Chapter 222 Something Happened
Coming out of Shibuya Saburo's office, Zhou Sen's back vest was already soaked. I don't know how much Shibuya Saburo can believe in this play.

In short.

My peaceful days are over.

There should be a problem in Khabarovsk, otherwise, why would Peshkov let Natasha come to the ice city.

This action is too confusing, and it is not what they discussed before.

Get in the car, close the door.

Zhou Sen ordered to go home.

After all this tossing, when I returned to the Ningxiang Pavilion, it was almost ten o'clock at night.

Zhou Sen drank alcohol and sweated again. He smelled sour all over his body. Although he was not as clean as Yuan Yuan, he had to pay attention to hygiene. He couldn't lie down without taking a bath.

What's more, there was a dainty beauty lying beside her.

After all this tossing, it was almost eleven o'clock when Zhou Sen came down.

In my mind, I replayed the conversation between him and Saburo Shibuya, and made sure that I had no problem coping with it.


The next day he went to work normally, and when he had lunch at noon, he didn't eat in the cafeteria, but went out. Anyway, he can only be regarded as a small person in the police station.

In addition, the new deputy director came, and everyone was turning around him, and no one paid attention to him.

Zhou Sen got on a tram, headed towards Zhengyang Street outside the road, and arrived at Beisandao Street. He came to Lu Restaurant again.

He had to ask clearly about Natasha.

"Sir, you are here." Seeing Zhou Sen, Xiao Hai hurriedly welcomed him into the small private room.

"It's enough to make two simple dishes. Besides, I want to see your master." Zhou Sen sat down and gave instructions directly.

"Yes, sir, wait a moment." Xiao Hai hurriedly agreed.

When Liang Yiming heard the news, he immediately ran over from the back kitchen. Zhou Sen came to see him suddenly, he must have something important to do.

"Old Liang, I want to see Old K of Hearts (Arman's code name)." Zhou Sen said directly when he saw Liang Yiming.

"What time?"


"Okay, I'll try my best to make an appointment for you." Liang Yiming nodded, "What's for dinner today?"

Zhou Sen is not only his superior, but also his customer, the kind who is not short of money, if this kind of wool can be squeezed, it must be squeezed.

"I don't drink at noon today, just get me two dishes and bring me a bowl of rice." Zhou Sen ordered.

"Okay, wait a minute."


Arman was also having a headache at the moment, he didn't know that it was Natasha who came, and waited until Natasha confessed to him.

Only then did he know how much trouble this time was.

Natasha was not arranged at the beginning, but Peshkov's last resort, because after Zhou Sen was exposed, Natasha was censored because of her relationship with Zhou Sen, but Zhou Sen's identity was top secret. Sha can't say a word and can only face it alone.

Some members of the Internal Affairs Committee under investigation did not know the situation, so they naturally used some unconventional methods against Natasha.

At this time, Peshkov discovered that there was an inner ghost hidden in the intelligence department, and the inner ghost was hidden so deeply that it could not be found out for a while.

Only through Natasha's special relationship in Moscow, he arranged for her, got a fake name of Cynthia, and went to the Ice City Soviet Russia Consul General as a diplomatic staff to serve as a full-time doctor at the consulate.

Because if Natasha stayed in Khabarovsk, she might be imprisoned, and her life might even be in danger.

Those who specialize in pranking people will not let her go.

And Natasha can only avoid it temporarily, and there are not many places she can go, and Bingcheng is just the right place.

Moreover, Natasha's visit to Bingcheng can also strengthen the relationship between the consulate and Zhou Sen.

Peshkov also has another plan, that is, based on Natasha's experience, Zhou Sen can make a "rebellion" against him, so that Zhou Sen can work better in the Japanese secret service.

However, this operation is not an easy task, and it depends on the specific situation.

The relationship here is too complicated. Zhou Sen is being "transferred" by the Japanese special agency, and it is uncertain whether he can pass.

Now that Natasha came over suddenly, it was to make it more difficult for him.

Alman also received the news that the new Deputy Director of the Police Department, Matsuda Kikuo, arrived at Bingcheng on the same train as Natasha.

Matsuda Kikuo's family originally booked a train three days later.

Natasha's itinerary is obviously controlled by the Japanese secret service, so it has been confirmed that there are ghosts planted by the Japanese secret service inside the Ministry of Intelligence.

Everyone has come, and there is no way to retreat. We can only accept it. Besides, Peshkov is also under great pressure.

On the Bingcheng side, it is necessary to communicate with Zhou Sen.

Just when Arman was about to meet Zhou Sen in person, "Old Gun" sent an emergency contact signal.

At this time, "Old Gun" suddenly sent a contact signal, which was obviously requested by Zhou Sen. Could it be that he already knew that Natasha was coming to Bingcheng?
Arman immediately wrote back to "Old Gun", asking him to arrange to meet Zhou Sen again.

Two nights later.

Arman and Zhou Sen met at Liang Yiming's Lu Restaurant.

Zhou Sen unceremoniously accused Arman and Peshkov of cooperating to cheat him. At this time, Natasha was brought from Khabarovsk to Ice City. Isn't this causing trouble for him?

Arman also knew he was wrong.

He quickly explained what happened to Natasha and Peshkov to Zhou Sen.

