Chapter 21 An Encounter in a Bookstore

Without Bai Shoutian's reminder, Zhou Sen also knew to look for suspects who had committed such murders over the years with the same characteristics.

But this case also involved Soviet Russian spies.

It was not an ordinary criminal case, so the murderer might not be a quack. Nothing was lost in Sherkin's house.

There must be a motive for killing.

If it was said that it was done by Soviet Russian agents, he would be willing to believe it, but Soviet Russian agents are more dangerous and harder to catch than Jianghu people.

The investigation must continue to be investigated, otherwise Akiyama Nosuke can't explain it, but now there is an excuse to delay the time a little bit.

Father Anthony died, so he was naturally in no mood to investigate the case.


inside the warehouse.

"Sixth brother, where's brother?" Ye San'er came back from patrolling the streets and went into the warehouse, ready to take a sip of hot water, it was too cold.

"I've been sitting there in a daze all afternoon." Gu Laoliu sat by the stove, stretching out his hands to warm the fire.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know, it's just like this when I come today." Gu Laoliu pouted.

"Didn't you ask?"

"Why don't you ask?"

"What am I asking, I don't like asking about these things..." Ye San'er poured a glass of water, took a sip, and almost burned his mouth, "What about the big man, why didn't you see him today?"

"Wu En accompanied Miss Suzanne to her uncle's house. This person is fine, why don't you go back and report his safety?"

"That's right. When will the two of them come back? I can't let me patrol the streets alone. My legs are numb."

"I'll accompany you later?"

"That's good, I'm worried that no one will talk to me..."

"San'er, you are resting at home, and I will accompany Lao Liu for a walk." Zhou Sen appeared behind the two of them at some unknown time.

"Brother, why don't you make any sound when you walk, it's so scary!" Ye San'er patted his chest with a "scared" expression.

Gu Lao Liu laughed "hehe".

The job of patrolling the streets is hard and tiring. It is the most difficult job in the police station. But after becoming the inspector, it is much easier. Usually, the subordinates go on patrol, and the inspector is only in case of accidents. Come forward in case of children.

Gu Lao Liu took care of trivial matters, and Zhou Sen didn't need to show up at all, so he didn't have many chances to appear on the street, and he would show up occasionally to put on a show.

Going west along Haicheng Street, turning it is Railway Street. There used to be a lot of traffic here. However, there are also policemen on the railway, which form a series of their own. Although this is his patrol area, there are overlaps in management. The railway police have more authority.

Whenever there is a disputed case, the Nangang Police Station basically does not intervene. The Railway Police handles it by itself, or the Police Department takes over.

Affected by the snowfall, the railway shuttle bus was basically out of service, and only a small number of freight trains ran at low speed to ensure the supply of basic materials in the ice city.

Along the way, Gu Lao Liu had more acquaintances than him, but for Zhou Sen, this was a process of re-acquaintance.

If the memory is not deepened in time, it is likely to disappear completely.

Zhou Sen used to go shopping, and he went to bookstores and cafes most often. He could buy books in bookstores, and in cafes, he could order a cup of coffee and disappear several times after sitting down. Glass windows to watch the pedestrians on the street.

"Why is there a bookstore here?" Suddenly, he saw a brand new plaque on a small wooden door by the street, with the words "Yiguzhai" written on it, it should be a bookstore.

"Oh, this is a new one, less than half a month old. The boss is a young man named Qiao Sanlang. Everyone is used to calling him Sanlang." Gu Laoliu said. The store is well known.

"Come on, go in and have a look." Zhou Sen became a little interested.

Open the door and enter, the space inside is not too big, only seventy to eighty square meters, under the hazy yellow light, the whole room is not even very bright.

To Zhou Sen's surprise, half of the shelves inside were books, while the other half were filled with antiques.

This boss is really interesting. He not only does antique business, but also sells books.

There are several young people in the store, who are picking out their favorite books on the bookshelf. They should know each other, and they are still talking in a low voice.

Zhou Sen also went to the bookshelf, and signaled Gu Lao Liu not to follow him, and his black dog skin should not scare people.

The boss, Qiao Sanlang, was thin, wearing a gray cloth gown with a jacket lining it. When he saw a policeman coming to his shop, he quickly got up from the counter to greet him.

"This police officer, what do you want to buy?" On the thin face, the eyes behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses were pinched on the bridge of the nose, and there was a trace of guard in the smile.

"I'll take a look casually, the boss doesn't need to greet me." Gu Laoliu smiled slightly. As a patrolman in this street, how can he not know the attitude of the common people towards them who wear "black dog skin"? The boss has never dealt with him. I don't know what kind of person he is, it's natural to be nervous.

Qiao Sanlang bowed slightly, and cupped his hands: "The police officer can be summoned at any time if necessary."

Gu Lao Liu nodded.

He came in with Zhou Sen, and with the ink in his stomach, he couldn't read most of the books here.

As for antiques, they are even more impractical. He has no money, let alone buy them.

There are many books on the bookshelves, including Chinese, Russian, Japanese, and some English books, and there are many world famous books.

Dumas' novels, Shakespeare's plays...

