Chapter 778
The action on the platform was very fast. While making a decision on how to deal with the baby husband, he immediately adjusted his position and work. He was no longer the senior vice president of the group and the president of the online trading platform, but was transferred to the group Another company below is responsible for overseas business.

Yanyan went to the platform twice, and it was the new president who took over to talk to her.

The reason Yanyan put forward is very good. Now that the investigation has been clear, it is just a personal matter between the two of them, and has nothing to do with the business activities of Xueyan Company, and there is no collusion of interests between them.On the platform side, there is no reason to suspend Xueyan's live broadcast business, not to mention that both companies have already dealt with their personal behavior.

The most important thing is that Xueer was not an anchor in the first place, and she did not appear in the live broadcast room, resumed their live broadcast, and did not violate the relevant requirements of relevant departments for anchors to appear on camera.Stopping the live broadcast, no matter how you look at it, looks like the platform is punishing Xueyan Company, not Xueer. There is no convincing basis for punishing Xueyan Company.

The new president agrees with Yanyan's statement, and he doesn't want the performance of the live broadcast to decline after he takes office, and Xueyan Company, as one of the best cooperative units under their umbrella, stops the live broadcast room of Xueyan Company, which is very important to their business. The downturn has a big impact.

Now that live broadcasts bring goods, the competition of major platforms is also very fierce. They stopped the live broadcast room of Xueyan Company, but Xiaohongshu and Douyin did not stop. This is the reason.

In this way, the three live broadcast rooms of Xueyan Company finally resumed the live broadcast after being suspended for two days.

Xue'er was dismissed from the position of general manager of Xueyan Company, and was newly appointed as the director system. Yanyan, the chairman, did not concurrently serve as the general manager, nor did she appoint any other new general managers. The company's various businesses were still in charge of the director system. , In this way, everything is back to the original point.

The baby didn't continue to throw more bombs, everything was going on quietly, the two of them divided the property, and had a contract agreement on the next maintenance payment.The man who was about to lose everything, as Mr. Zhang said, had been pinned to the ground and couldn't move, but the baby wasn't too much.

The two got divorced, and the baby took the two children to the United States. Many people were relieved that this matter was completely over.

The Internet has memory, but it is also super forgetful. In just over a week, those people who were filled with righteous indignation under the "twelfth power of ?" microblog immediately found a new reason for their anger. When they got there, Continuing to perform their own righteousness moved them awe-inspiringly, and they had already forgotten "? to the [-]th power" and Xue'er together.

Everything seems to have returned to calm, and it seems that there has never been any unrest. If all the excitement is placed on a larger scale, it will not even be counted as waves.In this world, there is no time to take a nap, but it continues to proceed according to its own logic and rhythm.

For Sheng Chuncheng, during this period, several things happened. First, the decoration of their Shanghai branch has started, Yanzi took people to Shanghai, and the first batch of trainees recruited has also been sent to Hangzhou. Learn on LinkedIn.

Sister Xu contacted Sheng Chuncheng again, saying that she was coming to Hangzhou and asked Sheng Chuncheng to pick her up at the old place.After what happened to Sister Lan, and what happened to Baobao and Xueer, Sheng Chuncheng seemed to be frightened too.

He was worried that if his affairs were revealed, he would be the same as the baby's husband.After all, after Baobao and Xueer's incident, they "Everyone Slimming" and himself have gained some popularity on the Internet, and Ms. Xu is a flight attendant, a married flight attendant, the boss of "Everyone Slimming" and his client , the scandal of the married stewardess still has a strong foundation.

And once this thunder breaks out, Sheng Chuncheng knows very well that his ending will not be better than the baby husband, but will only be worse, and he will become a bereaved dog in the same way.According to the moral terms, he will be kicked out of "Everyone Slimming" without a second thought. Even Xiao An and Zhong Xinxin are ashamed to recognize him as a master.

