Chapter 220

"Okay, that's it, Mr. Zhou's smile is brighter, Boss Bai, you lean on Mr. Zhou, that's it..."

Spotlight flashed.

Zhou Sen and Bai Yulan, wearing bright red wedding dresses, took a wedding photo.

In addition to serious wedding photos, Zhou Sen and Bai Yulan also took a lot of artistic photos. Of course, taking these photos is very hard.

Zhou Sen dedicated a weekend to drag Bai Yulan out, found a professional photo studio, and paid a sum of money.

I took interior and exterior scenes, especially just in time for the snow, and shot quite beautiful snow scenes.

It's a pity that the black-and-white photos are finally presented. This is a pity, but this pity can still be made up in the future.

"I'm so exhausted, I won't take wedding photos anymore." Back home, Bai Yulan took off her high heels and walked on the ground wearing shoes and socks without any image.

"You want to do it again, you are beautiful." Zhou Sen chuckled and glared at her.

"What do you spend so much money on and take so many photos?" Bai Yulan said with some distress, "This is not for dinner."

"When we get old, if you want to recall the demeanor when you were young, you can only find it from these photos. Do you think it makes sense?" Zhou Sen said.

"Anyway, spending so much money, I feel a little distressed..."

"Money can be earned again. After youth is over, you can't come back. Yulan, we don't hold wedding banquets anymore. The money saved is enough for us to take pictures like this ten or eight times?"

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore." Bai Yulan said, "Our Xiangfang new store is opening, are you going to show your face?"

"No, my identity is sensitive. The Soviet Union probably put me on the danger list. If I show up in public, it's easy to give them a chance."

"You said that the agents and killers lurking in the ice city will attack you?"

"It's not impossible, so during this time, I have to keep a low profile and try not to have too much contact with the outside world." Zhou Sen nodded.

"Then what happened to you asking that Qin Lang to find a building for you?"

"I just want to open a small orthopedic hospital. The feeling of treating diseases and saving lives is great, and I like this feeling a little bit." Zhou Sen said.

"You really want to come out. Once the hospital opens, you really want to be a doctor and treat people?"

"I don't have to go every day. I can go one day or half a day a week. Our family's ancestral craftsmanship can't be lost from us. It can be used to benefit the common people. Wouldn't it be great to leave us a way out?" Zhou Sen said.

"Did you think so?"

"Of course, can I have other ideas?" Zhou Sen said, "I want to build our hospital into the best orthopedic hospital in Ice City, not only Chinese medicine, but also western medical examination methods. At that time, this Birth, old age, sickness and death, our family can give him a one-stop solution."

"Ambition is not small!"

"That is, if you are willing, the position of the next chairman of the Ice City General Chamber of Commerce is yours." Zhou Sen said boldly.

"I don't want to be the president of the general chamber of commerce, because I'll be scolded by people," Bai Yulan said.

"Okay, let's not do it!"


Ice City Railway Station.

Zhou Sen was called up early in the morning. Shibuya Saburo asked his adjutant Ono to call him, saying that he was asked to arrive at the train station before eight o'clock.

The newly appointed deputy director of the Bingcheng Police Department, Matsuda Junan, arrived and asked him to accompany him to greet him.

Although they knew they were coming a long time ago, they came too suddenly, and they didn't give these colleagues in Bingcheng any time to react.

Shibuya Saburo is probably also confused, this guy seems to be not very good with Shibuya Saburo, otherwise, why would he say hello without notifying in advance.

This came quietly, obviously trying to catch Shibuya Saburo by surprise, but what Shibuya Saburo is, there are people from China to Manchuria, and the relationship with the Kwantung Army is very close. Being able to entrust him with confidential tasks shows how deep his connections in the Kwantung Army are.

What's more, he himself was from the army. Before he was forced to retire, he had worked as a general, which was equivalent to the rank of regiment captain, and belonged to the middle and high-level officers in the army.

Retired from the military, transferred to the police system, and demoted to use, Saburo Shibuya has deep connections in the military.

When Zhou Sen received the call, he didn't dare to be negligent. He quickly got up without eating breakfast, and asked Wu En to drive him to the train station.

When he arrived, Saburo Shibuya and others had already stepped onto the platform to wait, and it was extremely cold outside at minus [-] to [-] degrees.

Standing on the unsheltered platform, even though he wore a lot of clothes, the cold wind still kept pouring into his clothes.

Zhou Sen saw a lot of big shots in the police department, all of them were in mink or fox fur, and some were wearing leather clothes.

The Japanese pay attention to strict hierarchy and cannot overstep. As a small police officer, he can only stand behind the welcome team.

Shibuya Saburo saw him, and didn't greet him, nor let him come forward.

Obviously, on today's occasion, he didn't want Zhou Sen to attract too much attention, but he called him here again to let him see it.

Zhou Sen didn't want to stand out. Shibuya Saburo had such an idea, which was exactly what he wanted. He could still smoke a cigarette while hiding behind.

