Chapter 233 Deciphering
"How about it, is it a big loss?"

"I don't know the specifics. I have nothing to do with this line, but it should bring huge trouble to our work. The old Luo who was arrested is ours, but the others are not."

"Is Lao Luo sent to develop the organization?"

"It should be that there are more workers there, who have been oppressed for a long time, and are our top priority for unity and development..."

"So, you only need to cut off the chain of relationship with Lao Luo, and the loss can be minimized?"

"This time I have to thank brother, otherwise the loss will be huge, and even the entire underground organization of Ice City will be implicated..."

"You didn't say that I provided the news, did you?"

"of course not."

"That's good, the person who contacted you is reliable..."

"Early in the morning, what were you brothers and sisters talking about?" Bai Yulan came out from the house, and saw Zhou Sen and Jiang Rou stealing selfish desires in the yard.

"Oh, Xiaorou wrote a new notebook, let me read it for her." Zhou Sen raised a thin notebook in his hand and said.

"Xiao Rou is rehearsing a new play?" Bai Yulan asked in surprise.

"It's not the New Year's Eve. There are always some new plays to make the audience feel fresh. Those old songs are not very attractive to the audience who are eager for new things." Jiang Rou said with a smile.

"That's right, the premiere of the new play, Brother Ni and I will definitely go to support it." Bai Yulan nodded.

"That's for sure. My brother has made a lot of comments on this new play, and I plan to sign him as the co-writer."

"No, Xiaorou, you and Lao Chang are credited. I'm just giving you some advice from the audience's point of view. I don't know if it's good or bad. Don't give me any co-authored scriptwriting!" Zhou Sen quickly shook his hand and refused. .

"Brother, you are too humble. Your talent is not inferior to that of Mr. Chang. It's a pity that you don't work in our industry. Otherwise, you can become a great screenwriter." Jiang Rou said.

"Praise, praise, I became a policeman because I failed in literature. Okay, it's getting late, I should go to work..."

"Shall we go after breakfast?"

"No, just buy something on the way."

"Then can you come back from get off work early for dinner tonight?"

"talk later."


Jiang Rou and "Yiyou" bookstore are not on the same line. This is basically certain, what is the specific situation of "Yiyou" bookstore.

Jiang Rou didn't know, and it was beyond her understanding, but Jiang Rou was able to contact her through her contacts.

This shows that Jiang Rou's contact person has a cross connection with the above.

Of course, having cross-connections does not mean that it is unsafe, as long as there is no accident to a key person, there is no problem.

Of course, the best state is a single-line connection without any crossing of other lines.

This is also not realistic.

Because if a certain link in the middle is broken, it becomes a kite with a broken string. Under the current situation, it is impossible to find the way home.

This kind of thing is often seen in underground lurking work. A good line is broken just like that.


"Toshi Yamamoto came to see me again last night, asking me to be an undercover agent by your side, and to inform him about your situation at any time?" Anna opened the door and came in, interrupting Zhou Sen who was reading the newspaper.

"what do you say?"

"I refused. If I am half-hearted, I'm afraid I will be the worst person at that time." Anna said.

"He didn't give up, did he?"

"Probably not yet..."

"If he finds you again, you might as well agree to come down." Zhou Sen put down the newspaper and said seriously.


"It's better to have a familiar person around me than to make him bother to find someone to watch me. At least I can see him every day." Zhou Sen said.

"Then if I reject him and agree again, will he believe me?" Anna stuttered.

"He may not believe you, but he can't find a better candidate for the time being." Zhou Sen said, "Know yourself and know your enemy. He uses you to spy on me. Why can't we use you to understand his movements?"

"Are you using me?"

"We are all prosperous, and we are all damaged. Hello, hello, is this considered taking advantage?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically.

"Okay, I understand." Anna said, "Toshi Yamamoto told me one thing last night, I don't think you know."

"what's up?"

"Natasha came to Ice City under the pseudonym Cynthia. She is now a doctor at the Consulate General of Soviet Russia in Ice City." Anna said.

Zhou Sen's face was calm, without showing any surprise.

"You already knew?" Anna asked.

Zhou Sen nodded: "I knew it the moment she set foot on the land of Ice City."

"You, are you and Natasha..."

"You're thinking too much. When Mr. Matsuda arrives, Mr. Shibuya and I will go to the train station to meet her. She is on that train. I saw her get off the train with my own eyes." Zhou Sen explained.

"You didn't recognize each other?"

"Acquaintance, I saw her, but she didn't see me. Besides, with my identity, can I recognize her at the train station?"

"How dare you hide such a big secret?"

