Chapter 211

Zhou Sen went back and changed his clothes to attend Ando Morihou's reception banquet (actually it was a surprise banquet), so naturally he couldn't wear a police uniform, it was too informal.

He is not the protagonist tonight, so naturally he can't wear too much noise, so he chose a half-worn overcoat.

Ando Morihou's identity is a little sensitive. The Kwantung Army's top management naturally attaches great importance to his safe return, but it is not appropriate to celebrate it. After all, it is indeed not appropriate to publicize this matter.

But if something happened to each of them, it would have some impact on the future of the big guys, especially Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, the commander of the Sixth Army on the front line of Hailar.

The banquet in the evening was kept as low-key as possible, and those who could be invited to attend were the high-level Japanese army in Bingcheng, as well as a senior staff officer from the Kwantung Army Staff Department, Tsuji Masanobu.

Zhou Sen at the main table is not qualified to sit there. Of course, he doesn't expect to sit there. It would be too embarrassing to be watched by a group of "devils".

There is someone he knows at his table, Toshi Yamamoto from Hart Spy, and Ono, Shibuya Saburo's adjutant.

He had a big feud with Toshi Yamamoto, so naturally he ignored each other, and he offended them anyway, so it was impossible to expect him to change his view of himself.

As for the others, he didn't know much about them, but with Ono's introduction, they became acquainted.

When we meet in the future, at least we won't be unaware of who the other party is.

Halfway through the meal, Morihou Ando came over to toast Zhou Sen and Anna in person, which felt a bit flattered.

And he also saw a strong taste of jealousy from Yamamoto Toshi's eyes.

In his opinion, this credit should belong to the dead Sato, but it was a pity that Sato was killed by a tiger.

An excellent imperial soldier who had studied in Germany and studied special operations, died tragically before he could make any contribution.

What a pity.

Toshi Yamamoto attributed all this to Zhou Sen. If he hadn't won the competition, how could such a tragedy have happened?

The hostility shown by Toshi Yamamoto made Zhou Sen secretly vigilant. This guy's undisguised hostility may cause conflicts with him in the future.

It's not a problem to have such an enemy staring at him, he has to find a way to solve this hidden danger.

Looks like Front is working as an advisor to Spy Hart...

He was not familiar with this guy before, but he had only heard of his name. He was a lunatic who was obsessed with arresting anti-Japanese elements.

This guy seemed to be very interested in Zhou Sen. At the table, he clinked glasses with Zhou Sen twice, and even verbally invited him to be a guest in the special high school.

Zhou Sen naturally agreed, whether to go or not, and when to go, that is another matter.

The dinner was almost over after an hour, and Zhou Sen would definitely not participate in any other programs after that.

There is a "beautiful lady" like Bai Yulan in the family who needs comfort, how can those vulgar fans be put in his eyes?

Get in the car and go straight home.


Pao Team Street, "Fu" Kee grocery store.

"Comrade Poporov, Zhou Sen is back, the train last night." Jiang Rou sat in front of Poporov.

"We have received related information. He is now a top-secret intelligence officer of the Communist International. He is an important chess piece for us to break into the interior of Japan. Your mission has changed. You don't need to test him anymore. And this contact point can no longer be used, and I will notify you of the new contact point." Poporov said.

"Should I reveal my identity to him?" Jiang Rou was silent for a while, then asked hopefully.

"Not for now," Poporov said.

"Okay, I see." Jiang Rou nodded in disappointment, got up quickly, and left.


Not long after Jiang Rou left, Poporov also quickly left from the "Fu" Ji grocery store. He detoured a few roads, and after making sure that there was no tail behind him, he entered a hotel and got into a black car through the back door. car.

Yaojing Street, Consulate General of Soviet Russia in Bingcheng, Office of Deputy Consul General Salman.

Poporov knocked on the door and entered quickly.

"The new leader of the 'Leo' team has arrived in Ice City." Poporov reported immediately after seeing Arman.

"Is that him?" Salman asked.


"It seems that we failed to get in touch with him here. On the contrary, General Peshkov got in touch with him after arriving there. This is something worthy of celebration for us." Salman Slightly smiled.

"Then how should the next work be carried out, and in which direction should the work of the 'Leo' group be carried out?"

"The 'Leo' team is a secret strategic intelligence team we have in Bingcheng and even Manchuria. His mission is to provide strategic intelligence that can determine and influence the international political situation and war turns at critical moments. He is usually dormant, collecting and analyzing The information will not be easily contacted with us, but every time we send out important and critical information, we have greater autonomy. We generally do not issue specific tasks, but now it is different from the past. We are now secretly contacting and negotiating with Japan. We need to figure out the real situation inside them..." Salman said.

"But, he just came back, can he get access to these core information?"

"He may not be sure, but he is not the only one in the 'Leo' team. He is the one who passed the test of General Peshkov. Should we teach this?" Salman laughed.

