Chapter 204 Escape and Return

This road is not an asphalt road, and the speed of the truck is not very fast, about thirty miles.

The hunter's feet are three points faster than it.

He has come to join Zhou Sen and the four of them.

Talked to the hunter about the task assignment in detail.


The sound of the truck engine was clearly heard.

There are forests all around here, usually inaccessible, at most some lumberjacks and hunters who go hunting in the mountains will appear.

Under normal circumstances, no one will be seen for most of the day.


"Stop, park..."

The second lieutenant of the Soviet army who was following the car widened his eyes. Seeing a few more stones suddenly appeared on the road, he quickly ordered the driver to step on the brakes and stop.

The Second Lieutenant of the Soviet Army seemed inexperienced, so he pushed open the door and jumped out of the car.

"Come down a few people!"

The second lieutenant slapped the car shed rudely, and then three Soviet soldiers with guns on their backs got out of the car, and they all wore masks.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Sen breathed a sigh of relief. Pretending to be an infectious disease is the safest way. If it is another illness or injury, it may not necessarily transfer people from the prisoner-of-war camp.

But infectious diseases must never stay in the prisoner-of-war camp. After all, there are hundreds of other prisoners of war in the prisoner-of-war camp.

Once this spreads, it will be troublesome.

I just don't know if the person lying in the car is Morihou Ando, ​​and I can't see it right now, so I can only take a risk.

Zhou Sen has calculated, the probability is very high.

Three soldiers stepped forward to move the stone, but the second lieutenant of the Soviet Army leaned his back on the front hood of the car, turned around, took out a pack of cigarettes, and took out a cigarette, obviously planning to smoke a cigarette.

Just as he took out the match, rubbed it, and bowed his head!

This is a good time to make a move!
The gardener and the bread lightly pulled the triggers of the anesthesia needles in their hands, whoosh!Two anesthesia needles plunged directly into the soldier's neck.

After lifting the stone and taking a few steps, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Zhou Sen followed the second lieutenant and platoon leader, and quietly walked up to him: "Brother, can I borrow a fire?
The second lieutenant had just lit the cigarette in his hand, trying to shake off the match in his hand, when he heard this voice, he raised his head in astonishment.

Seeing a masked man with only eyes and a mouth, he opened his mouth in fright and was about to shout, but Zhou Sen pushed even a cigarette into it.

This guy is not vigilant at all, he has to be taught a lesson, long memory!
"Woooo..." Then I felt my eyes go dark, and I passed out.

The driver of the car was the first to notice something was wrong. Just as he stuck his head out of the car window and was about to call out, a needle pierced his neck.

Anesthesia was injected and soon became soft.

There was only one soldier carrying stones left, which was too easy to solve. The gardener and the bread knocked people unconscious without any effort.

There is still a soldier and a military doctor in the truck compartment, and the rest is Captain Ando Morihou, who is lying on a stretcher and is about to be transported to the isolation point for treatment.

The hunter subdued the two of them easily, and then knocked them all unconscious.

The whole process takes less than 1 minute.

"An Teng-kun, Ando-kun..." Zhou Sen got into the car, and lightly patted Ando Shenghou's left cheek a few times.

Ando Shenghou opened his eyes, and when he saw clearly that it was Zhou Sen, he immediately sat up on his back, obviously he was faking the illness.

"This is not a place to talk, you just need to know that we are here to save you." Zhou Sen said in Japanese.

Ando Morihou is naturally convinced, because during the physical examination three days ago, the person who gave him the information was the person in front of him.

"Everyone put on the clothes of the Soviet army, Anna, you wear the clothes of a military doctor." Zhou Sen quickly ordered.

Everyone quickly changed their clothes, and stuffed the five Soviet soldiers, the driver, and the military doctor in the escort car into the tent where Zhou Sen and Anna rested last night. Of course, they all bound their hands and feet and gagged their mouths. Their own foot wraps.

It is guaranteed that it will not be discovered for a while, unless the prisoner-of-war camp or the receiving infectious disease isolation point finds that the truck is missing.

Because there are checkpoints along the road, they must drive this car to pass, which is deceiving the sky.

"Okay, that's it, let's separate and dispose of the car. The later they find the car, the safer we will be." After passing two checkpoints, they were already close to the city of Khabarovsk, and they could not go any further. go forward.


"Don't keep the military uniforms and guns. Don't covet these people's property. Be careful to take it with your life, spend it with your life, and implicate others." Zhou Sen ordered solemnly.


An ordinary carriage was hidden in a haystack by the side of the road. When the haystack was lifted and the covering cloth was lifted, the carriage was revealed.

Take out the clothes that have been prepared, and put on, of course, Ando Morihou's.

"It's for you, Ando-kun!" Zhou Sen took out a small box and handed it to Ando Morihou.

Ando Shenghou accepted it in surprise, opened it, and found that it was a new pair of myopia glasses. He immediately revealed a light of surprise, and bowed deeply to Zhou Sen: "Thank you very much."

