Chapter 202 Ando Morihou ([-])

Zhou Sen couldn't see the basic information of the captured Japanese army, and it was kept confidential. The Soviet army's secrecy measures were very strict on this point.

They have only one number.

The number is an armband, which is sewn on the upper left arm of the clothes and can be seen at a glance.

Zhou Sen had already talked about Ando Morihou's information and photos, so it was not difficult for him to find someone.

The difficulty is how to connect with this guy.

If this guy is not smart and doesn't take over his troubles, it will be troublesome, and the rescue will be out of the question.

If it was a forced rescue, it would be impossible to justify it afterwards, and it would definitely be censored after returning.


A Japanese officer prisoner of war with a short stature and a slight emaciation, wearing a Japanese army cap and a beard, stepped forward.

Look at the collar patch on his collar, he is a captain.

I took a closer look at the outline of the face, and it was exactly the same as the Ando Shenghou I saw in the information.

It's him.

Zhou Sen pulled the collar of his white coat slightly, revealing the chrysanthemum pattern that he sewed with needlework.

Of course, there is still a difference between this chrysanthemum pattern and the royal family's chrysanthemum pattern. This one is just similar in shape and looks like it.

Although I'm not sure if this guy has seen the chrysanthemum pattern, but he has reacted to the action of opening his neckline. As for the reaction, I don't know.

In addition, Zhou Sen tapped lightly on the small table with his fingers, which was Morse code.

Ando Morihou should understand Morse code, but he can't guarantee whether he can see and hear it.

Under the guidance of the interpreter, Ando Morihou completed the vision and hearing examination. There are too many people who are deaf and blind on the battlefield.

"You are nearsighted, why don't you wear glasses?" Zhou Sen asked, and Morihou Ando was nearsighted.

He knew this a long time ago, but the person he saw didn't wear any glasses. It's impossible for him to be an officer without glasses.

"Doctor Steven, he lost his glasses on the battlefield." The translator came over and explained.

"Oh, didn't the POW camp provide a pair?" Zhou Sen asked again.

"His short-sightedness is not high, and it doesn't affect his life, so he didn't get glasses for him. Besides, this is a prisoner-of-war camp, and he's not here for vacation." The translator said disdainfully, but he didn't doubt Zhou Sen's question. There is something wrong.

"That's right, the next one." Zhou Sen nodded, reached out and tucked his collar to cover the chrysanthemum pattern, and directly filled in the data on the report.


"This wound is suppurating. If we don't deal with it, this leg will be lost..." Zhou Sen checked and encountered injuries that he could see.

This place is not his territory, whether to see it or not, he has the final say, and the management of the prisoner-of-war camp has the final say.

Furthermore, the life and death of these Japanese prisoners of war had nothing to do with him. He wished that these officers would all die.

In this way, they will not be able to exchange prisoners and go back, and they will have the opportunity to command the army to rush the Chinese people.

He didn't want to be an indirect culprit. Although generally speaking, the possibility of these people returning to the army was very low, but the further they went, the harder it was to say.


Zhou Sen saw people with broken legs, fingers, arms, and eardrums were blasted and perforated...

There are various injuries.

The mental state of these Japanese officers and prisoners is not very good, and each of them is almost like a walking dead. It is estimated that they generally understand their situation.

Whether they can go back is still open to debate, even if they can go back alive, it is unknown if they can survive. For the people above, being captured is a shame for soldiers, and they would rather die in battle than be a prisoner.

Therefore, there is a high probability that going back will not have a good life.

Such consequences can be seen, this state can only be a hell of a good one.

Zhou Sen didn't sympathize with them at all. Although some of them acted in accordance with the military orders from above, this cannot be used as a reason to shirk their responsibility. They also have vested interests in the aggression, so they should bear the crimes they committed s consequence.

The day's work ended in a busy and tense manner, and Zhou Sen and the others returned to Khabarovsk by the truck they had arrived.

Back to the clinic.

The two made some noodles, had a simple dinner, and went upstairs.

Zhou Sen chose to take a hot bath, while Anna fell asleep in the end. After this day, she was really more tired than during training.

After taking a bath to relieve fatigue, Zhou Sen came to the study wrapped in a bathrobe, lit a cigarette, and carefully recalled what he saw and heard in the prisoner-of-war camp today, especially all the details of his meeting with Ando Morihou, and the other party's movements and subtle expressions.

This guy should have seen the chrysanthemum pattern under his neckline, but it's hard to say whether he received the Morse code he tapped with his fingers.

No way, he can't have any separate direct dialogue with the other party, otherwise it will cause unnecessary suspicion.

Some things, even Peshkov can only arrange secretly, and it is impossible to make the secret things known to everyone.

The range of people who are in the know should be strictly limited to a very small range, and even specific people and things, he will not tell some cooperating people.