In winter, it is normal for the train to be late. It was originally scheduled to arrive at eight o'clock, and it is normal to arrive late, sometimes even half an hour at night.

The train is coming from Xinjing.

In fact, Matsuda Kikuo had already arrived in Xinjing, and he thought he would take his wife and children to play in Xinjing for a few days, but unexpectedly, he would suddenly come early.

Everyone had never dealt with this Matsuda Kikuo. They were transferred from the mainland, so they couldn't figure out the character of this man. They stood on the platform with their heads held high, for fear of giving a bad impression to the future chief.

The train is coming in.

Because I heard the sound of the siren, it was a reminder to the platform ahead to get ready.

Zhou Sen cast a glance and found that there was a band on the platform, which was obviously prepared to welcome Matsuda Kikuo, the new Deputy Director of the Police Department.

For me, if Kikuo Matsuda killed Shibuya Saburo by surprise, Shibuya Saburo should be unhappy.

He even came to the train station to welcome him with such great fanfare, and even called in a band. Such a temporary action unexpectedly produced such a response.

This is to show Matsuda Junan that he has control over Bingcheng, don't think that you can overwhelm yourself when you come.

This is a silent confrontation.

The train slowly entered the station and stopped on the platform.

The VIP compartment door opened.

A Japanese man who looked a bit potbellied walked out of the car holding a middle-aged woman in a gorgeous kimono.

The welcome music of the band started to play quickly.

This startled the passengers who got off the bus, even Matsuda Kikuo's complexion changed slightly, the small eyeballs behind a pair of brown glasses shrank, and soon returned to normal, let go of his wife's arm, Smiling and walking towards Saburo Shibuya.

Behind the two, there is a young girl holding a little boy, both wearing traditional Japanese clothes. The girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old, the same age as flowers, and the little boy is seven or eight years old. His eyes are looking around curiously, obviously The novelty of arriving in a strange place.

"Matsuda-kun, long time no see!" Saburo Shibuya opened his arms and hugged him.

Matsuda Kikuo also walked over very friendly and gave him a hug. He is a little shorter than Shibuya Saburo, and with his fat body, the two of them hugged, which looked very funny.

This "touching" scene was naturally photographed by reporters outside the cordon.

Saburo Shibuya enthusiastically took Matsuda Kikuo's hand and introduced to him colleagues from the Bingcheng Police Department and the Binjiang Provincial Police Department.

Matsuda Kikuo shook hands one by one, and bowed politely: "Please take care of me."

Of course, Zhou Sen was also among them, and Saburo Shibuya didn't introduce him in particular, but when Matsuda Kikuo shook hands with Zhou Sen, he took two seconds longer than the others.

Ordinary people can't feel this, but Zhou Sen has a feeling in his heart, so he naturally pays more attention to Matsuda Kikuo, this fat man must know himself.

It seems that I have to be careful.

Of course, it is still very natural on the surface, bowing with a smile on his face, expressing welcome.

Following Matsuda Kikuo's family and Shibuya Saburo and his party heading towards the VIP exit, they deliberately took advantage of smoking to stay one step behind.

Zhou Sen glanced casually, and suddenly saw a familiar figure coming down from the train, looking bright, with bright eyes and bright teeth.

He suddenly felt like his heart missed a beat.

How did she come?

What joke is this old man Peshkov playing with himself?
Zhou Sen pinched his own mouth hard, don't be fooled by himself and mistook similar people.

Under the pain, I opened my eyes and looked again, yes, there was no hallucination, it was her, Natasha came to Bingcheng.

Not with such a play.

Just as the Japanese are fools, Bingcheng is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. If you bring this woman here, isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?

Natasha obviously didn't see Zhou Sen. She was wearing a maroon windbreaker, a fiery red scarf, and calfskin boots. She was carrying a suitcase, and then saw two Russians in suits coming forward.

It was someone from the Soviet Russian Consulate General. He saw a car from the Soviet Russian Consulate General parked beside the platform, so he should come to pick her up.

What is Peshkov doing? Arranging Natasha to work in the Soviet Russian Consulate General. With the status of a diplomat, Natasha is indeed much safer.

But why bother? Hasn't he already established contact with Salman?

Is it because I don't believe in myself, or is there some other reason?
Or, Shibuya Saburo called him over to greet Matsuda Kikuo together. His purpose was not to let him have a face-to-face with Matsuda, but to Natasha?
If this is the case, then the Far East Intelligence Department has an insider, otherwise, how could Saburo Shibuya know exactly that Natasha is taking this train...

The more Zhou Sen thought about it, the more creepy he felt. Shibuya Saburo didn't completely believe in himself until now, right?
If so, he must respond immediately.

Natasha was sent to Ice City as a diplomat, and the Japanese special agencies did not dare to attack her for no reason, especially when Japan and the Soviet Union were still in the sensitive period of secret negotiations.

Whoever dares to pick trouble at this time and cause trouble, the high-level Japanese military will definitely not give him a good look.

So, Natasha is safe.

Since her life was not in danger, he had a lot of options to choose from. He decided that he had to meet Saburo Shibuya immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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