Anna also cast a glance at Zhou Sen from time to time. Zhou Sen never mentioned buying glasses to her.

The jackets on the three people were doused with gasoline, and burned without leaving any traces.

Then the three of them got into the carriage, Zhou Sen drove, Anna and Ando Morihou hid in the car, and just passed through the city of Khabarovsk in a grand manner, heading for the small village where Krasnov lived by the river.

After picking up Evna and Little Barlow, the five of them met up with Krasnov, who had already moved the ship from the place where it was repaired to a more secluded place.

At night, they can leave.

During the day, it is easy to be spotted by the Inland River Fleet. Once discovered, their ships may be directly sunk.

Too dangerous.

At night, it is safer to go further, and it is not easy to be found.

So, they have to stay on board for half a day.

"Here we are, is everything going well?" Krasnov was looking forward to it, and when he saw Zhou Sen and others appearing, he greeted him in surprise.

"Fortunately, get us something to eat." Zhou Sen nodded. Although he ate well in the morning, the journey was exhausting and he was already hungry.

"It's been prepared for you a long time ago, get on the boat." Klass greeted.

As soon as Zhou Sen entered the cabin, he saw a familiar person, and he was surprised: "Rudolph, why are you here?"

"It's like this, Steven, Rudolph knows that we are doing big things. Although his arm is saved, there is no one to cover it. There are always people taking tea on the pier, and he has nowhere to go alone. , begged me to take him with me."

"Krasnov, you know, we are not philanthropic!" Zhou Sen's face was very ugly, how dangerous would an irrelevant person get involved in this escape journey.

"Steven, it's like this. This Rudolph works on the dock all year round. He is more familiar with the other side than us, and he can also sail. Don't we also need a familiar handle?" Krasnov said Zhou Senla stepped aside and explained in a low voice, "What's more, he also guessed that we didn't build the boat for fishing, but to smuggle to the opposite side. If I don't take him with me, then remember to kill him."

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let him get involved in ship repairs."

"Without him, our ship wouldn't be repaired so quickly..."

"Okay, that's the only way to do it now." Zhou Sen gritted his teeth and agreed, not daring to take the man away, and he couldn't really kill an innocent person, so he could only let him follow.

Risk is risk, at least, according to Krasnov, this Rudolph still has some uses.

"However, you have to keep an eye on him. If something happens, we'll all be finished." Zhou Sen warned sternly.

"I know, my whole family is here."


There is nothing delicious at noon, just a pot of hot soup, then bread and fish, just to fill the belly.

Ando Shenghou pretended to be sick, tossed all night, and was on his way, this guy finally had a chance to sleep well.

The space on the boat is limited, and they can only sleep in big bunks, and men and women are separated by a cloth curtain.

Fortunately, this ship is still powered by machinery. If it relies on manpower and sails, then it will be a real pain.

The main purpose of modifying this boat is noise cancellation. Once this thing is started, the louder the noise, the greater the chance of being discovered.

So we can use all the means to reduce noise, as long as we wait to cross the river, then everything will be easy.

"I don't know how the hunters are doing?" Anna was a little worried, she walked out of the cabin and sat next to Zhou Sen.

"Don't worry, we have thought of everything we can think of. If we really can't think of it, it can only be up to God." Zhou Sen crossed his hands, pillowed behind his head, lying on the front deck of the ship, basking in the afterglow of the sun, blowing Facing the cold wind on the river is very pleasant.

"We go back this time, will you continue to be a policeman?" Anna asked.

"If you don't want to be a policeman, what should you be?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically, "I was originally a policeman, so it's only natural for me to go back and continue to be a policeman."

"You said, will Mr. Shibuya let you continue to be in charge of the liaison work of the 'Trojan Horse' project?" Anna asked.

"You want to know if I will take Papa Anthony's place as a pastor?" Zhou Sen understood.

"Well, the position of pastor is very important. Only when you serve as a pastor can we have a future." Anna said.

"I'm afraid you and I can't decide on this." Zhou Sen said, he didn't want to get involved in the muddy water of the "Russian Patriot Union".

But now once the Japanese give up or shelve the "Northward Advance" plan, support for the organization "Russian Patriot Union" will drop significantly.

He's not Belarus, and he has nothing to do with those people, so it's a good thing to take the opportunity to get out.

As for the status of "pastor", he doesn't care, whoever he likes will take it.

"Did you ask about the identity of Ando Shenghou?" Anna asked in a low voice, "Is it really possible that he is the royal family?"

"No, don't ask nonsense. He can talk if he wants to, and don't ask too much if he doesn't want to. Do you think the more you know, the better?" Zhou Sen reminded Anna that the more secrets he knows, the more he will die. Quick, if someone doesn't want you to know.

"I know, I won't ask any more questions." Anna nodded, she is not stupid, Zhou Sen is in the same boat as her, and will not harm her.

"Help me pay attention to that Rudolph, I always feel a little uneasy." Zhou Sen reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I've been paying attention." Anna nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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