The message Zhou Sen sent to Ando Shenghou was to ask him to find an opportunity in three days and find a way to get the prisoner-of-war camp to send him out.

This is not difficult to say.

It depends on whether Morihou Ando can do it himself.

Fake illness, serious injuries in fights, medical conditions in prisoner-of-war camps, some situations must not be handled and must be sent out.

At that time, they only need to rob people on the way.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do, and Morihou Ando needs to be able to cooperate. Otherwise, even if they have great abilities, they can't kill the prisoners of war and rescue people.

Even if the person is rescued, only Peshkov deliberately releases water to break through the search and arrest of others.

That was the worst possible scenario.

Can be tricky, why not do it?


"Uncle Krasnov, how long will it take for this ship to be completed?" Zhou Sen came to the repaired ship the next afternoon.

"Come on, it will be almost there in two days."

"Yeah." Zhou Sen nodded, this progress is okay, if Ando Morihou can receive his own signal.

Then the time will just catch up.

"After the work is finished, prepare food, quilts to keep out the cold, clothes, and medicines. Come to my clinic to pick up the medicines. In addition, the lighting equipment should also be prepared. Can I get batteries?" Zhou Sen asked.

"The new one will definitely not work. It is no problem to refurbish the old one. I have one at home." Glasnov said.

"Okay, this mission and Martha and I may have to leave. Once we leave, you will definitely be in trouble. Whether you take Evna and the child with us or stay, you decide for yourself, and I won't force you. "Zhou Sen said.

They are all smart people. As soon as Krasnov heard that Zhou Sen was going to build a ship, he understood that this was to prepare for leaving.

Once they leave, his family, who are closest to them, will definitely be implicated, there is no doubt about it.

And he couldn't explain it at all.

"Let me go with you." Krasno thought for a while, "As for Evna and Barlow, they just..."

"They'd better go with us. If you keep them, how will they live in the future? Could it be that you want Evna to remarry, and Barlow will lose you as a father?" Zhou Sen said.


"Are you worried that there will be danger along the way?"

Krasnov nodded.

"There will definitely be dangers, but as long as we cross the river, there will be someone there to meet us. You can rest assured about this. After going to Bingcheng, you don't have to worry about life. I also need someone who can help me with something I can't What do you think about the matter of coming out, Comrade Krasnov?" Zhou Sen smiled slightly.

Krasnov raised his head and looked at Zhou Sen in astonishment. Obviously, he felt as if his soul was out of his body when he was frightened by Zhou Sen's "comrade".

"Steven, you..."

"You are the person Papa Anthony trusts the most. Who is he and who are you? I can't see that at all. Am I too stupid?" Zhou Sen laughed at himself.

"You, you already know?"

"Not only did I know, but I met General Peshkov not long after I arrived in Khabarovsk. All my actions in Khabarovsk were carried out under the instruction of General Peshkov." Zhou Sen was not afraid of a showdown Already, we have come to this point, if we don’t speak clearly, how can we talk about building trust?

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. Even if Anthony didn't tell you, they will contact you when we get here." Krasnov nodded.

"Be prepared, we may leave at any time." Zhou Sen nodded.

"What about Rudolph, what should he do?" Krasnov asked.

"After the work on your side is finished, you can pay him his salary and give him more. It's the best of humanity." Zhou Sen thought for a while and said, "Also, try to exchange the rubles at home for gold or other hard currencies."

"Well, I know, except for a part of my family, all the cash has been exchanged for gold and kept at home, just in case of emergencies." Krasnov said.

"That's good, don't bring too many things, you can buy everything in Bingcheng." Zhou Sen said.

After instructing Krasnov, Zhou Sen returned to the clinic, and he also made preparations for leaving. Of course, the clinic was still operating normally.

Time passed in a flash.

Two nights later, a Japanese officer code-named "09147" detained in the prisoner-of-war camp suddenly fell ill, foaming at the mouth, convulsing, and feeling hot, but he called himself "cold".

After a preliminary diagnosis in the prisoner-of-war camp's hospital, the Japanese captain Morihou Ando may have suffered from cholera.

Cholera is an infectious disease. The prisoner-of-war camp was blown up. Disinfection and isolation began immediately, and it was decided to transfer Captain Ando Morihou to the infectious disease isolation point for treatment after dawn.

Zhou Sen didn't know it, but according to the established plan, he and Anna, Hunter and others lay in ambush on the way to the infectious disease isolation point early.

Regardless of whether the other party can come or not, they will wait here for a day and a night.

As for the clinic, Zhou Sen had already bought two train tickets to Haishengwei, and issued a notice to suspend the clinic for one day.

Although there was General Peshkov's secret support, further steps and cover methods were still necessary.

At this time, if you are a little careless, not only will the mission fail, but it will also bring you great danger.

(End of this chapter)

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