And the current "everyone slimming", to be honest, even without him, he can still live.The faster and heavier the punishment, the faster the reputation of "Everyone Slimming" will be restored. This is also the reason why Mr. Liu and Mr. Mi had to be killed.

Once this happened, Sheng Chuncheng knew that Sun Hong would not forgive him, and neither would Yanyan.Yanyan knew that Sheng Chuncheng had a woman, and it was one thing to know that the woman might be Sun Hong, but it was another thing to know that it was Sister Xu.And this kind of matter between men and women, when it goes online and becomes a public event, it is another matter. Apart from being disgusted by them, there will be no other results.

Even Sister Chen, who was far away in Xinjiang, would definitely feel sick when she knew that Sheng Chuncheng took a woman to her house and did such a thing.It's one thing for Sister Chen to cheat by herself, but even a cheater will not tolerate other people cheating in his house, and he will still hate it, and the person who carries a load of excrement will still dislike the smell of the excrement carried by others.

Just like there are a lot of men who spend all day looking for flowers and asking willows, singing and singing every night, once he knows that his wife or girlfriend has cheated on her, he will still feel a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and a hundred thousand whys will pop up in a row, thinking How could she be unfaithful to herself.

A guy who can't control his hyperactive little bird, a wretched guy who has to go for a walk from time to time, when he finds a girlfriend, he is very embarrassed to ask that the other party must be a virgin.

Even Mr. Lian Yun, Sheng Chuncheng was not sure. When she saw her good sister Mr. Lan, she thought about Sheng Chuncheng in her heart, until the last moment of her life, she still had a deep love for Sheng Chuncheng.At this time, it turned out that Sheng Chuncheng was already hugging a married stewardess. This guy was just as virtuous as Lao Ni, running a relay with Lao Ni, and even worse than Lao Ni.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't know, when Mr. Yun knew all this, and knew about his betrayal of Mr. Lan, Mr. Yun would not make any decision, and Sheng Chuncheng was not sure at all.When Mr. Yun, who has a straightforward personality, started to get angry, what she could do must have been unbearable for him, a foreigner.

No matter how daring Sheng Chuncheng was, and no matter how much he longed for Sister Xu's body, at this moment, he was also afraid and began to shrink back.He knew that if he lost this game, he would lose everything. Not only would he have to pay for everything he had, but he would also have to pay for Chunni and Chunming's future.When Sheng Chuncheng thought about this, he began to tremble.

Good luck will not always be on his side.

He told Sister Xu on WeChat:
"I'm sorry, sister Xu, I have a girlfriend. If you want a massage, you can make an appointment to come to the store, and I will massage it for you."

Sister Xu at the other end was silent. After about ten minutes, Sister Xu replied "Understood", and there was no further movement.

Sister Xu is not an idiot, she knows what Sheng Chuncheng means.The most important thing is that she has never been short of men, neither rich men she needs, nor little brothers she likes.

Then we say goodbye.

Sheng Chuncheng closed the dialog with Sister Xu, and naturally, he went to check Taozi's circle of friends.Taozi's circle of friends still continues her usual style, posting food, luxury houses, and all kinds of ambiguous gifts.In the pictures, there are always different men's hands, and in one picture, even a man's chin appears.

All the words seem to be no longer poetic, but have become a surprise at a glance. They are "this hot pot is too delicious", "this bag is too beautiful" or "who surprised me, I'll surprise anyone", and "Don't let the scumbag fall in love with me".

Sheng Chuncheng felt that Taozi was getting farther and farther away from him, just like the kite they saw together on the top floor, flying higher and higher, so high that there was still a faint shadow, but it was almost gone.

Sheng Chuncheng sat there and sighed.

With a "ding", his phone rang, and a new WeChat came in.

 Thank you Baby Tin Soldier, 1977 o'clock in the middle of the night, Xinghai Bookworm 888 for their rewards!Thank you for the monthly tickets of Wuming Daozi, Wolf's Starting Point, Qdragon, eastlong[-], and Youzixiaoliu!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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