Chapter 240 Lao Jin is sick
"Pulmonary tuberculosis, late stage, it's been a few days, and it's in Xinjing Infectious Disease Hospital." Mr. Jincheng said slowly.

"Tuberculosis is not without medicine. I know that a medicine called penicinine can treat it." Zhou Sen hesitated for a while and said.

It's already 1940, and the super "antibiotic" penicillin should have already come out.

"Are you sure?" Jin Cheng was surprised.

"I'm sure this drug is absolutely effective against tuberculosis. However, this drug seems to be very expensive, and only Americans can produce it..." Zhou Sen thought for a while. Penicillin was not used in large quantities until the middle and late World War II, and it is almost ready now. mass-produced.

It's just that the price of a penicillin is comparable to gold of the same quality, and in Asia, it's probably not that difficult to get penicillin.

"As long as you can confirm that this medicine is effective, I can get it!" Jin Cheng said very firmly.

"Of course, I'm sure, but I don't know how much dose is needed, but if it is advanced tuberculosis, the dose may be not small, and the follow-up treatment time will not be too short." Zhou Sen said.

"As long as Lao Jin's life can be saved!" Jin Cheng said.

"Do you need my help, Lao Jin is also a member of the team?" Zhou Sen asked.

"As long as the news you said is true, it will be of the greatest help." Jin Cheng said slowly.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you about this, unless Lao Jin didn't suffer from tuberculosis." Zhou Sen said solemnly.

Everyone in the later generations knows that penicillin (penicillin) is a specific drug for the treatment of tuberculosis. Before this drug, it can be cured, usually in the early stage or when the patient has strong resistance and heals on his own.

Of course, traditional Chinese medicine is definitely effective in treating tuberculosis, but for the advanced stage, the effect is hard to say. If the medicine is not suitable for the symptoms, it will be a dead end.

But penicillin, as long as it is a disease of tuberculosis, if it is used directly according to the dosage, there is no problem at all.

Of course, the patient's nutrition must be increased to strengthen the body and strengthen the body's resistance. Otherwise, even if there is a special medicine, the recovery will be slow, and even serious sequelae will be left.

"Okay, it's almost time. I have to go to Xinghui Records to get Blackstone records. How long are you staying in Xinjing?"

"It should be around three days." Zhou Sen said.

"Where can I find you?"

"I live in the Chunhe Hotel near the South Square of Xinjingdong Station." Zhou Sen hesitated for a moment, but still told the other party where he lived.

"Yeah." Jin Cheng nodded slightly, got up and lowered the brim of his hat, and left directly.

Zhou Sen also immediately left from another direction.


In the afternoon, around 03:30, Ono finally found an opportunity to report to Saburo Shibuya that Zhou Sen had arrived in Xinjing.

"Ono, I have to go out later, I can only give you 5 minutes, what's the matter?" Shibuya Saburo quickly sorted the documents on the desk, without even raising his head, he knew that it was Ono who came in.

"Chief Shibuya, Mr. Zhou Sen has arrived in Xinjing!" Ono said respectfully.

"Oh, Zhou Sen is here. Where is he? Have you arranged for him to stay?" Saburo Shibuya looked up in surprise.

"He called two hours ago and said he had found a place to live, but he didn't ask me to arrange a hotel for him." Ono replied.


"Maybe it's because he came here with his wife. It's a wedding trip for them. It's not convenient to live in our guest house. That way we have some private space for ourselves!" Ono analyzed and explained.

"Well, yes, they are just married, so they should have their own private space. The conditions of our guest house are not very good, and he does not meet the conditions for staying in Yamato Hotel. By the way, which hotel does he live in?" Saburo Shibuya asked.

"He gave me a contact phone number. I checked, and it's Chunhe Hotel in the South Square of Xinjingdong Station."

"Oh, it's easy to know where he lives." Saburo Shibuya nodded, "Look at my schedule for tomorrow, do you have time tonight?"

"I've seen that you have a reception tomorrow night, but you don't have to go..." Ono naturally understood what his boss was thinking.

"Okay, then tomorrow night, you invite him and his wife to come to my house for me." Shibuya Saburo ordered.

"You mean you want to invite Zhou Senjun and Mrs. Zhou at home?"

"Well, is there a problem?"

"Do you have to inform your wife?"

"I'll tell her about this when I go back tonight, but you have to remind me, lest I forget." Shibuya Saburo said.

"Okay, do you need me to send a car to pick them up?"

"Do they know my home?"

"Yes, I will send a car back?"

"No, you go pick them up in person, and I'll ask the Ministry to send a car to take me back." Shibuya Saburo ordered.



"Why have you been here for so long?" When Zhou Sen returned to the hotel, Bai Yulan and Axiang were both there, obviously not going out.

"Oh, I took a casual stroll and asked what delicious restaurants there are in Xinjing. I'm going to take you there to try them." Zhou Sen took off his coat and hung it up.

"Look, it's almost dark outside, wasting half a day."