"You guys can discuss it with me. Even if the time is too tight, don't you even have time to notify me?" Zhou Sen was still dissatisfied.

"I didn't know that it was Natasha who was sent from China. I only knew that it was Cynthia. Moreover, I didn't know this until I met Natasha." Arman explained, "General Peshkov, in order to keep it secret, He didn’t reveal a word in the telegram to me, and he never mentioned your name when he told me about you, but only used the code name.”

"Did you use the code name Leo?"


"If there is an insider in the Far East Intelligence Department, and this insider may have access to core secrets, then the Japanese know about Leo's existence, so it should be this insider." Zhou Sen said.

"Yes, it's okay, they won't suspect you, because when you were in Khabarovsk, I mentioned Leo in the secret communication with Peshkov. If the ghost knows, pass the news to Zhit Organ, this can be regarded as confusing them, making them think that Leo has always been in the ice city!" Alman said.

Zhou Sen nodded, this is good news after all, but the Japanese will continue to investigate after they know that "Leo" is still there.

In fact, the best way is to change the code name, but it doesn't make sense to change it, unless the ghost is pulled out.

Otherwise, even if the code name is changed, the Japanese secret service will still know.

"Now I suspect that Natasha's identity has been exposed, and then Shibuya and Matsuda jointly performed such a show. They deliberately sent Natasha to my eyes. Even if I didn't see it at the train station, they would arrange it. On other occasions." Zhou Sen expressed his reaction.

"Then how do you respond?"

"That night, I reported the situation to Saburo Shibuya." Zhou Sendao, "Since Natasha appeared in Ice City as a diplomat, they will not touch her easily, especially when Risu is currently Once the secret negotiation turns into a diplomatic incident, it may not end, so even if I go to inform her, her life will not be in danger for the time being."

"Well, it's my lack of consideration, I should have warned you immediately." Alman couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"I guessed that Natasha would not appear in Ice City for no reason. There must be an accident in Khabarovsk, and she came here as a last resort, but she didn't know the inside story, so she had to figure it out as soon as possible. Otherwise, we Unable to make an accurate response." Zhou Sen said.

"Then what will happen to Natasha's life in the ice city?" Arman asked.

"How many people in the consulate know her true identity?"

"At the moment, I am alone, and no one else knows." Alman said.

"Let Natasha go to work normally, without any abnormalities." Zhou Sen said, "I judge that since the Japanese know Natasha's identity, they will definitely take the next step. I don't know what it is, but It must be related to me, because I was the first person to discover Natasha's true identity and report it."

"Understood, if the Japanese trust you, it is very likely that you will find an opportunity to meet Natasha. If they don't trust you, they will make other arrangements."

"Don't forget, there is another Anna, she also knows Natasha." Zhou Sen said, "Also, since I recognize Natasha, they don't need to create opportunities for me to meet Natasha, or even They will also arrange for people to monitor me and Natasha may meet in private."

"I see, let things take their course, don't take the initiative, right?" Alman said.

"Yes, Natasha was suspected internally because of my relationship. Since some things need to be kept secret, it cannot be said that she was forced to leave the ice city, and I was in the ice city, so she must not take the initiative to come to see me , and even show disgust and hatred towards me." Zhou Sen analyzed, "I'm afraid that you will think that I have a close relationship with Natasha, and using her to maintain an intimate relationship with me will be counterproductive, especially at this stage. , absolutely not."

Arman thought about it, and understood Zhou Sen's thoughts. Right now, when the police department is changing from old to new, Zhou Sen needs to gain the trust of the new officer, and his "external transfer review" must not make any mistakes. There is a slight mistake on his side. Any action will cause great disadvantage to him.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to assist you here in Bingcheng and do what you want." Alman said, "General Beshkov's side, I will explain it to you in the future, he will definitely understand your concerns and situational."

"Thank you."

"The Kwantung Army will not easily abandon the 'Northern Advance' plan. This is the core interest of this army since its birth, but it is very likely that compromises and delays will occur as the battle situation changes. This time the conflict in the Haraha River, although some people were forced to retire into the reserve service, and some were demoted and transferred, but overall they did not suffer much loss, they just went dormant. Eliminate, there are not a few people who have this idea." Zhou Sen said.

"You mean, we have to be on guard all the time, how much manpower and material resources will this consume?"

"There's a one-and-done solution."

"You said."

"If the Japanese invaders are completely driven out of China and the peninsula, as long as they return to their home island, they won't have to be on guard day and night," Zhou Sen said.

"This can't be done yet."

"Then cultivate and support the anti-Japanese forces in the Northeast, give guns, guns, and supplies. As long as most of the Kwantung Army's strength is restrained and they are trapped in a quagmire, they will naturally have more than they want but not enough power." Zhou Sen suggested.

"Your suggestion makes some sense. I will send a telegram to Moscow at the right time to explain this idea." Alman thought about it, and felt that Zhou Sen's idea was indeed quite operable.

 The subscription of this book has been very unsatisfactory. If it continues to deteriorate, Xiaofeng may consider how to finish the book, but he will finish the story instead of unfinished, or the eunuch, it is nothing more than writing a little less story. Disaster!
(End of this chapter)

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