Roaming in the dark

Chapter 715 I took Cher and the others back then

Chapter 715 I took Cher and the others back then

"I also let them analyze the data of Xueer and the others at that time. As a result, when Xueer and the others started live broadcasting, there were many effective fans in first-tier cities." Yanyan said, "It can be said that at that time, in the live broadcast room Effective fans who place orders are mainly concentrated in first-tier cities.”

"It's not surprising. At that time, the live broadcast had just started, and everyone felt very fresh watching it. They all went to the live broadcast room to watch it. They had never tried to place an order directly in the live broadcast room, so they tried to place an order." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"You are right." Yanyan said, "It means that the effective fans of the live broadcast are transferring, from the first-tier cities to the second- and third-tier cities, and then to the fifth- and sixth-tier cities and the lower counties, and even townships. Then what?"

"What then?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"When people in these places no longer have any sense of novelty about the form of live broadcasting, and are suspicious of buying things in the live broadcast room, you say, where else can the effective fans be transferred? Or to put it another way, where are the effective fans? Fan?" Yanyan asked.

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned for a moment, this, he felt that he really couldn't say it well, and he couldn't say it.

Yanyan said: "Why do effective fans have this kind of transfer, what do you think?"

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it for a while, and he said: "I'm still tired of the live broadcast. First, there have been several incidents over the years, and everyone has doubts about the quality and price of the live broadcast products; second, I think, it is still Take me as an example. For example, if I want to buy something, I can just search it directly. I am too lazy to go to the live broadcast room and listen to the anchor Luo Li. Sorry, I..."

"It's okay, we're Luo Libasuo, Luo Libasuo is our profession." Yanyan said, Xue'er laughed beside her.

Yanyan gave her a white look: "You are the originator, old Luo Li."

Xue'er smiled and said, "Okay, I'm old Luo Li, Suo, Sheng Chuncheng, go ahead."

"Also, I think that people's shopping behavior has changed. In the early days, for example, when a piece of clothing was popular, everyone would buy it. As a result, when you walk on the street, no matter whether you are fat, thin, tall or short, you will see everyone wearing it. There are dozens of such clothes in a school, and people still go to the shops that sell them.”

Sheng Chuncheng said while thinking: "Now, there is no such phenomenon anymore. How can anyone still grab the same style of clothes? It is best if others wear them and don't wear them. They don't have what they wear. Go to the Internet It’s also the same, at the beginning, everyone would go into the live broadcast room to grab the so-called hot money, but then they got bored and stopped doing such things.”

When Sheng Chuncheng was talking, both Yanyan and Xue'er laughed, and Yanyan said, "Not bad, you're pretty smart, you think deeply, and you have a sense of business, not bad, come on."

Sheng Chuncheng said angrily, "You think I'm an idiot?"

Yanyan waved her hand: "Okay, you're not an idiot. If you were an idiot, we wouldn't have asked you to be the shareholder. Who would believe an idiot? If we had a conflict, we would let an idiot mediate it." , aren’t we lowering our intelligence?”

Xue'er couldn't help laughing, Sheng Chuncheng stared at Yanyan and asked, "Are you taking pleasure in torturing me?"

Yanyan laughed too, and she said, "No, no, how dare I abuse President Sheng."

"You're right." Yanyan said sternly, "This change in effective fans, its change path map, I think it shows a problem, that is, the form of live streaming is declining, and there are less and less people. I like it, the group of people who were beheaded by Xueer and the others is a peak, and it will be difficult to have such a peak in the future.

"Look at the live broadcast base, it's the same here. I heard Xueer and August Michelle Ningxiang say that they are all old people here. They said that there is no comparison between now and three or four years ago. At that time , You can’t find a house here at all, now it’s rented everywhere, and MCN closes every day.”

While Yanyan was talking, Xueer nodded beside her.

"What do you want to say?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"I'm wondering whether we should consider transformation." Yanyan said.

"How to transform?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"I think we should put the company's focus on making short videos instead of the live broadcast room. This is the difference between Xue'er and me. She thinks it hasn't reached that point yet." Yanyan said.

"Short videos are not new." Sheng Chuncheng said, "At the gate of the live broadcast base, on Haipu Road outside, and on the other side of Kexing Street, near Jiufu Road, there are many self-media people every day at those food stalls I’m making short videos, including so many on Douyin.”

"But there are not many influential teams with brand effect." Yanyan said, "The most important thing is that there is more autonomy in making short videos, unlike live broadcasting, where you have to be watched by the live broadcast room and you. I think short videos are the future.”

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head: "To be honest, I'm not optimistic about it. Li Ziqi is famous enough to make short videos, but in the end, she and that MCN both fainted and committed suicide. To make short videos, to be honest It is also necessary to stir-fry the rice. They thought they could keep it fresh all the time. As a result, after a while, when their minds cleared up, everyone forgot who Li Ziqi was.

"As for her short videos, what's the threshold? If she doesn't do it, a lot of similar ones will come out, frying that fake country sentiment until they vomit, and everyone will have a headache when they see it, and then slip it immediately. past."

"Bingo!" Xue'er said, "Sheng Chuncheng, your opinion is the same as mine."

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Xue'er, then at Yanyan, feeling a little embarrassed, Yanyan didn't look at him, but lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something, after a while, she said:

"What you said is not unreasonable. There are indeed many short videos now. You can make short videos with a mobile phone. The threshold is too low, even lower than live broadcasts. Live broadcasts also need fill lights, sound cards, and microphones. These are the most basic equipment. But that's it, I think it needs a professional company and a professional team to do it.

"There are too many and excessive short videos, which only shows one problem, that is, this form is very popular, and its huge audience base is there. With such a large audience base, I think, if we can make it, our company will be It can be transformed."

"But, let me pour some cold water, Yanyan, you said earlier that you have more autonomy in making short videos, but it is not." Sheng Chuncheng said, "I think it is more restricted than live broadcasting. You said you want to Do what you want to do, but not what you want to do, you can do it."

"I haven't done it yet, how do you know?" Yanyan asked unconvinced.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Do you still remember that you thought about going to the gynecological hospital and doing a live broadcast of releasing rings. In fact, when it was made, it was just a short video. You were shot before you did it. Tell me You are not allowed to do it?"

Yanyan froze there.

Sheng Chuncheng continued: "To make short videos, if you want to attract attention and have a lot of traffic, it's best to track hot events, such as the arson case of the Blue Qianjiang River here in Hangzhou, the case of dismemberment of Jianggan, If you can track it down and cover it in depth, you can definitely attract a lot of attention, but can you?

"To be honest, people can change places with a shot from the media, and they can even post some videos on the Internet, playing around the corner. If it is really a company behavior, maybe the punishment from the relevant department will come soon. Isn't this risk too much?" Big? In such an environment, if you want to survive, I think the only thing you can do is shoot some funny short videos.

"It's just funny short videos. If you become popular, people will still say it. Even Deyun Club, people can say that they are three vulgar. If you are a company that specializes in making funny short videos, if you become popular, you will not be scolded. Is it too vulgar?"

When Sheng Chuncheng said this, he felt that he seemed to have put into use some of the things he had learned from Professor Zheng. Yanyan and Xue'er looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

Sheng Chun thought to himself, this is very kawaii.

(End of this chapter)

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