Chapter 244 Su Yun's Wedding Invitation

After traveling for nearly a week, the four of them were exhausted. When they got home, they naturally went to sleep first.

Early the next morning.

Zhou Sen appeared in the yard refreshed.

Chang Bo's kung fu is good. Zhou Sen usually has time, and he will practice with him in the morning. Once this kung fu stops, it will degenerate.

Before Zhou Sen could enjoy the blessings, he had to maintain the results of special training at all times.

What's more, the traditional kung fu is broad and profound, and it is much more neutral and peaceful than the killing skills learned in special training classes.

"Uncle, at my age, you can practice Tai Chi, cultivate your body and mind, you are young, why bother?"

"I also want to cultivate my body and mind. Besides, Tai Chi is broad and profound. If it is practiced to the deepest level, it is a supreme martial art." Zhou Sen said.

"People in the world myth this kung fu. Tai Chi is nothing more than a technique of unloading force and exerting force. It is nothing more than training the body to the point where both rigidity and softness are combined. Now as long as you have a pistol, Tai Chi is useless, no one will use it. "Chang Bo said.

"Chang Bo, the pistol is just a foreign object. Although it is very powerful, the human body is the most primitive weapon. If we can't even master the most primitive weapon, how can we make good use of foreign objects?"

"Guye has a lot of tongue, I can't say no to you." Chang Bo chuckled and simply ignored Zhou Sen.

After breakfast, Zhou Sen was not in a hurry to sell his leave and go to work.

Since I have already asked for leave, and I don't care about the job in the police department, why bother to put on a positive look?
Wouldn't it be nice to rest at home for an extra day or two?
He didn't even ask for leave when he got married, and finally got a rest time, so he didn't want to go to the police station early in the morning.

Even if I go somewhere, I drink tea and read the newspaper, but that is not as comfortable as at home.

Zhou Sen is very leisurely, but Bai Yulan is gone, and she handles the backlog of "Sen" Ji and Ningxiang Museum.

After all, she is at the helm, and there are many things that Chang Bo can handle, but there are also things that Chang Bo can only handle on his behalf, and he has to wait for her to come back to confirm.

Even Ah Xiang has to go to the various branches of "Sen" to inspect and check the kitchen work of each branch. She is the technical director.

The only person in the family who has the most leisure time is Zhou Sen himself.

He also has a job, which is to develop and print the film of the trip for the past few days, and hand it over to others. He is not at ease.

"Uncle, Uncle, Miss, would you please go to the front?" Zhou Sen was concentrating on developing the film when suddenly he heard Chang Bo knock on the door.

"what's up?"

"Su Xing, the chief manager of the Su family, is here." Chang Bo said, "He said he was here to deliver the invitation. Miss Su family is going to marry Feng Hua."

"Su Yun is going to get married?" Zhou Sen was a little taken aback when he heard that, that's right, he got engaged at the beginning of the year and got married at the end of the year.

This is also normal.

Su Wenqing has become the president of the Ice City General Chamber of Commerce. This wedding is probably quite grand, and it is normal for him to send someone to invite him.

At least for now, the grievances between them are temporarily over.


"The 16th of this month, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month." Chang Bo said.

"I won't go. I can't let go of the work in my hand. You told Yulan, we have accepted the invitation, and you will be there on time and prepare a generous gift." If you want to meet a guest, you must Freshen up, change clothes, I can't come down for half an hour, just to say a few words, there is no need for that, and besides, Bai Yulan can represent herself, and Su Wenqing didn't come here in person.

"That's fine, I'll just reply like this." Chang Bo also knew that Zhou Sen didn't like to socialize, otherwise, it wouldn't be the pattern of the male leading the inside and the female leading the outside.

It was precisely because of this that this family was considered harmonious and stable. If another man had a strong personality, he might not be able to get along with Bai Yulan.

Although my uncle's personality is a bit soft and a little rascal, at least it is complementary to the young lady's personality.

After this young lady got married this time, she was obviously much happier, and the smile on her face was much larger than in previous years. A sincere smile from within.

As an old man who watched Bai Yulan grow up, Chang Bo was happy in his heart, and gradually recognized Zhou Sen.

Chang Bo returned to the living room in the front yard.

When Bai Yulan saw that only Chang Bo came in, she frowned slightly, thinking that Zhou Sen had something to say and didn't want to see Su Xing, so he didn't want to come.

"Miss, my uncle can't let go of the matter at hand, but he said, we accept the invitation, and we must attend when the time comes." Chang Bo replied.

Su Xing also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

If Zhou Sen refused straight away, it would be difficult to handle this matter. Although Zhou Sen is not a big shot, his teacher Shibuya Saburo has also been transferred to Xinjing. In Bingcheng, he doesn't have to follow his face.

But he doesn't want to be an enemy of Zhou Sen now. After all, Zhou Sen has no ambitions and has no competition in the business field.

But he can influence Bai Yulan, and Bai Yulan can influence a group of people, which is not good for him to control the chamber of commerce.

Especially Qin Laoqi lost his position as the president of the chamber of commerce, but his eldest son, Qin Xiong, became more and more powerful.

Competing with him everywhere, buying a group, suppressing a group, played very smoothly, forcing him to call Feng Hua back to help.

"Butler Su, you heard me. What Zhou Sen means is what I mean." Bai Yulan nodded. She had a grudge with Su Wenqing, but not with Su Yun. Besides, when Su Yun got engaged, she attended the ceremony. , there is no reason for her to get married, she won't go.