However, Russian books are suspicious of novels published before the October Revolution, reflecting life in Tsarist Russia, and basically invisible novels and poems reflecting red Soviet Russia, which are banned in Bingcheng.

It seems that this bookstore is mainly engaged in literature, supplemented by others.

Zhou Sen saw some Japanese books, which promoted "Niman family", goodwill and common prosperity, and those which promoted Japanese culture is better than Chinese interrogation, but they were arranged in the corner.

If this is discovered by the Japanese special intelligence agency, it will definitely cause trouble. These books are required to be placed in the most conspicuous position.

Since you are wearing this "black dog fur", you have to "do things" no matter what, so remind the shopkeeper so as not to bring disaster to yourself.

"Old Six, come here."

When Gu Lao Liu heard Zhou Sen calling him, he hurried over.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Zhou Sen whispered some instructions to him, and Gu Lao Liu nodded, thinking, when did Zhou Sen become so easy to talk, probably because there is a novel he likes here.

Continuing with the selection of books, Gu Lao Liu went to talk to the boss, Qiao Sanlang, which was naturally serious and serious.

What the boss heard was that beads of sweat were on his forehead, so he hurried over in person and moved the relevant Japanese books that were originally placed in the corner to the most conspicuous position.

At this time, several young men and women who were selecting books in the store also noticed, and they unabashedly cast contemptuous and even hostile looks at Zhou Sen.

These gazes stung Zhou Sen's heart a little. The feeling of being regarded as a "traitor" was really uncomfortable, but he couldn't attack it, so he could only pretend that he didn't see it.

After Gu Lao Liu supervised the boss to move the Japanese books into place, he found a place to sit down, and the boss Qiao Sanlang made a cup of tea.

Qiao Sanlang also knew that Gu Lao Liu was with Zhou Sen, but Zhou Sen was choosing books, so he didn't bother him, probably because he didn't want to talk to the "traitor".

In the past, Zhou Sen seldom read foreign classics. Firstly, in the era of information explosion, people are more impetuous, and fragmented information takes up too much time. Second, the traditional culture of his ancestors is more attractive, but it cannot It is not good to talk about foreign countries. After all, we have to open our doors, understand others, learn from their strengths, and embrace the world.

The original body has read a lot of foreign novels, poetry and literary works, but only read, but not understand, read thoroughly, and only read the surface.

I picked two books, one is "Homer's Epic" and the other is "Tagore" poetry collection, both of which are in Chinese.

To be honest, he couldn't understand the English version either.

Zhou Sen was about to check out and leave when suddenly the door of the bookstore was pushed open, and a young girl in a light yellow woolen coat walked in.

"Boss Qiao, I'll return the book." The girl looked young, in her early 20s, without makeup, her eyebrows were like crescent moons, and a fluffy hat covered her forehead. Her voice sounded as clear as a yellow warbler.

The whole body exudes the smell of youthful vitality.

Different from Bai Yulan and Jin Suying, this girl exudes the real virgin fragrance.

A tickling smell.

"Miss Su, you're here." Qiao Sanlang greeted the girl with a smile.

"Boss Qiao, these are the books I borrowed from your store, come here and return them to you." The girl surnamed Su put the three books in her hands on the counter.

Qiao Sanlang checked that there were no missing pages: "It's intact, do you want to borrow it again, Ms. Su?"

Zhou Sen didn't bother the two of them. After all, people were ahead of him in the queue, and there was always a first-come-first-served basis. He didn't know that this bookstore not only sold books, but also borrowed books, which was good.

"Of course, I'll pick it out..." Su Yun passed by Zhou Sen and caught a glimpse of a collection of "Tagore" poems in his hand. Can you give me this collection of poems first?"

Zhou Sen was stunned, and immediately noticed that two of the books returned by Miss Su were poetry collections. It seems that this girl is a person who loves modern poetry.

But since I have already chosen, there is no need to give it up to the other party, so I said flatly: "Sorry, I have already chosen."

"Sir, do you want to buy it or borrow it?" Su Yun was a little disappointed, but still asked unwillingly.

"It's okay to borrow, and it's okay to buy." This is the truth. He just dropped by and didn't have a strong desire to buy books. The direction is placed on literature.

The literary dreams of him and the original body have long since been shattered.

The boss, Qiao Sanlang, was also slightly dazed. This kind of situation is not uncommon with him. When he saw that his favorite book was taken away by others, he naturally tried to save it.

If it's a borrowed book, it's okay, it will be exchanged anyway, but if it's bought back, it can only become someone else's private collection.

"Then can you borrow it? I also like this collection of poems by Tagore very much?" Su Yun asked directly.

"Why, I just want to buy it back and keep it." Zhou Sen put the two books on the counter. He would never have said that before, but now, he doesn't want to be the same person as before, so he said hello , "Boss, check out."

"This police officer, it's five yuan and twenty cents."

Zhou Sen is not short of money. He may not be able to read these two books when he buys them back, but it is just to increase his book collection.

Su Yun looked regretfully at the collection of poems "Tagore" that Zhou Sen bought, then shook his head, apologized, and went to the bookshelf to choose books.

The little girl is still good, and the smell is even better.

(End of this chapter)

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