"It's okay, you can play well after resting. I will accompany you all the way tomorrow." Zhou Sen walked over with a smile and comforted him, "When I came back just now, I found a good hot pot restaurant. Let's go over and try it later?"

"Okay, brother Sen, we haven't eaten hot pot for a long time!" Ah Xiang's eyes lit up when he heard about eating.

"You know how to eat."

"Ah Xiang is growing her body, it doesn't matter if she eats more. Didn't you see that her head has grown up a lot in the past six months." Zhou Sen smiled and said with a hand gesture.

Bai Yulan did not refute, Ah Xiang's stature had indeed increased in the past six months, her forehead almost reached the bridge of her nose.

"Where's Urn?"

"He's sleeping in the house, shall I call him?" Ah Xiang said.

"After a while, let him sleep a little longer. Last night, he didn't sleep in the second half of the night." Zhou Sen said.

"How about I teach you how to play a game, three of you play poker, it's called 'Fight the Landlord'..." Zhou Sen chuckled.

Playing with four people, Wu En's brain can't keep up, it's too tiring to play, it's not as good as three people.

Zhou Sen actually waited for the call.

He made an appointment with Ono to call him back between 06:30 p.m. and [-]:[-] p.m. After this time, he was doing other things and did not receive the call, so it was not his responsibility.

Playing cards until the early six o'clock, there was a knock on the door, the door opened, it was the front desk of the hotel, and he came up and told himself that there was his phone number at the front desk downstairs.

Zhou Sen knew that Ono's call came.

Zhou Sen hurriedly went downstairs.

"Hi, I'm Zhou Sen, do you want Ono-kun?" Zhou Sen spoke fluent Japanese, which made the hotel receptionist feel a trace of deep fear.

"Zhou Sen-jun, Chief Shibuya is hosting a banquet at home tomorrow night, and I invite you and your wife to be guests." Ono said on the phone, "I will drive over to pick you up when the time comes."

Zhou Sen was stunned for a moment. Shibuya Saburo actually wanted to invite him to his house, and even invited Bai Yulan, which made him a little surprised, but he couldn't help but refuse, and asked, "What about the time?"

"You can wait at the hotel around 05:30 tomorrow."

"Okay, I got it, I will wait on time." Zhou Sen hung up the phone, his brows furrowed, how could he tell Bai Yulan about this later.

Bai Yulan definitely doesn't want to go to this family banquet, and he's actually a little bit reluctant. If it's at a restaurant outside, it doesn't matter, but if it's at home, the meaning is obviously different.

He didn't want to wrong Bai Yulan, but if he didn't go, it would be difficult for Saburo Shibuya to explain, so it's hard to say whether he would think too much about it.


This trick is not impossible, but he knows that unless he is really sick, he can't hide it if he wants to, unless Saburo Shibuya pretends to be deaf and dumb, pretending that he doesn't know.

Forget it, tell the truth, it's up to her to decide whether to go or not, and I won't force her.

Zhou Sen smoked a cigarette downstairs before coming upstairs.

Ah Xiang's absence just gave him the space to talk to Bai Yulan alone.

"What's the matter, doesn't look right on your face?" Bai Yulan was a woman, she was careful, and keenly noticed that Zhou Sen's mood was different before and after answering the phone.

"The call I just answered was from Ono, Shibuya Saburo's adjutant." Zhou Sen explained, "Shibuya Saburo asked him to notify us tomorrow night and invite us to dinner at home tomorrow night."

"We, you mean, he also invited me?" Bai Yulan was taken aback, and she instantly understood why Zhou Sen was so embarrassed.

"I know, you definitely don't want to go, I'll go alone."

"How do you explain it to Saburo Shibuya?" Bai Yulan asked back.

"I just said that you are not feeling well. Anyway, there are plenty of excuses." Zhou Sen said casually.

"No, I'll go with you. Since it's a family banquet, there will be no outsiders, and we won't talk about political topics. Even if we talk about it, we won't talk about it in front of me." Bai Yulan said, " Although I hate the Japanese, I know myself and the enemy, and I can't make things difficult for you."

"Yulan, I really don't want to force you, it's unfair to you." Zhou Sen said, "If you marry me, you may suffer a lot of accusations and criticisms. Many people keep their distance from you, right?"

"Where there is gain, there will be loss. As you said, let time prove that my choice is not wrong." Bai Yulan said, "Some stigma is only temporary."

"Yulan, really don't force yourself, I can face it." Zhou Sen said, "Shibuya Saburo can use me now, even if he has his own thoughts, he won't do anything to me."

"Xiao Mori, as I said before, let's share what's going on together. Don't put all the pressure on your shoulders, otherwise you won't be able to bear it." Bai Yulan said.

"It's fine for me to bear some stigma, why do you want to get involved?" Zhou Sen sighed, and put his arms around Bai Yulan.

"Fool, we are husband and wife, what you bear, naturally I also bear." It was the first time that Bai Yulan called Zhou Sen with such an intimate "term".

"Yulan, it seems that we are really a match made in heaven!" Zhou Sen said emotionally.


(End of this chapter)

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