"Understood, do you need to contact me?"

"Of course, at the beginning of the year, we almost met each other. We missed it due to various reasons. We can't miss it this time." Salman nodded.

"Notify Lao Qiang, this time, I need his help."

"Okay." Poporov nodded.


After sending Anna home, Zhou Sen returned directly to Ningxiang Pavilion. For him, Ningxiang Pavilion is his home now.

He obviously didn't want to live in that room before, and took over Bai Yulan's small building grandiosely. If this is an unmarried woman from a good family.

I'm afraid I won't agree to anything.

However, Bai Yulan was married once, and now she and Zhou Sen are already settled, and they even have a marriage certificate issued by the government.

Legally, they are a serious couple, and there is nothing wrong with living together, it's nothing more than a ceremony.

The two of them have no elders. If there is a wedding, Bai Yulan's side will definitely have no problem, but Zhou Sen's side will have some troubles.

It's not impossible, but once it is done, Shibuya Saburo and others must be invited to participate. This Bai Yulan had no contact with the Japanese before, and the old horse's death in the past had a lot to do with the Japanese. Bai Yulan just didn't like it. He likes the Japanese, and the reason why Su Wenqing doesn't catch his eye is also because he colluded with the Japanese.

And Zhou Sen doesn't want to have a wedding, and Bai Yulan will be troubled, and he will be unhappy, and he himself doesn't want to see a Japanese appear at his wedding, and he will be the guest of honor. Requests, such as being a "marriage witness", what should he do?
This will be a stain in the future.

He happily took a hot bath, put on the new bathrobe Bai Yulan bought for him, and walked into Bai Yulan's boudoir with slippers on. No, it should be a room for the two of them now.

Although the relationship has been settled, but to live together and sleep in the same bed, it still needs to be adjusted and adapted.

"Yulan, I brought you some presents. I was too busy last night, so I didn't take care of them." Zhou Sen chuckled, went to open his suitcase, took out a Russian matryoshka doll, and handed it to the bed, Bai Yulan, flipping through idle books, said.

"This item is also sold in Bingcheng, and Qiulin Department Store has a lot of it." Bai Yulan laughed, took it apart, and started playing with it one by one.

"That's different, mine is absolutely authentic!" Zhou Sen said, "Besides, this is specially made by me. Do you think this man and woman look like you and me?"

"Then what about the two children, a boy and a girl?" Bai Yulan asked with a smile.

"You're so smart, can't you figure it out?" Zhou Sen chuckled and paused, "This is our child, of course, as long as you want to give me two children, preferably a boy and a girl, I want to name them all. Well, the boy will be named Zhou Lan, the girl will be named Zhou Yu, and I will take your surname after rebirth."

"Then what if I can't give birth?" Bai Yulan blushed and lowered her head shyly.

"No, we are still young and have no physical problems. How could we not be able to have children?" Zhou Sen sat up, put his arms around Bai Yulan's waist, and said with an expression, "Yulan, marry me, let me marry you." You are wronged."

"Actually, it is Yulan's blessing to meet you."

"Does that mean we still have to thank the matchmaker for us?" Zhou Sen chuckled, his fingers began to be dishonest.

Bai Yulan stretched out her hand to hold down the restless hand: "Xiao Mori, let's have a long life, okay?"

"Okay, but you have to help me..."

"You are really necrotic, where did you learn these tricks?" Bai Yulan's earlobes instantly turned red like blood jade.

"Then are you going to help or not?"

"Just this once..." Bai Yulan gritted her teeth lightly and hummed.


Waking up in the morning, Zhou Sen opened his eyes and saw Bai Yulan lying on his chest, sleeping soundly. He felt extremely satisfied.

After that, I will be a man with a family and a business. I have to think twice before acting, and I have to change my impatience when I was young.

To assume the responsibility of the head of the family, to fulfill the rights and interests of a husband, and to be a good father in the future.

Although the real good days are yet to come, he feels that he is the happiest right now, and he will fight desperately with anyone who wants to destroy or take away his happy life.

"Xiao Mori, don't leave me..." In the dream, Bai Yulan murmured, as if she had dreamed of something bad.

Zhou Sen couldn't help but his heart tightened, and his arms tightened.

"Hanging" sound.

Bai Yulan opened her eyes and raised her head. She met Zhou Sen who was open-eyed. Her hair was scattered all over her head. Zhou Sen stretched out his hand to brush away the black hair in front of him.

"Yulan, believe me, I will never leave you, we will surely grow old together." Zhou Sen said seriously and solemnly.

Bai Yulan was stunned for a moment, and then a mist rose from her eyes, and she actively kissed Zhou Sen's lips.

"Yulan, you are playing with fire!"

"I want to have a son, now!"

"That's what you said..."

(End of this chapter)

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