that's life. He's vying to come to this world. As parents, we're so cruel, why don't we allow him to come? What? possible?"

"Then what should we do?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Sun Hong clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, muttered words in her mouth, and said indiscriminately: "God, God, Bodhisattva, Goddess Guanyin, please bless me for not winning the bid."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed, and Sun Hong said: "Sleep and sleep, don't care about him, we will talk about it when the time comes."

The two lay down and couldn't help embracing and kissing again.Sheng Chuncheng wanted it again, but Sun Hong said no, no, I really want it too, but it's really not possible, and things that have been planned must not be broken.

Damn it, Sheng Chuncheng scolded in his heart, if he knew this, why would he buy five packs of 001, one pack is enough.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep." Sun Hong touched Sheng Chuncheng's face and comforted him: "If you really can't hold it back, go to the bathroom and rinse with cold water."

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help laughing: "You are really amazing, can you even come up with such a trick?"

Sun Hong also giggled.

Sun Hong let go of Sheng Chuncheng, turned around, turned her back to him, and asked, "Hey, is this better, Dad?"

Sheng Chuncheng also turned around, with his back to Sun Hong, and said in a muffled voice, "It seems to be better."

Sun Hong stretched out her hand, patted his buttocks, and said to him, "Sleep well, good night."

At [-]:[-], the alarm clock woke Sheng Chuncheng up. He felt empty under the quilt. He looked to the side, but no one was there. He raised his head to look at the bathroom. The door was open, and it was pitch black inside.

Sheng Chuncheng got out of bed, walked over and turned on the light in the bathroom, but there was no one in it.He was surprised, this Sun Hong, where did the time go?
He went to the walk-in closet to check, the lights inside were dark and there was no one there.

He opened the bedroom door and walked out. The living room outside was also pitch black, and there was no one on the sofa.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the guest room, opened the door, and with the faint light coming in from the curtains, he vaguely saw a dark shadow on the bed.

He turned on the light, and sure enough, he saw Sun Hong sleeping here.

Sheng Chuncheng walked over, sat down on the bed, put his hand on Sun Hong's cheek, and called softly: "Hey, wake up."

Sun Hong opened his eyes, looked at Sheng Chuncheng and smiled, raised his hands up, Sheng Chuncheng bent his head, Sun Hong hooked his neck, and Sheng Chuncheng's head fell down.With their faces close to each other, Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"Why are you sleeping here?"

Sun Hong blushed, and whispered: "When I was dreaming, I dreamed that we were there, and when I woke up, I saw that we were hugging each other again. I was afraid that I would rape you while you were asleep, so I ran to Here it comes."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed. He kissed Sun Hong and said, I'm leaving to learn how to drive.

"I'll see you off." Sun Hong said.

"No, no, Oda should be downstairs now, shall I carry you back to your room?"

The relationship between Sheng Chuncheng and Sun Hong is now semi-public in their store. Even Xiaotian is called Mrs. Sun Hong. Sheng Chuncheng asked Xiaotian to pick him up here, not afraid that he would know that he slept here at night.

Sun Hong shook her head: "No need, anyway, I'm alone, I'll sleep here for a while."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, breakfast is on the table, you remember to eat it.

Sun Hong nodded, waved to him, and said, "Daddy, goodbye."

Sheng Chuncheng went back to the bathroom in the bedroom, finished washing in a hurry, walked outside to the living room, took his backpack from the sofa, walked to the door and opened it, Xiaotian stood outside, holding a few vest bags in his hand.This is Sheng Chuncheng sending him a wechat message, asking him to buy breakfast at the door and bring it upstairs.

Xiao Tian followed Sheng Chuncheng in and shouted, "Wow, a mansion!"

Sheng Chuncheng ignored him, walked to the restaurant, put the flatbread fried dough sticks and pot stickers in the vest bag into the plate, and poured the tofu nao in the bag into the thermos bucket.

"Let's go." Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaotian said.

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your reward!Thank you eastlong888, Yuehai Xiaozu, book friend 20220928133422895 for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good morning everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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