That would be too petty.

"That would be great. On behalf of my master, I welcome Boss Bai and Police Officer Zhou." Su Xing quickly bowed and cupped his hands.

"Changbo, see off the guests!"


Finally, all the films have been developed, and the rest is left to dry naturally. Although the drying is fast, it is worse than natural drying.

"I heard that the Su family has fought fiercely with the Qin family in the past six months?" After Zhou Sen came back, he didn't care much about the Jianghu affairs in this ice city, and he didn't have that leisure time, so he didn't know exactly what was going on now.

"Wharf, casino, smokehouse, these three voices, Su Wenqing and Qin Xiong had a bloody fight. In the dock business, Su Wenqing beat Qin Xiong, but casinos and smokehouses, Su Wenqing was not as good as the Qin family. As for The Fengyue business, the two are evenly matched, except for the side business, the serious business, the two are also you come and go, each does not give in, wood, cloth, dishes and sand mining business, etc., the Qin family has, The Su family also has them, and the Qin family doesn't let them go, anyway, it's very lively!" Bai Yulan chuckled.

"There is competition, so the market has vitality. A lot of interesting things must have happened in the past six months?" Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Both of them are not very good people. All kinds of bad tricks and dirty tricks are frequent. There are more than a dozen dead people and countless injuries."

"The Japanese didn't come forward to mediate?"

"Why not? Su Wenqin is backed by Kato from the Japanese Gendarmerie Brigade, and Feng Wenqi, the mayor of Bingcheng City. The Qin family is not weak either. Qin Xiong's father-in-law is the police chief of Xinjing. Jin Ronggui, the former director of the Police Department of Bingcheng, even colluded with Bingcheng City Chief Adviser Nakamura, you must know this Nakamura, he is an out-and-out villain, he has committed the most crimes in the past, you should have heard of it in the police system." Bai Yulan said.

"Is that Konstantin Ivanovich Nakamura?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Who else could it be?" Bai Yulan asked.

"This guy with pustules on his head and sores on the soles of his feet has become the chief municipal counselor?" Zhou Sen asked in disbelief.

"Who says it's not?" Bai Yulan shook her head and said.

"Dog bites dog, as long as they don't come to mess with us, just treat it as a show." Zhou Sen said that under the Japanese rule, even if Zhou Sen wanted to eradicate these two families, he was powerless.

"But Qin Lang is now working under us. The struggle between these two families will inevitably affect us. Qin Xiong tried to drag Qin Lang into the water several times. Fortunately, he is smart, otherwise, Su Wenqing and I would have to argue." Bai Yu Rand said.

"Qin Lang's subordinates used to work under Qin Xiong's subordinates, and then they were tricked by the Su family. They want Qin Lang to come out, right?" Zhou Sen knew what was going on as soon as he guessed it. Qin Lang's nature is not bad, but he was born in the Qin family This family, this is something he cannot choose.

Qin Lang values ​​affection, speaks of loyalty, and is rather chivalrous in ancient times, but his cognition has gone wrong. Fortunately, he has not gone far on the road of doing evil, and now he has left the Qin family and no longer does it. It's a matter of getting out of the way.

If he continues to stay in the Qin family, he will be suppressed in a few years.

"Basically, Qin Lang cleaned up those people who were with him. Those who were willing to be with him basically came over. Those who didn't want to go their separate ways. He won't care about it anymore." Bai Yulan Said.

"This kid is quite clear." Zhou Sen nodded, "However, if Su and Qin fight fiercely, if Qin Laoqi comes forward, Qin Lang will be in trouble, and he has to find a way."

"No, next year let Qin Lang develop Xinjing and Fengtian markets. If he is not in Bingcheng, the Qin family will naturally have nothing to do with him," Bai Yulan said.

"This matter depends on whether he is willing or not, and we can't force it." Zhou Sen said, it takes a lot of courage to jump out of a comfort zone.

"That Su Yun got married, what gift should we give?" Bai Yulan asked.

"We got married, although it was not made public, Su Wenqing knew about it and sent someone to give us a gift, right?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Well, it's a gift, and it's not light."

"According to his gift list, let's make a return gift of comparable value, and then give the newcomers a red envelope. We are also considered elders." Zhou Sen said.

Bai Yulan covered her mouth and smiled, Zhou Sen's idea made her unexpected, in fact, she was about to think about it, Bai Yulan once married Lao Ma, and Lao Ma and Su Wenqing were sworn brothers, so she is naturally the same generation as Su Wenqing .

It's not a problem for Su Yun to call her "Auntie" according to her seniority, the old horse is older than Su Wenqing.

She didn't get married after divorcing Lao Ma, but remarried after Lao Ma passed away, so this "seniority" will always exist.

Although Zhou Sen is not a few years older than Su Yun, age does not represent seniority, and they do not have the same surname.

Therefore, Zhou Sen's argument from Bai Yulan's point of view is that he is a generation older than Su Yun, so there is no problem.

"Are you targeting Su Yun, or Feng Hua?" Bai Yulan rolled her eyes, as if thinking of something.

"You, don't be so smart." Zhou Sen stretched out his hand and tapped the tip of Bai Yulan's nose, "For the incident in the city park, although Feng Hua wasn't there, there was a shadow of this kid behind him."

"Then you are not worried about Su Yun?"

"I don't know her well, so I'm worried about what she will do?" Zhou Sen shook his head. He and Su Yun had only met two or three times, and they were not even friends. They knew their marriage well.

(End of this chapter)

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