"How do you know I didn't report it?" Zhou Sen chuckled and asked, "Actually, I reported this to Mr. Shibuya that night."

"Then why don't I know..." Anna murmured with a gloomy look in her eyes.

"You know, what's the point?" Zhou Sen asked, "She is now a doctor at the Soviet Russian Consulate and a diplomat under diplomatic protection. Even if you meet her, can you still recognize her? Martha Miss, or will she consider you her friend again?"

Anna was questioned.

Yes, what can she do if she knows it? Could it be that she ran over to find Natasha and expose her identity?

He was sent here, and his name was changed, which is obviously an act of the Soviet Russian government, and he still has diplomatic status, do you dare to move?
What's more, you may not be able to see them even if you want to. They are basically in the consulate and don't usually go out. How can you see them?
"Toshi Yamamoto told you this, obviously with ulterior motives to sow discord between us." Zhou Sen said, "Whatever happens in the future, just don't believe it easily."

"Okay, I see." Anna glanced at Zhou Sen and nodded.


There is no case and no need to work overtime. Naturally, I can leave work on time.

In the police department, it was difficult for him to study the Bible. After all, there were many people with mixed eyes, and it was not a good thing to be seen by others.

Only when I go back at night will I have time to translate Russian into English by comparing the Old Testament of the Bible given by Priest Moby.

Typesetting and paragraphs must be consistent, because a small mistake may affect the results of the subsequent analysis.

This work is extremely time-consuming and patient.

Zhou Sen estimated that it would take him at least three nights to finish.


Among the three men who were arrested, some finally couldn't bear the torture and threats to their families, so they confessed some of them.

But when Tang Fei took people to arrest them, these people had already gone to the building.

All the people who disappeared had a characteristic, they left in a hurry, and didn't have time to take away many of their belongings.

Obviously the best time to capture has passed.

One of these people ran away, and the others couldn't be caught.

These people may even have left Ice City a long time ago. Before they were wanted, they were all free.

You can enter and exit the ice city, and you can even leave directly by train.

Judging from the current situation, this case is no longer worth investigating. The only person of value is the bookstore owner Luo Yiyou.

At least from the mouth of the man who confessed, it is known that this Luo Yiyou is indeed an underground party member or a member of the district committee.

Such a person may naturally know more secrets, so his interrogation was naturally taken over by the Judicial Section of the Police Department.

The Judicial Section is specialized in interrogation, especially in the interrogation of "anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese" elements, and has made a lot of contributions in this regard.

In this way, it would be difficult for Zhou Sen to inquire about the news. After all, he has no acquaintances with the judicial department.

Except for one Li Shaotang, but when he went to someone, he had to have a reason. If he came for no reason, it didn't make people doubt himself.

However, this Luo Yiyou is a tough one, so he should not confess easily, even if he speaks.

The damage would not be so great.

Three nights were not enough, and it was not until the fourth night that Zhou Sen converted an Old Testament of the Bible into English according to the Russian version left by Father Anthony.

Then, he began to try to use the deciphering method he had learned, and began to decipher it against the newly translated "Bible".

Zhou Sen used the number of pages, lines, letters, and a group of six numbers. When he came up with a complete word, he was excited!

If there are complete words in the back, it means that his guess is correct.

However, all of this was inspired by the words of the cigarette note sent by Suzuki Yoshio.

He didn't think it was a coincidence, there must be something wrong with Suzuki Takeo.

Zhou Sen started the difficult deciphering work, which was a delicate task, if one mistake was made, the complete meaning would not be clear.

Also, he is a smart person, when copying those numbers, pay attention to the intervals, and then draw the lines with a pencil.

A group of six numbers makes it less prone to mistakes and improves the efficiency of deciphering.

Papa Anthony is really talented. Even if the cipherbook and microfilm fell into the hands of the Japanese, they would not be able to decipher the content on the microfilm without the key to "translate the Russian text into English".

And this, Zhou Sen would never have thought of it, if Suzuki Yoshio hadn't reminded him.

As such.

Anthony had returned long ago, and Suzuki Takeo would find him and tell him the secret, but at this time, he had to take the initiative to go, not him taking the initiative to come to see him.

What is hidden in this microfilm is the list of the "Leo" team, not only has the name, but also the code name and contact information.

The names on it are basically unfamiliar, and more than half of them are Japanese, including grassroots officers in the army, members of the investigation department of the Manchurian Railway Company, gang members, such as the little bosses of the Xuanyang Society and the Black Dragon Society, and those in the puppet Manchukuo government. Most of the Japanese working inside are inconspicuous, but their positions are quite critical...

Most of them live in Ice City, and there are also Xinjing, JMS, and Hailar.

(End of this chapter)

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